~SOLUTION NO. 70R- 372
WHEREAS, t~e District Reorganization Act of 1965
(56000 through 56550iof the Government Code of the State of
California) providesifor the change of organization of certain
districts, such as tie Yorba Linda Library District through the
approval by the Loca~ Agency Formation Commission of Orange
County of detachment$ of certain hereinafter described real
property from said D~strict, when said territory is also
located within the c~ty of Anaheim; and
WHEREAS, t~e City of Anaheim desires that said real
property be detached from the Yorba Linda Library District in
view of the fact tha~ said territory is presently assessed real
property taxes by the City of Anaheim and receives as part of
said property tax as~essment library services from the City of
Anaheim; and
WHEREAS, tpe requested change of organization is pro-
posed for the Yorba ~inda Library District as well as the City
of Anaheim; and
WHEREAS, ~he County of Orange, the Yorba Linda Library
District and the Ci~y of Anaheim would be affected by this
change of organizat:i4on requested herein; and
WHEREAS, ~he present request of the City of Anaheim is
for detachment of c~rtain territory constituting inhabited
territory and descr~bed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made
a part hereof as thQugh fully set forth herein; and
WHEREAS, ~andowners and residents within the territory
described in Exhibit "A" desire to avoid the burden of double
taxation imposed up~n their property described herein and wish
to avoid any future liability for bonded indebtedness of the
Yorba Linda Library District.
NOW, THE~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Anaheim that it hereby requests that a change of
organization of the Yorba Linda Library District be approved by
the Loca1 Agency Fotmation Commission of Orange County through
the detachment of c~rtain real property described in Exhibit "A"
characterized as in~abited territory, in order to prevent the
burden of double property taxation on said landowners.
BE IT FUR~HER RESOLVED that the Local Agency Formation
Commission of Orang~ County be requested to order the Yorba
Linda Library District to adopt a resolution to detach the
territory described herein in Exhibit "A", without the necessity
of notice of hearing by said Library District and without the
necessity of an election on the issue of said detachment.
BE IT FU~THER RESOLVED that should the Local Agency
Formation Commission of Orange County determine that an election
is necessary upon th, question of confirming an order for detach-
ment of the aforementioned and described territory described in
Exhibit "A", that sa d Local Agency Formation Commission be
requested, pursuant ,0 Section 56252(a) of the Government Code,
to determine that su~h election shall be called, held and con-
ducted upon the question of said detachment only within the
territory described tn Exhibit "A" which is proposed to be
THE FOREGO~NG RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me
this 21st day of July , 1970.
uiL ~
/~~~E~~P l~{It~AHEIM
) SS.
I, DENE M.! WILLIAMS , City Clerk of the City of Anaheim,
do hereby certify ttlat the foregoing resolution was passed and
adopted at a regula~ meeting of the City Council held on the
21st day of J11Y , 1970, by the following vote of
the members thereof~
COUNCILMEN: Clark, Pebley, Thorn and Dutton
COUNCILMEN: Stephenson
AND I FURtHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of
Anaheim approved an4 signed said resolution on the 21st day of
July , . 1970.
IN WITNES$ WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of 'the City of Anaheim this 21st day of
July , 1970.
~ &~~.
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, ~ 0 T~ ANAHEIM
I, DENE M.WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that th~ foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 70R-372
duly passed and adopte~ by the Anaheim,City Council on July 21, 1970.
(, ) ~
l} }'. "
J~~' '1'1. /' ~d~"~
-2- City Clerk
Kellogg Detachment
The Yorba Linda Library District
The City of Anaheim
That parcel of land loc~ted in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State
of California, to be de~ached from the Yorba Linda Library District, described
as follows:
Beginning at ~ point in the existing boundary of the Yorba Linda
Library District, as es~ab1ished by the formation of said District, October 7,
1913, said point being ~ point in the City limit line of the City of Anaheim,
as established by the Yprba Annexation to the City of Anaheim, passed by
Ordinance No. 1777, Nov~ber 13, 1962, filed with the Secretary of State,
August 10, 1964, and re~orded August 13, 1964, records of Orange County Ca1if-
ornia, said point of beginning being distant North 100 29' 30" East, 1,602.13
feet, from the center1ihe intersection of Post Lane (formerly known as Orchard
Drive) and Woodwind Lan~ (formerly known as Orchard Drive) as said intersection
is shown on a Map of S~vey, recorded in Book 53, page 44, Records of Surveys,
records of Orange Count& California; thence
Leaving the s~id city limit line of the City of Anaheim and following
along a portion of the !southerly line of said Yorba Linda Library District,
described in said formation as being the southwesterly boundary line of the
Yorba Linda Tract, as s~own on a Map recorded in Book 5, pages 17 and 18 of
Miscellaneous Maps, recprds of Orange County California, the following courses
and distances: North Silo 33 I 58" West, 171 feet, more or less, South 750 49'
14" West, 624 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the easterly line of
Lot 5, Block 34 of the said Yorba Linda Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in
Book 5, pages 17 and 18 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County Ca1if-
ornia, said point of i~tersection being a point in the existing City limit line
of the City of Anaheim as established by the Orchard Drive Annexation to the
City of Anaheim, passed by Ordinance No, 2595, November 6, 1968, filed with
the Secretary of State, December 9, 1968 and recorded, December 11, 1968,
records of Orange Count~ California; thence
Leaving the $aid Yorba Linda Library District line and following along
a portion of the City ]imit line of the City of Anaheim, as established by the
last mentioned Orchard Drive Annexation to the City of Anaheim, the following
courses and distances: iNorth 390 30' 17" East, 207.62 feet, more or less,
along a portion of the easterly line of Lot 5, Block 34 of said Yorba Linda
Tract, to the northeasq corner of said Lot 5, said northeast corner also being
the most southerly corqer of Lot 3, Block 34 of the said Yorba Linda Tract,
as said southerly corn~r is referred to in the description contained in the
Resolution of Incorpor4tion #67-1183 of the City of Yorba Linda, adopted August
23, 1967, received and filed with the Local Agency Formation Commission, November
6, 1967; thence
Following a1qng a portion of the existing City limit line of the said
City of Yorba Linda, aqd a portion of the last mentioned City limit line of the
City of Anaheim, the f~llowing courses and distances: North 290 44' 50" East,
699.57 feet, more or l~ss, along the easterly line of Lot 3, Block 34 of said
Yorba Linda Tract to an intersection with the southerly line of the Pacific
Electric Railway right of way, 200 feet wide, as described in the deed to
Pacific Electric Land ao. by deed recorded in Book 177, page 88 of Deeds, records
of Orange County, California; thence South 550 51' 40" East 287.00 feet, more
or less, along a portion of the southerly line of said Pacific Electric Railway
~ight of way, 200 feet wide, to an intersection with the southerly prolongation
of the easterly line of Lot 6, Block 25 of the said Yorba Linda Tract, as shown
on a Map recorded in Book 5, pages 17 and 18 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of
Orange County, California; thence North 440 26' 50" East, 201. 50 feet, more or
less, along the said ptolongation and a portion of the easterly line of Lot 6,
Block 25 of said Yorba Linda Tract to an intersection with the northerly line of
the said Pacific Electtic Railway right of way, 200 feet wide; thence
South 530 01' 00" East, 80 feet, more or less, along a portion of the
northerly line of said Pacific Electric Railway right of way, leaving the said
existing City limit line of the City of Yorba Linda and continuing along the last
mentioned City ]Mdt line of the City of Anaheim to an intersection with the east-
erly right of way line of Orchard Drive, 60 feet wide, said point of intersection
being a point in the City limit line of the City of Anaheim, as established by the
Yorba Annexation to th~ City of Anaheim passed by Ordinance No. 1777, November 13,
1962, filed with the S.cretary of State, August 10, 1964, and recorded, August 13,
1964, in Official Reco~ds of Orange County California, said point also
being a point in the e~isting Yorba Linda Library District line, as established
by the Anaheim Detachm~nt No. 2 from the Yorba Linda Library District, November
12, 1968; thence
Leaving the Qity limit line of the City of Anaheim, as established
by the aforementioned Qrchard Drive Annexation, following along a portion of the
City limit line, as es~ab1ished by the last mentioned Yorba Annexation, also
being a portion of the !last mentioned Yorba Linda Library District line, the
following courses and 4istances: South 360 42' 00" West, 21$ feet, more or
less, along the said e~ster1y right of way line of Orchard Drive, 60 feet wide,
as described in said Yqrba Annexation, to the beginning of a tangent curve con-
cave southeasterly and ihaving a radius of 320 feet; thence southwesterly along
said curve through a c~ntra1 angle of 160 35' 50" an arc distance of 94.56 feet,
more or less; thence Squth 190 46' 10" West, 14.57 feet, more or less, tangent
to the last mentioned durve to the beginning of a tangent curve concave south-
easterly and having a ~adius of 345 feet; thence southerly and southeasterly
along the last mention~d curve through a central angle of 360 33' 26" an arc
distance of 220 feet ~ore or less, to an intersection with the northerly line
of the land conveyed to Harry M. Rainville and Irene E. Rainville, husband and
wife, by deed recorded iApri1 1, 1968, in Book a244, page 38 of Official Records
of Orange County, Ca1i~ornia, said point of intersection being in curve concave
northerly and having a radius of 350 feet, a radial line bearing South 30 06' 48"
East, passes through s~id point; thence easterly along said curve through a central
angle of 50 42' 38" an arc distance of 35 feet, iIIore or less; thence North 810 10'
34" East, 98 feet, more or less, tangent to last mentioned curve to the beginning
of a tangent curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 580 feet; thence
easterly along said cutve concave southerly through a central angle of 110 51' 16"
an arc distance of 120 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of the land
conveyed to said Harry M. Rainville and wife, a radial line bearing North 30 01'
50" East, passes throu@h said northeast corner; thence South 120 39' 00" West,
118 feet, more or less, along the easterly line of the land conveyed to said Harry
M. Rainville and wife; to the southeast corner of said parcel of land; thence
North 820 45' 43/1 West, 199.52 feet, more or less, along the southerly line of the
land conveyed to said Harry M. Rainville and wife, to an intersection with the
easterly right of way tine of Orchard Drive, 60 feet wide, as described in said
Yorba Annexation, said point of intersection being in a curve concave south-
westerly and having a ~adius of 405 feet, a radial line bearing North 700 14'
08" East, passes throuah said point of intersection; thence southeasterly along a
portion of said curve ~hrough a central angle of 80 00' 03", an arc distance of
51.23 feet, to the poi~t of beginning.