1955/11/01 SChutte, and Wisser. 1239 Ci 1 The City Council of the a y of Anaheim met in AdjQurned Regular Sesslon. "Esm I QOu~.ILMEN& Pearson" y, SChutte, and Wi sser. SENT: (k)ur<<:;ILMANI Van Wagol) . TV ATTCRIEY I RtESTON TURNSt I Pr~ TY ADMIltl5111ATIVE OFFICER, KEITH! Present. Engineer) George Eo Holyoke, r~rted on Bids Katella Avenue trunk Una S.er., from HasteI' 061, and stated that Charles J. Dorfman .8 ed the acceptance of said bid. .JISO....,_.... LUTION . NO....., 2979. Councilman W1/ er offered Resolution No. 2979 and D\Oved for --..- pa slag. a" aeption,. Ref.. to Resolution Book" 'RESOLlITIQN ~ THE CITY COmcIL OF! AWARD~ LCOIlIRACT TO THE LCIf NT, IABtS, 'JmvIcss,' MATERIALS Ul>It<<J POW_, fUEL, AND WATm, A LETE THE PILLOWING PUBLIC IMPR M HASTBi STlEET TO PL~ENTIA AVE E CITY OF ANAHEIM .MX;EPrING A SEALED PROPOSAL RESPONSIBLE BIOO!R Pal THE FURNISHltt; 'Of A~~ EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTIUTIES AND.1RANSPCBTAtION, PERFCltMING ALL WCRK NB:ESSARY TO CONSTRICT AND ENTa THE KATELLA AVENUE TRUNK UNE SEWER, JOB ~. 1061. (CHARLES J. DORFMAN). tIllowing ~t::ll call the foregoing reSolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES, fC>ES. AlSBIT : COUf'CI LMEN I COOle I LMEN, COUteI LMANa The "yo~ declared the fot olng resolution duly passed and adopted. Renewal of insurance with the State Compen- nsation Insurance, for the per10d NoveMber 29, zed and Inl tial prendUlla of $800.00 approVed, ed by Councilman Fry. K>TION CARRIED. Q.III;5LLATIOII O~ CITY TAXES: CancelI ion of Ci ty Taxes on property purchased by the Slit. of CalifOrnia to be used for h hway purposes, and formerly assessed to Virgil .. Parker and IIlbert I. Blower, was thorized on motion by Councilman Wisser, _onded by C01lhci1.Jnan Schutte. 1<<)1 N CARRIED. I -BIIQ....,.......... WI'ION 11>. .~9aql. Councilman Fry ffered Resolution No. 2980 and moved for 1 ts "'ge and ad<ll>tion. Schutte, and Wisser. Refer to Resolution Book, ESOLUTION OP THE CITYCOUtCIL OF AND DIRECTING THEAC ISITION C PARKING OF AmCR VEHICLES. CITY OF ANAHEIM DETfBMINING THE Nf.l:esSITY HEN! DOMAIN OF, REAL PROPI:IITY FCIi THE PBiTY NEAR SMART AM> FINAL WAREHOUSE). On roll call the foregoing fG.l.lowing vote. solution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES, NOES I ABSENT. COUN::I LMEN & COU1CI LMEN c Cot.N:Il.MANa The Mayor declared the for ing resolution duly paSled and adopted. R.~urION !C. I51l!la Councilman Schu te offered Resolution No. 2981 and moved for itil passage and~doption. I Refer to Resolution Book, ~ a o n n.. 'N_..._- .. .m ~ , ...# n 1240 1955 - 11:OO A.M. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~' UN:;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A mAN! DEED CON- VEYING TO THE CITY OF AN 1M CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FCJl ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. ,FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, 14: NAIR; MAAS). On roll following vote: foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUt\t.... ~. EN I. COUN!: . N, COUNt; N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Wissero None. Van Wagoner. The Mayor decla ~d the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted~ I ORDXNArt::E 00. 10251 Cou~ tIman Schutte offered Ord:l.nance NQ. 1025 for first reading and moved for its passage +nd adoption. AN OODINAtCE OF THE CITY '~ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE II. CHAPTER 8, Ss::rION~6511C) OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL ~DE BY ADDING A NEW SUBDIVISION THERETO TO BE DESIGNATED AS SUBDIVISION "(9)1)19 STADIUM. LA PALMA PARK, scussion was held on the proposed construction of addi- tional bleachers at the Palma Park and the reversion to the original plans of placing these bleachers 0 Ithe north side of the field, paralleling Los Angeles Street 0 The original plaito place the bleachers on the north side of the field was considered to be less cos ~y than placing the bleachers on the east side of the field, thereby necessitating the ~oving of a wall, light standards, etco Discussion was also held on the matter 0 !financing this project. RESOLUTION NO. 2982: Cou 4ilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2982 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolu~on Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY UtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM URGING THE DEPARTJENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, DIVISION OF IGHWAYS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO AL~ATE ~5FaR THE . MPROVEMENT OF LIN:OL VENUE STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 174 FROM STATE HICBlAY 39 TO THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY. AYES & NOES I ABSENT & Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Wisser. Noneo Van Wagoner. On roll call following vote: ;foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the The Mayor decla the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. REG SSIFICATION NO. F-5 It Submitted by Prudential Homes, Inc. Resolution No. 2971, adopted by the City ~uncil October 25, 1955, included the condition that the installation of full stre improvements on North Placentia Avenue and East /lfa Pa_ placed the curbs at 41 fee from the centerline of both streets. The City Enginee , George E. Holyoke, recommended that the City qouncil correct this condition to ead as follows; "The installation of full strett improve- ments on North Placentia A ~nue and East La Palma Avenue. including curbs, at loca- tions set by engineering s .ndards~" RESOLUTION NO. 2983: Coun Jlman Fry offered Resolution No. 2983 and moved f(): its passage and adoption0 A RESOLlTfION OF THE CITY C felL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETSiMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS N ESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM ICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE; AND RESCINDING RE LUfION NO. 2 lo (F-55-56-1). -"1 On .ll;all the for",.1 r'lolutlon.. duly paa.ldanet adopted by the r.l1owing vot. AYEIa Jl)EIJ 18S" . COtnCILIEII. COUICILllEla COtJEIIJtAR. ..n, Pry, S~utt.t ~Ad Wi..er. na.llly.. declared the f olqg retOlut1on chaly ~..ed and .dopt.. Co~1_A Schutte........ adjOara.. CtlluGl-....... ...... tIW....u... .,-ION CARlIBIL ~&.. llGIB. o ~ 0,,-,", :, ' ~.. .. .