1955/09/30 1208 page OUt<<:IL QfTHI.CITY QfANAHIIM TaM1NATlt11 ~. .r- THAT CERTAIN TERRITC8Y TO THE CITY OF ANAMBIM D88CRI8B) On roll call the foll~wlng vQte. foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES. tOES. ABSENT . Pearson, Pry,Schutte, Wi "e%', and Van Ifagonero Honeo None. ad the foregoing resolution duly palled and adopted. There being n~ urther busine'l before the C1ty Counc1l, Council..n Fry moved to adjourno Coun. Nn Schutte ..conded the motion. ICTION a_XID. ADJOllUIJ!I) . ......, SIGNED. 41': The Cl ty Counq by Mayor Pearson. Waiv. Meet1ng was s~gned by a1 m..ting. The purpose o. fo. consent to co..ence' Anahala to be known and of the Ci ty of Anahel. met ln Speclal ....10n aalled of notice of and con.ent to the holding' of ..lei .181 m-.bers of the Cl ty Councll pr10r to the holding of saW e .e.ting was to consider a request f~ th. ,reponenta ce8d1ngs for aMaxat10n of terl'i tory to '\ha Cl ty of signated as W.at Anaheim Annexat10n No.2. PRI6ENT. COOCILMENJj,Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and VanW-gonero ABIENT & COUlCILMEN~ None. CI_ AtnIlNEY, paSTON.' . Pre.ent. CITY ADMINIStRATIV! O'f t KEITH A. IllUXX:Ha PresM'1to W&IT LIN;QLN ANNIXATION'j The City Council l'equ..tad the C1 ty 'laMing C0.4.a1on totalte no further acti on the proposed annexatlon known and d'llgnat~ ~'. West ~~nc~!~:ion on mq n by Councl1-.n Schutte, seconded by Councl~.n Pry. ...... I ' i R~LUTION tI). 2951, C for 1ts passage and ado l1man Van Wagoner offerld Resolution No. 2ge1 and moved n. A _~UTION OF THB CITY1 . we,lL ()F THE CITY .01 ~M T.,n.~'tIlG.~ "~J~ .1lIIlPClt THE ANNIXATION! THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 0' THAT catAI. r..,.y IC"N AS Islf LItI:OLN ANIIXAT.ION. ;On roll call fOllowlng vot.. foreg01ng resolution was duly passed and adopt~ by the AYES. NOSS a ABSBNT I Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wi.8er, and Van Wagoner. None. None. the fore,01ng resolution duly pa'l. and adoptlCl. WEST AfWIBIM ANNIXATION aequest of proponents to the C1 ty Counoillor con- .ent to start proceeding, or the annexation of territory d.8C~1bld 1n .ald r.qu..t 1209 aJ')d known and designated as West . eim Annexation No. 2 was referred to the City Planning ComMIssion for recommonda n and report on motion by Counci~an F~, seconded by C.-ncllMe.n Wisser. m H CMRIED. motion. "" ' y Co~cil.an Van Wagoner . the motIon. Jl)TlON CARRIED. . adjourn. Councilman Wisser s.ccnd~ AJaJtmlED. SI.-o. . ~M ~' .~~___<-' City Th. Ci ty Council of the I by MayorP..rlOo. Waiver of notic llteting was 59'"'' by all lUlllbers _eting. the 'purpose of the meetl ents of terri tlry to be known and consent to c~ence proceed1ngs fo of Anaheim, anclfor the purpose of ~ Anaheim City Plann1ng Commission r. lIE............ SENT. J .'IMJ....... !GILlE............. Pearson. I. JI$8NT . (lltJrCIUlN. None.: CITY ~TTCIUIr!~.... ta_. pr' GUY ADIIINfI.1'DTIfE QfPICR, DIt'H -E. ~~:. :~or: ' De cOR.~dered for annexatioA to th ~eLvt!d. and filed on motion by Co .ss~r~' IOTIC* CMRIED. -pLtJTION NO. 2952. CouncllJRan Sc Its passage ani adopt!on. ty of Anaheim .et in Specl.1Se..lon ~.lled f and consent to the holding of said Special ~e Council prior to the holding of said as to consider the request from tOe pt-oPQn- ignated as West Anaheim Annexation No. .~ for . e annexation of said territory to the ,Ci ty eiving th~ report and recommendations of the tive to the annexation of this territory. , Schutte. 11ss81', and Van Wagoner. Present. ty Planning C~lsion'6 report rec~.,r designated .s I.st Anaheim Anne)Catlon' .,. ~l ty of Anaheim. Said report .8& ordered . I_an Van Wagoner, seconded by CouncilJun te offered Resolution No. 2952 and .~.fQX lellr to Resolution Bookr .IBSOLUTIQJI Of TlfE CITY ~IL QFI ~.... OF ~. :. fai... THE .ANNEXAT~ : . . A. .. II .. rIOH NO.2). , , CITY QF ANAHEIM ~ING TO II ~ Of INHABITED TERRITORY TO THE C. '0' i ".. .. M. On roll following vote. resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYBlJ NQIiI. ABIIRr . COUlIJIIJENa COtICIUISN.' COUIEIIJIEN I Fry, SChutte, Wlsser, and Van .a99n~. _'-',t The Mayor declared the fo g01ng resolution duly passed and adopted. CoUftcl1Man Schutte moved Al>tIOJI CAlRIED. ADJO\RNIiD . SIGIIED. adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded the ~~ CitY. C!'eft o o n