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t~c cit~ Co~ncil of the City of ^nahci~r a
"Junicipal Cor;.)Oratiml of Lle State of California, did on tle
3rd day of 2cLruar:;:' ,_ E' 70, pass i t;:::; :"~esolution ~;o. 70R--G 6,
enti tlec. j. I~j;~ULU'i'rcX.l OF 'II-t;..; CITY COU;':CIL OF 'I'Iit:.: CITY OF
l\i'~l\.lI~ II< [)~(;J~i.._;~Ii'-:-(~ I'J..1 C I:,,'~'1:~,,~:~,-;r.l' I '.'~~. 11(': V')'~C;~-'J.;2 2\i:,iD 1.J31\1,Jl.JOi>T )\.
l~()l-:.:2 ~L~[.< .i.':.>~l\.l'~L~Il.; 'Uj)' IfJI-:;' v/.:\fr::~:~~:.~ 2C1i,.; l.<~-:.::~.:~'Y ~~I C~i:l'l: (JI' VJ~\Y EI~S3I.j~i',/~
'')V~I~ f ).\C::z.C'iE,S:r 1.;JjJi<C L...l~'l) 'l1i<~~C'UGL. '..L'L.-: ~IE~<=~I:L.::~Ii"\jijL:-{ jJESCI~..IBI~L'
~s;:~~L ?I:()IjL~:~fl;Y / JTI~~IriC' T~ :II~'.I:~ i:i.:J.) }?~:"'J;~:,CL; For: 2\ I-IEZ~l::Ii~G 11}ri;ID::~C~i'J 1
0I~-...sCii;I~~C.; :r:~i.~~; F<~'E'.i Il-~,(..: "JI-"' ...~C;;~;IC:L;S 1J..\i~L}~=Ol\' ~:J..j'LI ~il-rE PTjBLIC1\.IJ:IC;~,'~'
JF 'J..':::.I:':'; ,.c;:()LG'l'IOi~,' \"7!.'lere;)y it: 6.cclared its intention to
vacate f a:-Jandon and close 'to puLL_c use a forr,ier i\naheirl: Union
,Jatcr Cornpany right of via~' eascnlent over,' across f along' and
tllroug-h tile hereinafter dCi3cribed I)rot-)Srt:, under the provi-
sions or tIle Pu.b lic Service ""';asenlen t Vaca tiol1 La'w 1 'IIi tle 5 r
Division 1, ?r"cicle 5 O:L "clle Gove:r:nment Code I and
'~.;l1S=:~-:j.S;' tile Ci t:;{ COUllCil ill saicl resolution referred
to a,ja~ on file in tne Office of hiC Ci t:/ Clerk for further
;-?articulars as to the :t'Jroposed vacation, aDandonment and closing
to Jublic use of sai~ easen~nt. and
-:h'lbISLS, SiUCi Ci,t::, Council ClL JJY said resolution fix
1:.1ie 24th day of Fcbruary, 1970, (l't 1 30 o"clock P.L., in the
Council Cllar:J:.:er in tDe City .iall or t.he City of l\nalleiL as the
tine and 9lace for a pw..:>lic hearin'0 on tlle matter of such vaca..
tioD f al)andonment anQ closinr,j t.o public use of said eaSeI:lent for
public }:,urposes" for all :persons interested in or objecting to
suc:n proposed vacation f abanclon"-'-,e;:~t anC clo:::>ing to }?ublic use
to aJ?:t;ear ano. 5:'10'\,; causs r if any 't:'18:t had: vvl1y such easement for
Ju;:;lic PUrio)OS6S should not :i...;e vaca,teC: al::Janctoned and closeo. to
)ui:.:lic use ana
,Vl-I.i";.'::GX>b sa,iCe re:c;olution \.;as pu.~jlished on the 11th aa::,{
or F'e...:.'ruary;, 197':; in t:nc .:naLeir .3ulletin" a newspaper of general
circulat:ioll... j)ri.nteu, i.m0lished anCl circulated in the City of
.:u1a"18l~. :jrarlr::;c: Count.}. ",al:L:::'ol-nL" ane,
:,'i,,-,~"..w;_~-); ;)~ .3ai", n:;solu,tio:i:1. saiu Ci,ty Council directed.
't.llat lJ,o'cice::; of tLe ::.)a:;~:':2.~.~2 oi: saiG. resolution ar..d of tile tin~e
and place or U:c; llearL-l;;. on C.:2 1,..J.tL~r of t~'LC vacation;- abano.on-
''lcnt, ilnc closins -to ;~;u"_)lic use of selic.. ea~;e,,',ent for public !?ur..
J03eS t,8 p03ted cons ,~icuou5IJ alo:J,'~ b~e lin::-,; of said ease~n(;nt f
:.'lot Lore Jci,an 3jL; fe~:t. c,l.-'C, (:x l':~,':..;_,t t,02r, (10) da:f:3 0el~orc saic.
,lcarin:;, aj,-lC~ llO't.:. L;;::;;,; L:u;:.. 'c.,rcco (3) 3ucL notice:::.; should be
"jO;J te0, an.J.
",;.l~~,.>"":'...,_,:.':-" lJ011ctJ..(~ ___\.. '.....' l 'u'Olll1C1J_ l).i~~ on. -C.1-12 11 tl'.L o.a:?" of
';?'--:.:..,rLla.r~";- l:} 7t) ~ ...jC;~:;t COl~.::-.;
3'llC~'~ ~lo.ticc~:) E~.l()Il~. t~ .~~ 1
iCU0US~- not less than three
(Jf ;J[Jic:. eas2i:~c;r_ti
WI1 i cl.l
. .
"\7'.:::rc; ~';O.3 -c.ec.. rlot :',.~o:::(~ t:
E:.-;.c~ ~:
"....... .....!-
ZtJ.':'.C. \12rO
t(~~ ( :
C!.. L.
.., " I
":"'::2..:.: \: 'c;..:r
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1_. C;,:f~' C;J~" 2 S
1 (~2.T
'-~:_' '_.'~",~ sGi~,:.~ ~.,._~ ~~ ;~ou:;"lciI ctJ..:;. 011 tile 24tll dai:
of }'ebruar:;.c" LnC~ i at 1 3; 0: clod~ :1:'.~;. in 'the Council
Chamber in the City Hall of the City of ~\,naheim, conduct
a public 11l::;arinS- on biG Latt,er of ',';ilctl-ler said easement for
~')uLlic :)ur:.o~)eE, :wr2ina.:f'ter cie:;,cri;)::;o.r ;::;:lOuld ])e vacab~:Ci..
a,'~)2.rld.Ol1r:;L. al-1L clo~~Je(:;" -to lie "J.~.'.(.:::; L:;;.l1.C~ Q~t said ~,.le(lrirlS:; /
Gl':',:. {';.(,'~cll~ 2',\)""1'..,_Cl1ce .tllC: ro ()J':_ u~lG.
. -.,...... ~.
t~12 ,.....i t.J. Cour:cil fj_I1L~S fro};J. all of ~t~'le
ev lC~0rlC:2 ~~u...:.~' '~i t t~:;c... .t.....~<:. t ;~.:.~ ie. ...~;:,:;~:-,'~ (:.~ '~~~~j-' t--: j: ()J::- .i.. .u.LJ Ii c r)l:r~".cs .~~s
\ic:~;~ c r ij)2C. iy'~ 'c.:, '-.: ,~(~3 c; IJ '~~L C;~.'-" O:,::~- i~.,t:';~'l.Jci c'r~~ (-)~r~C~ 11Qr8illa f tcr
- . ~
Q.2::.~crl2.~';'~C_, ~L;')
lic ];,ur:,oscs
l~~':J 'l'._ C C.:. L~ :3 (~~, r~.
&l:.U tllu:t ali.
for 'rc:;,r:::L.-t or ~)~:osFic:ct.iv'8 pu;.:;..,
orue:r vaC;:1 tiL,~ anc1 aDandonins
suc.~,~ ear:.~er;'~erlt for L)U,:,^:lic ~"' L:~~~:'o:~s~-", c."<.:,:) (~'2~~;C]:,j..;..;eC. irl .t118 r'~e-'"
solution 0::: Ir~t.cntiO:l ;:;lloulc...~e ",..aGe.
.- ': '-,' , .
:_L~ ~:'.:~'~~~:t2-;=~il\-,.i'-'_~'._ f
~ ~~~.:... ~:; i,_) {., \/~,.......:
o:t: tl~e Ci't'T ofJ"la.1E:J.
1. '.L{"a.-t it: fincs ....l,~ rcci,ta:.L;:; I:OL,L12,:JOVe ;:;E:;"c forCe:,"
il" t:"i:; reso1ujcion to be true,
2. 1~'L.at it fincts 5.:roI!\ all L1S evidence :mbmitted tl'lat
saiL. ror:ier ".l111Ileil: lmioj:l,iater Cor,"b>any risllt of
way ea~euent for 0u~lic purposes o.escribed in sala
resolu'cion i;.";; Ulili2ceSc3ar for ~,r2::;;el1t or pros;:::8ctive
E'U}.:Jlic ~,urrosc:3,
3. ',l.':-,at i-t: D.oe:" Ilcrc};:,- orucr ~chat said easement for
public purposes be, and it is ~erebYl vacated,
a~andonec. and closed to ;w;lic usc,
4. l-tjla t saiu. e&SeL~en-t :~'ler2i11 Orc.'2reu. vacated 1 abandoneci
and closed to '!:uJ.:,lic use is bia"c certain easement des-
cri.0ec. in saiCi. :C.e:30lution o. 70;>-66.. is situa-teo. in
t~.~e vi'c:l of "nalleh,.. Count:;.' of Orange, State of Cali--
fornic~ ana is more j!articularlc' describea as follo\i;s ~
f 1. '\.i:~CJ.~Il tJ~.]_';
~- -- ..'-'-- -.-
'i.'llat Dortiol1 of Lot 83 anc~ Lot 8'1 of 'l'ract Lo. 1247,
as ~:;llmm on a ~ recorcw<i in .l:;ooL 58, pases 2G
tl~rouS:J, 28 of ;,i::;cellaneou;, llaps; records of Oran~ie
County, California lyinS 0arallel with and 5 feet
on eaC.il Si0.2 of -triO fol1m'j'inc;; described centerline;
Beginnin; at ~le nort~vo3t corner of Lot 83 of said
'i:ract 1247; bwnce follm;ing alons a portion of the
nor-c~'l line of said i.ot 83, j.ortl1 540 51' 30" :Las t a
distance of 44.48 feetl tllence southeasterly 65.69
feet to an intersection with t~e easterly line of
saic Lot 83 F saiu. point of inbc.:rsection beins distan't
23. ,Ii 7 feet froll t~lC nor-c.,iloas t corner of said Lo't 83,
measured along 'tlw ea~; ter 1:/ line of said Lo~c 83, said
point of intersection also being the poin'c of terlTtinus
of 't11C li11e ~}erein describec~.
oo>-~ ~) _~.
p ~-,.:r.~C.2:G '1\10
The v;estc::rl:..:- 4 feet of b,-18 southerly 16 feet of
Lot 85 and -tile westerly 4 feet of Lot 84 of Tract
1247 a;3 shoc;In on a Liiap recorded in Book 58, pages
26 tnroU<::Ill 28 of L,iscellaneous Laps, records of
CraI1se County, CC1li:Eornic:~.
...:.XC2..;P'III,G rl.'l,.._.:":':':'E<~'.C~_ any l:Jortion thereof described
~)ove in Parcel One.
~.'J.,D .D:b Ifl' .FUh'l'==L1:.. F...GSCIN:";D that-the City Clerk be, and
she is hereby" authorized and directed to cause a certified co:::';!
of this I::tesolution and Order i a.tteste6. by her under the seal of
the City of j",naheh,; to :0e recordea in the Office of the County
=~:ecorc..er of Urange County, California.
iri<}~ 1,101:.E~C~OII~.G r2SC~LUTI()I',~
this 24th day of February. 1970.
l' ~
aF'"roved and signec~ b::/ me
~-\.i~~'l\j 31~.. .-,
CJ ,,2'L~,,__
~:2l.n~ OF 'I'Ll.:; CI',rY or j\j,iZ,h:;.:;n,
) ss.
I, DENE M. WILLJAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the f~regoing Resolution No. 70R-102 was introduced
and adopted at a regular ~eeting provided by law, of the City Council of
the City of Anaheim, he1dion the 24th day of February, 1970, by the
following vote of the mempers thereof:
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark
AND I FURTHER C~TIF1 that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and signed said\~~solution No. 70R-102 on the 24th day of Feb-
ruary, 1970.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 24th day of February, 1970.
I DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of R.esolution No.
70R-102 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on February
24, 1970.
L ftr.~
City Clerk