70R-573 1~:SOLUTION 00. 70R-573 A PBSOLUTION OF THE CITY COm~CIL OF THE CITY OF Al\fl\HEIM FINDING Aim DE'l'ERMINDJG THAT l'~ CHANGE OF ZONE SHOULD NOT BE GPJ\.1'JTED IN A CERTAIN AREA OF THE CITY HEP~INAFTER DESCRIBED. vlliEPEAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of ADaheim has heretofore duly passed and adopted a resolution recomraending denial of a change in the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned and described, after having fixed a time and place for the holding of a ~ublic hearing thereon in the manner and as prescribed inTi tIe 18 of the Anaheim .Nunicipal Code, and after having duly held and conducted such public hear- inq to consider said proposed chanqe of zone or zones, and after having received evidencc~'and reports from persons interested therein; and l^JHEHEAS, Wl"ClUn a perioo. of forty (40) days follm<ling the hearing thereon, the Planning Commision did duly announce by formal resolution its findings of facts and declare its opinions and reasons for recommending denial of said proposed change in the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter men- tioned and described; and ~'mEPJ::':AS 1 upon receipt of -the report and recollunendation of Jche City Planning Com:mission, the City Council did thereupon fix the 17th day of )'1ovcIi.1!)er 1970, and December 1, 1970, as the time and the Council Chamber in tile City Hall of the City of Anaheim ast.:Je place for a pu:)lic :;earing upon said proposed change of zone or zones and did (five notic(~ t:clereof in the manner and as providec~ in saicl :rj.tl,::~ 18 of tIle AJ:laJ~leim I'/lurlici}?al CocJ.e; a11d E1n.'~P.l:1\S F at t:i-letimc clnd)lacc fixed for said pu])lic IH:::aring, blC City Council did5ulY:lOld and conduc.t SUC:l pu;)lic hearing and jLi give all ;_Jersons in-terested therein an oppor- tuni ty -1::.o;::-,e heard and ,'dd rec::>i ve evid':;l1c,,; and re;;ort.s and did t'1ercu.Jo:l considc;r 'C;18 recomn:.:ndations of the City Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine that the property and area proposed to ))e changQd from the zone or zones in \.vhich it is no'/" situated to a diffr3rent zone, as herein- after S8t forth, is more suitajle for the zone or zones in WI1ic:-l it is now incor~orat2d and that a change of zone should not be gra:lted. NOlI, TEEP.EFOP.E ,dE IT IillSOLVED by the city Council of tne City of J\lwheim that all of the '-:,roperty and area situated irr the Ci tv of Anaheim 1 ,:ountv of Oranqe, State of California, --. --.- describod as follows. PORTIOT<! 1\ .. ':::.." ._-----~---~----_.- F_ por-tion of Tract 936 per Boo:,: 30, Pages 1 and 2, "iscellancous Lo.ps in tile Cit:'i of l\na.'eim, County of Orange, state of-California, ~ore ~articularly d~scribed as follm'Ts: -1- 70-71-13 Beginning at the southeast corner of said Tract 936; -thence along ,the southerly line of said Tract 936, North 890 12' 45~ West, 1944.66 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 3 of said Tract 936; thence along the easterly line of said Lo't 3, North 00 36' 15" East, 250.00 feet; th(~nce North 380 04' 28" East, 328.69 fee't; ,thence North 00 36' 15" East, 815.06 feet, thenc,::; JJorbl 890 23' 45" East, 236.86 feet to a point O~ a tangent curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 500.00 feet; thence easterly and northerly along said curve, through a central angle of 360 53' 45", an arc length of 321.93 feet to a point on a tangenOc line; t~lence along said line, North 520 30' DOH East, 80.00 feet to a point on a tangent curve, concave north';:lesterly, having a radius of 500.00 feet; thence easterly and northerly along said curve, through a central angle of 510 2t! I 45 it, an arc length of i148. 66 feet to a point on a non-tangent line which is the easterly line of Lot 5 of said tract; said point being South 10 05' 15" West, 170.00 feet from the southerly line of said Santa Ana Canyon Road; thence along said easterly line of Lot 5, Sou,th 10-- 05' 15" West, 113.34 feet, thence along said easterly line and its southerly prolongation, S01.,rth 20 10' 45" East, 167.63 feet to a point on a non--tangent curve, concave to the south, havin<J a radius of 265.00 feet, a radial through said }Joint bears North 280 33' 10" Hest; thence easterly and southerly along said curve, through a central angle of 710 041 30" an arc lengU: of 328.73 feet to a point on a tangent line; thence along said line, South 470 30' 40" East, 182.64 feet to a point on a tangent curve, concave northerly with a radius of 335.00 f-2c,t f thence southerly and eas-l:erly along said curve througl'l a central angle of 120 33' 3911 an arc length of 73.44 feet to a point on a non-tangent line, saia line being the easterly line of Lot 6 of said tract, a radial tllrouq.n said:Joint ;Jears South 29055' 41" West; thence along said easte~ly line of Lot 6, South 00 54 I 15" West, 176.34 fee't to a point on a line which is parallel to and 1224.98 feet from the southerly line of said Tract 936; thence along said parallel line, South 890 12' 45" East, 459.3:5 feet to -tile easterly line of said Trac't 936; thence along said easterly line, South 10 09' 28" West, 1225.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. POR'l'ION B: ---<~~ A portion of Tract 935 per Book 30, Pages 1 and 2, Miscellaneous Maps in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Tract 936; thence along the southerly line of said Tract 936, 2,iorth 890 12! 45" "'lest, 1944.6,) feet to the southeast corner of Lot. 3 of said 'l'ract 936, '\1hich corner is the Point of Beginning of this description; thence continuing along saic~ Soubl~~rl=7 line, i::ortil d 9 0 12' 4511 Hest, 1323.13 feet 'to the soutnwest corner of said 'l'ract 936; thence along the westerlv line of said Tract 936 North 00 36' 15'< East, 1'363.49 feet to tile southerly line of Santa l\..l'a Canyon)..oad as said road is S!lONn 011 a map filed. in Book 74 r Page 2 of F~2cords of Survey in the Cit,y of hna:lleim, COUllCY of Orange, State of California; thence --2- along said southerly line; North 880 211 2811 East, 445.97 feet to the easterly line of Lot 1 of said Tract 936; thence along said easterly line, South 00 36' 15" I'7est, 740.00 feet; thence lJorth 310 55' 3711 East 446.07 feet to the easterly line of Lot 2 of said Tract; distant thereon North 00 361 15'1 East, 1311.11 feet from the southeast corner of said lot; thence North 890 23' 45" East, 636.63 feet; t:1ence South 00 361 15" West, 315.06 feet; thence South 3;]0 041 28" West, 328.69 feet to a point on the easterly line of said Lot 3, said point bearing North 00 361 15" East, 250.00 feeJc from the Point of Beginning; thence South 00 361 15" \'Jest, 250.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. remain in the R-A, AGRICULTURAL ZONE, in which it is now incorporated and that the reclassification to R-2, MULTIPLE- FA1.'vlILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE for Portion "AI: and R-l, ONE-FAI'ULY RESIDEN'I'IAL ZONE on Portion :JB'I be denied, as recoTIUTlended by the City Planning Commission. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 1st day of December, 1970. j . ~ j '.. I .," .... r) - - . ........d{ -<. C " /' 4 . --' i~ OF ~I' -- ~EIM l1:T: CI Y ~RK ?~fH~TNAHEm- :,'" \'.. ',;~;,~;::' ~;:~;~'~~;:~!j:'; '" \~!~:::~ KOn:: S;NA7E::'::.De~~m~;ro STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) /'4. - .::ITY CLt:i\K COUNTY OF ORP~NGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DEiJB ~'1. vJILLIl\L\1S f City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 70R-.-2]J_ was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 1st day of December , 19 70, by the following vote of the meml)ers di.ereof-;------. '--- AYES: COmJCILiJEN: Clar~~, Stephenson, Pebley and Thom l'JOES: COTJI\iCI LI\iIEr'} : Dutton ABSErT'1.' : C00IJCILi:lEI\J: None l\l.m I FUR'l'HEE CERTIFY blat the ':'layor of the City of fuianeim approved and signed said resolution on the Ist__ day of December _______, 19-2.0__.. HE WI'rNESS 1:-mEREOF, I have ll.er2un-to set my hand and affixed the seal of the Citv of Analleim this 1st day of December , 19 7J..__.. ~ ~ - .--.' ~-_.__._- CI Y CLE~OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI!1 (SE1\.L) -3- ~1PH : KW '-_,,-""""'-'..,,~...