83R-112 RESOLUTION NO. 83R-ll2 ~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM VACATING PORTIONS OF CERTAIN ALLEYS, OLD LINCOLN AVENUE, CLAUDINA STREET AND EMILY STREET. (82-8A) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did, by resolution duly adopted, declare its intention to vacate certain public streets, highways or public service easements pursuant to the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing to consider said vacation was posted and published in the manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, on the 22nd day of March, 1983, a public hearing was held to allow interested persons to submit evidence concerning said proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, the City Council does find, from the evidence submitted, that the street, highway or public service easement hereinafter specifically described is unnecessary for present or prospective public purposes including nonmotorized transportation facilities. WHEREAS, the City Council does determine that the public convenience and necessity require the reservation and exception of the easement(s) and right(s) of way hereinafter specifically described. WHEREAS, if and to the extent that there are in place public utility facilities in use for which easements are not reserved and excepted by this resolution, the City Council hereby determines that the public convenience and necessity requires that no easements be reserved for such facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Anaheim does hereby order the vacation of certain alleys, a portion of Old Lincoln Avenue, a portion of Claudina Street and a portion of Emily Street, more specifically described as follows: "_. Parcels 1, 2 and 3 as described in Exhibit "A" (consisting of five [5] pages) attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the vacation authorized by this resolution shall not be effective until a certified copy of this resolution is recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Orange County. /~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and she is hereby, authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this resolution to be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Orange. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 22nd day of March, 1983. ATTEST: ~'Jj)_~ TY LERK OF E OF ANAHEIM MES:fm 0827M 3-31-83 .-- - PARa:I. 1 ~ha~ ?o~ien of ~e Cen~er ~ac~, as shewn on a map recorded in Book 3, page 22 of !o'.i.scellaneous Maps, Rece:ds of Orange COWJ1:Y, and a ~e=--ion 0: ~e sou~erly one-half 0: Lincoln Avenue (fo~ly Cen1:er Stree1:) as shown on sua map, in the City 0: Anahe.im, CQWJ~1 0: Orange, S ta1:e of.. Califo~a, desc=~ed as follows: 3ec;i::m.:...nq a1: the Nor-~wes1: corner of 1.01: 1, in Block ":9. of sai.:: Center ~ac:-:: thence S 14. 24' 48. W a.lone; the wes1:erly l~e of said I.ot 1 and ~~ sou~erly prolongation, 148.49 feet to ~~e no~~west ccrner ef Lo1: Z8 in saie: Block "B. in tne Cen1:tIr ~ac:-:: thence S 7S 0 28' 07. W aleng ~e sou~erly ri~ht of way line and its eas1:erly and westerly ?roleng- -:..:..ons of a deciica1:ed allev in said Can1:er T:ac~, 324.16 :ee1: ':.0 ":.."le ~eC;~:H; of a ncn-tanqe%1~ ~--ve, a raciia.l line bearine; N 5S0 15' 06" E ~!'~ ":.b.rougn the po:.n~ of beqinni:1C;, sud cu...-ve beU1C; concave seu1:.h- wes1:erly and ha~-nc; a radius of 29.Jl :ee1:: ~ence No:-~e:ly and Wes1:e:ly alone; said ~~-ve ~ouc;n a cen~al ang~e of :70 ::' :J., an arc dis1:ance =: :"J. 99 :ee1: -=.0 -:.!:1e .:,eqi!"lT"!~ rg 0: a :.-everse ~~-ve, a rae..:.al l~~e bear=.ng ~ 300 53' 53- E ::ns t:rouc;n 1:he ?O~1: of beq~~!"I~!"Ig, s~d ~~-ve be~q c~ncave nor~easter~y and ~vL~g a ra~~ of ~:.3: :ee~: ~ence Ne:-~e=ly ~one; s~c ~~-ve -~rough a cen1:ral anc;~e of 450 12' 12", an arc dis1:ance 0: 8.92 feet ~ a PO~1:: ~ence N 760 06' 05. E, 1.00 :ee1:: ~ence N 120 53' 55. W, .05 fee1: tQ a poin1: en ~e wes1:e:ly ?==lenga1:~~n of ~e ~o=-_~erly =ight of way line of sai~ alley; ~ence N 750 28' Oi. E alonq sa~~ nO:--her1y l~e, 284.42 feet to ~e sou1:heast co~er of Lo~ 42 ~ Block "Aw 0: said Cen1:er ~ac1:: ~ence N 140 24' 48. W along ":..~e ~s~e=ly :~~e of said L01: 42, 135.03 fee1:: ~~ence S 750 :~ 55. E a~ong 1:he s~u1:herly r~qh:: c: way ':.;i.ne 'Of sud :..i..ncoln Avenue, 284.:1 :ee1:: t..~ence ~~ :.3- :3 I 55" w, . 7~ =ee-c; 1:hence N i60 06 I 05- ;:, l..00 =ee-:.; -:..'lenc:e :; :..::. 53' 55. W, 9. 80 :8.1: to ":.."le bec;~nn~ng c: a tangen1: cU--ve ccnc~ve sou~eas1:erly and hav~ng a :adius of '::.50 :ee1:; ":..~enoe NO~"lerly and 3as1:e:ly along said ~~-ve ~rouqh a cen~~ angle of 740 22' 09", an arc ~s1:ance 0: 1~.93 :ee1: 1:0 1:he beq~nning of a reverse eu--ve concave no~~wes1:erly and hav~ng a :aQius o~ 2~.OO fee1:: ~ence Eas1:erly and No=-~erly along said eu--ve ~~ue;h a cen1:ral angle of 59. ::' :8., an arc ~istance of :1.76 :ee1: ~ ~e beqinn~q of a reverse cu--ve concave scu~~- easterly and ha~g a ~~us of 11.50 ~ee~: ~~ence Nor--herly and Easterly along saic c~-ve ~ouc;h a cen1:ral anqle of 740 :2' 09., an a=c distance ~= :4.93 :ee1:: ~~ence N 750 :7' 55. E, 9.00 :ee1:; thence ~ 140 31' 05" W, :.00 =ee1: ~ a ?o~,~ on ":..~e cente=lL~e 0: sai= L~ncoln Avenue; t..~ence N 7Sa 27' 55" E along said cen1:erline, 96.31 :ee~ ~o the beqir~inq of a EXHIBIT...__.,d..__...._ PG 1 nr: ~ ....---.. ....... '-. .......-.....- Parcel :. - tangent curve concave southwes1:erly and having a radius of 133.00 feet; thence Easterly and Southerly along said curve through a cent:al angle 0: 170 41' 51", an arc distance of 41.08 feet; thence S 36Q 50' 14" W, 71.87 feet; to t.'1e beginning of a tangent cur.Te concave nor~herly and having a radius of 187.00 feet; thence Southerly and Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 170 42' 06", an arc dis~ance o~ 57.77 ~eet; thence N 750 27' 40" E, 37.56 ~ee~ ~o ~he point of beg~nning. RESERVI~G 7HEREFROM unto the City of Anaheim an easement for public ut~:ity purposes, including ingress and egress :or the installat~on and ~~ntenance of water :ac~lities over, under, along and ac:oss that portion of the here~n above described abandonment area 1y~ng w~~~in the fo110wi~g descr~bed parcel: ?ARC~:' A: 3e~~nning at the Northwest corner 0= said :'ot 1. in Block "B" of sa~d Center ~ract; thence S 750 27' 40" w. 29.00 feet to the ~rue ?c~nt of 3eginning~ thence S 140 24' 48" S, :35.79 feet; thence ~l -so 28' 07" E. 29.00 feet; t11ence S :40 24' 24" S, 27.00 feet: thence S 750 28' 07" W, 44.00 feet: thence N :40 24' 48" W, :62.79 ~eet; thence N 750 27' 40" E. 15.00 feet to ~he true point of beg~nn~ng. ~so RESERVING 7E~REFROM un1:O the ?ac~:ic 7elephone and ~elecrraph Co~pany a public ut~lity easement to construct, place, operate, inspect, ~a~nta~n. =epa~r, rep~ace, and remove sucn underground telephone, ~elegraph and co~~un~cat~cn structures, as ~he company may from t~~e to t~~e requ~re, oons~st~ng of wires. cables, condu~ts, mannoles. ~rkers and necessary =ix~u:es and appurtenances over. under. along and across that portion of the here~n aDove descr~bed abandonment area tc~ether w~th all reasonable r~gnts of ~ngress and eg=ess. lv~~c w~t~~~ =~~ ~ere~~ acove descr~~ed ?arcel "All. Sa~c reservation to sai~ ~elephone and ~eleg=aph Company is subject to and subordinate to the rights or the City of Anahe~m as =eserved above. ~~so ~ESERV:NG 7~EREFROM unto t~e City of Anane~~ an easement for public u~~:ity pur?oses ~~cl~d~ng :ngress and egress :~r the :~stallat~on and ma~~~enance of sewer ~ac~:i~ies over, under, along 'and ac=css ~~at ?ort~on c: :~e he=el~ above desc::bed aband8nment area lYlng wl~~in the f~llow~ng descr~~ed parcel: p .;~C=:. 3: -- Beginning at ~he ~or~hwest corner oi sa~d :'ot 1. :~ Elock "9" of sa~d Center T:act, thence S 140 24' 48" E, 147.79 feet to the 7=ue Point of 3eg~nning; thence S 140 24' 48" E, 15.00 feet; thence S 750 28' 07" W. 344.42 feet; thence N 140 24' 48" W, 15.00 fee~; thence N 750 28' 07" E, 344.42 feet to the t:~e point of beg~nning. ~~,H ISIT ....._..A........... ..._ ?G ........J......... 0:-. ...L...... -,,-. . Parcel 1 -- ALSO RESERVING THEREFROM unto the Southern California Gas Company, an easement for public utility purposes for the installation and maintenance of gas line facilities over, under, along and across that portion of the herein above described abandonment area together with all reasonable rights of ingress and egress lying within the herein above described parcel liB II . Said reservation to said Southern California Gas Company is subject to and subordinate to the rights of the City of Anaheim as reserved above. .- ): H I B IT _.......t.1-..... u_______ . .~......~......_C?..__L....._ - PARa::. 2 ~~a~ cer~ain unnamed public ~ley ly~q within ?ar:el 1 of Parcel Map No. 81-252, in t!:le Ci-::y of AnaheJ.:n, Coun1:Y 0: Orange, Sta1:e of Cal~:o~ia, as shewn on a map :iled in Beok 174, pac;es 41 and 42 0: Parcel Maps iJ: ":..:1e Of~ice 0: ':.:1e coun~l Recorder of sa..i~ C~un-:y, s~d alley ly:.ng 15.00 :ee1: on each side of ":..:1e following desc=~ed cen~erl.ine: 3eq~~~g a1: t!:le nor--beas1:erly c_~~er =: Parcel 3 0= said Parcel Map No. 81-252: ~~ence S 140 ~9' 51" E along ~e cen1:er1ine 0: C:a~~ Stree1: (f:rmerly 3e~e Stree~), 190.19 fee1: ':.0 ~e i::-:~rse~ion 0: said. cl!n1:erline of C:'au~ Stree1: wi~ ~e ea.s~erly pr=~onqa1:ion of ":..~e cen~erl~e of sa~d ~amec alley: ~ence S 750 '28' 16" W, 26.50 fee~ ~ a ?C~~1: on ~e ea5~erly line of said Pa.r:el 1, sai~ poi:nt a..lso ~ei."1g -:.be :'.R;J..:. ?OINT OF 3EG=~m~;G; ~ence S -So 28' 16" W along sa~d cen1:erline of said unnamed alley ~ a ?e~n~ on ":.."le wes1:erly line 0: sa.J.d Parcel :., said ?oi::.~ ;:'e.i.ng ~e ?o:..n1: 0: ~e~..;"us. ~~e nO:--berly anc sou1:berly =i;r.~ of way :'L"1es ~= ~e shor~snec cr :enqh~~nec ~ co~~c~ae w~~~ l~~es c: sa~c Pa::el :. 0: s~c ~~d alley ~e eas1:erly and wes-:e:ly -- EXHfBIT....._..fl..._...,;- C~ ~I __ ~ J y...---.......L.... _0." ~.~.___.___ - PAltCD. 3 ~~ese por~ions of Old Lincoln Avenue (fo~rly Eas1: Cen1:er Stree1:) , Claudina Stree1: (:o~rly Be~~e Street) and Emily Stree1:, as shewn on a map o~ Vineyard Lot 0.3, recorded in Book 34, page 592, ~.i.scellaneous Records ot Los Angeles County, loca1:ed in the City of Anahe~, COu:1ty of Orange, State of Califo~ia, described as follows: Bee;i:mine; at the centerline intersec~on of Old Lincoln Avenue and Claudina. Street: thence N 140 29' 51" W along sajd cen1:erline of Claudina St=eet, 137.86 feet: thence N i50 27' 12" E, 23.71 f~e1: to ~~e TRUE ?OINT OF BEGrNNrNG: ~ence:~ntin~~e; N 750 27' 12" E, 2.79 :~e~: thence S 140 29' 51" E, 93.11 ~ee1:: thence N 750 27' 44- E, 240.12 feet: ~~ence N 14. 29' 53. W llonq ~e wes~erly right of way 1i~e of said Emily St:ee1:, 91.72 :ee~ ~ ~~e beg~~g of a ~on-1:~~qen~ c'tl:""J'e concave ~or":..~wes1:erly and hav:..:g a :a~us of 125.00 fee1:: thence Eas~e:ly and No~":erly along sa~d c:;.:-7e tilrougn a cen~al angle of 150 09' 36" an arc distance of 33.07 ~ee1: to a ?O~~ of tanqen~Ii ":..~ence N 550 42' 00. E, :2.07 fee1:. ~a ?O~1: on ~e eas~erly rign1: of way li..~e of said E::1ily St=eet: ~~enc' S 14. 29' 53. E along said easterly l~e, 106.14 fee1:: ~ence N 75. 27' S. E, 91.11 feet: thence S .:..;0 30' 05. E, 27.75 :ee1: to a ?o.::..:~ on a :i..~e ":.."la1: is parallel W'i~~ and 27.00 fee1: nor~erly of said cer.-:er.L.ine of Old :"i.ncoln Avenue: ~"lence S 7S 0 27' 40- W along said pa~'3.llel l~e, 316.22 :ee't. to <:...":e beginnuc;- of a tangen't. c~~e concave nor":..~erly and hav~g a radius of 133.00 fee1:: ~ence Wes1:erly and Nor--herly alene; 'aid curve ":..~ough a cen~al angle of 170 42' 06. an arc distance of 41.09 :ee1:: thence N a60 50' 14" W, 22.97 :ee~ ~~ the beg~.n~.g'of a t3ngen1: c~=ve concave nor":.."leasterly and hav~ng a :3di~s of lS.Oa :ee1:: ~~ence Wes1:e~_y and Nor":..~erly along said c~-ve <:"''':=='..1gh a cen1:r3.l angle of "74055' 3;:" a."1 arc c.is't.ance of :3.54 feet: thence N ::0 54' 29" W, 39.71 feet tc ~~e ~~e ?O~n1: of beqinn~ng. RESERVING THEREFROM unto ~~e C~ty 0= .;nane~~ an easement for public ut~lity ~ur?oses, including ingress anc egress =or the installation and ma~ntenance of water facilities over, under, along and across that portion of the herein above described abandonment area lying within the following described parcel: Beginning at the centerline intersection of said Old Lincoln Avenue and Claudina Street: thence N 750 27' 45" E, 74.52 feet to the true point of beg~nning; thence N 140 29' 51" W, 44.75 feet: thence S 750 271 45" W, 15.00 feet: thence S 140 29' 51" E, 44.75 feet: thence N 750 27' 45" E, 15.00 feet to the true point of beginning. .-- EXHIBIT A ............. .... ------ PG....._uS':____~:-:. r .....:;;;1.. . ...... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 83R-112 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim held on the 22nd day of March, 1983, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Pickler, Overholt, Bay and Roth NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said Resolution No. 83R-112 on the 22nd day of March, 1983. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 22nd day of March, 1983. (SEAL) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 83R-112 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on March 22, 1983. ~~ .-......., _,..,.>""".,-",""",,o.'"~~,,____~,~