1955/08/25 1161 Session. Cl .p .M. The Ci ty Counci 1 of the ty of Anaheim met in AdjGurned Regular PRESENT; _ COUlCILMEN I ABSENTs COUtCILMEN: Pearson CITY A~I PlUtoN 'nJRNSt: CITY ADMIWIS'ltATIVE OFFICER, KEI te, and Wisser. Van Wagoner. t. . MURDOCH. Present. n Th. meeting was called of electing. Mayor Pro Tem for t nGDtinatedCoftu:il..n Wisser Mayor san Fry Itcoiidtd the nomination a -Man Schutte '.conded the motien. as Mayor Pro Tem for the City of :~:::~~Er~~ otr~t be received and filed. Councilmarlt i RESOWTIQN NO. 2910: Councilman f its passage and adoption. order by the City Clerk for the purpose Ci ty of Anaheim. Councilman Schutte o Tem for theC1ty of Anah.1m. Counc11- moved the nominations>>e closed. Council- TIOM CARRIED. Councilman W1sserwas seated helm. f .theCity Planniftg Cammilllon relative ory described as the Stanton Avenue AAAba- Councilman Schutte moved that .aid repOrt ry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED~ offered ReaolutionNo. 2910 and moved for A RESOLUTION OF THE-CITY GOUtCIL MDCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS FeR THE OF ANAHEIM. (STANTON AVEMUE THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~CONSBNTING TO THE ~GOM- EXATION Of INHABITED TERRI~Y TO THE CITY ION) . On roll Gall the foregof the following vote; i resolution was duly passed and adopted-by n AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUOCILMEN: COUOCILMEN : C(lJNCILMEN : , Schutte, and Wisser. rlon and Van WagoMr. The Mayor Pro Tem decla the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. C01IRcilman Schutte mav 0 adjourn to 4;30 P.M., Thursday, Auguat.25, 1955. Councilman Fry seconded th otion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. --;~L-L'~- City Clerk C. 4, Session. n ty of AnaheiJa met in Adjourned Regular PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: te, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: CCXJtCILMAi: Pear... CITY ATTCliNIY, PRESTON TIaNlll: CITY ADMINISlRATIVE OFFICeR, KEI Present. The meeting was called electing a _yo:rP~ T_ for tbe Councilman _n lagoner Mayor Pro Wisser seconded the nomination a Fry seconded the motion. MJTION Mayor Pro Te for the City of An order by the City Clerk for the purpose of ty of Anahela. Councilman Fry n_inated for the City of Anaheim. Councilman oved the nominations be closed. Councilman lED. Councilman Van Wagoner was seated as 1162 ONI Mr. Murdoch, City Acilt.niatrative Offl-cer, reoeived the proponents for the Tri-Ci ties Inco11>oratiOffhadfl1ed ulate a petition with the Orange County Board of Supervi- fy this" infomation, the City Clerk telephoned Co\tnty was infomed that the Notice of . Intefttion to Circulate ties Incorporation was filed August 25, 1 95S,. punuant to . r 915, Section 34302.5. ......... ! ~ ......... verbal information t their intention to c son. In order to v. Clerk, B. J. SRi th, I Petition for the Tri~ Government Gode, Cha~ CitY of An ~f Hance PJ'ooeed1nts Avtitue.AMexaU6n. t annaxationwae publi ,sublli ttedJ however, B. J. Smith, no acti~ im ResoluUeR No. 2ilO gave conaant to the PJ'GpOaenta to r the ann.etion of the area d_lOribed as tbe S...ton 81 Notice of intention to Circulat.P.etition for....id August 25, 1955, and affidavit. of sa1d publlGaUon was view of verbal' infoaatien ohtained. from CountyCI.J!k, .<<s tak en by the C1ty Council. LEGAL ADYaTISING: P"posall for legal advetising tQ .be dQne., the City of AnaheiM, required; law to be published in a daily orwnkly n..paper pub- lished,outside of tht Ity, were referred to the Administrative OfficeraAd City Clerk, ror :report. After chee*: 9 the Bid Pr~osala, the Administrative Offie_ ~oJ:ted The Placlhtla Caudet be low bidder and reccmanended. the a.cceptallce of said "'.01.. . I twas IftOV by Councilman Schutte, seconcied by Councilman J1.~r' tat the Ci ty of Anaheil\ ept the bid of The Placentia Courier and that the' Mayor and the City Clerk b. uthorized to enter into an agre...nt for and onben.if of the City of Anahei.. nON CARRIED. Councilmani hutte moved to adjourn to Tuesday, Sep'tedSe 6, l~, ,?:oe o'clock P.M. ct cilman Fry seconded the JROtion. MarION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. ~ 1 I A ~ '"- SI~. f ~',-,,'.I.." I: .. f- ~, ,___:c,' ': ~-'-~ . ,