\lliEREAS, the Public Employees' n.etirement Law permits the participation of public
agencies and their employees in the P"llblic Employees' Retirement System
by the execution of a contract, and sets forth the procedure by which
said public agencies may elect to subject themselves and their employees
to amendments to said law; and
WHEREAS, one of the steps required in the procedure to amend this contract is the
adoption by the legislative body of the public aggncy of a resolution
giving notice of its intention to approve an amendment to said contract,
which resolution shall contain a summary of the changes proposed in said
contract; and
YmEREAS, ine.following is a summary of the proposed change for miscellaneous mem-
Provides upon the death of a local miscellaneous member who
has retired for service or disability, for the continuation
of one-half the retirement allowance to certain survivors; and
l'THERK~S, attached is a SUITl.-rnary of the proposed changes for safety members.
gives, and it does hereby give notice of intention to approve an amend-
ment to contract between said CITY COU~!CIL and the Board of Administra-
tion of the Public Employees' ~etirement System, a copy of said ~'Tlend-
ment being attached hereto, marked Exhibit nAil and IIBI! and by this
reference made a part hereof.
~ L [J~L4<-
B (j (NameY'
November 10, 1970
(Date adopted and approved)
ll~L )to j);;h;_~)
Ret. Form 122
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A~'~D T}{E
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C1'1'1 OF' AN.AH~ri1
The Board of Ad:?'..1nistratipn, ?<J.blic 27lploleCs' Retiroment System, here1natter
:reterred to aa B()a!~d, and tho tlT'1 o.)1Jr-~CH.ot tho CITi m' A>iMiEIM, here1na1"ter re-
ferred to as Public Age-ocl, hll~i:1G cnterod into e. cOtltract unCor date ot July 2$,
1950, effeotivo So}tcmber 1, 111$0, {.It.d as <l1:'1cr.ded effoctive JulT 1, 19$6, Soptember
1, 19$6, July 1, 1959, ~.ay 1, 1962, AucufJt 1, 1%2.. JanWlry 22, 1965, April 28, 1967,
and September 27 J 1968, which pro....1.d€J$ for the pa.rticip~tloQ ot Pt.1bl1c Agon07 in saW
Syat4M:a, Board and ?ublic AGency h~reby ~cree as tollow~H
A. PnraZl'apbs 1 t.hrouGh 10 .s.re haraby stricken trom said contract as execu.ted
effective SOI)terober 1, 1950, ~nd aro boreby replaced by the tollov1na para-
graph5 nur.:lber-ed 1 through 11 inclusive:
1. All wor.:h, and terma used herein which are da!'lncd in the Public Emplo)"-
eas' RotintInent 41>1 sha.ll h3.va the rne.1,ming as defined therein unless
otherwise specifica.lly provided.",;o~l retiro::W::1t age" shan mean
age 60 tor mscol1.a.neou$ ~r.ber6 e.:~ a.go 50 tor local satet.y 118mber..
2. Public Agency ~hatl 9~rticipato in the Public Erip1oycaa1 Rotlreroont
Systs;Il from a.nd after Se;)t.ef,"ber l~ 1950, .1':".aking its e:n:oloyees as here-
1nattor providod, n.umbcrs oi.' s;.id s;rstcro -Oubject to all provisions of
the Publ1c Employees' Hetirer.'lcnt ;'..~:W" oxcept such an apply only on
election ot a c~htr~cting ~J.ency and are not provided tor herein and
to all amendments to said La'.f here&.f'tfJr ot1acted except sucb ae b;r
express proviuion thereo.t' apply orlly on the eloot1on of contracUna
). Employeos of l')ub1ic AGency in the .following clc.sseashall becou ..lIber.
ot $3id Hatirement System except such in eACh 8ucn clue as are excluded
by law or this ab't'eement:
a. 'Local firer-1fm (herein re1~em:.d to as lociil a&tot<J' :rl9labers)s
b. Loca.l police~n (herein referred to as looal aai"ot7 memberS).
c. z'!'11ole-es other than 10c..1 firer..on and lOOQlpolicemGD (b.8re1D
referred to as miscellaneous mem~rs).
The followilliZ en~loY0es shall be excl~ded from me~r8hip in .-14
Rctir~mQnt System>>
EXCLUi12: S~;liq(JL cr.O~~.s:.L;C GG:,Y.Dts }.::r: ?!2'~:::;O,~3 ~~1'3LOYED TE.....1PORARIU
n~ ":lS p.~!n{ Af:D RISCftSA1L'l.OWJ:, i)~p..\((n,;.o:.:N1.
flet. Form 702-1
. .
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:'~'~" E);"j~..'~r ;~\'?IOi~ i}!10CTOHS, A~~D LIBRABI
A!<d.L 2.3, 1967 DR. Ti-'JLf.EAl-"'TBR.
!~Y'"'r ,,\"\':.. :i"'~~U" :r:! ,;0 ','t'"J,' (JY";"o ~.:':;,',.':,:'i,., '".I',~','~'T.Y (j" .a Pr;'Ii, 2::!- 1061 r/t) Tt';'7D"II'-
1it,;J'~\,J"4'.,..,!J..,. --.1....,11 ...1 ...j.i.~-,.~. uo.-':,) ~. ...." ____ .....,";'4: ~.....' u u, ;7 ~ .iM~
.~-""-. I'" <1"'"' .'...,...~\.''''--)I (,,~,. ," ~',')/n:,) "'i'~~J"'.P "'U"fli" Jii"r,lKS
"'''' .i.~..':\. ,;,'j .;..~~ ,""t.j..'.tV5~~~.,j..it ;'~ .....::;~.t.L .:~ J~~d.. Un.. ;J....h..t J.U~"., L I.)~ w nvl~ \.
1)~~P.t~~~'::f.~':~;T J Ufi~Ir~TIi'::S D~~:?jl.;.~T~ ;:Ij'r, J~:<D l)Lr~3(;l.~~1 1'::1PLOYED TEMPOHARILt
n: A r,:=LII:r CA?.'\.CI'i'I. Tr'I':~.;~~J' \.ArrI E;;:?LO'DII:::.1T" FOR P~iRPOSE5 OF THEHi
EXCV.:.t)I0;~S SnAil. n.;; ::HPLOY1'L':LiT ON l~N ~":i{JURLY, PER DIEM, n.a GAM~ oa
PER f~~ ENT 3A515.
The f:::>act1o:'1 of f'ln~l com~,en$tlt1on to bo provided tor each year of
credited current 3~rvicc as A ~scellan~ous membe~ upon retireAent
at norm31 retirer:Jont aGe shall ~ 1/60 and :shall be applied .. pro_
vided in Section 212$1.1 of aaid Retiremont Law.
5. The frs.ction of f1nal compc:1sat1on to be ?rovi~ed tor each year or
credi tad C1~rront .oorvice as a local $~oty mewber shall be detendned
in accordar~o with Scctio~ 21252.01 of said Retirement Law.
6. Benef'its on account of prior servico shall be 100% of the traction
of final componsation specified for ~iacellaneous Members in Para-
~r:lph 4 abovo, but compated in accordar.ce with Soction 212$.3 ot ea1cl
Rotirci;1cnt I.a.u, an.d for local safety ;;lc1:lbers 5hall be lOO~ or the
fraction ostabli3hoQ in ilcccrdar<co 'W'ith Paragrapb S.
7. CO:1t4"ibutiof.:J for ~~:i::colle.ncou~ and local safoty members shall be
D\lbject to S('lctlons 20601 and 20603.01 respectively or said ReUr.t-
Ment Law.
8. The f'Jllol.>Iing ::s~hU tior;$.l proviaion~ of the ?~.:.b11o Er::1ployeos' Retire-
Ulent Lclw wb1ch t:lp;)l:r only upon election of a contracting agenc,o .ball
ap?ly to tho Public A;:cncy $.:1d its croployectu
a. Scction 2J02.4.01 (,-!cfinlng ".fiGal cO~J1pen5ationtl on the baai. of
4 period of three cO~Gecutivo ~tars).
b. Section 2125J.l (p:rovidi!1Z a minimum retir6~..cnt allowance of
~12OJ.OO per year under certain co~ition8).
. .
c. Section 21367.,$1 (providing a. $$00.00 doath benet1t upon death
after ret::i.r€\r:wnt).
. d. Section 20025 (p-:-ovlding for h.cluziol'\ ot cOffi-paosa.t1on without.
liIllit in ccmputo.tions where cor,'p<msation is a .factor).
e. Section 21,365.5 (;')2"oviding monthl;,r allo-w'an<;:e in l1eu at the basio
death benefit tor certt.in su.rvivors 01" a ~ember who dies 11\ eaplo7-
mant after qu..'1Uf:ring: for voluntary sorvice reti.rement).
t. :::oction 21380-7 broviding for allowances tor surYivors ~ ~
oors cOVerod under the prograztt ~pon death. betore ret.irGmant).
Ret.. Fom 702-2
4.\';.~:! .
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. .
:~cct1on 21?':r. ~ )~:" v~(L ,;' '.1>0:: rJ(,[l th or a local :mtoty r.i(:)D:OOr who
rnU red foY' ~I(<l""''':'cc o-=.' .:..; 'ti;Jf:.r:'.:\l r!.bC'.blU.ty tor the continua-
tion ci~ \) 'u-!:l.;.li" ~ho l'ct.:,:,,,~::j.;.;n~ allow<:1nce to cortain aurv.l'vora).
:\;,<::->lG:~ 212S1~.1 (:1rcvldIr:c: '.1:,on death 01' a. 10(':0.1 m1~c(tlla~UB
'~;'L::.~;'}r \;~;<" r,,.\:'ircd i'01' ;:J:.);:V':"(:\1 or dl.':)ablllty tor the continua-
t.:.on. of ono-h~lf the reti::-(fr::ont allowance to certain survivors).
~ect:!.on 21251.6 C)J:'ovidi~g fDr incr*nsoB in allowances payable
tor time co~~~ncinG on the First d&7 of lebruar,y 196$).
~~oction 21251.7.5 providine for increa.50S in a.llovaticas payable
fer tir-.o cO::'J\1~~lcine on tho First day or October 1968).
9. Publlc At.~ncy shall contribute to ea1d' Retirement System as tollow8:
a. 'oath rr~spGct t.o tr<.iCicellalleous J'1-e!Tciliors, t.ho public agency shall
cootribute tbl) following porcentages or monthly salariea earned
as It.lacallar..eous mei'd>crs of said SY5tam.S
(1) 0.295 porcont until June 30, 2001 on account ot tho 11ab111.
for prior D~rvicG benefits.
(2) 7.998 percent on account. ot the liability tor 4urrent. .onlee
b. With respoct to local safety me:f1bc:n~s, the publio agency ahaU
contrib~to the rollowi~g 90rcent~~s of ~nth~ salarios earned
as local oafaty r;~m1;-er~ of s.a1d S,y8tsmJ
(1) 0.301 p~~cont until Juno 30. 2001 on acco~nt ot the liabil1~
tor prior &~rvice oGnct1ts.
(2) )')ercemt on account of tba liability tor current .emoe
c. A r::~::z.$on~blf} 8!,:',QUnt pe<r t,:HiU17J. aa fixed by Doard to cover the
CODts of ndmini:Jtc:-lr:.i' :;<1115 ~V8tO:1'l un it affocts the employees
01.' ?nblic Ac(':ncy, nut including the c"sts ot tJ})C\c.1al valUJoI,tiona
or the poriod1cDl inv!2:~.t...f.:ations ~nd valuation rcquirod by' In,
provided th,..t f).3id tmount sb<:lll ba deto~ined on tho basis o!
the rru..llbor of flDlplo:rC05 of F\~blic Agen\:y ...:ho are reported as
r::c:~;b(?r5 on (~ )E::lroll aesl.;,;nnted by tru} ~::ystOl!l covering one ~ontb
of each yo~r, or with r0~poct to the fir$t year of participation,
on the effective date of said p~rticipation.
d. ,A 1"t~aaQnClblo amo1lnt .:.s..'ixod 'by t.ho Beard.. payable in one install-
!r.ent ::lS tha occllsions Drise, to coval' COGts of spocial valuationa
0:1 3ccount of ejr~)loy{'e3 of :;)u.blic ~l..gOtlCY, 2nd cost8 ot the Per1od-
ical investigation ar~ val~~tion required by law.
. .
Rct. 'Form 702-3
10.. Cor,tr\ ',;\':.t'i.o;;.s r,"q'd.:;,cd ;:'i: ;','~lic: iI"0::C:l and it3 cm~;.loyol:i8 ehall bo
z..;bj(;ct 'i:;n ~djt~;.1-:-,P',,),:t Ly -()~. :';'~. ~.:~ account of a;?)Gr;d:a(!;nts to t.he PubUo
h~,.;loJ(,;c31 !.:I;~tir"";;;\.I::.t L-<l';'", <;!;'/"! on a,cc('/tmt of ex;>er1ence u.nder the
?et:,l':-':::,lt Sy~t.c;1,'\:'1 (~;,:t.:::.~..:i :cd bJ' tl~~ ;j'::riodiC.:Il 1r.vt'llillt1r,:;.ti.on and
vZll~,f1tion ri}<;~irer1 by ",aid ;~€Jtir(,'\:i;0I1t Lat-i.
u. Contrit~tions rnqnired 0: ?:),bUc }<'O'[,;.(;:r arrl it~ 6:ttt.?lo.18QS shall be
paid oy)nblic Agoncy 'to t.r-;t~ :~~.;tl.::-'-;;"!H).t S.I:;tcm within thirty days
n.ft."'1r tho end of tbe p~rio,; to WJiich C<)1(1 Cr:d1t.r>ibutioM refor. It
mora or le:n~ th~n the:. CSj'rcct a::l\'-:.lot of cont!:"iDut1on 1u pald for an,y
per~od, proper ;.dj~<!>t:.1G;..t 1];,,':11 ba naco in connection witb s:.\bnequen\
T0;:1:.tt3r:CC3 or lidju:'>t.-.:t'H~t C:', c.c{'ollnt of Cl"rc>!"~ in. contrioution:.J re-
<(lir\)G oi' :J..'I'1Y et.',~)loye0 :'I:::'Y bo r.:a(!~ by rlir,',;ct cr.ish payments betw0f!111
the I);:~p l~ye~ t'..:"',d ~oar-d. ~'&~rt;:(;:nta by Pub lie f. r;ency to Board triA:! be
1t~dc in tho fer,':;. of war::.'t:,..tn, b&nk checks, bank drafts, cerUt1e4
Ch6Ckz, money Drder~.. or \::.::.J.$1..
B. 1'h1a f,;,~.<'lr.dr-:';)nt $hZill be effective on the
Witnes. 0\01' k1&nds tt..l:a
".47 of'
Br>.ARD 01 Ar::-Um::;':-:u/tI0:i
PUBLIC ~~(jYS;:t~S' :~:L:TIR.:~M:~~,~~rr ZYST~~}~
mUg 1:;. Payne:l '::'Aec~t.ivo di'I'icer
erz! OF AiW!t;IIi , ~"\:\
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"4,'1-' T\ 'tr
Ret.. Form 702-4
, .
. .
Local Wety t"emoors - Z:i at A~ SO
Retire~ent ?rogra=
Hcmborshlp 1:5 c(:.mpulzorJ tor all c~)loJecs" other th~., eleoted ottic1ala. ..mo
are employed one-halt timo or acre exc0pt those excluded under the contract..
S1':nVICF. m::nRExn:r
The earliest rot! ro:nont rqo is 50; t.hG nor:,:al retire;f1ont age is SO; and the
compulsory reti!"e:'1ont n:-:e 15 (/). A 10cHl safoty me:-::bcr may retiro any time betvnu
these ages) So and 6:), providort ho r:;l')ot~ tha miniW'~ requ1N;r.~nts that he either
have ~SOO of acclli'!U1Hted co:"!tr:tbutior:s, or 20 :J'GarG of. oervi Cf.l " or have attained
the compula()ry' retir~;,~ont u:o or 60. - -
The \mnlodificd Ufo &llo,.:ance will be 2;~ of tltinal oC~l1pen$t1t1011" tor each
year or 8nr~ty 8crv~.ce U~"OI1 r~..tire:nQnt, at C1?6 SO with 1ncrf;asing percenta~8 to a
MXinmm of 2.7'1. at N!tirc:"tel1t at age 55. Total g(>rv1C9 retirement. benef'it 1. sub-
ject to a lim1 tation ot .I$t of fi..al oo~..pcnsation. .
"Final cO!:1,onsD.tior.1I 15 mterat'o fitont:.ly stilar..{ (full time rate) earned dun.
that poriod or three cQnsGc\~tive yea.rn of bighest ~n2'.lS, excl~1ng overt.iJwl
A minimum s>.:Irvlce retircmQnt allowanco of $100 per month 1a g~anteed \lpOQ
ccr.cp\llsory retirement with credit tor prior service.
DI:)A9ILITY IlliTIRI>L:;:'1'
An emploYEK: bccor.-.i~g disabled to the extont that he is incapable ot pertora..
int his duties shall be rGtired tor disability. His di5ability wiU be either
eMplor~nt connected (industrial di~~bility) or othDrwiae (nonindustrial d1sab111~).
An GitrloYQG who bocr.m.i.es dis.J.oled --;,\ile n ~~a:::;ber of th.is Syst.e111. tor roaDona
arising out of his cT.'71oY-.1'.eot, will tie e11g1bl@ to:" a 11t() 1acoa ot nltr (50$)
p4trottnt ot his tiaal co:":pensat1on.
An er.mloyoo b:':c:~;::';..irl:' ,'i;;,ll;l(:o :'01" r~".'()n5 Z";;:)t 'cOi1!ioct(Jd with his employment
.\..all \..- e11"ibl- .('...~ ('i"'-~ '~"ty ..,,"'",..,....,.,... .",.".J(~...,.! h'" >-."S "t 1~'a84. '-,c:OO of
n vv ~., L~ ~ c.. .~ ..'C.tJ~l....J.. J 4 lJ~':'."'~. .\.:' ..."" .J. I""".l .......n ""' f.:"~ G.I,. v \.. IT;
acoumulated ccr.trU~~,.tio.;,~ or ;,t l0l:15t 1) ..rncr5 of SCirvjCOj suon rl1aa.bi11ty rot1re-
~ent. allowance is 0;r::11 to 1.5;'~ of l'irnl c,.');~,p\.::.;;tltion .t'or c:;ch year or sorvice~
with a ~.ltI:"antee ",r o:iG-tLl:r\-: of su.ch:.':: :~;"l Cfj,,';~iQ:'.~a.tion for most em.?loyeos who
have rendered nt lc;;::,t 10 ~,G~, j.~.$ .;;1' S~d~V':;'CO. 'tho "ordin:ll"'Jn di8~b1li.ty retirement.
allowance shall un'\3r' no cit~curn6\tance3 e;~C(i\;t! tho &Grvice retirement allowAnce
which would becomG payablo at age SO if e;'f~')loyme!'lt could be continUO<! to that ea-.
Doat~ Before Retirement
Basic T'-cath BGn~rit This benei'.:..t 18 a refund or the member's accumulated
contribut1o~ plus nix months' sala~ provided ho baa been a member
tor sjx years or Bora. F.)r' those who die 001"0%'0 completing six 7tUl~
of mcf':1Jor~h~:>, the be!1efit is ()\4~ month's 83.la1"/ for each year of
1riamber~hip plus rofund of contribu.tions. '1'h$ salary reforred to 18
thf1t ~D.rned dt.rlng tho yonr proceding death. ?rior service doe. ao\
count to~ard this benetit.
Indu~trLo.l r'eath If doath is :'30rvlce-conceotcd 1n the judgment of the
Ind\.lstrial Accident CCi~,;ni5~ion, a monthlJ." incot.'UII is paid to tho widow
for lifo (or until n.,t:!at":x'ia~:e) inGt.oad of tho above b4sic death ben-
efit, 01'" 1957 Snrvi\ror. 3ar:.efit. The total would be ,0% of ttf'1nal
co r!1?ensat.ionlt . If' death Wc>.S c$.u3od by external violence or phyaical
torce, the total benofit would bo increased to the following percen.
tSf7:0S or "final compensation" so long as the widow livea and do..
not re~I"ry':
Widow with 3 0::' riore children- undor 18 7$%
Wico't-t with 2 ci~11dren under 18 70%
t'1'idow with. 1 child under 18 62i%
1957 Survivor B.ent~fi t. :t.:::-.rloY:;;>QB with S or more years of service who
b:we reached the mini11fJ.m ~':::o for service retirement have further
death r>r'otectiO:1 undQr this item. lit'!re the surviving widow can
olect to receive either the ~asio death benefit or a monthly in-
Ch./r-16 eQ.~t.\l to one-h<:11f' tho ur.modified retirl$:nent allowance the
et'lrJ1o:'lc'o was elip.1ble for on the date ot his dc-aUl.... The Mnth.ly
income lasts unt.11 the widowfs dctlth or reroarriap;a 1rdth a guara.ntee
that tho S~r8tem Will prJ.y .Hi much as undo!" the basic death bene.t1t.
1$'$9 Bn!'vivor Benefit. A. monthly allowance shall b$ pa1d to certaira
s...rvlvors oJ.' a covored a1cn~ber who dies before ret1reJnont.
Death Atter Ret~.re~1.cnt
The del\th ben()fi t is $500 if death e,ccurs after rotire.i\Gnt. This 4}r,QUnt
will be in ;,;ildit1on to any pa.y;;,e::.ts "'bich might be made undE3r an
optional retira~ont bancrit chcacn by the member at his retir~~nt.
?ne-hnlf Con~in'J;<1r.ca Provid-$S, \.J.pon the death or a loca.l sai'Gty member
who hu3 rotired for servioe, or industrial disab1litYI tor the ~on-
tinuation of one-halt tho ret1re~e>>t allowance to certa1~ survivor..
~J{I~A1'1m' CF '~T,\'-"":1'r
Upon t01"'T,lin;'<t;!.o;1 e:r c"Jlo.,r;':G:'\t, 8.!1 ;;;:~nlcy(~o r:ay 0ithor leave his contributions
with th9 5ystc::I ;:;.!,1r'BC" ~_vo, ll:)O~l c:tt4i:t:.j";:~ roti:re:,'\ar..t (i-e" the rctlromcnt benetit
h h !4~..1 ,... ...... -,", "+\.,),~,,,. \,,1,. t..",~ ~,.,.;.. ..., ('1 n . t. t) th t....-.t......-
e as es.nU'..;, '.Ir L.s ..,--1 t"~"''''.j~,-,;J ,__.J c~.....r......Uv...O,,5 ,) 11.. :l!1 O:t't)s , . us, ...~~_
ing his me;i1bers~;i!) _L:l tilo ;;,.rs'L0;Cil .;in:J ;:"i.Jc(:;ivlq;; no retircment. bcnofits. E:.xcc;>t.
(1) a r~lhbo1" ~vit:~ 5::n or lc~;:::; ':':1 r~c(.;,~::.,l;d:.oo t~o".tribution..'1 And with less than 20
years or st:rv1ce $:.'::1.1 ;10t h::.'\!'o tbJ p:dvilc;;e of l~avinv. hiD contribution, with the.
System, but shall lu,..t,o!:,~Qt5..cally h~vc h15 cQntri.butiona, plus intorost, r0fundod
upon termination of c:r;~)lojmcnt a~ (2) a. flic;'iAbtir who is tr&n.lterrtng to em;>loj'Mnt.
with another Ilfc;mcy vihich is ccvcroo under the systom shall not have the 1"1aht. of
wi thdrawin8 his accll><"mlated contributiof'.a.'
EXPLOYE8 CG\"!'rnr~\,;TTO';S
Each local safety r'.ej~bcr, whl!:thol" 2. new md;llber or a ~.1f)4.,:b0r with ycu:rs of mem-
bership, will start. contributing .:It the ,mifor-.;1 rate ot 9% or salary earnod, excl~
81Y. of overtime, on the date this fo~ula bCCO~G3 effoctive.
The e~?)loyer alao contributes tOiJ<2rd tho cost of the benefits. The 8lttount
. contributed by tho em?lQyer for currcmt sorvice rotireI!iont bene!1 tlil will, on the
average, exceed the CO$t to the ~>:\1?loycc. I14 fi'''!dltio:1, t.'1e emplo70r beArs tho
enUre cost or p:"ior service benefits, t.r,o indugtrial doath. and dlaabilit,y ~n.nta.
All employer contribu.tion rates :J.re subject to revision by th. lJoareS or
, .
---'--..- ------
. .
I, DENE M. W~LLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 70R-545 was intro-
duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City
Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 10th day of November,
1970, by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Clark, Stephenson, Pebley, Thom and Dutton
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and signed said Resolution No. 70R-545 on the 10th day of
November, 1970.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 10th day of November,
JL" X. )1~_~~
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No.
70R-545 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on
November 10, 1970.
f2~ ); jJ;;;:~
City Clerk