1955/12/13 o r n..,...,..,., .. rJ t :.1. I 'I .;",.~ 1282 CAS Iev.rend caubeer ackt.f...... the C<Nnet land railers had been purchased and would be parked near eleven be used as classrooms for rellg10us schooling, and he ish light and power to these trailers. George F. Oellq s, Superintendent of Ligh't, Power, and Water was requested to obtain an est1_te of os1: for the utility and all10 the' C"ost of establishing an outlet. RS ST TO lIOVE BUItDI ~'It to move a 1M11 be.tuccoed..nd bav. . of Pire ZOne 1. After Councilman SCbutte, s.c~ .ing to this location. Thos. L. McLaughlin addressed the CO\U1cll regarding hi. i1ding to 1018 W.lt Canter Str.et~ S.!d building was to rmltant roof 1n.talled 1n order to .et 1M r..trlct1ona cu.eion of the .etter, the City Council, on IIOttonby ed by Councilman rn, den! ed said requ&st to- move the build- ION CARRIED. WATER R..VOIRS AND JllUiPINGSTATION, DlIG..- ... t ed Y 1.1 M. Pemntganery, onlUlting _..1.. to tes, studies, andd'ligne for the conetruGtlon .f a .rvo1r, a 5-Bdllion-gal1on water reiervo!r, Ind'pumptng letter of NQv.-ber 10, l~~. On motion byCouncl1l18nFry, tte, the offer as proposed 1-n said letter was accepted de in negotiation, 111d the City Attorney waeauthorized te act. IIJTION CARRIED. PLAtfS Afi) SPICIFlCATIO . rega JIg . 0 pr~ar. preli~nary .st s-.l111on-gallon water ~ station, a. proposed in ~. seconded by Councilman $ subject to modification~ prepare the nece.saryc . AU1'ItCRlZATION-OF PAY au . onzed, as per stat Brookhurlt Avenue, on md MOTION CARRIED. AU IZATION OF PAY~ for the improvement of wa. author! zed by the C1j man Wilser. MOTION CARR property ownere and ret PaYlMnt of 2>,000.00 to Leo Weiler, Contractor, ..,. t euhm1tted, for the construction of a ...er l1ne 1n n by Councilman Willer, "conded by Councilman Schutte. Payment of $11, l6~.OO to the Birmingham eev.l.....tCo. nt Avenue and the install,tlon of wetft Min. and ..... Council, on motion by CQUncllman Fry, seconded by C()u~l- · This proportionate cost will be borne by the adjaceftt to the City as per their agresnent. _ ke's Rubbish Service, an organization s.rv1I'1Q~}""- indu.. ction of the City, was reported to be oper~'.Wfft viola- 1 Code. On motion by Councilman Fry, eecOlllllll by Council- strative Officer and the City Attorney wer. requetted to ION CARRIED. MIKE'S RUBBISH SERVICE I tri'l areas of the north tion to the Anahei. lttin1~ man Wisser, the City Ad in~.t19.te the matter. C1.CrION OP ST2EL D Schutte, seconded by Co ne....ry reaolutloncali ~r the construct! Counci lman Fry ved to adjourn. Counci lman S(fhutte second_ the .0,"*. PterION CARRIED. iiV',., ADJOORNED. SIGNED. 1283 in: i L Ci_ 7.00 P The C1ty Counc1l of the ty of Anabet. Mt in ~r S.~.lon. PRSSENTa COUr<<:;ILMENa Pearson,i y, Schutte, Willer,and Van Wagoner. ABSENTt COOJCILMENa None. CITY AITatHEY, PRESTON. TURNERI Pl1 nt. CITY ADMI-saATIVE OJ:PIC!I, KEI~ . JaUXQiI Prnent. ..lI.JTE~ I Th. Minutes of the Regul leguiar Mttet1Jtg beld Nov"'r 29, IIy Counci..,. Van .goner, tu,eo l , J.E$OLln'ION ~ 3G2e. C0\1ncl1lMn V tor i tl pa..... and adOJ)t1on. Meeting held Nov.mer22. 1 ~5 and AdjQurn.s , 310() o'~lock P.M. .ere approved on !potion Councl.1IIIn Wis.er. M1I'ION CARRIED. [] "goner offered Resolution No. 3028 and moved I RJ!SOWfIOI .. THE CITY COOJCIL ~YIENT OF D'" AGAINST THE GI . On 1'011 following'vot.. CI1YOF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRs;IING THE OF DH:EllBI!!R 13, 19M. JS238-..OIS.35). resolution wal duly passed and adopted by the AY.. I<<)ESa AlBIN! . COOtCILMENI GOOtCILMEN. COOtCI~1 Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the fet> Ing resolution duly palSed and adopted. .pIC HEAtI"" . VARIAlCE fI). 4471 \Dd tted by Charley Kuntz requesting peS.... aon to ertct~. S.rv1ce Station at e southeaat corner of South East Street and "at Bro....y. Th'.City Planning C~is' n, pursuant to their aHolutiQn No. 66, denUd .id variaece. An ~p..l frOM a~tion taJ4 by the City Planning C~&slon was flIed by "~rley Kuntz end Public: Hearing 0' red held this date. Mr. Kuntz addressed the Q ncil and advised that he had dQnated 34t f.ttt tPr the widening of Broadway and tJi he did not bellev, the property owne~. in .. i_~i.te vicinity would lose p erty valuation equivalent to this donation. Mrs. Townsend addres$ed stations in tht vicinity of this 1 n ... Sa... addressed the C to the City P"nning eo..ission, s ~s 'Variance becaus. of the deval il and stated that petition waa aubmitted by 18 residents, opp08ing the granting of on of property. Council and stated that there were three ion and felt another station ..s not needed. Mr. Vandiver also felt th was no reason for the establishment of an additional service station at this 1 .tion. - There being no further di$ ~ssion on the matter, the Mayor declared the blerin9 closed. I Councilman,Va~ Wagoner mo~ to delay action on this matter to enable Ivther investigation.. CouncilMan seconded the1lOtion. PeI1I'ION CARRIED. 1 ftALE ANN~TION1 Orange County i l~ftt1.A." the ~r1es of dltfini te and c..tain, however, over1 COrporation of the City of Stanton * to the Ci ty of Buena Park was recelv SChutte, sec:ondedby Councilman Fry. ry C~s&1on's r~,dated Nov-.ber e prGpOsed annexa-tion to be reasonably ping the area involved In the proposed in- the proposed Dale Street No. 2 Annexation and ordered filed, on motion by CouncilMan ACTION CARR I ED. n ,.., J n , J 1284 D 1 6 RETUiNS OF S apJlOinted Co unci lman Sc , Wl..er, as Judges, for ~ Special Election held D~ designated as the South 1M ~yor P..;,on te, Inspector, and Councilman Van Wagoner and Councilman purpose of canvassing the r&turns of the vote. calt at a er 6, 1955 for the annexation of territory known and aheim Annexation. The canvassi~, al'd r~.ived the $_i-off!;cial return, of the ,lection anctccompared th_ to th. lly llst and found the number of votes r.ported on ,the send.-offlc1al returns to oincide, and thereupon d~clared the :results of t~. elecUon. Councilman Sc app-I'oved. Counc1lman Va', RE~IlJTIQNNO. 302.9..& Co pa .._gl a'rid adoption. e ~oved that the payrQll for the election officers be agoner seconded the motion. K>TION CARRIED. ilman Fry offered Resolution No. 3029 and movid for its RE$Ot.UTION,NO. 3029 A RESOLUTION CAUSING A. Ra:.. TO BE ENTERED WH$EAS, the C"~ returns of a certain spe~ 1951 111certaln un1ncorp~ Anaheim, and WH~EAS, said ~ .y Counc.11 has caused a record to be !llide O,.fc~IJ... J1..V'S_ of returns ofsald elect! ,which record is entitled, "RECCJmOF CANVASS 'WRlmJIUIS OF SPB:IAL ANNEXATION EL; ION HELD DECEMBER 6, 1955. n E CITY COU~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM O;FCANVASS OF RETURNS OFSPB::IAL EL~!ON N IT5 MINUTES. I Council of the City of tnahelm has canva.sed\he 1 annexation elect10n held ormth, 6th dayofD.otllber, ted territory sought to be annexed to said e1ty ~f NOW, THEREFCltE, E IT RESOLVED by the City Council of theC! ty of ~~... tha* said record of canv, of returns of said election be, and the la... hhertby ord~ed, entered upon tht inutes of said City Council. mE FCREOOING R OOOION is signed and approved by me this 13th ~Y.. C)f Dec..wer, l~~. ArrlST I '-,__.. C~...A. ~. .rllqn \ . .-, .... .'.' \.Ii Of' hit! l;J: r;r Or ~~l. I .~ CI On roll foll~ng vote. AYES. l<<>ES I ABSENT . aIM Iforegoing r.loluti on wa.1 duly paued;aM ~0At1d~.1IitI.-.. I ' Penson, Fry, SChutte,Wi..ex-, ,and,V.n ,,~. None. None. the foregoing resolution duly paS8ed and adopted, The Ci ty Counci 1 f the City of ~heim hereby makes a :record of. _nva.. t, of r~turns ofspecla1 ann. tion election. Said special ann ation election was held an the 6th d~y of b.c~,>l_>, in the manner provided by' That for said e~ precinct which was de.ig", said City Councll dUly established one V()t1nt the SOOTH ANAHEIM ANNEXATION VOTI..NG.~~ItCT. , 1265 Ci ~ 7. Tha~ -th. poll'ing pueCt f~f. auGh e1ec.ti o~ -.a eetOb11 abed alld _lnt-lned at Ka. tella Sclaool. 11902 Kaulla R, ... Orange County. Ana1m._. eaUf_nb. wMch was within th. hereinafter descrlb, unincorporated territory. The description of the Pt erty proposed to be included in the annexa- tion known as the SOOTH ANAHEIM A ATION is as follows. A ptt.rcel of land being a i rtien of" Sections 21, 22, 'Z1 and 28 Township ~. . I .. South, Range 10 West, San Bernal''' 0 Base and Meridian and more particularly described as fOllows. Beginning at an angle po~ ..tabllsbed by the Disneyland Anne e passed by Ordinance No. 932 on State on Decellber 30, 1954, said Pet> line parallel to and 40.00 feet not aouth line of said Section 21 (sai~ Avenue), and. line parallel to an~ from the .est line of said Section ~clid Avenue), then~e, 1. Southerly 40 feet, ~ line of SectiOn 21 to a point in t~ in the existing Anabei. City Uadte line .. 10n to the City of Anaheim, Annexation No. 48 · l3, 1954 and filed with the Secretary of t also being the point of interstetion of a erly as measured at right angles, ~rom the outh line also being the centerline of KattlIa .00 feet easterly, as measured at right angle. (said west line also being the centerline of or less, along saio line parallel to west south line of said Section 21, thence, 2. Continuing southerly feet, more or less, along a line par,llel to and 30.00 feet eaaterly, as .., ed at rightangles from ..st line of said Section 28 to a point on the west.* extension of the north line of Tract 1475 .. shown on a up thereof" recordect n Book 68 at Pages 30, 31, and 32 of Miscel- laneous Paps, Records of Orange Co YJ thence, 3. Easterly 1290 feet, +e or leas, along said north l1ne of Tract 1475 and its westerly extension to ,e East line af said Trec-t l~, ~e. 4. Southerly 660. feet, $t8 or less, along .aid east line to the south 1.1n. of said Tra-ct l~J tiMnce, 5. Westerly 1290 feet, ~ e or less, along said south line and ita westerly ext_1on to a point 1n a' ne parallel to and 30 f..t ea.t*ly~ ., ....ured at right angles from the ~ t line of sald Section 28, thence, 801:' leas, al~ aaJ.d Une panllel tG the the south line of the Nt of th. SWf of said 6. Southerly 2310 fee't, ..et line of Sectlon 28 to a point Section 28, thence, i I 7. Easterly 1950 feet, ~ e 01' le8. f along said south line to a point in the east line of the swtof th. of the swt of said s.cUon 28, thence, I I I 8. Northerly 660 feet, ~ e or less, along said east line to . point in the south I1ne of the Nt of the of the sit of Section 28, thence, 9. Easterly 640 feet, mQ right of way line of Ninth Street ( or less, along saId south line to the .est feet wide), thence, 10. Northerly 660 feet, ... +e or less" along said w.at r.lght of way l1ne to a poin~ 1n the south l1ne dlthe ~ of Section 28, thence, 11. Easterly 1345 feet, ..1e or less, along sa1d south l1ne to a point 1n the & outh tJ'l y prolongation of th,' , ,west line of Trlct.. ~ as 8hO.. wn on. a mi. p tbereof recorded 1n Book 61 at Pag.28 and 29 of M!sce11.neous Mapa, Record. O'f Orange CountYJ thence, I I 12. Northerly 990 feet, m1e or less, along saId .e.t line and its. southerly prolongation to a point Qthe north line of said Tract No. ~5J thence, I 13. Easterly 1354 feet, ~ e or less, along the north l1ne of sald Tract No. 22~ and its easterly pr~ ngation to a point in a lIne parallel to and 30.00 feet easterly 8S measured t right angles from ...t line of laid Section 28, <..id east line also bt 9 the centerline of W.st Street), thene., o n n " ! J n " , df 12Sf> C - 7d~OP 14. SoutherlY' line of Section 28 to a right angles from the n~ being the centerline of o fNt, more O~ les87 along said line ~~~lie~ "t9 e~'~ e parallel to and 30.00 feet northerly as mealurtd at line of SWf of said Section 27, (satd north line also ngewood Avenue), thence. 15. Eas~erly 0 feet, more or lesl, alon9 said line parallel to north line of Sit of Section 2 0 a point in the west lln. of sf of NEt of swt of Section 27, thence, 16. Southerly! F- feet, more or less, along said west line of. et pi NBi of swt of Seetion 27 to a oint in the south l1ne of Nt of st of said Section", thence, 17. Easterly ~ 0 feet, more or less, along said so~th line of Nt of at of said Section 27 to a nt in the east line of w! of ~ of Section 271 th.nc.~ l8. Northerly: feet, more or less, a,long the said east lin, of the It of the Et of Section ~ to a point in the south line of the Nt of the Nt9fthe NEt of SectioA 27J thenc~ 19. Easterly i feet, more or less, along the said south line of the Nt ,f the ~ of the NEt ~ Section 27 to a point in a line parallel to and 3$ feet westerly as measured at r ht angles fram the east line of Section 27, tbence, 20. Northerly 0 feet, more or less, along said parallel line tp $ point in the south line of Sect n 22, {said south line also being the centerline Qf . Katella Avenue); thence, 21. Cont1nuin, ortherly 40 feett more or less, along a line PJrfl.l1el to and 30 feet, westerly as, asured at right angles from the east line ot Sec~on 22' to a point in the south C y Limits line of the City of Anaheim as established in the previously described sneyland Annexation, thence, 22. Westerly Limits line and also alon at right angles from said line of Lot 8 of Block 17 Book 1 at Page 33 of Mise o feet, more or less, along said existing Anah,l. City a line parallel to and 40.00 feet north.!'!y 8S .....~.. enterline of Katella Avenue, to a point in the ...terly f the Fairview Colony Tract as shown on a ~p theteof in laneous Record Maps, Records of Orange County, th.nc" 23. Northerly Limits line and also alon corner of said Lot 8; th$ o feet, more or less, along sal<i existlngAl)ah~JIt City line of Lot 8 to the most northw.sterly 24. Westerly ~ 0 feet, more or less, along said existing Anah~.City Limits line and also alon northerly line of Lots 6 and 7 of said Block 11 to the, most northeasterly corner f Lot 5 of said Block 17, thence, 25. Southerly Limits line and also alon to and 40.00 feet norther Kat.lla Avenue, thence, feet, more or less, along said existil19 Anahel. City easterly line of said Lot 5 toa poiotlna l1aeperal1.l , as measured at right angles, from said centerl1~of 26. Westerly 6 Limits line and also alon point of beginning. feet, more or less, along said existing Anaheim City ._ said line parallel to centerline of Katella Avenue tq the That the propos~ corporated territory was: submi tted to the electors residing Within ..1d unin- Sha 11 SOOTH ANA City of Anaheim" said SOUTH ANAH annexation, subj property within pro rata portioo of all bonded in Anaheim outstan~ fore a .horize M ANNEXATION be annexed to the alifornia, and the property in YES ANNEXATION be, after such t to taxation equally with the id City of Anaheim to pay its based upon assessed valuation, btedness of said City of NO 9 on November 3, 1955, or thex-eto- 1287 o Ci That said City Cou~il of three days fram and after tho said electio~, and at said regular such return s. - , - at l~s r89Ular meeting_after the exp1ration of said election to canvass the returns of etiog did make and complete its canvass of That from and by its can s of such returns, said City Council finds I 1. f votes cast at such election was l05. 2. That the number of v. s cast at such election in filVQr of annexa- tion was 83. was 22. 3. That the number of vb s cast at such election against annexation 4. at. received as absentee yotes was O. I K Pene M. .W1alllS CITY CLERK OF · CITY OF ANAHEIM ~lNArcE l<<).,lO:fla Councilman Yap. agone offered Ordinance No. 1032 for first ~ding and .eved for its passage' adoption. ., CRDINAlCEIF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ PFRQVIl<<3 THE TO SAID CITY OF INAHEIM Of C'*1AIN INHABITED TERRItj Y KtDIN AS SClJ1H ANAHEIM ANNEXATIO~", Aft.X' hearing read in fu~ the ti tIe of Ordinance No. 1032 and having ""ledge of the contents therein, I uncilman Wi sser moved the reading in full if said ordinance be waived. Count n Fry seconded the motion. Motion unani- tIOusly carriecl. B IC HE I FRE W !lshed in the,' Anaheim Bulletin and i ~ written noUce mailed to eactl , HlBr1ng was h.ld on the proposed a~ "signated as Freeway Annexation. Pursuant to Resolution No. 2987 duly pub- acentia Courier, Nov~ber lO and l7, 1955, er of property within the territory, Public xation of uninhabited territory known and o No ~itten protests were nbone pre.ent objected to said prq the hearing closed. celved by the office of the City Clerk, and sed annexation. Thereupon, the Mayor decla~ed I ~INAl'CE~..1033I. CouncilmanWl$ T .offered Ordinance No. l033 for fir&t-/read-, Lng and moved for its passage and. ption. ~ CRDINA~E OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI'" PPROVING THE TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Of THE TStRIT$y KtQN AND DESIGNA1 AS THE FREEWAY ANNEXATION. Aft.r hearing read in fu~ the title of Ordinanc& No. 1033 and having kftowledge of the contents therein, uncilmanSchutte moved the reading in full of said ordin.nee be waived. Couno man Fry seconded the motion. Motion unani- ~usly carried. ! ! IUBLIC HEARl RECLASSIFICATION I Submitted by S. PQnteprino, Jlpresenting property owners, requ. Ing M-1 zoning on property located in 'the last Sycamore Annexation and compr1 ng approximately 116 acres. The City Planning Commiss n, pUrsuant to their Resolution No. 72, recommended said reclassification b approved. o Mr. Ponteprino addressed for reclassification comprised app~ this property approved the rezoning e Council, advising that the area proposed mately 13l acres, and that all owners of The Mayor asked if anyon~ lse wished to address the Council on the ..tter, there being no one, he decl the hearing closed. ,P$OJ"UTIONNO.. 30~! Councilman its passage' and adoption. ffered Resolution No. 3030 and moved for n ,,""" n nl : ,J 1288 - 7.00. P.M. A RESOWTION OF THE CITY OUrcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DeTERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE I$ ECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE AN4 1M MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. F-55- 10. On roll following vote: foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by tHe AYES: NOES; ABSENTe Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wa~dner. None. None. ed the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PU C HEARl." RB:LAS re...sting R-3 zoning 0 No. 2377, located at th~ ICATION NO. P-55-~6-lll 5ubm1 tted by Centex Corr>QJ-.tiOft ts 1 to 12 a,nd Lots 229 to 235, inclu.lve, in. TnGt rthwest corner of Euclid Avenue and Ball Road. The City Plannfl mended said reclasslfica' Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 78, .recOf8oooo n be approved. ' Mr. Leonard Sm~ fication was necessary tb , Agent, addressed 'the Council, advis1ng the reclt&sl- orrect an original map which involved these 19 lots. f anyone else wished to address the Council on -ij\e matt"" itten protests filed, he declared the hearing cloSId. The Mayor aske1;l there being no one and nb REstLUTION 00. 3031. CO\) ilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 3031 and IftOvtd for its passage and adoption. A RISOWTION OF mE CITY teIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDIM3 AND DETmMI.tfJ.M3 THAT A CijAt<<;E OF ZONE IS, CESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT .'JcLE IX, CHAPT~ 2 OF tHE ANA}J M MUNICIPAL CODE SHOOLD BE AMENDED TO A~ISt1.SAII) CHAII1E OF ZONE . F-55-5 1. On roll following vote, Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van ......r! None. None. foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by th. AYES. ti:>ES. ABSENT t The Mayor decla the foregoing resolution duly paSled and adopted. PUBLlC HEARI~. RECLASS and Jam.. Gentes requesti of Buclld Avenue, on the ATION 00. F-55-56-l2. Submi tted by Nicholas J~ l1ovall, M-l zoning on property lying approximately S60 '..t weft th side of Lincoln. The Ci ty Planni mended said reclasslficatl COIllni-ssion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 79, r.~ be approved. Mr. Nicholas J. valls addressed the Council, ur9in9th..appr~.1,J~'the reclassification and call attention to the ~1 zoning adjacent to th11 p~rtY~ . lli.scussion was h ld. on the required p..L zoney and Mr. MUngall advhtd .~i use would require a 60-1001 P-L zone on Lincoln Avenue. .' I The gentleman Pt~osing to use the property addressed the Council, ,xplat!'l- ing they wanted to establ1 ~ and opetate an equipment rental service at this lOGltlori, I Mayor Pearson ft: t. that inasmuch as this area is undeveloped, it rn1th:t:~ advieable to have the pla~ and elevations of the buildings to be erected ~... before action is taken. J I To allow the rle~ ~sary time for the establ1sbnent of 14-.. %on.... NSV. tion. and further investig 1ion of the area, Councilman Wisser moved the, _r1ng be' i 1269 the motion. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded PUBLIC H tl\e east flcation I Submitted by PrQperty Owners ~n Palma Avenue, r,qupstlng reclassl- The City Planning Commls~ ..nded said reclassification be app nt pursuant to their Resolution No. BOt recQm- ved. Tho.e addresllng the Co Knight and Jt>.eph P~cker. Th.~e being no further d~ 11led, the Mayer declared the heart IE50LUTION NOt 30321 CouncllJnan F passag_ and "option. 1 favoring tbe reclas&1flcatlon were HOIMJ.!' ussion on the matter and no written protests closed. affered Resolution No. 3032 and moved fa:r its Ref.r to Resolution BoQk~ A RESOWI'ION OF THE CITY COU~IL Of E CITY OF ANAHEIM FIrt>IffG Art) DETERMINIJ<<j tHAT A CHM<<ierOF-ZONE IS NECESSARY I CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 20F THE AtWiEIM MUNICJ L COOE SHOULD BE AMeNDED TO A<X;OMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. ( F-55-5~13) . On roll following vot,. AYES. NOES. ABSENT. resolution duly passed and adop~ed. resolution was duly passed and adopted by the COUlCILMEN I COOte I LMEN: COOte I LMEN I Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the fo ~ATIVE MAP, mACT NO. 2972. Lo~ ed on the north side of Ranneya Drive, "rectly "stof Tract No. 2624. $ ividn, Ray Burns. The City Planning Commis$ n, at their Regular Meeting held December ~, 1955, voted to approve said tent ive map. On 8Otion by Councilman V tentative Map of Tract No. 2972 wa$ 8:YrION CARlI CD. Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser, pproved subject to enqineeringrequlrements. I ND& Request for extension of tim, sub- ert Barclay, President, for Tracts Nos. 2437 ~TENSION OF rIME, ACTS NOS 24 III. tted by the Hulcee Land Company, R. and 2260 wa s read. i On 8Otion by Councilman V .~ Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wiss.r, an additional 6-80nths' extension was ranted for these tracts. MOTION CARRIED. I ~INAL MAP. TRACT NO. 2799: Located tn South Street, between Dickel and Clementine Streets. Subdivider, Pebley Bros. i I Mr. GeorgeE. Holyoke, ct j: Engineer, reported that all bond.s had be. en filed and necessary fees paid, and commended the approval of said ft~al map. Final Map, Tract No. 2799 s approved subject to engineering require- -.nts, on motion by Councilman Schu e, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. : i Locatad ~t Gilbert and Greenbriar. Subdivider, Thos. i !JNAL MAP. TRACT NO. 2117& J. Lawless, Jr. Mr. George E. HOlyoke, C~ filed and nec.ssary fees paid, and Engineer, reported that all bonds had been coJrlnended the approval of said final map. as approved subject to engineering require- goner, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION. Final Map, Tract No. 2111 Ments, on mot~on by Councilman Van CARRIED. o ni,......... f . t \te, . n ,4~ n " J ,...., , 1 i 1290 - 1108 P R. .J. Hobl e Company had Avenue to Lime Street in the acceptance of said - - - -' . - ", - -. - .." -.... George E. Holyoke, City Eng1lJe,r, certifl,ecitha;t ,th, .pleted the lmpJ'ov_ent of'Vermont Avenu., .from P1.Ce.n'tia ccordance with plans and speclflcatlonsand reCOIIIRended RES>LUTION 00. 30331 C for its passage and ado cilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 3033 and moY~ n. A IUiSOWTION Of-tHE CIT\1 PLetION AND THE FURNISHt AND ALL UTILITIE5 AND TR ING ALL WCRK NECESSARY T THE VERNDNf AVENUE 5TRfE NO. 102. N:;ILOF THE GITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCE~ .DE COlI- OF ALL PLANT, LABOO, smVICES, MAT&RIALSAS 80JlfMENT PCETATION IrELUDIM; P(Il~, RJEt AND \U7fIt, AND PIIU.:<.:RM- ONSmUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT I MPROVEMENf FROM PLACENTIA AVE 0 On roll fOllowing vote I foregoing resolution was duly passed.rid a dQptedby the AYES, OOES; ABSENT a Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, ~nd Van Wagoner. None. None. the foregoing resolution awy passed.nd adoPTed. FLBEr INSURANCE! On mot~ by Councilman Van Wagoner, second~ by CQune1~n wtsatr, pa.,-.nt .f $217.64 was au orized fO.r Couaprehenslve Liability Insurance Qn auto- mobiles purchased by the ty since September 21, 1955 through DectDbe:r ~: 1955. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTiON NO. 3034. Co~ ilman Fry offered Resolution No. 3034 and moved for ita pa slage and adoption. ,; A RISOUJTION OF nIE CITY VEYJNG TO THE CITY OF A PUBLIC UTI~IrY PUR~sE~. telL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCmING A Gi~ p~ COlI- 1M CERr AI N REAL PROPERTY Pm. AN. ASEMENT FCJl. ROAP AND ELBERT L. AND LIDA SMITH). Po roll Iforegoing re,olution "as duly passed and adopted by th, following ~ote-. . AYES. COUNQ,. .~' Na Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wa.-ner. 'NOES I COO~ N. None. ABSENT: cooK: Na None. I The Mayor decla the foregoi,ng resolution duly passed :andadoptfM.I. FI IAL MI) OPERATING Nov~.r,'l~ were orde~ sec.ded by Councilman W~ ,- I Financial and Operating Report$ for the ..nth. of received and filed on motion by Cou~11man Van WIgoner, ere MOTION CARRIED. BEF~E THE PUBLIC UTI LIT ante Monica Sightseeing catlon by Albert Lipps, STOP SIGNS. Recommendati th98stablishment of boul: COMMISSION. Applications by Charles H, Metzg..., dba ryiee, for an extension of ar.a, and a"""en't -to'appll- Douglas Bus Line, were subml tted. of the Chief of Polic" Mark A. Stephenson, r.l~t1v. to rd stops at various locations .s subm1tted and rtad. ' RESOWTION NO. 30351 Co lor its passage and adopt lman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 3O~ and ItOved 1291 Fry, Schutte, Wisser" and Van Wagoner. Cl n1a December 13 1 3- 7.00 P M. A RESOWTION OF "!HE CITY COOteI L THE ESTABLIS OF BOULEY ARD STO OTH SIREET, SOUTHEAST CORNER J ON .IVE, SOOTHEAST CatNER; ON tam EAST CCRNER I AND ON CLAREOOE lRIVEI CCRNffi. E CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHCE.IZING AND DIRECTING IGNS ON LOARA S AT THE INTERSECTION OF ARA SmEET AT THE INTERSECTION OF CLAREDGE EET AT THE INTERSECTION OF LOARA SlREET, NCJtTH- 'fIfE INTmsa:rION OF LOARA StReei, tmTHEAST On roll following vot.u resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AVes. NOBlI ABS!NT I COOte I LMEN. COUJCILMENJ COUICILMEN; Th. Mayor d,eclarc the f '.INAtCE M). 9641 C0W1cl1man Wi s and moved for 1 ts passage and adop 010g dre&olutlon dUlypitsndand adopted. offered Ordinance No.. 964 for final reading Refu to Ordinance Book, IN. ClIDINAM:E OF mE CITY Of ANAHEI "NICIPAL CCDI RaATlOO TO THE EST !HeREIN REGULATIOO THE USE OF LAND A MAP SHOWING THE BOONDARIES OF SA 800 IDI NG FCR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDME VIOLATION AND REPEAUr<<3 ALL Sa:;TIO (F-54-~13, IESOWTI0N NO. ~)o I After hearing read in fu~ the title of Ordinance Ne. 964 and having knowledge of the contents therein,! uncl1man Van Wagoner moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Coun~ n Wisser seconded the-'IIIO'ti9n. Motlon- unaq1- aously carried. ft)ING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTSi 20F THE AlWtEI14, I OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEDt AND EIGIT OF OOIWIOOS AND YARD SPACES, ADOPTING ZONES, DEFINING 1HE TERMS USED THrREINI ~ ENFOOCEMENT, PRESCRlBIl<<3 PENAL TIES fat ffi PARTS OF SB:TIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. On 1'011 call the forego1 Ordinance No. 964 .8 duly passed and adopted by the following vote; AYES; rDES I ABSINT ; Coo1<<::I LMEN; COtJrCILMEN. COU1<<::ILMENI Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the fq goIng ordinance duly passed and adopted. FINAleE tk).,J,03fh Councilman Wi1 r offered Ordinance No. 1030 for final read- Ing and moved for its passage and ~ ption. Refer to Ordinance Book, . .. CJIDINAN::E OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ IIJNICIPAL GODI RELATING TO THE EST 'ftfEREIN REQ,JIATING THE USE OF LAND~ A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SA~ YIDI NG FCR ADJUSTMENT, AMEM:>MENT A TION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS rn (F-55-56-4. RSSOLUTION NO. 3017). ENDI NG ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM ISHMENT OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AM> EIGiT OF BUtLDIr<<:iS AND YARD SPACES, AOOPTItI; ZONES, DEFINING THE TERMS USEr) THEREINI PRO- ENFmCEMENf, PRESCRIBIl'<<3 PENALTIES FCR VIOLA- TS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITIf. After hearing read in fu~ knowledge of the contents therein, of said ordinance be waived 0 Cound mously carried. the ti tIe of Ordinance No. 1030 and having ncl1man Van Wagoner movad tho reeding in full n Wisser seconded the motion. Motion unan1- On roll call the foregoio Ordinance No. 1030 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES. NOES. ABSENT ; COUOCILMEN; COUOCI LMEN: COUN:ILMENI Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declar.o the f 01ng ordinan~e duly passed and adopted. o n n 1 ,.., ~ ! 1292 ORDJNAtCE NO. l03l1 Co~ 11man Schutte offered Ordinance No. 1031 for final read- ing and moved for its p~ age and adoptiQn~ ce Book, page ANClIDINAN:E OF THE CIT'( MUICCIPAL CooE RELATIM3! TH.EIN REGULATIl<<; THE t.t A MAP SHOWI r<<J THE BOUND VIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, TION AND REPEALING ALL (M-l ZONING OF AREA IN P F ANAHEIM AMEtI>IY3 ARTICLE IX, CHAPtER 2 OF THE AlfAHEIM THE ESTABLISHMENT . OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAaBIM AND OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES. AOOPTIOO E5 OF SAID ZONES, DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREI*J..PRo.; NOMENT AND ENFaiCEMENT, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES f~ VIOlA- TIONS CR PARIS OF SEl:TIONS IN CONFL~pT THEREWIm. CENTIA-BALL ANNEXATION RESOLUTION No 2 . After hearing d in full the title of Ordinance No. 1031 and having knowledge of the content therein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordinanc'e be waived. Councilman W1 sser seconded the motion. Motion unaniJftCMtSJy carried. On roll call by the following vote. " foregoing Ordinance No. 1031 was duly passed and adopted Pearson., Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. AYES; NOES I ABSENT I the foregoing ordinanc. duly passed and adopted. OR.DINAI<<::E NO. 1034. Cou lman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 1034 for first reading and moved for i tis assage and adoptIon. AN OIDINAtCE OF THE CITY MUICCIPAL CooE RELATlt<<3 THElEIN REGULATING THE U MAP'SHOWIJ<<3 THE BOUNDARI FCR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENt REPEALING ALL SR;TIONS Cfi RES0WTION NO. 2983). ANAHEIM AMESIr<<3 ARTICLE IX, CHAPTBi 2 OF THE ANAHEIM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES, ADOPTIMG A OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREINI PItOVIDI'NG ND ENFORCEMENT, PRE&;RIBING PENALTIES FCR VIOLATJON A~ ARTS OF SELTIONS IN CONFLICT mEREWI1H. (~5~1. After hearing r d in full the title of Ordinance No. 1034 and baytng knOWledge of the content$ herein, Councilman Schutte moved the :r..dln91n-~"11()f said ordinance be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion unan~u.ly- ca rl'i ed . ORDI.NAICE NO. 10351 Cou~ 1un Schutte offered Ordinanc$ No. lO~ for fir.. ~.dI" and~-.o\fild for 1 ts passage nd adoption. AN fJU)I1fAl(;E OF THE CITY ltIJNlClPAL CODE RELATlOO 1 THBlEIN REGULATI~ THE U$ MAP SHCIIING THE BOUNDARI$ FCR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENt REPEALING ALL SECTIONS CR RESOLUTION NO. 26(9). ANAHEIM AME)I)Itr3 ARTICLE IX, CHAPtER.... 2....0.fTHE....... m.......';~....'!.1. ' ntE ESTABLISfllliNT Of ZDNES IN THE CITY OF ..~. ........ .. ~ OF LAND, HEICiiT OF BUILDIOOS Aq). YARD SPAcES,~t~ It OF SAID ZONES, DEFINING THE TERMS. USED THm~N" 'RtOVIDIf13 M) ENFCRCEMENT J PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FCR. VIOLATI6N AtI> ARTS OF SB:;TIONS IN CONFLICT THBiEWITH. (F...~5!)"f>., After hearing :t knowledge of the contents said ordinance be ...i~_t" carr! ed 0 d in full the title of Ordinance No. 103) andhArtng, n. Counciu.an Schu-tte...... the reading in full of -- Fry sece- lad 'the..-ti.eQ. Mo'tion unaniaously ClIDINAtCE NO. 1036& Coun ,~ for its passage .nd' AN CJWINArcE OF THE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TIiEREIN RE<iJLATING THE U~ MAP SHOWING THE BOONDARI ' FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDME~ REPEALING ALL SECTIONS c8 RESQLUTION NO. 2985). lman Fry offered Ordi,nance No~ 1036 for first na<l1ngaftd dopt1on. . ANAHEDA AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM HE ESTABUSn,1.ff OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHiIM AND OF LAND, HEIQtf OF BUIIDIr<<;S AND YARD SPACBS,. NJORfIr<<3 A F SAID ZONES. DEFINING THE TERMS USED THemIN, I'ROVIDItt3 ENFORCEMENT, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FCJi VIOLATION AND RTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT-"THEREWITH. (p...!~" 1293 Ci , . After -heerlng read'in f~ knowledge of the contents therein~ said ordioaOGo be waived. Council carried. amINA~E 00_ 10.'j7' cou. ncilman S1 109 aod moved for 1 ts passage and AN. aIDINAr<<:E.. O. F THE CITY OF ANAHC., -.JNICIPAL CCDE BY ADDING A NEW sEq VERM)NI' AVErac). : After hearing read in f~ the titl& of Ordinance No. 1037 and having bGlrledge of the contents thenln. ounc1lman Van Wagoner moved the reading in full .".aid ordirwnce be waived. Cou lman Schutte seconded the motion. Mot1on un.ni- -..as1y cart-i.. ' th~ title of Ordinance No. i036 and having ouneilman Schutte moved the reading 1n full of n Fry seconded the motion. Motion unanimously tte olfered Ordinance No. 1037 for first read- option. AMErt:>IM3 ARTICLE III, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM ON THERETO, TO BE NUMBfRED 3292. (SPEED LIMIT. fINAtCE~ Diehl and Company Audl t I ..s ordered rtCelved and filed, od Councilman Wi..er. MOTION CARRIEq. JRANSFm OF ~S. Transfer of $2, 0.00 from 'the General Fund to the Bond and Interest Red..,tion Fund was autho ed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION C D. the period JUly 1, 1955 to September 30, 1965 tion by Council$an Van Wogoner, seconded by -,ANSFER OF ~. Transfer of .tl ,ccounts 1i,* below was authonz Councilman Sc~tte. MOTION CARRIE 70. OQ from the Contingency Fund to the various on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Dir.ctor of Public Works lQ-204-1.l Maintenance of' Street5 10-603-1.1 $ll,970.00 7.800.~ $19,770.00 ~lCELLATION 9F CITY T~ESI On mo~ n by Co'{ncl1man Van Wagone;r, seconded by Councilman Wi.ser, cancellation ofl ty taxes was authorized on property purchased .Y the State of California for hig~ y purposes and formerly assessed to Rosina R. aexter. MOTION CARRIED. GCRRESPONDENCCa Co~unication fr~ avid Ragin relative to the widening of Harbor .ulevarp. .APPOINTMENT: ORANGE COONTY r.<<) I ABATEMENT DISTRICTa Mayor P.~son appointed .. H. J. DuBois, Member of the Or e County ~osqui to Abatement District ..f9z the two-year term ending December 31, ~ 7 . Said appointment was ra ti fl ed by .tbe CIty Council on motion by Councilm. Schutte, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. kYTION CARRIED. ~ .0. S. MINUTES. Minutes of the R ar Meeting of the EQC\l1:i ve Coltrii tte'e of:.'the Joint Outfall Sewer, held December: 1955, were ordered approved and filed on IROtion by Councilman Van Wagoner, . onded by Councilman Fry. KYfION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 30361 Councilman Se tte offered Resolution No. 3036 and moved for its passage and adoption. AYES; 'f<<)E!II ABSBNT ; Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF TIiE CITY COOM:;IL Of THAT A IC ING BEFORE THE C IMPROVEMENT AS A FREEWAY OF A PffiT COONTY, ON RotrrE ~ BETWEEN ROUTE l1 176 AND THE CHANGO-LOS ANGELES COO E CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDIOO AND DETERMINING COUlCIL TO CONSIDER THE RELOCATION AND OF STATE HIGHWAY RCXJTES ~ AND 19, IN OOANGE AND ROUTE 176. AND ON ROUTE 19 BETWEEN ROOTE LINE, IS NOT NECESSARY. On roll call the forego1 resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votel COUl'EILMENa COUOCILMENa COUl<<::I LMEN I o nt.'.... I I .... n n ~ '... ~ J n 't [ ,) 1294 Cit ',PEtITIONJ P.T(lA HORAG NN H Petition was presented requ.stln9~.stoP .., sign on North Street, at he intersection of Cl tron Street, andfurth.r the painid.ng of a cross walk on Cit.ro Street at the intersection of laVerne Street, des1gnating this to be a School C~O$ ng. RESfOWTION NO. 3037. Cq cllman Van Wagoner offered Resolutio~NQ., 3037 a~Lmoved for 1 te passage and adop on.. ~ '., A RESOLUTION OF THE CI~ THI...ESTABUSHMSNT OF CI'ltON STREET. ~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHCftIZING Arc> DIRETING STOP SIGNS 0 AT THE INrmt$ECTION OF On roll call following voteJ foregoing relolutioA .. duly passed and adoptld by, the AYES I NOBS I ABSENT & Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wlsser,and Van Wlg,n,r. None. None. The Mayor decUt the foregoing resolution duly PJS&eO and adopted. RESOWTION NO. 30381 CoU ilman Fry offered Resolution No, 3038 and',JRoved 'for ita pastag'. and adoption. I Refer to Resol1i1 A RISOLUTION OF THE CITY TO IItEPARE AND MAKE PRELX PLAItS AND SPfl:IFICATIONS RES.VOIR, A >MILLION ~ PERMINUI'E CAPACITY PUMP! VISION AND ASSISTArcE IN tell. OF 1HE CITY OF ANAHEIM EMPtPYI1'I:; j~ ."~....' NARY SnJDIES, SURVEYS AN> DESI~S, AND TO. PR!PII!J)ETA~:., . A 3-MILUON GALLON EARni EMBANCMENI' TYPE IfAT8t.8tC8AOI N STEEL WATER S~AGE RESmVOIR~ AND A +TH()U'~ G4LzpN STATION Fat THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AND~avIDItG RJt 8U..~ CONSTRUCTION THEREOF AND FIXING HIS COMPEHSATION~ On roll following vote: foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES. OOESa ABSENTs Pearson, Fry, Sthutte, Wisser, and Van W~. None. Noneo ClU>iIPlCE NO. 1038 a Coun and lIoved for its passage the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopt.. n Schutte offered Ordinance No. 1038 for f1rat~. d adoption. AN CBDINAtCE OF THE CITY ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ESTABLISHIf<<3 DEPARTMENT ANAHEIM AMENDIt<<3 ARTICLE II, CHAPTCR 4, PART 6 OF THE II<<; THERETO A NEW SECTION TO BE NUMBER!D2.t81. FINA~E). After hearing r knowledge of the con~ents of Mld ordinance be waiv mously carried. in full the title of Ordinance No. lO3SancJ bavlag C!rein, Councilman Van Wagoner moved the reading 1n full Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MQt10n un.ni- I RESO{,UTION M). · 3039. Coun. . :_lman Van Wagoner Qffered Resolution No. 3C39 and MOved for its passage and adoptt 4. n Book, page telL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PROHIBITING PARKINGQN S1A11 EEWAY FROM LOARA SJREET TO BROADWAY, IN THE Cnl&JJOP 1195 Ci On roll call following votel resolution was duly pasted and adopted by the AY!&. NO.a ABseNT I COOK::ILMENI COOte I LMEN. COOtE I LMEN 1 Fry, Schutt., Wisser, and Van Wagone:r. The Mayor declared the gOing resolution duly passed and adopt~~ IESOWTION tI). 3040. Councilman ~ er ,offered Resolution No. 3040 and movedfo~ ita paseage and adoption. ! Refer t, Resolutlon BOOk~ A RESOWTION OF THE CITYCOUtCIL 0 fULLERTON EX~tt(; SBfAGE FAGl " ll3.6 ACIJtS LYI.E SOUTH OF HfR 'IEJO BEIt<<;IIIRTIONS OF THE EAST l~, TOWNSHIP as, RAI<<3E lOW, S.B.B. CITY OF ANAHfIM OONSENTI M3 TO THE CITY OF ICE TO TRACTS tI,). 2265-, NO~. ?2BO A IBIVE KlOIN AS SAN .roAN NO.2. AtI> RAlCHO OF S9:TION 16 AM:> THE WEST HALF OF SECTION ALL BEIOO WITHIN THE FULLERTON SPONSCRED AREA. On roll follOtidng votea resolution was duly passed and adopted by' the AVBS, )i). a ABSINT a . COUtCILMENa COUM:;ILMENa COU!CI LMBN I Fry, SChutt.e, Wl.,er, and Ven Wagoner. The Mayor declared the f~ ~TISI*, S.JGNSI Discussion wasi .9ns ben. th canopies fronting bu. Wdform naturt. Mr. Pt\.1rdoch was r' .egarding said s1gns. going resolution dul~Pa$sed and adopted. / ld regarding the placement of advert1sing eases on Cen~er S\reet - signs 'to be of a ested to investigate pOlicies of other ~ ties o "TrR PLANt:,:~~ussion ..... held p the resolution presented by the Junior Cba-au.... n of C~rce liIquesting that a cons1J nt be 8II1ployed to prepare a master pl~n of l ! the Ci ty. It.a considered that" OBII\ittee be:'ormed to dete:rm1.ne the type of ..ster plan desired. I j 1 I j I ~ t ! their Resoluti on No. 82, dent ed PJRMISSION TO LEAVE TIiE STATEa Co ilman Fry .,s granted permission to leavl the state,. on .otton by Councilman Wis. , seconded by Councilman Van Wagon,r. MOTION CARRIED. 'ARIAI'I;E f<<). 436 a SulD1 tttd by Jo Burdick :requ.ltiI)9tha~ Var~anc. No. 436 be .eopened and. further extension of ime be granted. . The City Planning Commis, .n extension of time on Variance No No action was taken by t~ City Council. JARIArcE t<<). <<>7. Submitted by Fr R. Beckham and Lowen V. Casey requeeting per- Bt.sion to CQAstruCt an Ethical Pr~ ssional Building on property described as 145 North Pam Street. The City Planning Commis$ n, pursuant to their Resolution No~ 83, denl~ said variance, No action was taken by t ~ARIArcE NO. 458& Submitted by Ed Carl, and SamUel S. and Alice Carl requesting pezmission to erect a M~ located approximately 300 feet sou~ Boulevard and extending southerly . approximately 312 feet. d S. and Bella Milkes, Maurice and Esther eat Western Hotels, Inc. as authorized agent), r Hotel and other improvements on property of Midway Drive on the east side of Harbor roximately 192 feet, and having a depth of n n n n 1296 Clt 19!I!J..-" 7t9B .. P The Cl ty Plan" 9 cODDission; pursuant to thefr -R~a~iut~,~., No::.-.9~,. .9r!n.~ed said. variance subj ect to & deeding to the Cl ty of Anahelmfrontag. along Harbor Boulevard for a 6o-foot If....widtb street improved according to engin..ring require- ments. No action was en by the City Cou~ilo VAAJAN:E ti). 459. Submi 2~Qot front yard setba, corner of Crone and Eucl~ by Approved HQIRes, Inc. requesting a Waiver Qf the to 20 feet in Tract No. 2340, located at th. $9utheast Av~es. The Ci ty PlannJ said variance. Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. $5, granted No action was en by the City Council. 'VAq~ fI). 46QI SulJDi~ by H.ft1er Constnaction Co. (Orange County BxPtlll1tors, as luthori.'zed agent) nt' ting pemisa10n to-erect a T-.porary EJI:r~tio..l~llgi\,>. .dvertisingthe sale of s and homes in Tract No. 2302. The Ci ty Plan~ said variance subject to! C~issi.on, pursuant to the-irResolution No. 86,... grant<<t e following condi tionsl e a maximum size of 10 by 25 feet. permitted for a maximum period of 6 months be taken out with the BUilding Department. he sign oompany must appear on every sign 1. Signs shall 2. Signs will or le-ss. 3. A permit m~ 4. The name of erected. 5. Signs must: any street' 6. At the Int. set ba.ck 25 7. All signs. 8. The fee pe. 9. Sign varian advertisi~ 1Q fee't ba.ck of the right-of-.ay line of highway. ection of the streets, the signs must be eeto 11 have a 6-foQt ground clearance. ign shall be $25.00. . s shall be permitted for direction,l 819". nIy tracts within the City LiBdts oj. ~h"'. No action was t en by the City Council. by Arnold Construction Co. (Melrose Sign ~'OI.a. permission tQe-reCt a TEllltpo7:ary Dlr4tcUQnal Sic.... adVfl,'- homes in Tract No. 1825. \lAR~~ ~'.. #~f Su~i~ autKorizeQ a,geJ;ltJ r.ques~ tislng the sale of lots ~ The Cl ty Plannl said variance subject to COll1ni ssion, pursuant to their Resolution No. .." ~an-t. following conditions. 1. Signs shall 2. Signs will or less. 3. A permi t mu 4. The naae of erected. 5. Signs must any street b 6. At'the inte.-' set back 25 7. All signssh 8. The fee per 9. Sign variant advertising a maximum size of lO by 25 feet. permi tted for a maximum period of 6 months be tak en out wd th the Bui Iding . DepartMent. sign company must appear on every sign 10 feet back of the right-of-way line of highway. ction of the streets, the signs must be et. 1 have a 6-foot ground clearance. gn shall be $25.00. shall be permitted for directional signs ly tracts within the City Limits of Anabel.m. ~n by the City Council. I VARI4tCE NO. 4621 Submi tt Medllal Center, including as the south side of Linco by Lloyd A. Mannes requesting perm1 ssion to erect _ Pharmacy and Professional Building, on prop.~ty dte~ Avenue, east of Tract No. 2299. 1297 Ci ... 7100 P.M. THe City Planning Comml said variance subject to the deedi .property as r.qulred for the futu engineering requirements. - - ...- n, pur6uant to their Resglutlon N(). 00" gr~ntttd to the City of Anaheim the south portion of the xten610n of Embassy Avenue and also sUbject to Th. City Council. on ~t. SChutte, sustained the action tak condition that buildings are to b bV CouncilMa.n Fry, seconded by COWtcll1nan y the City Planning Commission with toe further t back a minimum of l2t feeto MOTION CARRIED. itted by H. W. Warden and M. A. Sharkey reo- Orange Avenue, between Sycamore and Wilhelldna, RltlASSIFiCATJON NJ~ F-55-56-l4a qu"U09 property on the west sidel 1M r.classifi,8d from R-A to M-l. The City Planning Commis .ended that said reclassification n, pursuant to their Resolution No. 89. r~am- denied. On ~tion by Councilman Hearing _.6 ot'd1tred held on the 1118 CARRIED. seconded by CouncilJnan Fry, Publl(: 10. 1956, 7.00 0 'clock P.M. K1fION fP&;IAL UH -"telTI SWaltted by I I).luxe trai'. Pal'k on property Pal_ Avenue and Magnolia Avenue. The City Planning Conni s~ n, pursuant to -their Resolution No. ,90, denied- ..ld Special V5e Pexmit. ! requesting permission to establish the northeast corner of West La No action ~s taken by t~ "~IM MUNICJPAL CeDE CHAII3E5 R 11III' held n.ctlllber 5, 1955 on the p th. zoning r8fiUir.ents by the C1 t .to have the churches and schools r lack of a 2/3I8ajori ty and no rec bli c Hearing osed relocation of churches and schools ~~n lanning CODIRlssion, at whi.,ch tl.. it was voted in 1n the R-A zone. The motion falled f07: a ndation was made to the City Council. A d,legation of res1dent~ ere present at the meeting and requested that the City Coun.ll hold a hearing -on e matter and reclassify these uaes to an R~2 zone. Mr. Turner advised that ~ essary action on thi,s matter W9uld be 90vern~ '., Sta'te IJaw, and that he would ref to the law and repOrt correct JD"O~.rt a. Den ._.tang. JJiTERSECTfON I WST AND SYCAKRE 5 110n at "..t .nd Sycamore Streets ordered investigated. TS. The dangerous condition of the int.no- ~alled to the attention of the Council and JNST ALLATiON QF. SIDEWALK AND CURBS, I>y Counci lIRan Wi sser, the Ci ty Att~ cIoc\.Inents to lnst! tute proceedings, .f curbs on Elst Streett North Str. the installation of a sidewalk on S On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, second~ eywas requested to prepare the --necessary_d, ursuant to the 19l1 Act, for the installation , La Palma Avenue, and Sycamore Street,and for amore Street. MOrION CARRIED. CouRcil~n Fry moved to , Councilman Van Wagoner seconded th, December 20, 1955, 7100 o'clock P.M. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOORNED. SIGNED. o n n ~ .~.