1955/10/17 n I n n I I 1228 II. . - . - ~ - - "- Submitted by Glen E. Boyles requesting tbat prop- art! described briefly as he triangular portion north of Romneya Dtlv., east of West Street be re~lassifi fram R-A to 8-3. Public Hearing 7101 o'clock P.M., on me II:>T!ON CARRIED. Councilman Wi S!$ i moved to. adj ourn to Amnd.. y, October 11, 1955, 11.00 o'clock A.M. Counci1man~y seconded the motion. II>nON C~IBD. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. ,A.M. I ~f the City of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Session. PRii... . a COUtCIlJIEN. ABS .... .., CQUlClUEN. c.. 1'.Al'llRNEY. .. PRIS.lDN T ~S ... ANT CITY ADIIINISlRAI arson, SChutte, and Wisser. and Van Wagoner. a Present. I OFPICER, W. F. PRIDAY. Present. IncOtporation had not fl1 being 'the fiftieth day in posed Stanton Avenue Anne tit10n relating to said a proponents Notice of Inte Octol)er 17, 1955. , i Inasmuch as the proponents for the proposed Trl~l ty petition for incorporation by midnight Octobe;f 14, 195i, ich said petition could be filed, proponents fo:r the pro- ion republished Notice of Intention to CirQJ~ate a Pe- xatlon, October 15, 1955. Affidavit of Publication of on to Circulate a Petition was received by the City Clerk 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2966. Coun Jlman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2966 and moved for its passage and adoption. I Refer to Resolu ~n Book, page A RESOLtrrION OF THE CITY C tf;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNCMLEDGINGR&:UPTOF A COPY. OF tIlTICE OF INTENTI TO CIRCULATE A PETITION RILATING TO THE ANNIKAt.t01 Qf TERRltCRY TO THE CITY OF 1M AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION THBlEOF Ale. lPNlOYlt8 THE CIRCUlATION OF SAID P TION. (STANTON AVENUE ANNEXATION). On roll call the foregoIng resolution was duly passed and adopted by the foll.ing vote. AYES. . tC>ES. ABSENT & Pearson, Schutte, and Wisser. None. Fry and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declar the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. WEST ANAHEIM ANKEU.TIQ~l fidavi t of Publication by proponents of Notice of In- tentIon to Circulate a Pet ion relating to the annexation of territory to the City of Anaheim, known and desl ated as West Anaheim Annexation, was received by the City Clerk, October 13, 1955. Id Legal Notice was published, October 11, 195r>. RESOWTION NO. 2967& Coun tIman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2967 and moved for Its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolu n Book, page i229 ! III Ci. A RESOLtrrIQN QF THE CITY COtnCIL 0 C&'Fy OF rcnC8 OF INTENTION TO CI taRITORY TO 11m C,ITY Of ANAHEIM THE CIRCULATION OF SAID PETInOlt. CITY OF ANAHEIM ~KNOIIJJiDGING R8i&1PT OF A TI: A PEfIttON RBLATIM:; TO TRS ANNEXATION ()P , fU)AVIT Of, PUBIJCAnON THfJUiOF AND 'APPROVllli AIIIEDI, ...:.... ..lli"__ On roll call the for., following vote. reaolytion was duly paued aJId adopted' .., .. AY.. .. AB81Nt I COUJI:;IUENa COUlC I LII!N. C~ILM&Na son, SChutte, and Wisser. The Mayor declared the ~A-IMJ '-IElAT ION , Affldavl ~tlon to CirCulate a Petition re1 oj Anaheim, known and designated a Rty Clerk, October 13, 1955. S.l .-oLUTION NO., ~96SI, CO\lncllaan S .,. passage ani adoption. going resolution duly passed and $dopted. f Publication by proponents of Notice of ln- ng to the annexation of territory to the City mnaya-I.st Annexation, was recei,veci by the gal Notice was published, October 11, 1~5. offered8e&&l.nieB tie. 24J68 and moved for lef.r to Resolution Bookr a RESOlUTION Of THE CITY COUfCll 0 .Y OF tl>TICI' OF INTENTION TO CIRc IjdITCIlY TO DIE CITY QP ANAHEIM 111 CIRCULATIOII OF SAID PETITION. CITY Of AlWIBIM ~JCJqILSGINGa~EIPr Of A TE A PETITIOIIlELATItG TO THE ~nONQP, ~IT Of PlJBLICATION 1'H8l'lQF AND APPROVlt<<3 .u!YA,-IEST ANRBIATION . On 1"011 IJIllowing vet.. resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AVSJ 110.. ABSINT I COUtClIJEN& COUICILlENa COUtCIlJEIia son, Schutte, and Wisser. The Mayor declared the fp going resolution duly passed and adop~ed. . tI). 36 7, UlIT ,MB. ,It, CONSTRtCTIONI ,'~,..,.1ET1 Mr. HOlyoke, City engineer! ~posed consq-uctlon of the Shop a _d. ($38,966.00). SHQP AND GARAGE AT THE CITY YMD OR CLAUDINA eported Ao D. Penhall to be low bidder on the Garage and recOIIIftended the acceptance of said .LUTION 11)..2969. Councilman Sc~ te offered Resolution No. 2969 and moved for 1'- passage a~ adopt1on. Refer to Resolution Book E CITY OF AHNISlM ~BPTIl<<i A, SEALED PR~AI. ' RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE, fUR,HIEING 0' ALL EQUIPJENT AID ALL UTIUTI,BS AND 1RAN$PORTATION . PIRFQR~NG ALL watK NlCliSSARY TO ,CQNSTRtCr AND J COHSTRlCTION Of A SIIJP AND ~AGE AT THE . At CALI}:'(aNIA JOB to. ~1 UNIT -B .. SPECIAL On :roll following vote. resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYBI. 1<<>&1. 4BSefT . COUN:ILlENa COUICI1.IIENa COUtClIJENa son, SChutte, and Wisser. The Mayor declared the fQ Councilman Wisser moved "'100 C~IED. M>JCIIlNJI). SI~. oing resolution duly passed and adopted. adjourn. CouncllJ1an Schutte seconded the, motion. o o n