1955/12/27 n - 7,OOP M l:3Ub F.. Wi 11 and Vivilln Wi 11 H. Dysinger, Sr., on bebalf of the calia ScMoIDiS'trlet After thorough Council found that the territory proposed to be scussion by the City. Council aft4i. tAeauditnce, the. Clty rs of fifty per cent of the value of the land in the nexed did not file written protest. to said allJl~lon.. ci lman Van Wagoner, seconded by COWlcil.i8n W1.___, Pub!! c ed to January 10, 1956,7100 o'clock P.M. to allow the the filing of .addi,tio.nal protest.a. IIlI'IONCAIItIED. T ANNEXATION. Public Hearing .6 beld pursuant t-o ii.bed: 1A tM Anehe1a Bulletin. DKember 13 and 20, 1~5 Dec....so 2-, 1<<55 to owne:ra of property wi thin the area',,- the City of Anaheim known and desigp$t$d as Romneya-West On -motion by C Hearing was ordered contl reqUired ten days" time PUBLIC HEARIN3a ROMNEY A Resolution No. 3014 duly and Ittitten notices _i1 p~oposed for annexation Annexation. Mrs. B. A. Swa, ceadings and file a tranB record. ck was requested to take down 1n shorthand all the pro- ipt thereof witnthe City Clerk to be mpde a pa~~ of the No one present no written protests were the meeting objected to said proposed 'annexat1CJ1\, and ceived in the office of the City Clerk. ilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry, Publ1G H..-rlng 7100 0 · clock P~M. to allow the r'<<Nlred ACI'ION CARRIED. On motion by Co was orderedcontlnued to ten days' time for the ft 1 PU IC HEARItI3a ABANDO PRCCEEDItI3Sl Pursuant to Ordlnanqe No. l~t duly pub- lished in the Anaheim Bu tin Dec.mer 3, 1955- and notices J)osted, Publi. Hearing was held on the propo'sed andonment of an easement for public utility pu~po..s .-t.: followsl the easterly 30 eet of Lots 11, 16, and 23, and the westerly 3Qf"t of'. Lots 10, 15, and 22 of th I Anaheim Investment Company's Tract as shown on a map thereof, filed in Book 7, Pctges 33 and 34, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of~.nge County, California. No one present the meeting objected to thepropoaed abandonment, and no wri tten protests to th abandOlDent were rece! ved in the offt ce of the City Clerk. Thereupon, the Me r declared the hearing closed. . RESOLUTION NO. 3051. Cou fl1man Wisser offered Resolution No. ~l and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolu ~on Book, page I A N:IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CJlDPRIN:i THE V 4CAT1qJJ ~., ROAD PURPOSES UPON, OVER, ACROSS A. ALOtI3 TMI HIlt.. rY. . . On roll following votea foregoill9 resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES, MJESI ABSENT I COONe ...~' NI CQUNC NI COON:; NI Pearson, Fry, SChu'tte, Wi,sser, ..... Yaft...-~. None. None. .,..., the f~olngTesolution duly paSle(! and adopted. TE ATIVE MAP TRACT 00. 1986 feet west of Euclid I LocatecP on the south side of West la Palma Avenue, enue. Subdivider, H. N. Berger. The City Plann1 C~sslon, pursuant to' theirrae.Ung h.ld Dee".r 19, 1955, app~oved said tentave .ap. The City Counc1 . on motion by Councilman Wisser, s8COQded by CouncIlman Schutte, approved Tentat1 ~ Map of Tract No. 2258 subject to .,..f'n..ring requirtmentt. KYrION CARRIEDv ~/.: 1307 on Eaat.- ~.r;e Street,; east--&f Buttonwood i T. City Eng1n...~ .00 nK.'.aarr f..s paid and x-e E.Holydte, zo.eported all bonds bad "-. filed ded the acceptance of u'1dmap. OnllOt1on by Counciu.n; n Wagoner, seconded by Counci-.... Fsy. the City Council~pprov" Final Map of ract No. 26&1'.ubjKt to eag1neeringnqulr8- -.nts. MOTIINCARRIED. [] in....NAL~. .Tr<<>. 21861 Locat at the sopth.st corner of Brookburstand fJrange A....... Subdi.vider ,I vall . 11 s. T.... City Eng1neer, Georg E. HOlyoke, reported all bonds had been filed and nee..earf 'fees paid and rec~ ded the acceptance of said map. On aot10ft by Counc1.... .~. seco~nby Councilaan Wis'ser, tile. City ~ouncil ~edFinalMap of Tra~ No. 2186 subject to engineering requlreunts. IIlTION CAlliI". I I ted by the ...1 t Plaabing & Heating Co., tng Co., and The Gluck CoIRpimy ..~. ordered the City Attorney, on .ot.ionby Counc-1lNn Wisser. ICfION CARRIED. IJ.1IElIt_ Pl\8ber Bonds s lIenry H.len '. eter, dba Pacific Pt ~eC.i ved 8nd ,fi led When approved ~ 'fan Wagoner, seconded by CouncilllJ ,~INAM:&N&, 1082. Councilman V4 Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 1032 for final _-.ding add tbved for its passa,e adoption. ;~N amINAlCEJ()F THE CITY OF AN. 1 ,tHE _ArlO. TO SAIl> CITY Of IfIMIEIM Of ~TAIN INHABITED TElRi Y KrDIN AS SW1'H 'NIHII. ANNEXAnON. n Aftar bear1119 read in fta. ........l~ of ~ cont.rts th_e1A. lUll of saldordlnance be waived. unanlmoualy c.rrled. the title of Ordinance No. 1032 and having unc1~ V&f1 ..toner..... the' :readlng in ouncilman Wisser .econd*<:! the motion. Motion- On.~11' call the Jldopted by 'till following vote. ........... MlfIi _ ....~ ~D'..ad ....,. AY.. HOtS . ABIENT I CClRCIUElIt CflJt<<;.LMEN. come I LMEN. &" ~hu'.., ...a, "',"',111.&1111... pAllWl:iro. 1013. Counclaan .....,...... in ~s~and adop ~'l~.t. ..,pII-....-.ed adopt.. .. for ft.1 :rIll d(lI!r - aNaU>INAJl:E pF THE CITY OF ANAHEll APPRQVIN3 THE ANNEXAnON TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE T&arDY KrIMf All) DSt AS THE .FRS!IIAY AlNliXATJO~ Af.. hearing read. in fu knOlJ'ledge o-f "the corrtants therein, .aid ord~nenw be wa1-ved. COUftCi' lM)usl y C8lTi lid. On roll call the forego~ adopted by tie following votel the ti tl:. of Ordinance No. 1033 and baYing unci bnan Fry IIQv<<l the reading in full of Seartte MCOIIIIIct tile. .u.0Dir a.tlOQ n...... n Ordinance No. 1033 wa. c1uly passed and AYSS, NOBS I AB8ENT I Fry, Schutte, fieser, and Van We,goner. COOlCILMENa COUNCILMEN. COlJtCI LMEN. The Mayor declared the f. olng ordinance duly passed and adopted. lDi . 27 I~ - I ! --. I . (JlDlNAtCE NO. 103(11 coun. ~lman SChutt'. offered Ordinance No. 1036- 'ft)r final readl.. and moved for its passage ~nd adoption. j '... .. J n Refer to Ordln41 ~e Book, page AN ClmlNAlCE OF TliE CITY ANAHEIM AMEII)ltli ARTICLE IX. QiAP1lR 2 OF tHE AtWIIIM JlJNlCIPAL CODE Rm.ATlt<<i r THE ESTABLltHI1I!NT.-oF ZON!S IN THE CITY OF AtWIIlM All) THeiEIN REGULATIl<<3 THE US OF LAND, HEIGHT OF lIJIIDIt<<iS AND YARD ~CES, ~Irc; A MAP SHQWIOO THI: B<XJtI)~ OF SAID ZONSS,DEPINl!<<; THE TERMS USsp maEtR, PRe>- . VIDlr<<3 PCIl ADJUSTMENT, MEN! AND ENFCRCEMENT. PRES:RIBItIi PENALTIES F(R. VIOLATION AM) REPEAUOO ALL SECTIO ~ PARTS OF SB::TIONS IN CONFLICT THSRiWITH. Cp..,u.:w.-t)., Aft.r hearing X' d in full the title of OJ"d1nanct No. 10. ~nd Mvlng knOWledge of thlcontlnt. h.rI1n, Counc1lman Schutte meved the r.ad~n9 in full of .aiel ordinance b. waived!! ,Councilman Fry .econded the motion. Motion unln$JIIOu,ly carried. n ij On roll call th I foregoing Ordinance No. let6.WI' duly:,'pI..ed ._._t. by the following vote. I . AYSS, CaJ~. '. .t=. I P..rlon, Fry, Schutt., Wi".I', .nd. Van _;,ntl', t<<)J!St COUNt N. None. ABSENT. COONt NI Non.. . The Mayor decll ~ the foregoing ord1nanct duly palled and Idopttct. am'NAlCE r<<:>. 1037. c.ou ~:u.n W1ss.er offered Ordln.n~ NO. ~037 for I1Ml rMdlne and moved for 1 ts passage ~nd adoption. Refer to Ordinl te Book, pag- AN ClIDINAlCE OF THE CITY ANAHEIM .AMElC>I~ ARTICLE III. CHAPTSl 2 Of THI "-1. JIJ!fICIPAL COOS BY AlDIN3 NEW SB:TION THSlETO, TO BE MJMB&RBD 329.2. After hear1ng r d in full the title of ONinanct No. l037 and Mvlng knQWledge of the contents herein, Council_n Wisser moved ther..cI1ng i~ "'11 of said ordin.ance be waivtKh CouncilMnScMltt. seconcted the.motion.Motion- ",nanl- lItously c~rried. On roll call th foregoing Ordinance No. 1037 we. duly pal.ed and'doptld by the follo~n9 votel AYES. NOes a ABSENT I coote ~.' N.' Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wieser, and Van -90".1'. COON::Na None. COOle Nt None. The Mayor decla ~ the foregoing ordin.nce duly passed and adopt", am. .. :tNA. tC.E NO.'" 1038, Coun,~lman Van Wagonet' off.red:' Ordinance NQ. 1038'. "net rea41ng and MOved for i ts ~a saage and adopt10n. . Refer to Ordina e Book, page I AN ClIDINAl'CE. OF THE CITY . t A. NAHEIM AMENDlt<<:i AR. T..lCLE 1I , CHAJ>TSl. 4. P~T" ()f THE ANAHEIM MJNICIPAL ems BY ~I!<<i THBtETO A NEW S8:r10N TO 'BE tI1MBERID 2.1. r-; I Aft.r hearing r d in full the title of Ordinance No~ 1038 and havin, . knowledge of the content. herein, Councilman Van Wagoner moved th. ieiding in full of .aid ordinanCe be ..Iv . Councilman Wisser seconded th. mot1on. Motion un~nl- ",ouIly carried. On roll call th foregoing Ordinance No. 1038 was duly pas.teI and "opted by the following votel AYES a COON;. t=' I pea. rson, Fry, Schutt., Wisser, and Van Wagon.I', NOES, COON: Nz None. . ABSENT 1 COONe : None. I The Mayor datIa fd the foregOing ordinance duly paSSN and adopt",. 1309 C1 r ia D 27 .. 7100 PM. pLOYMiHIs The AdlRinlstratlv8 Of tcer reported the appointment of Mrs. Julia M. 'Villa, BooJc:k~in9 Machine Operat~ Said appointment was ratified by the_C1ty Council on metion by Councilman Wi er. seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. i ~~ALE,A~IONI Petition ft residents protesting the inclusion of their properti_ .in the proposed ann ation was ordered to be filed and resw.1tted at the prop. ti.e. I ts;ItCRTS1Jolllt Outfall Sewer Exp . Report for the IIOntb of .Noyembft, 1~ _-I .reared appreved, received and fil on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by louncl1maR SChutte. M:1I'ION CARRIe '._I!SOWI'Iotf.. NIl... .3CI)2. Councilman V.l Wagoner offered Resolution NO. 3052 and moved ;'or its Pls..e and adoption., 1 Reter to Resolution Boo~ .f'p8ge . .~.....". RESO.LUTI.. ON .,..OF THE.' CITY COOtCIL q. THE CITY OF ANAH..' ElM amERltG. THE V.N;ATIO. N. AtI> .~ tIf AI! E6SElENI' UPON, . ACROSS AI() ALOtt3 THE HBiEINAFTER DESCRIBED .EM- At~TI. (TRACT tI). 2779!. I On roll call the fore9o~ "~ resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following voteJ ! . i ! o AYE, COUtCILMENI NO_. COUtCILMENa ABtENr. COOlCILMEN& Th. Mayor declared th~ f~egOing resolution duly passed and adopted. JI$>............ .00101..... ~.. 3(1)3. Councilman S utt. offered Resolution No. 3053 and ...ovld Ila-passage Ihd adoptIon. Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. . for Ref.r to ResolutIon Boo~ [] A RSSOWTJONJ>F THE CITY COOtCIL Q ..-a.. ENTITUf> , "A RESOWTION OF , '~IATION PLAN Ibl CrRT AIN CLASSES OP OF ANAHEIM Aa> ESTABLISHIM3 REGU wrmIN THE WAGE AN:> SALARY SCHEDUl+ BENEFITS, PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS, tlJMBatS 249!>, 2537, 2626 AND 2718 e' THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMEND!., RESOLUTION tIl. CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHItC A BASIC COMPE~ LOYMENT IN THE NlJNICIPAL SfRVICE OF THE CITY NS FeE THE PLACEMENT OF FeESENT EMP~OYEES PROVIDED. PRQVIDlr<<3:Fai CSlTAIN FRlMiE DAYS AND VACATIONS AN:> REPEALlt<<i RESOWI'ION (FINAleE DIRB::TCR). On roll following vottU resolution was duly pas.ed and adopted by the A~I NOes AB$NT . COOte I !.MEN I CClJtCI LMEN I COIDCI LMEN: Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner, . The Mayor declared the f going resolution duly passed and adopted. JISOLUTIONNQ.30541 Councilman Wagoner offered Resolution No. ~4 and moved for its pass". and adoption. CITY OF ANAHEIM APPIlOJlRIATItIi CERTAIN PUll)i CITY OF ANAHEIM, AND AlJ'lBCltIZIt<<) ACONTRItCT FCR THE OOIN3 OF SAID ADVIRTISIM3, API> PRo.. OF COMMBRCE FCR SERVICES TO BE RENDBlED TO o .. RESOWTION QF mE CITY C<l.JlI::IL . . S AND PROMOTION OF M C CO IIDIr<<; FCIl C EIISATION TO THE !HE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ($2.955090)0 On roll following vote. resolution was dUly passed and adopted by the n 1310 m California Dee 1 195t>> -1100 P.M AYES. NOES. ABSENT I Pearson,. Fry, Schutte, WiSler, and Van Wagonar. None. None. RESOLUTION NO. 30551 pasiage and adoption. the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted... ilman Fry offered Resolution No. 3055 and moved for it, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY VEYI~ TO THE CITY OF A UTILITY PURPOSES. F page K;IL OF THe CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPtIt<<3 A CilANT DEED CON- 1M CERTAIN REAL mOPERTY Pm AN EASEMENT F~ I'UBLIC HOMES I rc. On roll following vote' foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES, NOES I ABSENT 1 Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Va.n Wagoner. None. None. ed the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopt-Id. RESOWTION NO. 30561 C its passage and adoption. ilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 3056 and IIlC)ved for A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY VEY!r<<3 TO THE CITY OF A UTILITY PURPOSES. GU iUOCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTIOO A GRANT DEED CQN... ElM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FeR AN EASEMENT FCJl PUBLIC E ES ES I . n On roll following vote. foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES: NOES, ABSENT I Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van IIgooer. None. Non. . the foregoing resolution duly passed and adOPted. RESOLUTION NO. 3067& C cilman Schutt. offered Resolution No. ~7 and moved for ita passage and adoption. on Book, page A R2S0WTION OF THE CITY rcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPrIr<<:iA CilANTDF C<*- VEYING TO THE CITY OF A ElM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FCR AN EASEMENT FCR ROAD AtI> PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. .(JOSEPH D. AtI) IXltOTHY C. HUARTE). . . ~ , Pearson, Fry, Schutte, WIsser, and Van Wagon.~. None. None. On roll following vote: I foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by tn. AYES a NOES a ABSENT I ,ed the foregoing resolution duly passN 'and adopted. RESOWI'ION NO. 3008& Co ilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 3tr>>8 and mav" for its passage and adop on. 1311 c THE aITY OF ANAHEIM AEiRTAINltli AM) DETER- TO BE! PAID FalEACH CRAFt m TYPe Of WCRD1AN, CONTRACTS F<R THE FURNlSHIM3 OF ALL MATBlIAlS" (JJISITION, CC!cS llttJC I ION" AS 00IFtETlO!f OF' A PUBLIC TO WIT I A STEEL-DB]( (]iMll $T ANll AT LA PALMA SITE AS DETERMINED BY THE. CITY . I I resolution 8S duly passed and adopted by the On roll following votel A~I ~l ABIENT I CClJtCI l.MEN I CCIIN:ILMSN. C00tC1LMENl rson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Tn. MayoI' deelaTed the f lng resoluti-on duly ~.aedand adopted. IJIllNAtCE tI)~_ 1039, CouncilMn S4 tt. offered OnI1nance No. 1039 and JlQved for Its pas.., Ihd adoption. Said 0 nanOe was read in full. IN <JmINAfI;EOf THE CIn OF ANAH~ ~EIM -.mqJ:PAL C(J)E BY ADDI~ IN'fl~RABIE I,\CCINATION OF DOOS. OnS"oll call the foregoii Ordinance No. 1039 was duly passed and adopted .y the f0110ll.n9 vote: AY.& Ml$, ~& COOtCILMENI COOtCILMEN: COtnCILMENI Fry, SChutte, Wiss.-, and Van Wagoner. Th.Mayor declared the fi. golng ordi.nanceudUlt -paaHct"andadoptld. ! r offered O:l'fllnance No. 1040 for fi~.t :rHo.. tion. ~INAlCE NO. lO4O. Councilman Wi. ng and IIGV". for its passage and "<RDlNAN::E()F THE CITY OF ANAHEI IIJNICIPAL CODE RELATIN3 TO THE ES 1IiBlEIN REU~Tlt(; THE USE OF LAN>~ I MAP SHellitO THE Ba.neARIES OF . 'IDIl<<i F(R ADaUSTMENT, AMEtC>MENr A t......... lION Ate RJltEALIH3 ALL SJ:LTIONS F-55-56-13) . N>I~ ARTICLE IX ER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM ISHMENT OF 2'ENE IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND EIGHT OF BUltplt<<;S Aft) J~ SPACES. AOOPTltG ZONESJ DBFINDIi lHE TER. 'USED THEREIN, PRo. ENRIlCEMENTI RlESCRIBlfG pEti\Lnes F(H V'tO-* PARTS OF SIETIONS IN CONFLICT' THERSWInI. .u.After hearing.,read in fu the title of Ordinance _Iio. 1040aod.",,:4P9 lnow1edge of the contents therein,' uncilman Schutte IIlOved-t.he reading in full .f said ordintnce be waived. Counc man Wisser seconded the motion. Motion unanl- ~usly carri.. .INA~E 11). 1041: Councilman Van "'ding and moved for its pa ssage . goner offered Ordinance No. 1041 for first adoption. AN amINAtt:E OF TIlE CITY OF ANAHEIM NDIl\I3 ARTICLE IX CHA ~ 2- OF THE ANAHEDI Il7NICIPAL Cene RELATlrli TO THE EST lSHMENT OF ZONES IN THE 'CITY OF ANAHEIM AND 'lHEREIN REGULlTIl{; THE USE OF LAND, E1GHT OF BUIlJ)IOOS AN) ~ARD SPACES. ADOPTIM3 I MAP SHalIOO THE BOUNDARIES OF SAI ZONES, DEfINIM3 THE TERMS USED THEREIN, PRO- '10100 Fat ADJUSTMENT, ~Ert>MENT A , I ENFCRCBENT, PRESCRIBltD PENALTIES. FCR VIO- LATION AND REtEALIK; ALL SEl;TIONS i PARTS OF SB:;TIONS IN CONfLICT THBlEWITH. iE-~56-11) 0 After hearing read in ful I the ti tIe of Ordinance No. 1041 and having knowledge of the contents therein, .uncilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Coune iman Wisser seconded the motion. Motion uninl- lIOusly carried. [] {] o 8r27 1955 - 7;100. P.N n METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRl COlllJ\unication esta~lishin9 tb~..~a.t.'._ fQr wa.te~..from December 1, 1955 to Apr1.. ,309 1956, as $i8c>OO per acre foot,tl'eated water and $8.00, non-treated .ater~ for ,erground water replenishmel'lt?wa~ subnd..tted and ~d.._. VARIAr-cE NO.. 4631 Subni ~ed by Maxine Ko Wilbur requesting permission to cut thr.e lots from property descr ed as l051~1061 Rosemont Street. The City Plann Commission, pursuant to their R~solution No. 91, denied said variance. No action was en by the City Council. V ARIAN::E t()o 4641 Subni 40 foot by 60 foot cone Sales and Service and Va 410 West Vermont Streeto by Mrs. No Roberts requesting pem1ss1on to erect .. block building to be used for a combination Televi.ion Cleaner Sales and Repairs on property at the r..r of The Ci ty PIano! said variance. Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 92, granted No actl\on was en by the City Council. by W. Co Mccarthy, DoD.S., for permission to erect a 9 South Palm Street. VARJ:AtCE 000 Professional I The City Plannl Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 93, granted said variance. . No action was t ~en by the City Council. i by Birmingham Development Company requesting pumi..lon its on Lots Noso 136 to 143,. both inClUSive, 1n Tract No. 1arwood Street, parallel to North East Stre.t 8.nd north I n v ARIAtCE Nao 466 B Submi t to erect Multiple-Family 1825 which is located on of Jiast La Palma Avenue. The City Plann! ~ Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution No. 94, granted said varianceo No action was t ~en by the City Council. I V ARIAtCE 00. 4681 Submit fd by Henry and Rose Steinbrink requesting permi..ion to erect a Service Station 0 Lproperty described as the southwest corner of P~centh Avenue and East Santa Ana ~treet.. I The City Planni ~ Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 95, denied said variance.. ' No action was t ~en by the City Council. VARIAN:E NO. 4691 Submi t ~ by Wmo To McManus requesting permission to us. pre.ent large one--'>family dwellin, ,located at 10662 Lincoln Avenue, for Professional Offic.s. The City Planni !' Commission, pursuant to their Resolution NO. 97, gr.nttd said variance subject to e improvement of the frontage along Lincoln Avenue as required by the City Eng1 ere n Itaken by the City Planning Commission ~6 orde~ed to b. o'clock P.M on motion byCounc11man Schutte, seconded ON CARRIEDo VARIAtCE NOll 4701 5ubm1 t .~ by Reverend H. A. McPheeters requesting permi..lon to erect buildings for Marri~e, Family end'General Counseling Service .nda _11 Meditation Chapel on prop~ty located on the south side of Broadway, directly aCro.. from the Loara School pIa ground. The Ci ty Plann! said variance subject to Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 98, granted e following conditionsl 131=S '.. 1. T~ -deeding to the w1deftlngofBroa. < 2. T_ llRp~ov-.nt of : spedf1 ed by the ct __y of A,1e~' .10 f"t fo~ the f:rontage along Broadllly IS Engln.er. the City PlannI.at eo..1..10n... orde:red to P.M. on iaotion by CouncilMn Schutt., ON CARRIID. ,J.....,........IAK:. ~II).. A.....47 :.~l. sw.. 1..tted by R~... n SigM, I~. for penal'11on to erfH:t . 'tlIlpOZ'ary DqecU.of)lll S1gn .werU ng the 181e of hous., and lote 1n th, al''' delCribed .a n..r the northeast qQ 8X' of EUQlid and W..t La PI. Avenu... ThIf CJ,-ty- .J.~1", C~ Iftnttd .1d varianc. aubject to on, pur..nt to their a..olut1on' No. 103,.- following condl tio... 1.' Sj"nl lhilll b. a ~. , 2. ,Sltn' will be p,_~ or 1..,. 3. A,... t 1lU8t be tal 4. n. ..... of ttt. 'lg~ .r~ttcl. ~. S1gn. ~ ... 10 '.. any ,tZ'Ht 01' big_ 6. At the lnt.r.ectlo~' . back 25 f.et. 7. All slgn. s~ll hav. 8. The f.. per sign I" 9. Sign variances IMll advert1 sing onl y trl' Nollct~on ..a taten by t the street., the .19n, MUtt be .et 6-foot gl'ound clearance. b. $2~.OO. pea.ttt-1Ct for du~tiONll signs s within the Clty ti.its of Anahelm. et ty COUllCU.. .1ze of 10 by 25 feet. for a _xl.. ~loct of 6 .onttll out with ~. Building ~rtlt~. Cltpany 1W.l.~ .,...1' on 'yfl1:Y .1gn . back of the :d.lht-of-way lint of < IAlCE*>o .~72. .~__ttad by W s Const:ruetio& Co. for' a ......r of.tIle CO<fe .r'equir"-sbn aid, yard. and r.. yards in certain lqta 1n Tract No. 2501 :lJd.ch is loCAlted b,twe.n Broadway Orange Avenue, .est of Nutwood Street. Th. Ci tyP.lanning C.... , pursuant to their Resolution No.. 99, gr.ntm -,ld variance with the &xception Q Lots Nos. 14 and 17 for JlJbich they .ere able to :'lUnge th.lr plans. No.ction wa, taken by , Ci ty CO\.lncil 1 E..... S\l~tted by C. . fr~ lb. property deSCribed a It corn.. of South Los AftgeJ.es The.City Planning CoD8ds .id v'rl_c.~ · Zi_e11Mn requ.st1ng pe1'llisalon to cut two · .est 60 f.et of the property at the 80Utll- Weat So~ Streets. ~n, purS\Illnt to t~lr R.solution No. 100, denilld An.ppeel from action tat IBrren L. SchUtz, Attorney for Mr. by the City Planning Co..ls8iQn ~.s filed by .eraan. to be held on 'the me'toter Januarv 24. 1":; ~n SChutte, seconded by Councilman Wl..er. .J~ES 10. 474, 475. AND 476& $ 'iIlslion to er~t Temporary Directio In Tract No. 2450. tted by Lu~ Homes, Inc. requesting per- signs advel'tlalng the lale of houses and lot a Theei ty Planning Co..m,s, . n, pursuant to their Resolution No. 104, 9""Urt Hid varianc.. subject t.o the foIl . ng conditione. 1. Signs shall be a ma~l 2. Signs will beperadtt or lesso size of 10 by 2~ f..t. for a maxi~ period of6.months o [] o 1314 n - - ~ - 3. A permi of ,t be taken out with - the Bullding p,partJaent. 4. The name 0 ! the sign cOMpany !RUst appear on ,very $Ion erected. 5. Signs must . e 10 feet back Qf the rlght...of.-y line ()f any s tl'Mt . r highM.y. 6. At the lnt seotion of the streets, the signa must be set back 2 .f:eet. 7. All signa 11 ~ve 8 6-foot gJ'ound cleaJ'ance-. 8. The fee pe sign shall be $2).()()~ 9. Sign var1. .... es shall be pem1,ttedfor d1~eet1cmal ri~s advertisin ,only trl/ets within the C;!.ty Um1tli of An.het.a. I I No action was RECLASSIFICATION NO. F- R-3zon1ng on property corner of Loara Street . ~l I Subaitted by L. P.and EaIRe.Ii. Nichols J'equ..t1,., eribed briefly as tne five.acre p8"fcel a~ tn. 89U'thwtrl ' Weat Bro.dway. Public H_r1na I 9rdered to be he~d on the matter January 24. lei, 7:QD o'clock P.M. on mo~j n by C~uncil..n Schutte, seconded by Coune~l..nFrv. MOrtON CARRIED. R SSIFICATION NO. r- R-3 zoning on property d side of Loarf Str"t. 16: 5u_1 ttld by Udo ConstruetionCOIIp&J\.y '.qu.ri~. rlbed briefly as south of Tract No. 1~97 on th......, Pub11 c Heorinq 7lQl;) o'cloCk P.M. on me' MOTION CARRIED. & ordfred to be held on themattef Janua~ ,4.ltl6&- by Councilman Wisser, seoonded by Councl111l1nftt, .ou on. Councilman Van Wago.. "JI_{~_" o ADJOORNED . SlGNED. n .-. :to: f f ,,",, f(i ,~. ~"