OF N~lli{EIM GRN~TING VARIill~CE NO. 2111.
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of
Anaheim did receive a petition for zoning variance from Loyd
P. and Emma H. Nich~ls, Owners; and Morris Hodges, as Agent
of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County
of Orange, State of California, described as follows:
---.,.------. ._--_.--
In the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of
California, being a portion of the South half of
Section 8, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, S.B.B.& M.,
described as follm'ls;
Conmlencing at the intersection of the centerlines of
Chippewa Street and Crescent Avenue, being the point
of beginning, a.nd running thence North 00 21' 6 II West
along the centerline of Chippewa Street 665.23 feet to
the intersection of said centerline of Chippmva Street
wi th the southerl:::r line of the Orange County Flood Con-
trol District channel property. thence 1:Jorth 890 43' 41"
:'Jes"c 1401. 0 8 feet along the southerly line of said Orange
County Flood Control District property to a two-inch iron
pipe, thence South 650 9' 56" West 40.69 feet to a two-
inch iron pipe; thence South 560 45' 34" East 936.22
feet to a two' .inc:-: iron pipe, tilence South 660 46' 0 I'
East 175.45 feet to a tvJO~inch iron pi!:)c, .thence South
710 7' 30" :Cast 90.55 feet to a blo-inch iron pipe, thence
South 00 21' 6;: Eas'l: 41.13 feet to a one--inch by tvw.inch
stake in b-:.e centerline of Crescent ;.\venue: thence South
890 43 I 41 Last along the centerline of Crescent .i.'\venue
411.91 feet to the point of beginning.
LXCEpr.2LJG 'l'm.:,~:":;I;FDL the southerly 230.00 feet of the
easterly 182.00 feet thereof.
ALSO BXCEP'l'Il_G 'J.'El.:;f~.~Fr~OL any property deeded to the
State of California.
In the City of Anaheilli I County of Orange, state of
California, bains the southerly 230.00 feet of the
easterly 182.00 feet of a portion of the South half
of Section 8 f 'l'Ownsi'lip 4 South, Range 10 \Vest, S.B.B. & 1:/1.,
described as follows;
Commencing at tile intersection of the centerlines of
Chippewa Street and Crescent Avenue, being the point
of beginning, and running thence Lorth 00 21' 6" West
along the centerline of Chippewa Stree.t 665.23 feet
to the intersection of said centerline of Chippewa
Street with the southerly line of the Orange County
Flood Control District channel property, thence North
890 43' 41" West 1401.08 feet along the southerly line
~'=c..;.,oa:.1', C""',"" ___ ",",~"
of said Orange County Flood Control District property to
a two..inch irQn pipe; thence South 650 9' 56 Ii West
40.69 feet to a two-.inch iron pipe; thence South
560 45' 34;' East 936.22 feet to a two-inch iron pipe;
thence South 660 46' 0" East 175.45 feet to a two-.
inch iron pipe; thence South 710 7' 30;; East 90.55
feet to a two-incil iron pipe; thence South 00 21' 61'
East 41.13 feet to a one.-inch by tVlO--inch stake in the
centerline of Crescent Avenue; thence South 890 43' 41"
East along the centerline of Crescent Avenue 411.91
feet to the point of beginning.
EXCEPTING THEREFRON any property deeded to the State
of California.
N~D WHEf~AS, the City Planning Commission did hold a
public hearing at the City Hall in the City of j"naheim upon said
petition on August 11, 1969, and continued said hearing to
September 22, 1969, and continued said hearing to October 20,
1969, notice of which said public hearing was duly given as
required by law and the provisions of Title 18, Chapter 18.76
of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and
v~iEREAS, said City Planning Commission, after due
inspection; investigation and studies made by itself and in its
behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, did adopt Resolution No. PC 69-210,
approving Variance No. 21111 subject to ele conditions Blerein
set forth; and
'i~Hr::P.EAS, thereafter, within twenty-two (22) days from
the date of the adoption of said resolution, the City Council
did elect, upon its own motion, to review the action taken by
the City Planning Comrnission in approving said variance and did
set a public hearing thereon to be held on the 18th day of
November, 1969, at 1.30 o!clock P.I'1. in the City Hall in the
City of Anaheim and notice of such public hearing was duly
given as required by law and the Provisions of 'I'itle 18,
Chapter 18. 76 of the Anahcinl l,iunicipal Code f and
'iJHBP..ET,S I after due investigation and studies made
by itself and in its be~alfI and after due consideration of
all the evidence and reports offered at said hearing, the
City Council does find and determine that~
There are exceptional or extraordinary circum-
stances or conditions applicable to the property
involved or to the intcnded use of the property
that do not apply generally to the property or
class of use in the same vicinity and zone.
2 .
That sucl1 a variance is necessari' for tlle preser-'
vation and enjO:lI',-,cnt of a substantial property
rig-Ii t uossessed by otl-ler pror.Jerti' in the same
vicinity and zone and denied to the property in
''':'hat tLe granting of SUC"l variance will not be
materially detriuental to the public welfare or
injurious to the property or improvements in such
vicini ty and zone in which tl-..c property is located.
4 .
r"::"~lat Dle granting of SUdl variance will not adverselv
affect the comprehensive general zoning plan.
~""""''',.'''''''''-'--. .......
Nm-J, 'l'Hr;RBFOlli~: BB I'.r HESOLVED by the City Council
of the City of Anaheim that a conditional zoning variance be,
and the same is hereby granted permittin(] the establishment
of a 320-unit tvlO"'story multiple-family residential development
on Parcel'';\,' and permitting the utilization of Parcel "BO: for
camper: trailer and boat storage for tenants of Parcel ~IL:; on
the property :lereinLefore describec, with waivers of the fol-
1m-ling imaheim Iiunicipal Code requirement or linli ta tions sub-
ject to the conditions lwreinafter set forth:
p ARC_~!-_.~'~_.~_()nt'-y .
1. Einimum distance beb'lecn buildings (Section
18 . 2 8 . 0 5 0 ( 7 .- a) .
2. ,.;uHL:Jer of main structures (Section 18.32.020 (I) .
PARCEL "B onl"~
- ._-_._._._.._---_.._._,._~.
Permitted uses on tile 2-3 Zone (Section 18.32.020).
That G~is variance
l. c
gTanted subject to the following
1. That this 'variance is granted su~ject to ~le COill-
}:)letion of ~~.eclas:3ificat.ion :";0. 69--70-6.
2. r~.'hat an 8-foot ma~;onry \,.7al1 shall l?e constructed alcl1S:i
the ncrt11 and ,,'J0:;;t l:)ro;jert::,;' lines of Fortion "B.1 anG
to ths rear of Lle rc :,;uin:;c. frol'.t landscape area,.:; on
Cl:ip?e~:a and Crc::;ccnt Avc:l1ues I prior to u.tilization
of Portion ~ for vehicle or boat storage purposes.
3. 'Phat the proposed 60'.foot diameter cul-de-sacs in
Portion 'A" remain free of all permanent obstructions
to vet:icles.
4. 'l'Lat subject t,rOi?8rtl- shall be developed substantially
ir. accordance witil plans and specifications on file
wi th t:le Cit.y of i\naheiT:c i mar]~ed Lxhibi ts Nos. 1 ana.
2. ::~evL:.;ion =10. 1.
.Lne ci t;l C:ounciJ. nerc::'c:{ r::~;3erve;:; .tllS rigL t to revoke
sue:, variance Derr,~j;t for GOOG C2.1...1;:';8 or failure of said miner f
. '. .; (' ~'uc ce to' co ors - or ;::>ro~, .;..,,~, C oJ .to C O.'T.' 1 '.-. 7:'1 .'_1, .th c p nah el' -1"[~ T 'U:.1l' C.; ~.
,.;. 1--.... u....) o..,.J >-J \".o~..:) ....,J _1_ ~ ... J. ........- J.,' . -'- _;' ~ J _ '-~ 1. ...... "- ~ ... .L.oI. ~~. .t _ ~
~)c>l Code alJ.d n~~.ulaticns ane::. tl..c con0.i tions ]lerein. Said
varianc(~ is Granted for t:"c t:err.. :?rCScrE>2( ::>:/ L.le b..ncj',eirfi
:Iunicipal Code unles~= otlier..li,,;e sx:;cifie6 ::tcreil1.
;Ti-iJ_; F;(]r(t-.;'80Ii~C r(CE~()Llj'j.:IC;~.. is a';:j>)rovec~ and si~)1ecl .oj?
Iae t11is 18tr~1 da~~- o:f i7ovGL"0:)er 1969.
.,_,'}.fli'i~~~;srl: "
~~~L~<--o22F ~~Tl'-,",4c.~ ':V--O--T":; .c....,.-,.,~.."...~':.---
'- .).~il,,,l,.. TI.~E+--CI'lIY---015~ .l<,l"~id.t.L.l.~:.
_..,_'~,"""',,".,.. ,.0_'____"'&
) ss.
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 69R-657 was intro-
duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City
Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 18th day of November, 1969,
by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Pebley and Clark
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and signed said Resolution No. 69R-657 on the 18th day of Nov-
ember, 1969.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 18th day of November, 1969.
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolutioq No.
69R~657 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on Nov-
ember 18, 1969.
~ )to ));;~6)...r~
City Clerk