WHEREAS, 1:}le City Council of the City of Anaheim did
on the 8th day of September, 1970, declare by Resolution No.
70R-445 its intenti~n to vacate and abandon portions of certain
real property indic.ting its intention to reserve certain ease-
ments for public utility purposes therefrom, and did set the 29th
day of September, 1970, for a public hearing thereon; and
WHEREAS, <Dn said 29th day of September, 1970, at 1:30
o'clock P.M. in the Council Chamber in the City Hall of the
City of Anaheim, said public hearing was held; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds from the evidence sub-
mitted at said public hearing that portions of the real property
described herein an~ in said Resolution of Intention are un-
necessary for present or prospective roadway and alley purposes
but that certain ea$ements for public utility purposes should
be reserved therein.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Anaheim:
1. That it finds that said public hearing was properly
held and that all notices were given and publica-
tions made as required by law.
2. .That those portions of the real property toward which
a request for vacation and abandonment was directed
are not necessary for present or prospective roadway
and alley purposes and does hereby declare its inten-
tion to abandon that portion of the hereinafter des-
cribed property beyond a width of 45 feet from
centerline and does further order that said portions,
as herein set forth, be vacated, abandoned and closed
to public use on each parcel of land when street
improvements that now exist are reconstructed to meet
secondary street width standards rather than primary
street standards.
3. That said portions of real property herein ordered
vacated, abandoned and closed to public use are
situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange,
state of California, and are more particularly des-
cribed as follows, to wit:
Thai: pori:ion of Blue Gum Si:reet locai:ed in i:he Cii:y of
Anaheim, Countf of Orange, State of California, to be
abandoned, described as follows:
Parcel One: That portion of said Blue Gum Street, 53.00
feet wide (as measured from the centerline of said street),
lying within Lpt 52 of the Eucalyptus Forest Tract, lying
easterly of a line parallel with and 45.00 feet easterly
of the centerline of said Blue Gum Street as shown on a Map
recorded in Book 5, pages 29 and 30 of Miscellaneous Maps,
records of Orange County California.
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Excepting therefrom the Southerly 165.00 feet thereof.
Reserving therefrom an easement for public utility purposes
over, under and across the entire parcel above described.
Parcel Two: That portion of Blue Gum Street, 53.00 feet wide
(as measured fr$m the centerline of said street), lying with-
in Lot 10l of tae above-mentioned Eucalyptus Forest Tract,
lying easterly and northeasterly of the following described
Commencing at tae northwest corner of Lot 101 of said
Eucalyptus Fore$t Tract; thence easterly, along a portion of
the north line ~f said Lot lOl, a distance of 25 feet to an
intersection with a line parallel with and 45.00 feet east-
erly of the centerline of Blue Gum Street, said point of
intersection being the true point of beginning of the line
hereinafter des~ribed; thence southerly along the last
mentioned parallel line a distance of 283.03 feet, more or
less, to the be~inning of a tangent curve concave north-
easterly and having a radius of 15 feet; thence southerly
and southeasterly and easterly along said curve through a
central angle of 890 581 08" an arc distance of 23.55 feet
to an intersection with a line parallel with and 32 feet
northerly of the centerline of Coronado Street, said point
of intersection being the point of terminus of the line
herein described.
Reserving therefrom an easement for public utility purposes
over, under and across the entire parcel to be abandoned.
Parcel Three: That portion of Blue Gum Street, 50 feet
wide (as measured to the centerline of said street), lying
within Lot 109 and Lot 158 and the North half of Santa Ana
Street (now abandoned), of the Eucalyptus Forest Tract as
shown on a Map ~ecorded in Book 5, pages 29 and 30 of
Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County California,
lying southeasterly, easterly and northeasterly of the
following described line:
Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 109, for
the purpose of this description said northwest corner is
referred to as the centerline intersection of said Blue Gum
Street and Coronado Street; thence North 730 431 00" East
60.03 feet, along the centerline of said Coronado Street to
a point; thence South 160 171 00" East, 32.00 feet, to the
point of intersection with a line parallel with and 32.00
feet southerly of the centerline of said Coronado Street,
the last mentioned point of intersection being a point in a
line tangent to the beginning of a curve concave southeast-
erly and having a radius of 15 feet, said point also being
the true point of beginning of the line hereinafter described;
thence westerly, southwesterly, southerly, along said curve
through a central angle of 900 011 52" an arc distance of
23.57 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and
45.00 feet easterly as measured from the centerline of said
Blue Gum Street; thence South 160 181 52" East, 312.18 feet,
more or less, along the last mentioned parallel line to the
beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having
a radius of 555 feet; thence southeasterly along said curve
through a central angle of 270 l21 50" an arc distance of
263.61 feet; thence South 430 311 42" East, 52.1 feet, more
or less, to an intersection with the centerline of Santa
Ana street (now abandoned) said centerline lying parallel
with and 20 feet southerly of the south line of said Lot 158
of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract, said point of intersection
being the point of terminus of the line herein described.
Reserving therefrom an easement for public utility purposes
over, under and across the entire parcel above described.
Parcel Four: That portion of said Blue Gum Street, 53 feet
in width (as measured from the centerline of said Blue Gum
Street), lying ~ithin Lot 51 of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract
and the South half of Orange Street which lies northerly of
and adjacent to the north line of said Lot 51, lying westerly
of a line parallel with and 45.00 feet westerly of the center-
line of said Blue Gum Street.
Parcel Five: That portion of Blue Gum Street, 53 feet in
width (as measu~ed from the centerline of said Blue Gum
Street), lying within the North half of Lot 7, in Block ll,
of the Golden State Tract as shown on a Map recorded in Book
4, page 66 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County
California, lying westerly and southwesterly of the following
described line:
Commencing at the intersection of the centerline of Coronado
Street and Blue Gum Street; thence South 730 43' 00" West,
along the centetline of said Coronado Street, a distance of
59.97 feet; then.ce South l60 171 00" East, 32.00 feet, to an
intersection with a line parallel with and 32.00 feet
southerly of the centerline of said Coronado Street, said
point of intersection being a point in a line tangent to
the beginning of a curve concave southwesterly having a
radius of 15 feet, said point of intersection and beginning
of curve also being the true point of beginning of the line
hereinafter des~ribed; thence easterly, southeasterly and
southerly along said curve through a central angle of 890
581 08", an arc distance of 23.55 feet; to an intersection
with a line parallel with and 45.00 feet westerly, as measured
from the centerline of said Blue Gum Street; thence southerly
along the last mentioned parallel line 283.00 feet, more or
less, to an intersection with the southerly line of the said
North half of Lot 7 in Block 11 of said Golden State Tract,
the last mentioned point of intersection being the point of
terminus of the line herein described.
Reserving therefrom a public utility easement over, under and
across the Southerly 10 feet of the Westerly 8 feet of the
Easterly 53.00 feet, as measured to the centerline of said
Blue Gum Street, of the North half of said Lot 7 in Block II
of the said Go14en State Tract.
4. That the City Council finds that easements should be
reserved for public utility purposes from the above-
described property over, under and across Parcels
One, Two and Three and from Parcel Five over, under
and across the Southerly 10 feet of the Westerly
8 feet of the Easterly 53.00 feet, as measured to
the centerline of said Blue Gum Street, of the North
half of said Lot 7 in Block 11 of the said Golden
State Tract, and does hereby order that said ease-
ments be retained and reserved for public utility
AND BE IT E1URTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and
she is hereby, autho~ized and directed to cause a certified copy
of this Resolution and Order, attested by her under the seal of
the City of Anaheim, to be recorded in the Office of the County
Recorder of Orange County, California.
THE FOREGOI~G RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me
29th day of ,September , 1922-.
rL., ~. (J",j 4~
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and
adopted at a regular ~eting of the City Council held on the 29th
day of September , 19 70 , by the following vote of the members
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Stephenson, Pebley, Thom and
AND I FURTH6R CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of
Anaheim approved and siigned said resolution on the 29t:h day of
September , 19~.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 2qTh day of
September , 19 -1.0..- .
j)~ )r 2t-~
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby
certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 70R-473 duly
passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on September 29, 1970
~-L- ){.2~..~~
City Clerk
JHD/ms - 69-29A