1955/09/16 Ii. n ~-~,,-c";"_,~ n LJ 1194 C 5. I1l1dlCBt.l0. n.... ~f 5025 feet to .the CIty. of AnaheIm for future ~d ~in9 of North Citron Streeto . P lie Hea;rin ..,a. ordered to be held on the matter October 11, l~O. 7101 o'Clock P.M. on mot h by Councilman Schutte, seconded by CouncilMan Wisser. p,mION CJalIED. RS SIFICATION NO. F-5 Subll tted by Mrso Dorris Johnson and Joseph and Na ne Vandezande request ,9 property described briefly as bounded on the north by the,Hoveton Street Freewa. ~ on the east by Placentia Avenue, and on the west by Cyp~..s Street be rezoned ~o C-l. Public Heari!l9 iras ordered to be held on the matter.Oetober 11, 1955. 7.00 o'~lock P.M. on moti ~ by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman WIsler. J()TION CARRIED. Councilman Van *agoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Willer seconded the Blotion. MOTION CARlIED. ! ADJOURNED . SIGNED. The. City Count MaytrP-.rson for the p~ lng'and detemlnlng the, of .rbIan or JReehan! c nt' act. in connection there co.. before said Meeting. i Qf the City of Anaheim Blet in Special 5..110n called by ..of considering the adgption ofa reaolutltn Hcertaln- ~llng rate of ..ge8 to be paid for each craft or type ed for public WQrk. contracts, and do and perform any other h, and to transact any other business that ..y lawfully PRE.NT. COUtCI LMEN I ABSeNT & CQnCILMENa CI TY ATTQiNEY, PRESTON ClnADIINIsntATlYE OFFI earson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. one. ", Present. J KEITH A. AI..JRl)(X:HI Present. i Ac~nowledgment . '.' f notIce and consent. to. theholdlnq of Idd..4.clal Meet- ing ... aignectby all .+rs of the City Council. I ~ION NO. 2934. Co ~1lun Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. ~934 and Dlovecl ~ passage and adopt .0. r ~ion Book, page I A USOWTION OF THE CIn THE,f'REY4IUNG R OF re"D JIt1iPUBLIC WORKS A!I> '6ERVICES R)R THE CO OF 1M - JOB 00. 367 N:;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A$CSRTAINIlG Ale DETBRMINI~ S TO BE P.AID RJl E~ CRAFT CJt TYPE OF 1ICJlKJIAN' CIl IECHANIC ACTS FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL MATERIAX-S,'LAN'f J LABCIt UCTION A COIf 0 OF C I NITS "B" AND "C n sPECIAL INPROVEMENT PUtt>. On roll call t . foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followlng votel AYES: NQES I ABSENT I coo !LME. Nl Pearson, Fry, SChutte, lisser, and Van lagoner. COO LIEN. None. COO I..ENa Noneo 'ed the foregoing resolution duly pa.sed and adopted. 111I __ LI~ MltllAtlONa ....t -.. .nnex.tl.... olten1toryd..cl ....tlon .. referred to the Clt on _tlon tJy "'c11Mn Sohlrtte, '. Co\ll511Mn Van Wa,on.r .. .Uon. IIIfI. ~IED. .,...... II CJD. . DPO_nt.for' con..ntto .ltUt ,"O.liIlna._.A.f .. in add :r.....t ucla......".... ..t lJ.nulR lanning. C~..lon f.or re"IJllhlatlon.. ~tt. ad ~ Coun,ol1aan .'HI'. Jil)TIOHCARlDII. te adj ourn. CQUIlcl11un Pry ..cendecl tM . .j; vt. . ;f .. ,~ '1' ~ ~~.., n n n