1955/08/09 .... l a I oif :--! : ...::1 I i ft ..... I I I ... 1130 A RESOLUTION OF THE tv COUtl:ltOF' THE; CITY OF ANAHEIM, r_l:PT1NG A CIl.,n' n~p CONVEYING TO THE CIT OF ANAHEIM ,CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY Rll AN EASEMEIT ~ ROAD Am PUBLIC UTILITY POSES. '.NEST'R.' AND GAYU;' B. SHLER~. On roll ca 1 the foregoing resolution was duly pasled and adopted by the following votel AYES: NOES; ABSENT : Pea:rson, Fry, Schutte, ~$ser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor' tclared the foregoing reSolution duly passed ana adopted. RESQLUTIO NO. 2880_ lCouncilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2880 and moved for ita passage and adol!> ton. " j Refer to R +olution Beak, page A IESOWTION OF THE TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKtDILEOOINGaEBIPT OF A Copy OF 0 C A PETITION RELAtING TO THE AlNSA- TION OF TBmITCRY TO CITY Of AIlfAHEIM AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUSLICAnON mEREOJ:. Aft) APPROVING THE cl ULATION OF SAID PETITION. (BALL ROAD ANNEXAnON 1'1)._~ On roll ca i the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ' AYES: NOES: ABSENT : 5',' " lIJeN: pear,'son, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. N:;ILMEN: None. UtCILMEN: None. I The Mayor the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. I i On motion by Councilman Van lagoner, seconded by Counci1- maifWiss_, the C1tt .llerk was authorized to publish a notice inviting Jdd . proposals for the Cl "s legal advertising. Bids to be opened August 23. 1951.\ 7:00 o.clock P.M. M ION CARRIED. LOS S COUNTY · Request from Los Angeles County Fair to bring in poay teas advertis! said Fair .as suJaittedand read. CE COUNTY F OL Request from the Board of Supervisors for action to be, taken on the 0 nge County Flood Control report was subnitted and read and will be consider again at the meeting to be held AU9U$t 9. 1~.7*OQ o'clock P.M. ORDf~NO. lOlQ:qouncilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. 1010 for firlt reading and moved fo 'its passage and adoption. AN ClWlNAlCE OF THE tTY OF ANAHEIMAllEllDING ARttCLE III, CHAtTER'2 of/mE' ANAHEIM JlJNICIPAL, C. . BY ADDING A NEW SB:tION THmETO to BE NUMBERED Yi90. (~MILE SPEED LIMIT lEST SlREETBETlEEN KATELLA AND WINSTON). motion. Councilman $chutte moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the MOTION CARR _D. ADJOURNED . SIGNED. 1131 Y of Anahe1m met in Regular Ses,$lon. PRESENT: COUll::ILMENJ e, and Wisser. ABSENT: COU~ILMEN: Pearson,' Van Wagoner. /CTING CITY 4TICllNEY, ~HI~ )(;.~ I Present. CITY ADMINIS'ltATtVE OFFICER, KEITH . MURDOCH. Present. n Th. meeting .as called electing a ~yorP~o Tea for the a Councilman Wilser Mayor Pro Tem fo seconded the nomination and moved seconded the motion. MOTIONCABR Pro Tem for the City of Anaheim. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regul Meeting held July 26, 19&5 and~peGial; L. Called Meeting held August 1, 195~ llllOO o'clock A.M. were approved on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by :ouncilman Fry. MOTION CAIII~D. IOrder j)y the Cl ty Clerk for the purpose of . 0 f Anaheia. Councilaan FrynOJdnated .!the Cl ty of An...... CounGlwn Schutte e nominations be closed. Councilman Fry Councilmaft ~5ser was seated as Mayor RESOWTI~ ~ 28811 Councilman S tte offered Resolution No. 2881 and mQYed for its pMs.. and adoption. Ref.r to Resolution Boo~ A RESOllITION OF THE CITY COUtCIL 0 ~THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE .ITY AS OF AUWST 9, 1955. ($259,.517.48). On roll call the forego! resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: 00113 : ABIENT I F , Schutte, and Wisser. N ne. P rson and Van Wagoner. n coote I LMEN : CotJ)K;IJ..MEN: C01.nCI LMEN: The Mayor Pro T_ declalt the foregQingreaolutlQB duly p~,at<ia~' adopted. LIC I lished in the Anaheim Bulletin and Legal Notices mailed to owners of was held on the proposed annexatia nated as the Barrows Annexation. , . Pursuant to Resolution No. 2824 duly pub- ypress Enterprise July 8 and 15, 19~5and perty within the t.~ri ~,Publlc ~~~~P9 lof uninha))i tad terri tory' known and .est~. The area of the proposed. ~nexatiQn was outlined on the map by the Administrative Officer, Keith A. tdoch. The City Cleric r.ported ,at no written protests had beenreoeiv..' in her office. The Mayor Pro TEll asked f anyone in the audience wished to adcb;ess the Council on the aatter; there b~ng no one, he declared the hearing clO..a- ORDINANCE NO. 1011: Councilman So ,tte offered Ordinance No. 1011 for first reading and moved for its passage ' adoption. AN ORDINAlCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEl APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITCRY KNaYN AND ESIGNATED AS BARROWS A.N.xAIION. n After hearing read in fU the title of Ordinance No. 1011 and having knowledge of the contents therein,; ouncilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Coun lllan Fry seconded the motion. Motion unani- mously carried. l1 t .,4 ~ t :' i. '] j n I J 1132 Ci 1956 - 7 sOO PIl. PU IC HEARING: mission to utilize also 350 feet south Submitted by Milton M. Sell requ..ting pe- westerly portion of land lying on West Romney. Drive and I the present trailer site for additional t~.!1.r8paces. .nning CoJAtlission, pursuant: to their ReeQlution No. 190, denied ",Appeal fr I action taken by th.,Ci ty Planning Ce,mmission ... filed >>y Marie N. Sell on,half of Mr. ~l ton ..~ ~!;l. :' ; Those addr ,sing the Council in oPPolltion to the granting of la1d variance weres Wil1'~ McMahon, 603 We$t Victe~ Street; D. B. Bruit, 615 lest Victor Street; DaYid~.rsey, 607 West Victor Street; A. K. Weide, 6l1lest Victor Street; J. G. lussell, 627 Victor Street; C. L. Horton, 619 West Vietor Street; T. D. Daniel j623 West Victor Str..t~ Mrs. Donald Brust, 615 West Victor Street; and Mrs. Ho~ 0, 619 West Victor Street. . The over-a r feelingl J>f thos.- objebting to"'the Ig%'al)t1nl of the variance were the de fluation of the property, the undesirability of uving a trailer court at t rear of their .property, and the feeling that an alley or soae barrier shollt f be p,rovlded. t .. -"~' .- . M2's. Sell .dressed the Council and outlined 6'rf.:~.{,,1..t plaa the pX'Opoaed area for tln !addltionaJ.:trailer Sites, showing the locatIon. in c..... parison to the pres t trailer court; and she further. advised the Council of the apolutibl11 ty to ,se that area for any other purpose. The area h.~ originally been planned for agricultural, and present developMent to the .~t destroy8Q irrigation 11n~s thereby eliminating the agricultural use. The inter es group then adjourned. to the office of the City Engineer with Mr. Kelth'A. MU och, Administrative Off1cer'and Mr. George E. Holyok., . Ci ty Engineer, to t to work out a solution to the problem.' UPon their teturn, Mr. Murdoch reported that the people on the north side of Victor Stre idld not approve of the extension of the traile2: slt. 1 however, in an effor ! to reach a compromise they felt the following c'ondi dons should be made ~ par ;of the yariance, if granted: 1. That a ~olid 6-foot block wall be built across tne entire .outh line of the trailer property,. WailA ~. '. R8:r* 11a8 8f 'Jist............ 2. That n trailer be parked wi thin a minimum of 18 feet', of the J;outh line of the trailer park property. 3. That' quate off-street parking facilities be pro- vided.br vehicles of all of the trailer resid.ents. There beln hearing closed. no further discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Wisser declared the RESOLUTION 2 2 the conditions as ou Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2882, iRCGJporatlng ined above, and moved for its passage and adoption. olution Book, page , I A RESOLUTION OF THE kTY COUlCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAlmIM Cl\ANTING VARIAteE NO, 318. On roll ell 11 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted >>y the following vote: 1133 AYII: NO. a ABSENT I COUM3I lDNt. (;Q'UII;ILMAH I COOtCIlJIiN! and Wisser. tte. .en and Van lagoner. Tha Mayor Pro T_ deel. the foregoing resolution. duly passed and adopted. PUBLiC .lYI\JrtiJ YMI~ lea 3791 .salon to erect a co_ercial bull Itore. Building to be located at 1 o i tted by Frank R. KNgIlan ~eque5 ting per- and lease a portion thereof for a liquol' Anaheim-Olive Road. . : Tn. Ci ty P I anAi nl Coaals. n, pursuaQt to their Reselution NO.1, denied ..i4 v~laRee. Ap..~l fromtetion takeI,1\' the City Planning CQMJd'lion was fl1ed by 1Ir. Steyjhen F. Gallagher, Attorney,. _ presenting ,Mr. KrogaO. The. Mayor Pro Te asked the matter. uyon. wished to adu.s.. the Council on Mr. Gallagher addressed now under construction and was to . the adjacetltAI.' .,";and also Ii 'lanning C,*"t.sion in oppo8itio~ ~ advised that .e only rem pertai 'era Au,st wh.called attention to course to the west. Council and stated that the building .... ain 4 or 6 stores. He called attention tea that no one appeared before the City h. grptlng of the vuiaf.\ce. He furu... 9 to this variance was made by Commissioner 1 close proxWty of the miniature golf Co.cil..n Fry IlOved to " Commission and offered a resolution old the f1Rd1ngs of the City Planning nying said variance. After further discussion his motion offering a r.solution u Commission and agreed. to continue the City Council, CO\lRC~ Ulan Fry withdrew l<<ing the findings of the City Planning matter. n Sa1f;l matte:r waeordered o'clock P.M. en motion by Counci~ CMRIED. be continued Snt.eer 13. 1 ~5. 7: 00 fSchutte, seconded by CouA<:ilman Fry. ~TION PUBLIC HEAlING: VARIAtCE t<<). 383: bIli tted by Tidwell and Bernier requesting a .iver of the 70-foot frontage requ _ents in Tract No. 2757. The City Planning Comm,ts 'on, pursuant to th~ir Resolution NO..4, granted said va~iance. The Mayor cPr<> Tea a,Sked the matter, aqj adllcul$i,n .es h4 engineering requirements. Thereupa closed. anyone w1 shed to addr.sl. the Counci 1 on and agre-.nt reach.ed as to the necessary the Mayor Pro Tem declared the hearing aSOLUTION NO. 2883: Councilman Sa tte offered. Resolution No. 2883 and moved for its pass.,. and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COUtCIL O~ E CITY OF ANAHEIM CJlANTING VARIAtCE NO. JY.& n On roll call the foregoig resolution was duly passed and adopted by lbe followlng vote: ...... i I ! , J ~ ~ _" ~1 1 l ":':_-}fl 1134 P M. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ~ry,'Schutte, and."is.s.er. None. Pearson and;Van Wagoner. The Mayor Tem declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and ,.adopted . .PU C IiiARllKi: QEO SIFICAIION . F-64-5>-411 Submitted by TidweJ.land Bernier requesting p. erty delQrlbed as lOI4-l028 South Los Angeles Street be rezoned for a depth 275 feet to C-l zoning and the balance of the property to the rear to R-3 z ng. The City P ning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 192, reco..ended aaid rec sification. The Mayor Tem asked if anyone wished to address the Council on the matt.!'; ~owever, one respondad as th. problems involved in Reclassifi- cation No. F-04-55-4 ~ere thoroughly discUiSed w1 th Variance No. 383. \". There. upon, the Mayor Pro ' declared. the hearing closed. , 'RmUffION NO. 2884: for its passage and ouneilman Schutte offer"Resolution"No~2884.nd moved ption. , 1ution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE TY COUICll OF THE CITY OF ANAHB.IM FINDING ,AIGhDlTlaMINIE THAT A. CHANGE OF ZO lIS NECESSARY IN CBRTAIN ARIAS OF THE CITY,. All)11IAt ARTICLl! I~..L.cHAPTBl 2 OF THE ' AHiIM MUItICIPAL CODE SHOUlD BE ~!D TO ACC~LISH SAID CHANG! OF ZONE. 55-41 . . On roll ca the following vote: the.. foregoing resolution was duly pas.ed aRel adepted by AYES: NOES; ABSENT : Fry, Sohutt., and Wisser. None. Pearson and VanWagoner. The Mayor rem declared the foregoimg resolution duly'pa..ed and adopted. 27571 Subdividers Tidwell and Buni:.~: . Lo.tad at eles Street and runs back to the railtaad trac*.. j ect to nning Commission voted to approve the tentative map sub- icondi tions: 'ent of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition . ,and RecreatlGR Sites. ; ing requirements. 1. 2. The City C 'ncil apprCltved .said Tentative Map of" Tract No'; 27'" subJ*t to conditions as out ned by th, City P lanftlng C...nsslo,,' on.otionby~ncllJaan Schutte, seconded by ouncilman Pry. MOTION CAIIIED. Petition containing approx1mately 68,.lgn.t.....' nnexation of territory boundedi\briefly frOJt,thepHs*"t City Limits on the e ,t which is between Gilbert St:J;8et and Magnolia:,' being the aalt boundary linG: lncoln lVAftuA, b~ing tho north bound.ry line, or.... Avenue, being the so~h boundary line; and 300 feet west of HardingStfeet, being the west boundary li 4. (Contains approximately 500 acres). . A lady fro .the audience explained that the petition represented approximately 80 per Qent of the ownership. 1135 t 9 199 - 1100 P.M. Mr. Murdoch, Adm1nlstrati .. Officer, discussed the prahl.s of light, power, and water facilities in this~rea, and also sewer problems. He advle_ that the territory was in the Stant : Sanitary District, and that there was no possibility of extending sewer fac1 ltles to this area within the next year. The proponents of the pro sed annexation stated they thoroughly under- stood that the sewers could not be tended at this time, and the matter of annexa- tion'was held over to the meeting 0 !58Dt8lber 13. to allow full Council act~dft. : Subnitted by Amold Constructioneo.pany requesting reQ ~ssification of the property located at tbe northwest corfter of Ball Road and B ;okhurst street to C-l 20n1ng. The City Planning Comm1s9 4n, pursuant te their Resolution No. 191, recoJm\ended s.ld reclassifications ,ject to conditions. n Mr. Lovett, representing 'e Arnold Conatructlon ~oJllP.ny, filed plet plAns and el898tions. Public Hearing was again 'n i t 7~OO o'clock P.M. on motioD by Councilman Pry, S onded by CouncIlman Schutte. MOTIOI C_lED. J.O.S. CHLQRlJE BIDS: Mr. R. J. Ba ~etta, General Manager of the Joint Outfall Sewer, report_ that the Executive,_ittee .of the J.O.S. reco.ended the accept- ance of the bld subB1i tted by the To i Chemical COlllpany for delivery of Liquid Chlorine for the ensuing year. Mr. arletta further stated that all bids were identical. price wi., and that tM C ,ice of th.e Tops Chemical Company was predi- Qated upon a JIOre efficient proc.s.~g and handling of their ton cylinders ... their added care in seeing that the valves are in proper wo~ing condition. .SOLUTION NQ,., 2885: Councilman Fl' offered Resolution No. 2885 and moved for its passage and adoption. ~ Refer to Resolution Book,jage A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOM:;IL OJ, tHE CITY OF ANAHEIM Ja;EPTIII3 A SEALED PRO- POSAL AND ~ING A COHIR~T TO T j)()ST RESPONSIBLE LOW BIoo8. FCRTHE FURHIS~ ING OF LI~IDCHLCRlNE TO THE CRAN fCClJNTY JOINT ClJTFALLSiER. (TCPS CHEMICAL COM>ANY). ' On roll call the foregoifl resolution Will duly pasled and adopted.]', , the following vote: ' . AYES: NOES; ABSINT : COUlCIIJ&EN : COUM;ILMEN; CClJtCI LMEN I :.SChutte, and Wisser. "son and Van Wagoner. adopted. The Mayor Pro Tem declar thtt foregting resolut!o:n duly passed and ~IAL Ml>U>BlATING REPairS !per.-ting_p'l!z'ts for the month of .nmotion by CouncilBlan Fry, seGend MONTH OF JULY 191151 Financial and 1y, 19f>5 were ordered.rece1ved. ,ilI1Cl .f..11.od(j by Councl~ Schutte. MC[ION C~IID. JOB NO. 1051: Gaorge B. Holyoke, C 'y J:n9ine~, cert.l/led that the M. Miller. ColllPany, Contqctor,ha.d compl.eted e Broadway-Orange Interceptor Sewer. Job No. 1051, in "co~ance with plans. specifications and recO,lNnended the acceptance:of.'s,aid work. n IESOLUTION NO. 2886: . Councilman F:r offered Resolution No. 2886 and moved fw its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book,lage 1136 ........, , I I ,< A .SOWTION OF THE tty COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF AN.. AHEIM FINALLY ACCEPT. lNG.. THE CO,.LETION AND THE . tlISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABCIt" S5VICES, MATERI'ALS .AND EQJIPMENTAND ALL UTI TIES AND mANSPCRTATION Ir<<::WDING POWER, FUlL, AIl) WATS, AND PSRFCRMING ALLNECESSARIY TO CONSmOCT AND COAf)LET! mE FOLLOWING PUBUC IWROVEMENT: IROADWA! CHANGE INTERCEPTCJt, UNIT "Bn OF WEST ANAHEIM SEfiRS. JOB NO. 1051. ,'. On roll cal the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: _ .L AYES: NOES; ABSiNT : Fry, Schutte~ ,.,and Wi'sser. None. Pterson and Van Wagoner. !l'. Tem declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and -adopted. ~ BOOLDIRlh _ George Eillston addressed the COUrts!l relative to the widen- ing of Huber Bouleva and sta~ that he had . attended sev&ral meetiag.. regard- ing the Harbor andKa 'lla improvement, and the general consensus was to have just one wide street' He and s;ee how that worked out. Fie .-tated that last I week the contractors .d started putting in a dividing strip and had gone up more than 1,500 feet ~rth from Katella and that this was a solid dividing curb- ing. He felt that i ."as an unnecessary expense and :would not accQJRplish any- thing; that traffic ~ not severe enough to warrant the dividing.trip, thereby necessitating the ins "llationof :signals;and that the dividing strip _uld injure property on bo~ sides of the street. . d. ........ r Mr. Murdoch explained that they had hoped to stop construct1~ of the dividing strip before It had commenced and that now the construction. has stopped. Discussion s held as to the expense of taking out the. constructed curbing or salvaging at curbing they could and designing at this ta~ the ultimate pattern oft ~ street, allowing the breaks approximately every 800 feet with left-hand turn p ekets. Mr. Easton ~ated that the people there wanted the entire strip taken out, and if the stre~ iwere changed at the present time to the ultimate plan with nothing provided ~othe north, the ove~all pattern would look rather foolish. He'then thanked the C ncil for their consideration. CMCELLATION OF CITY , ES; On motion by Councilman Schutte, seeonded by Council- man Fry, the cancella on af City taxes was authorized on property purchased by c the State of Californ. for highway purposes and formerly ass.essed to'tn. follo.... ings Joe C. and Mary t. Hannah; Edwin and Freda FrahJai Arnold Construction Co., c/o Franc.1s H. O-Neil, B. B. Karger ahd Associates; Willis R. andaiwyneth V. Newsom; William R. an Marian G. Jaberg; and Sophie M. Rees. MOTION CARRIED. TRACT NO. 2303: Subd viders, Lovett and Hart, requested an extension of one year for the approval of r tact No. 2303. Said extensi.on was granted by the City Council on motion by buncilman SChutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. ........ ! I 1 :j 1 RE EST: ASSEMBLY OF CHURCH: Request from WayneR. Davidson, rep.fl1tl~ neely 100 churches 1 ,this area, for' permission to conduct' a 'gospel "tent m)tetlng on the property owned l>y the Carnation COJnpany at the inter&ectiorr"'of the -Slnta Ana Freeway and La Pa r' a Avenue, zoned M-l, for the period from September 16 through September 25, ..955 was submitted, and Mr. Davidson intOxmed that this was an authorized use in the M-l zone. RESOLUTION NO. 2887: C;ouncilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2887 and moved for its pas~ge and a ~ption. I I Refer to Re ~lution Book, page 1137 P.M.. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Q IZING THE EXCUTION OF AN AGlB UNION HIGH OOMOOL DI.SmICT~. 'All) TH~ GANlZE, PROMJrE, AND COtl)UCT A JO], On roll call the foregoi the followin9 vote: iresolution was duly passed and adopted by n AYES; NOES I ABSIMT : COOtCILMEN: COUICI IJIEH : COU~IUIEN. ~ Schutte, and Wisser. ion and Van Wagoner. The Mayor Pro. Temdeela:r Ithe foregoing resolutlon duly passed and adopted. . PUBLIC HEAQIJI;& PRCPOSED MASTS ~ OF AREA WITHIN THE PLACENTIA-BALL A~ lION: Pursu.t to the City Plannil Commission 5 Resolution No. 187, rec~end- 1.09 a prGJIOs.mast.:r:plan of the ;.. >>Cunei_ 8y Ball Rq~, Pl.G$lti. Av..,., Katella Aven8, and South Los An" Ii Street, Public Hearlag ..s ~.ld. . The Mayor Pro Tem asked t lanyon. w1$hed to ad~e.. the Council on the matter. , I . Mrs. EdL. Jones, resid1~ ion Katella. Avenue, adqre..aed the Council asking how tae p~osect 1&-1 zoning ould affeet their chicken bu~iness, and she was advised tha.t the M-l zoning wo d be a pretection to their business. Mr. George Vandenberg andlfr. Alex Indergand addressed the Council ,approving an4 urging the M-1 zoQiQ jof this .I:"ea. The Mayor Pro Tem asked i janyone elae wished to address' the Council on the matte%'; tl)ere belngno oA.,~e declared thehear1ng closed. 1 n iESOLUTIOlt NQ.. 2M8a Councilman p- its passage jnd adoption. . t offered....lutiQfl 110. 2S88 and moved 'tlr . Ref.- to aesolution Bo...,age A RESOLUTI0N..OF THE. CITY COUtCIL <). 1 THE CITY OF ~1. APPIlQV1NG NIl AJM>T;JfIi THE PRCPOSED tlASTER PLAN R~OIIM1IIO BY TMI! CITY PUNlt.- CClllISSIOM Fal 11:It AREA ItCLWIS IN 11fE PLACIDfTIA-IAt t ANNlXATION. AYES: woes: ABSINT : On roll call the foregoi. resolution .a. ciulypused and. adopted by the followin, vote: coutC I LMEN; COutcILMEN : COUt-CI LMEN : The Mayor Pro Tem declar the for~oin9 resolution duly. pe..eel and adopted. VARIAf'CE NO. 382: Subni tted by G.~ge A. Trevett requesting permission to erect a retai.1 store building for e sale of sporting goods, ass-.ly of E amall boat unl tSt marine supplies, ,te. on propertylocat-.t OJl the no.rth dGe of Lincoln Avenue east 'of Gilbert ireet(2~1 West Uncoln Av.en_). . The City Plannfng Commis$ tn, pursuant to the, IX" R,esolution No. 14, granted said variance subject to t . following conditions;' n 1. The. ass~~y of bo.t.~n a building between the hQUrs of 8:00 A.M. and 6100 J.M. 2. The possiblerequiremt, that at a Review by the City Council, a frontage r +d might Pe requiNCi. 1138 Ci ....-. I I An appeal action "tAkeJl'~Y. th~' qi ~y !P~1'.~~.C9Jt@'~8alon, contain- ing 17 signatures, w: subni tted., and Public Hearing was:,~.~ed to be held ~t.amber 13, 1955., '1 . 0 'clocJG:P'.~,: on motion by COUJ:l.~'l:~linI.h..~chutte, seconded :;.Dv Councilman Fry. . ION CARRIED. ".., I.' . VARIANCE NO. 384: Su itted by Thomas L. McLaughlin requesting per.misslon to erect a service statl on property located at the northwest corner of Placentia Avenue and Morava Av ~e. ing COJIIIIdssion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 15, i I . taken by the City Council. denied VARIAJ<<:;E NO. 394: S 1 tted by Laura Tucker requesting permission to make an R-l lot on area pres ly classiJied as R-A, looated at thenorthQat corner of East Santa Ana and Bo ~ Streets. ,The City p~ ; nin, Co~lssion, pursuant to thel~ Resolution No. la, granttd ~id variance ubject to the followdng conditions; 1. The pa ,nt of $20.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park a ~'Recr.ation Sites. 2. The fil 9 of a recon! of survey map showing the lot with th . City of Anahllim and the County of Orange. ~ I ! , I , No ~ taken by the City Council. i 1 V~IAM:E ,1<<). 395 : an 8ddltlonal dwelli itted by :Blythe Cla.s.en~equef3ting pem1a,.1oDto eDect on property located at 554 South Helena Street.. I The City PI tming CODIllission, pursuant to their Resolution.... 19, denied said variance. . No action ~ taken by the City Council. loca- 1. 2. 3. ; On the ,!uthwest ,co,rn,er, of Euclid and orange, Avenues. On the ,uthwest corner of Nutwood Street and. Ball Road. On Brao . urst Street, 200 feet south of B%'oadway on the east 51 of theatreet. On the c>uthwest corner of Euclid Avenue and Broadway. On the "rtheast corner of Brookhurst Street and Orange Avenue. On the 4>rtheast corner of Orange and Euclid Avenues. 4. 5. 6. Pursuant to the City Planning Commission's ResQlution No. 2~ laid variances were grant subject to the following conditionsl ....... I J ;1 " 1. Signs $ .11 be a maximum. size of 250 square feet.. 2. Signs 11 be permitted for a maximum period of 6 mon~hs or less 3. A perm! must be taken out wi th the Buildin,~artment. 4. The nail of the sign company must appear on evtny sign erected 5. Signs m ft be 10 feet back of the right-of-way line of any st tt or highway. 6. At the .tersection of the streets, the signs must be set be '; 25 feet. 7. All sig ~ shall have a 6-foot ground clearance. 8. The fee ter sign shall be $25.00. 9. Sign va ances shall be permitted fOr directional signs adverti ng only tracts wi thin the City Limits of Anaheim. '-; ! ;~ 1139 l~ - 11 P.M.- No action was tak:en by tb ''''1 AlCE . t<<). 402: Sulai tted by De present building located at 925 Ea office for real estate and the oth The City Planning Commill 4n, pursnaat to the,ir Resolution No. 21, granted said variance subject to.. following condi t10ruu n 1. The estahlist.ent of Ireal estate office and one..other similar use. 2. The providing of off- 1reet parking (improved) at the rear of the property. ' 3. Sign t~ be l~ited to ,~ by 3 feet. ; ; No etion was taken by th ICi ty Council. VARIMCE NO. .<<)3: SubRi tted by Ro l'rt P. Ralls, M.D. requesting pemission to erftGt a MdlMl center. to include, " Iledical building andconyalesGent rest home on property located on the south . . e of Broa.way between Loara and Euclld . . Streets, being 11152 East Broadway , The City Planning Commiss in, ,ursuant to their.ft..elution No. 22, granted said variance subject to t' de_lilt of 10 f.et along Broadway to the ei ty of Anaheim for future street "dening. . DislUssion of this locatl _, held in vi.. of the fa.ct that the proposed convalescent rest home i. rectly across the street from property to be used by t.IIe school f.or a playg area, and a Review of aCl:.tlon taten DJL: the CltyJlanning C~ission was 0 ared to beheld S.,t~b~ 13, 1955,7.00 o'clock P.M. on motion by Council. $ Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CMlRIID. n SPECIAL USE PERMIT: Special Use p~ t subMitted by William J. Wesolek, for permission to construct a 34-bed e,valescent hospital on property located at 1514 East Center Street, adjacent . present playground school site, was dis- cussed. The City Planning Commis$ tn, pursuant to their Resolution No.6, granted said Special Use Permit s ject to the following conditions: i 1. The erection of a buiting in accordance with plans pr.eaented.. t 2. The providing of off- t.reet parkIng as sho_ on the plans. In view of the proposed 1 fation, the City Counc:Ll omered a Review of the actio. taken by the City PI n9 C~ ssion to be 1\61d Auaust 23. 1955. 7:00 o'clock P.M. on motion by Co. ilm.n Fry, sKonded by Councilman Schutte. MOtION CARRIID. ' VARIAlCE NO. 404: Subnitted by Ra Y. Mallone. requesting pemission to cut a lot 60 feet by 130 feet off the toperty 1 yingo.tween Liberty Lane and Ros9IIlont StHlt. The City Planning.Comis$ ,n, pursuant to th.irResolution No. 23, granted said va rime e subject to t fOllGwing COM!. tlon&, .. n 1. The payment of $25600 ..r lot fOIr the acquisition of Park and Recreation $ tes., The filing of a r.eco. t of survey map with . the City of Anah.iIl and the Count! of Orange, sbowing the property as dlv1dtd. ': ' 2. No actLcm _t taken: by CityCounc:il. ;. . ,......, f J ~ ...... ,1 Ii 1140 6-: Su.tlll tted by L. w. webb requesting property t corner of hoad.ay and EuclldAvehue be recla..lfied'to B-1 with the exceptlOi of the co:rner wi thfrontage of 150 feet on both streets to be reclassified a$ e-2. Public He.~ hg was ordered to be held on the matter Seot"'%' ~3. 19f>~. 7:00 o'clock P.M. on btion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Countl1marl Fry, MOTION CARRIBD. ; SulBittedby Delsaar, BilS" and Oi. Pebley inclusive in T~act No. 2799 b' reclassified from R-l Public Hea ~g was ordered to be held on the matter September 13. 1~5. 7:00 o'clock P.M. ~tion by Counci~an Schutte, seconded by Councilman Pry. le()TION CARRISD. REeL SIFICATION NO. deacribed briefly as Manchester and Lincol 556-4 Sublli tted by L. G. Adams requesting that property ing located on the west side of Euclid Avenue ..tween Avenues be reclassified from R-A to R-3. Public Hea tlg was ordered to be held on the matter Sept"er l3~' 1055, 7;00 o'clock P.M. on otion by Councilman Schutt., seconded by Councilman Fry. J.l)TION CARRIED. RUSSIFICAnON : Subni tted by C. Louise. Truxaw requesting property located at the south ,t corner 'of Los Angeles Street aAd Vemont Avenue be re- classified to R-3. Public H.a ~9 was ordered to be held on thi~.atter S'tP.....:r ..l3,. 19f>5, 7:00 o'clock P.M. on tion by Councilman Fry, second.ed by COUhci~an Sebutt&. MOTION CARRIED. CRDlIU.t<<::i NO. 1006: uncilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 1006 for-flnal read- ing aDd IIOved for it .,..,sage 'and adopticn. Refer to AN CRDlNArCE . OF THE ANAHEIM OF THE TERRI OF ANAHEIM APPROVltG THi ~ATION TO THE CITY OF Y KNOWN AND DESI~ATFD AS MAHR-R.BR ANWIUll~ read in full the title of Ordinance Ne. 1006 and having ts therein, Council.an ~S.hutte moved- the riidt_9 in full ived. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion unani- After hear! knowledge of the con: of said ordinance be .mously carried. On roll ca ,the foregoing Ordinance No. 1006 'was 'duly passed. and adopted by the folIo 9 vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. None. Pearson and Van Wagoner. The Mayor , T em declared the foregoing ordinance dUlypas.ed and adopted. CRDINANCE NO. 1007: unci-lmanSohutte ofrered Ordi.nan~e No. 1007 for final reading and moved fo ats passage and adoption. Refer to AN <lU>INNCE OF THE TO AND nm A HEARING THEREON; nON OF nus CRDINA TRICT NO. 2090). Y OF ANAHEIM DB:;LARING THE INTErn ON OP THE CITY CWMCJL KR PUBUC UTILITY PURPOS'.. UPON, ALOIG, ova DE lED REAL PROPERTY; FIXING ..... TIlE Aft) PLACE lOt DIRIr;TING THE POSTII<<i OF NOTICES THEREOF A)I) nil PUBLICA- (PUBLIC HEARING, SEPTamER 13. 1955. 7:00 otcUX;K P.M., 1141 Aft.. hearing read in .ful Ithe title of Ordinance No. lop?~' ha~N" knowledge of the c;onteats therein,: WlcilJRan Schut,t.e ~ovedth.. re.d1,.g 1-~~ ~,,,.~~ of said ordinance be waived. Cou l.an Fry a&Condedthe mo.tion.:. ,~ti~.n.:. .~nan~- JROU sly carr! ed. n On roll call the forego1 adopted by the f$ll~ing vote~ Ordinance No. 1007 was duly passed. and AYES. !l)Et. ABS..-r : CotnCI LMEN a COOK:lUEN& eo.EIUlEMa ~ Schutte, and Wisser. son and V.n Wagoner. The Mayor Pro Tem declar the foregoing ordinance duly passed and uopted . ~INAlCE NO. lOOS: Ceuncilaan F lng and moved for its passage and ; l loff.red Otdinance No. 1008 for final read- option. Ref.. to OrdiJlance Book, AN ORDINM<<:;E OF THE CITY CClJtl::I L 0 ITHE CITY QF ANAHEIM FIXIr<<i All) LEVYING A tROPERTY TN..;QN ALL PRQPSlTY WlnUJ lTHE CORPCJlAlE LIMITS OF mE CITY OF ANAHEIM FeR THE FI&;.6L YEAR 1~1CJ56. (S ~lO). . , After hearing read in ful ,the title of Ordinance No. 1008 and having knowledge of :the contents therein, ouncilllan Schutte aoved the reading lll,h!ll of said ordinance b. aived. coun l.an Fry se~nd.ed the .otton. M~tion unani- lIlOusl y carried. AYES. ~~ n On :tOll call the foreg,ill Ordinance~. 1008 was duly pass~ and adopted by ~ followiAg votea , COUtCILMEN, .COvtCILMEN: COmcI LMEM I The Mayor Pro Tem decla.r the foregoing ordin~nc. duly pa.ssed and adopted. amINANCE NO~ 1009: ~ci_n So tte offered ~indee No. 1009 for final reading and ioved for It.s passage d adoption. ae!,. to OMinance Book,~gf) AN CJU)INAlCE OF THE CITY OF ANABEl rAMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPlBi 1, ,SJJ;TIOI 9100.14 SUBP.A<JlAPH (f) OF THE A 1M MJNICIPAL CODE. ($6.00 CHARCE CHI!CKING FEE. SU1l)1VI~ON _S.>. After hearing read in ful the title of Ordinance No. 1009 and having knowledge of the contents therein" qouncilman Schu,tte moved the read,ing in full of said ordinance be waived. Counllman Fry seconded the motion. Motionunani- mously carried. On roll call the foregoin {Ordinance No. 1009 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: n AYES: NOES; ABSIINT : COOteI LMEN: GOUN:;ILMEN: COIDCILMEN I F, Sch~tte, and lister. NQt. Pe tson and Van Wagoner. adopted. The Mayor Pro Tem declar 'the foregoing ordinance duly passed and 1142 rf ] iJ Ci ,~. 7;00 P. ~ltw1:E NO. 1010. . . ng; and moved for 1 ts neiL.an Schutt.e offered Ordinance No. 1010 for final read- .sage and adoption. AN cJli>iNAkE OF THE q II1NICIPN. 'COPE BY _ SPEED UMIT ,___~ OF A.NAHaIM AMSNDI*2MlTICLS lIlt CHAPT8l2 OJ: M. ANAHEIM A NEw SJ1{;TIQH 'fHERETg TO BE NUMBSlS-D3290. ' (&-lttLi ) . After heari. read in full tho ti t1:e of Ordln~. liG.lOlO .. b.v~ng tnowledge of the cont . ts therein, C()U~c1.lm." Fry ,.__C~. reading in fltl1 of .aid ordinance be wa1 . Councilman Schutte se~onded tne motIon. Motion unani- Ilously carried. On roll cal. :the foregoing Ordinance No. VIlQ".1lfas'::."lyp.,std and adopted by the follo . 'g vote: ' . j 'adopted. AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Fry, Schutte. an. Wisser. None. Pearson and Van IBgoner. The Mayor P Tem declared tl,le foregoing ordinance duly p&ssed aM RSSQLUTION NO. 2889l ouncilman Schutte offered Resolution ,No. 2889 'and Iloved for its passage and tion. o A RESOLUTION OF THE C 100 Tim PIEV AILING R MECHANIC NEEDED FCR PLANT, LABCR, Alt) sm STREET WAlEHOUSE AT " COUN::IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ASCERTAINIff3 .ANI. DEtERllIH- OF WAGES TO BE PAID FCR EACH CRAFT, CR TYPE OF 1fCJlKMAN. <It IC tf(JtKS CONTRACTS f(Jl THE FURNISHING OF All MATERIALS, ES FCR THE CONSlRUCTION AlP' CO~LeTION OF THE' CLAlJDINA CITY, YARD ON CLAUDINA SlREET, ANAHEIM, CALIPCIlNIA. On roll cal !the foregoing resolution was duly passed,.'and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. None. . Pearson and Van Wagoner. The Mayor P Tem declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and .dopted. pa~LJ' The Admirf tratIve Officer rlPG:rted tb~ apPointment ,of JOM .,rgan, Dep"ty Ci ty Patrolma~ Schedule No. 25-B. Said appointaaent. was 'ratlfltd~Jty ,the City Council on moti ~y Counci~an Fry, seconded by Counci~an Schutte. MOTION CARR~ED. C(Ji'tHPQNlENCE: C cation from State EJRploye.s' Retirement ~Syst..:r.18ti ve to the Actuarial Rapo 'for the ~nclusion of'the 1953 aMendment. to our contract was referred to the A 'inistrative Officer. n II Located at the southeast corner of Santa Ana Street CORIlESPONlEl'CE: Co submitted and read. I cation from Mel Scharnweber relative.to annexat10n was The City posted and necessary ter, .Geo~e E. Holyoke, reported t~at.,:all. b@nds were s paid and recommended the acceptance or said flA.l .ap. Final Map 0 Tract No. 2652 was approved by the City Council svbject to engineering requir 'ents on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARR 1143 ,....y UiA~* Co..unleatlon froJR . Securl ty 11 tl. InauranfWe C~.pany.~ Ing the retUl'n of the Armory Leas ~ated JaRuary 26, 1914 wassubmittecLaftd read, and the City Clerk was autho zed to return said lease on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by C eilman FIty. MOTION CARRIBD. PURCHASE. Purcha.. of Edison . y iaciliUM' located.n the north side 01 La Palma Aveuebe_een Euclid khurat ($9.,970.40) .. au thorlzadon motion by Councilman Schutte, see: . ad by Councilman Pry. MOrION CAARI~D. &XtIH'fSlQII 01 TIME: WIll tI). 8. Drilling CoJtany as pUtt_ by t Schutte, seaOnchtdby C.\ln~11JNlA F extension of 30 days to tbe Bar..r Bridge City Council on motion by Councilman MOTIONCMIlIED. RESOLUTIQM NO. 2990; CouQ(;ll-. for 1 ts pas-.geartd Moptlon. utte offered Resolution No. 2890 and moved A RESOLUTION. OF THE CITY COUNCIL. THE CITY OF ANAHiIM FIM>ING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBUC CONVENIEr<<;E Nfl) NBCES ; R8(pIRS THE CONSlRUCTIOIf AND CONPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT TO 1I1T; RO S T I 0 A E TO llIER. PACIFIC 1.1 ...Os..WAYJQ NO. 1011 APPItIDVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROF!L!S, DRAWINGS AND SP IeATIONS ~ nm CONSmUCTION THERliOF, .THCR- IZING THE COISlRUCTION OF SAID PU . C INPROVBMENT IN ACCClIDAlCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPB::IFICATI<JtS, ETC.;. AND AUTHCRI G AND DIRa:TING THE CITY CLERK TO PUILI. A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOS lFOR THE CONSlRUCTION THBlEOF. (BIDS TO BE CPENED SEPTJIiIBER 13. 1955, 7:00 0' LOCK P.M.). On 1'011 call the foregoin p:-esolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: COUICILMEN : COUlCILMEN & CC>UM:ILMEN : AYESI t<<>ESI AlSIIT : SChutte, and Wisser. on and Van .Wagoner. The Mayor Pro Tem declar ftlle foregoing resolution duly passed. and adopted. RESOLUTICIf .. 2891: Councilman utte offered Resolution No. 2891 and m.oved for its passjge and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THi CITY COUtCIL THAT PUBUC CONVENIENCE AN) NECES OF A PUBLIC bPROVaunrr TO WIT & . PLACENTIA A I TO LIME S1R.EET PROFILES, IllS .AtG-.SPICIPICA THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC I SPS:;IFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHCfiI A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PI\CPOSAL FCR THE CONSTRUCTION THBtEOF. <PENED SEPTBMBER 13.. 1955. 7:00 0' OCK P.M.). On roll call the foregoing ~esolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: ~ESI ABSBIT : COUtl;ILMEN: COUtCILMEN: COUrcILMEN: Schutte, and Wisser. on and Van Wagoner. The Mayor Pro Tem declaz fthe foregoing resolutio.n duly passed and adopted. .~ o n n 1144 n Ij USOLUTION NO. 28921 for its passage and a uncilman ~Schutte gfferedi Reso4tition No.' 2892 and moved tion. '. r. It. RESOLUTION OF THE C[ EPCliT SUBMITTED BY COUNTY FLOOD CON'IROL COUlCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ENGINBERS' ISDN & LLEY TO THE BOARD OF SUP~VISCRS OF THE ORANGE lRICT, DATED MARCH, 1955. On roll eel ~he foregoing resolution was duly passed :and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. None. Pearson and Van Wagoner. The Mayor T_ decl.red the foregoing resolutlon duly "'8. and adopted. Councilman JiQTI0N CARRIED. utte moved to adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. ADJOURNED. SI~ED. Ci ty Cl erk n ; J 2 1"5 - 7.00 p.a ~il of the City of Anaheim met in <'Regular Sesslon. ,RESJNt : MSJ!N!: COOtE I LME 14=..... rING CITY ATICIlNEY, IIn ADMIMISTRATlVi 0 Pry, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Pearson and Schutte. IL JC CJlAlh Present. CER, KEITH A. IIJRDOOH. Present. 'MUTTE ENTERED THE MEETING 7:15 P.M.) s called to order by the City Clerk for thepuzpoa. of electing a Mayor Pro T for the Ci ty of Anaheim. Councilman Wissft n...."ated 'ouncilman Van Wagone ~ayor Pro Tern for the City of Anahelm. Counei1ltan Fry leconded the n"m1nati i and moved the nominations ~e closed. Counc'liJaan 11sser seconded the motion. ION CARRIED. Counci lman Van Wagoner was seated is.' Mayor Pro Tem for the Ci ty 0 Anaheim. . IIINUTES: The Min\1tts 'the Regular Meeting held August. 9, 1~5,1t~..'9v.d. on motion by Councilma tWisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. ':>TIOM'-CAItRIID. I IESQLUTIQN NO. 2893: puncilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2893 and .eved for its passage and adopti h. n f' _,.,i Refer to Res~ution Book, page A RBSOWTION OF THE CI COOM:IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AJl)D1bCTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMAJI>6 GAINS! THE CITY AS OF AUGJST 23, 1955. ($2b8,241.48). On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES I NOES: ABSENT : Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagofter. None. Pearson. adopted. rem declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and 1145 Ci P',M, BID PRCPOIAI41 J08 NO. 100& Pur 'nt to Re.~lution No. 2877 and Legal No't1Ce duly publish. in the Anaheim Bull; ,in August 9 and 16, 19f>5, the City Clerk "8 instructed to open Bid Proposals f . the Cres~ent Avenue Street LmproveMent fro. Brookhurst Avenue to Gilbert Stre8 ~ Job No. 100, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Counci Iman Fry. MOTIO' lCARRIED, I IBIDS BECE~VED n Sully-Miller Contracting Company P. O. Box .02, Orang_ (AccOMpanied by Certified Che $7,926.10 the amount qf 51,000.(0) $7,274.00 n R. J. Noble Company P. O. Box 620, Orange (AccOJlparded by a lid Bond in amount 0 flaw;) . All Bids ~r, referred 'the City lnginHr, Geu-ge E. Holyoke, for tabulation add report on motion by uncilman Wisser, seconded by Council'" Fry. MJTION CARRIED. After tabulation'~ the Ci be low bidder and recommended the Engineer reported the R. J. Noble Corap'My to ceptance of said bid. BESOWTION 00. 2194. Councilman" ser offered Resolution No. 2894 and moved for its passage ahd adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CI TV COOICIL POsAL AtI> A"4Jn!Jf3 A COtll'KACT TO . !JIG OF ALL pt;ANT, UBCll, SBtVICSS, AM) TRANSPCIitAnON IlCLUDING POIIER IIB:ESSARY TO tONS11lUCT AND COW I SCENT ,lYE STREET IMPROVEMENT JOB NO. 100. 'THE CITY OF ANAHEIM MXEPTING A SEALED PRO- . LOWEST R!SPOISIBLE IIWa f(R THE JURNISH- TEltIALS AND' EQJIPMEIT AND ALL UTILItIES'~ iFUEL, AND WATER 00 PElFClUlINGALL .:>IlK trHE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. THE OM ~OCXHJRST AVENUE TO GILBERT STRE On roll call the foregoi resolution was duly pauH and adopted by. the following vote: AViS: NOES: AB$ENT I COUOCIlMEN: COUlCI LMEN : COUJC I LMAN : I i' Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. son. The Mayor Pro TeIR decla the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. BID PROPOSAL. JOB NO. 1059: Pur duly publisheP in the Anaheim Bull was instruct" toope~.lid Proposal from Orangetborpe Avenue to Kenwoo man Fry, secoAded by Councilman Sc nt to Resolution No. 2878 and Legal Notice n August 9 and 16, 1955, the Ci ty Clerk . for the East, Street .sewer Improvement., ~venue,Job NO. 1059, on motion by Council- . te. K>TION CARRIED. ~IDS RECEIVED Nick: M. Guho 8335 Atlant~c Boulevard, Bell $2'-014,04 n laid. s i. t. s Dt'o s . 2240 Barton Lane, Montrose $28,184.22 Spann and Kenton Construction Co. 7321 Fulton Avenue, North Hell ywo $33,581.41