ISSGILlj'l'IO~~ 1<IO. 69r~-658
OF I:J.IllliEHi I'IlmIUG 2.'J:W DE'lLillGi:-:L~G TEA'l' TITLE
18 or TilE l\l>Jl\l-lELJ dUl\ICII?i:.L CODE IlliLA'l.'ING 'l'O
OF CI~I:tir7:..Il' ZCi~'.IES SIiC:U.LI) BL Cl-ll~.~.GLI;.
',.mLFSAS f the City Planning Cormdssion of the Ci,ty
of linaheim did J.1old a public l1earins in Reclassification Pro-
ceedings IJo. 69-70-'19 to consider an aIilend.ment to 'I'i tIe 18 of
the lilla.ileir:L lJunicipal Coue relating to zoning, and to consider
a chan'?oe in the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter
mentioned and described, and at said hearing did receive
evidence and reports from persons interested therein and
troD its staff ana
lJEI:;:,~.i':.S, ;;;i tilin a f,eriod of forty days follo':ling
,,,alQ hearing ble Planning Cor:JLlission did duly adopt a resolu-
tion contain ins a rc~)or-t of its findings i a summary of the
evidence ;~)resentec1 at said hearLl:J, ane! a recoTIJuenda-tion that
the propo,;.;ec: a.;'cndncnt ,,;:; a(:'oi:.'tC(~ lvi,' the City Cour:.cil and t.iia t
a certain zone or zon(C~s;.c c~: as :.lcreinafb2r set forth.
.,"".'.~,:~ ~~ f u:;OYl rccei:.;:t of ;:;a~c r",;,3olut~on i sUFilnary
of :~\tl:-~i.2nce. ref)ort of filicIir1;;rS .3.!1(~ r(~CcL~::.e11Cta.tiorl of 1:I1tS Cit:/
=: la.l1IlillS ;.:~ o~-.~u';,.~i 5.'3 i ()ntl..:~~: (=j...t~'r C~()llr...ci 1 uic~ fix t11e lS-tl-:;. daji' of
~C,~J(~;_,;.,;:;~~r ~_ IS C ::' a.;:.) t:.\c: J~i~"(;;~ i ~lr~c- t.>_c: c~i t::Z C:OUI1Ci 1 (':haEl:~'8r::j ill
-t._;_'-,-::.:.~i t':i' all c~f.;:~... .:; ~,. ~j~ -i:,.l"" ()f <(J,(~ C;~'.~= 3-:::) tl'. (:.: .i,;! la_c~; for ct l:Ju;,~ lie
:c(~rirlj U=~C:.l ::;~~j_:_" ~~~-:::-c'~~o~,'?:c !.:.:..... ~~l:l:~..:."'.t~2.-~.t tCi r~.~j_.tl'C:; 18 of tl'.~8 ]\~l1allei:<
\x'lici"i:'..l CoC::c- anc ,t>c.::::clm:iO'l of s:d.\. .:-,ro::.;;srty, !1ereinafter
6_<:;:.;crii..__.e(, i L~:CC:.; -clis ZC):-LC~ or ::Or1!':.~::; in. -\l1~iic:"'.. it is 110\:J si tuatec
(mo. tile incorporation tllereof in the zone or zones hereinafter
set fort>. c.rle did ::,ivc noticc~ t;>:::::CCI in tLe lL~anner and fOL'
d,',: "rcvi(',~c: 11' ';id(. . ,;,.:':1:: 1" oft' ,:unicira.l Colle i a)",(
.._, ,J..t .c.'"., ~"-~ ti:.- 1.3 e..l":.c: ~.:>lac~~.:::: ~ci:(c6 for sa~d rYLll~~:lic
:.~(~:i.tl."in"~~ .t:.1C (;it.-~:- CoulJ.cil c~.i~.~_ ~":ol(J ::u~(;. cor.cl.l1ct S'UC~'.l fYLi}~lic
cctrir:,-~:' a.nc. (:~ ::.,.iv':_:) 2.i11 ::2r~:.~c,r~;::.. i~:1"tGX'2:=Jt2j. -t2lcre.2.n el11 o:c::;or"""
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~:..l_'~o'ulG. :)8 c:<:cluC.E:cl f~c-~..~ t_~~":.C: :3c'rJ,(-: 01: ZC.lJ_i..~;C irl ~\lqllicIl iJc i:3 110\J
;~)i tua-tel:l L:1cor:,.~o:c~~ tc,--;. :Lrl t~_>.;;; ZO~Ci.(::: or 20D.O;'1 as fle.r2il1after
S(~t fort'..
!,Y.!, '.!.'~.T;,_:n::~-,. _, L. ":':,,S:=.IJ\T~;L :"'y tiw City Council
of the .::.i t:;;. of "na~,8L tj,a t .~ii tl:~~ 18 of ble 1m all e ir:. Lunicir'al
:':ocls Le: anLlL12 Saj,,2 is ~,lereL.;:-. C1:;:Cl'.G2C and tl1a'c tile folluilin'j
dc~scril:;eC. r>ro};.:crtJ.' T si tuatec. irl tl~e ci t::Z" of 2\nal""lE;iI;~, Courlt~(
of uranss, State of ~aliforLia to wit.
'J...- ,
That portion of the southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of fractional Section 7, Township 4 South, Range 9
West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon De Santa Ana, City of
Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as shown
on a map recorded in Book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps,
records of said Orange County, described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Tract No. 6138 as shown
on a map recorded in Book 229, pages 22 through 24 inclusive
of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, said
corner being a point in the centerline of Dutch Avenue as
shown on said Tract; thence South 00 10' 03" West 497.35
feet along the westerly line of said Tract to the southwest
corner of said Tract; thence South 890 51' 10" West 807.63
feet along the westerly prolongation of the southerly line
of said Tract to a point in the centerline of Rio Vista
Street as shown on said Tract; thence North 00 08' 30" East
825.00 feet along the centerline of said Rio Vista Street;
thence North 890 51' 10" East 678.19 feet; thence South
00 10' 03ft West 326.94 feet to a point in the westerly
prolongation of the centerline of Dutch Avenue as shown
on said Tract; thence South 890 50' 08" East 129.81 feet
along last mentioned prolongation to the point of beginning.
Except therefrom that portion of said land lying westerly of
the following described line:
Beginning at the westerly terminus of that certain course
hereinbefore described as having a bearing and length of
South 890 50' 0811 East 129.81 feet; thence parallel with
said westerly line of said Tract No. 6138, South 00 10' 03"
West to the southerly line of said land.
That portion of the southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of fractional Section 7, Township 4 South,
Range 9 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon De Santa
Ana, City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Calif-
ornia, as shown on a map recorded in Book 51, page 10
of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County,
described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Tract No. 6138 as
shown on a map recorded in Book 229, pages 22 through
24 inclusive of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said
Orange County, said corner being a point in the centerline
of Dutch Avenue as shown on said Tract; thence South o.
10' 03" West 497.35 feet along the westerly line of said
Tract to the southwest corner of said Tract; thence South
890 51' 1011 West 807.63 feet along the westerly prolonga-
tion of the southerly line of said Tract to a point in the
centerline of Rio Vista Street as shown on said Tract;
thence North 00 08' 30" East 825.00 feet along the center-
line of said Rio Vista Street; thence North 890 51' 10"
East 678.19 feet; thence South 00 10' 03" West 326.94
feet to a point in the westerly prolongation of the
centerline of Dutch Avenue as shown on said Tract; thence
Sou~~ 890 jor ()[ ~as~ 12;.81 Zcet alons last mcntj.one6
~;)r()lOrlS-2-tic~rl -to .C:~C~ Lc)iIlt ()f .<_2;:o:irlr._i:.l~o. 0)
:::'~;:ce~Jt U.srefrol:, that i.?or-tion of s,:lic land lying easterlJ
or .tile follo\1inS. J.escriLec: line.
.JeSlnnl.nq at the '(Jes'tcrly teLdnus of 'cha-t certain course
l1ereinbefore Cescri~e~ as 11aving a ~earing and length of
SOUtil 890 =;O! 08' .Jas'c 125..31 feet.. thence parallel wit,h
said \:esterl:l line of Sa:LCl '-'.Tact ci~O. 6138, South 00 10 I
03 ';"est to t:.lC soublcrly line of said land.
DC excluded froL ti1e l~pl" j\GI:ICUI/J.'u~J'U:, ZO~.L, and incOr2)Ora.ted
in the followin<;; zones l upon tile conditions hereinafter set
That Parcel A hereinbefore described shall be changed
to and incorporated in I>.l r Oi~E Fl'.LIIJY HESIDEH'I'IAL zm::c I
'.:.nat Parcel D hercin:)efore described sllall be changed
to and incorL:Jorated in L--2 .- 5000, Oi:JE FAlH:GY ZONE.
'i.'hat said cllans'c of zones sl1all be made uiJon the follm7ing
conditions <
1. That a final tract @ap of subject property shall be
suLmi tted to and approvec. Dj the City Council and
then be recorded in tile of fice of tIle OranSfc Coun'ty
~1ecorder .
2. 'Il1at the owners or subject property shall pay to the
Ci ty of ~.illahei;.l .the sun', or $125.00 per single-'family
unit, to be used fo~ park and recreation purposes,
said amount to be paid at the tiT,18 the building'
permit is issued.
DL I'.l' FUP.THLI~ lili~>jl'-Vl-,D t:~lat tb.e City Attorney be, and
~le is hercDY authorized anc. d.irect.eC', to pre:pare and subrd t to
the Ci t:i'- Council an ordinance amending 'l'i tIe 18 of the l\naheirn
liunicipal Code to accomplish the objects herein found and
determined to be necessary and proper.
'.l.'Ii:G F()~:;EGOE.C 2..LSOLU'lICi; is api;-;roveCi and signed by me
this l8-tll day of____~~~y~nili_e.E__,_______J 19 _~_~____
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I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 69R-658 was intro-
duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City
Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 18th day of November, 1969,
by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and signed said Resolution No. 69R-658 on the 18th day of
November, 1969.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 18th day of November, 1969.
~-"- h: "2~".;'~
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No.
69R-658 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on Nov-
ember 18, 1969.
~)t. ~:..--
City Clerk