1955/11/14 fA E lATER DISPOSAL CO regarding the rental pa the tran.fer of rights c: TheCi ty Attorney stated! ing to the transfer to Council.an Sch o 'clock A.M. Councilman 12&4 CCIflESPOlI>ElCE I Coaaun wa. subMitted and read, that Mr. Harry L. Nolde future to make f1nal ar -1,00 P . t~on from theD'p4rtlll.nt of .Co...:ree, Bur~u o.f' ~!-Ct~Ju, nowledglng receipt of.. Rnolut1on No. 2M) _RId actY1a1ng RegionaJ. Supervisor, wou1dcontaet thls City in th, near 9-.nt&~ . C.SPONDElCEa CQI8Wl r8IKJ, thanking certain the C~tyCountil for pa C~ESf9NOE1CEa Co.un C~c. .1 .ubdtted of.cOltp.~.nt and repu MI-.rI'ES OF THE EXs::t1TIV of 'the Ex.cut1 ve' COIIIl! t Qrdered approved and 11 Fry. K>TION CARRIED. t10n frQll the Anah.s.. Cb8ber Of COIIIlerc. ... .w.ltted- and -.ployeesand depa~ a-Ddextendlng appr.ctatlon to clpa tlon ln the Pageant P~rade.. tlonand Re.olut1on of the Anahelll Junior ChUb,r ()f read, requesting the City of Anab.b to s"\1r. tta. _.Me'.. 1. plannIng Con.ultant to dev.lop a mlS~~ plaft! a. B. J. SId-th, Counqr Clet of. Orange c.unty,- aM led' had filed th.lr intention to circulate a. pet1.tlon for 1n- e County Board of Supervlaors _ Ci ty of Loa Alalll4 W-.f Ii I_ t filed October 1St 195~land City of Cypr....f11ed ticel .ere ordered received and filed on motion by Council- by Councl1~n WiSler. MOTION CARRIED. E OF THE J.O.S I The Minutes of the Regular Metting of the 3.0.8.., held Nav_ber 3, 195~, were suhmitted and on .otlan by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman PR IN: I that the fOllowing titi corporation wIth the Or October 18, 195~, DaiX' Nov.-ber 1, 1955. Said man Van Wagoner, second r r i INPO as UESTS FOR A the A~nlstratlv. Offi Anahei. · & ul tima te .e.t TE Mayor P.arlon _I granted pei"id.s,ionto leave the . n Municipal Association Conference and autho.rlzed to east for and on behalf of the City of Anah,i., on motion by . onded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ATIONa Discussion was held regarding lett,rs r.~eived.by requ.eting annexation of area to the west of Anaheim and ndary line. AYa On !lotion by Counc!l_n Fry, seconded by Counc11~n ..e authorized to .eCure right-af-way deeds from Hennig, idening of Harbor Boulevard. Said cost to be on e basis ION CARRIED, BOULEY ARD RlCiIT Schutte, the Ci ty Attor . Carl, and Collier for thj of $4.t~.OO per acre. .. Dlscussion was held wi th reference to cOlll'Unlcatlo.n t by th,'Waste Wat,r Dispos.l Company u~til .uch time .. b. approved by III ...were of the Jolnt Outfall Sewer. at it would be nec..sary to preparj r.solutions consent- dopted by the .~er. of the J.O.S. . aoved to adjourn to Thursday, Novembeli 10. 1gee, 10.00 I.,r seconded the motion. A<<)TION CAIUlIBD. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. r.. '. :,': .' t..- Cl of the Cl ty of Anahel. .et in A"'journld Regular a...lon. ear.on, Pry; S~butte, and Wil.er. an Wagoner. . Pt...nt. , KEITH A. MtIlDOCHa h...nt. otion by CouncllJDlln Schutt." ..condad by Councllilan Ifi..., was authorS, ~tKI to "'11r, the .ero t,. of _c..on, to itxwz- st. that art p.cOll1~ a nuil.nc. within the City. JI)T.~ PR.ENTa ABS!NT 1 COUM:ILMAR I ; Cln ATTORNEY, PRESTON T CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFI PlCiION SXTERMINA rIOH a O~ the Aa.!nistratiY.Off~c, alnate plgeona and other I . CARRIED. 12~~ o ,1 ~ - 10aoo A.M. EI I Discussion was held on th. we.tern reference to action tak,n by the. Glty of w11l proe.ed with the annexation of an ut through two (2) propoled areas under f Anaheim. Councilman Schutte moved that , the Cl ty Attorney be authori z" rardin the Buena Park Annexation of terrl- 's proposed annexations. Councilman Wisser t 3004 and moved On roll call the foregoln I:resolutlon was duly pasled and adopted by the following votla i AYES, COUNCILMEN, P_, .tson, Fry, SChutte, and Wisser. M:>ESI COUtCILMEN, No . ABSINTI COutCILMANI Va Wagoner. I The Mayor declared the ~olng resolution duly paned and adopted. ~T ANAHEIM ~ATION NO.2. Pet ion requesting annexation of inhabited terri- tory known and designated as West A heim Annexation No. 2 wa. referred to tht Ci ty Cl.rk and County Clerk for checking s to the sufficiency of said petition, on ~tlon by Councllman Wisser, second by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. Councllman Fry moved to a ~ourn. Councilman Wlsser seconded the motion. WDrION CARRIED. ADJOURNED . SIGNED. n I The City Council of the C 1Y of Anaheim met 1n Speclal Seslion held 1n the Council Chambers of the City Ha ~ to consider application by Dr. Louis H. Kolker for further extension of tim ito comply with condit1onl pursuant to Re.o- lution No. 2710, and do and perform ny other acts in connection therewith, and to transact any other business that y lawfully come before Slid me.ting. Notice of Slid Special Call.d Meeting was lIed, postage prepaid, to each m_ber of the City Council by the City Clerk on N ember 10, 1955. n PRESENT. COUNCILMEN. Pearson, ABSENT. COUtl:IlMEN. None. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY, PHILLIP Me CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH 10 ME SPECI L SE P the ...ting to order for the purpoe Special Us. Pltmit. , SChutte, Wisser, Ind Van Wagoner. AW, Present. .1 Mt.JR[)OCH. Present. I . Mayor Pearlon called f considering the extension of 'time on I 1256 , Ci Attorney Ale . Council and preMD'hd the delay in c~ing in the original plans. - - - - ~. - ex- H. Scbulblim and Arcb1te~t AlbutCr1zaddre.aed tb, 11ed ,.1aD& of tU. ".T9.hospUa,C '.n., *.ed~ that- - ~on ..t8d 'beendrre ~o -Ute '.nrialOft aadcMnges _de c I t was ."ed extenslon of tt.e to F lution No. 2718, and t1.e. MOTION CARRIED. ~TION OF AJl)ITIO BLEAGHEKS AT LA PALlIA PARK. Plans for eonlUucting addi.- tional st.adl.. 'adIIl! . .at .. La .... ,.. _....._~ c~.t.an Fry, seconded by .~J.an ~. th~~ .an 1. l'B6 be' ~.Qa.d to COIIply with the tmu of R..o- actual cons~on of tile build1ng _8 to begin by that I mt;)POSED ANNEXATIOJIi * Mru:cIocb, Adldnistl"at1ve Offiter, reported on pet1 tlon previ ausl y rece1 ved fro+- esicl8llts"to the _-taadSOttth of Anahei_ with '1-.ference to annexation. i ed toaclJeuza. C~t ....n 5Gbutte sec;onded the mQ'tion. ADJOtIlNED. SIGNED. C' ,... ....... .- n LJ oti'). 1257 nia November 16 1965 - 9.00 A.M. . The City Council of the 0 iy of Anahe~m met in Special Ses~lon; called by Mayor P,arlOn, to receive reques Ifor annexation of territory southwest of present City Limits to be designat . ~as Ball~Dale Annexation and take whatever action necessary regarding proposed. nnexat1on, and do and perform any other acts in connection therewith, and to tra act any other business that may lawfully come before said meeting. ' Notice of Special Meeting as delivered to each meber of the City Council 0:............... . November 14, 1955. Affidavit of sa delivery of notice was filed by the City ...... Clerk on which acknowledgment was m e by each Councilman. PRESENT. COUNCILMENl Pearson, , SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENTe COUtCJ.LMENI None. ! CITY ATTCRNEY. PRES1'ON TURNERI PrEt ~nt. Cny AOMINIS_ TI1:~ OFFICER, KEITH i 1 JUIDOCH I Present. ~I,.,.DALE ~TIONl On motion b)1 ouncilman SChutte, seconded by Council_n Ilsser, requelt of proponents for ~ sent to commence proceedings for annexation to the Cl ty of Anaheim of iJ')habi ted erri tory, described in said request to be known as Ball-Dale Annexation, W9S order referred to the City Planning Comissionfor their report and recommendation. ION CARRIED. ADJClJRNED . , ?J-~~ Ci ty Clerk Councilman Schutte moved .-rION CARR I ED. adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded the ~tion. SIGNED. C o \ The City Council of the Cl by Mayor Peerson, for the purpose 0 a.nexation of territory to the City Annexation, and for the purpQs~ of- OOMmlssion, and forc the purpose of c ...e before ,aid meeting. of Anaheim met in Special Ses$10n, called onsidering and acting upon a request for the Anaheim, tentatively designated as Ball~ale eiving tne.r~commendation of ~h, ~ity P~annlng sidering any other business that. may lawf:ully Waiver of notice and cons to the holding of said Special Meeting was signed by all .embers of the City C cil. .ESENTI COUN:ILMENI Pearson, SSENTa COUtCILMAN: Van Wagon CITY ATTOONEY, PRESTON TURNER J Pr CITY ADM! NISTRA TIVE OFFICER, KEITH ,Schutte, and Wisser. t. I MURDOCH, Present. I I -.r.L-DALE ANNBlATIONl R. W. Mungall ' Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Com- dlssion, repor~ed ~ha~ the City Pla n9 Commission at their Special Called Meeting held November l6~ 1955, 10100 0 'clo A.M. recomnended the area known as Ball~ale Annexation be cOQsi~ered for annexa n to the City of Anaheim. Said report of the City Planning Comadssion was order eceived and filed, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Counci.lman Schu K>TION CARRIED. o RESOLUTION NO. 3005: Councilman Wis r offered Resolution No. 3005 and mov'eel for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, A..HEIM. E CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSENTING TO THE COMMEPEE... OF INHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF