78-561 r- ,-. ,~ RESOLUTION NO. 78R-56l A RESOLUTt~N OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI$; FINDING .. AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE'~AHEIM muNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHq LD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUND- ARIES OF ~ RTAIN Z~NES SHOULD BE CHANGED. WHEREAS, t~e City ~lanning Commission of the City of Anaheim die d hold a ..~bliC he ,ring in .Reclassification Proceedings No. 7~-7~-~~ . to consicjier an amendment to Title 18 of the Anahe m un cipal C.~e relat~ng to zoning, and to consider a change in the bound.~ies of the zone or zones hereinafter men- tioned and describe'! and, at said hearing, did receive evidence and reports from pet.ons int.rested therein and from its staff 1 and WHEREAS, .~thin a period of forty (40) days following said hearing, the P~~ning C~mmission did duly adopt a resolution containing a reportpf its f~ndings, a summary of the evidence presented at said h..ring anadAni_n the proposed amendmentl and WHEREAS, ~pereafter, within the time prescribed by law, an interested partyfbr the CJ.ty Council, on its own motion, caused the review of said ~~anning Commission action7 and WHEREAS, .t the t~e and place fixed for said public hearing, the City C~pncil di~ duly hold and conduct such hearing and did give all pet$ons int.rested therein an opportunity to be heard and did recei~ evidenbe and reports, and did consider the same 1 and . WHEREAS, ~e City Council does find and determine that'. the amendment to Ti~[e 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code should be adopted and that th~i propertv hereinafter described should be excluded from the z~e or zohes in which it is now situated and incorporated in the'zone or zones as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THERPFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anahei~ 'that Tit.le 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be, and the .ame is. jhereby, amended and that the following de- scribed property, s~tuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Ca~ifornia, to wit: .d~ . .,,\ Being a d~Yision or a portion of the land allotted Uo Paula Peralta de Dominquez as describedtn the final decree of partition of the RanchqiSantiago de Santa Ana which was entered S~~tember 12~ 1868 in Book "B" Page 410 of Ju4tments ot the District Court of Los Angeles~ ~d a portion of Section l2~ Township 4 South~ ~$nge 9 West~ San Bernardino Meridian in the Ci~~ of Anabeim~ County of Orange~ State of Califo>>~ia~ lying within TP-699. . 77-78-63 -1- ATTY-18-C r I ~ ~ " '1 Being a divlsion of a portion of the land allot- ted to Paula. Peralta de Dominquez as described in the fin.l decree of partition of the Rancho Santiago d.! Santa Ana which was entered September ~~ ~ 1868 ln Book "B" Page4l0.of Judgments ~r the District Court of Los Angeles~ and a port~pn of Section l2~ Township 4 South~ Range 9 We~'~ ~ San B~rnardino Meridian in the City of An~e~, CoUnty of Orange, State of California, lying wlthin TP-700. be excluded from r~S-A-43,POO (SC)" RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL~ SCENIC CORRIDOR OvtRLAYZONE~ and incorporated in "CL (SC)" COMMERCIAL~ LIMIT~ SCENIC CORRIDOR OVERLAYZONE~ subject to thetollowing conPdtions: 1. Th~all e~ineering requirement a of the City of Anahe'1m along NohlLi Ranch Rpad and Anahe'im Hills Road~including preparation of imt>!r.: ovement... plans and installation of all improve- mentssuch as curt>sand gutters~sidewalks~ street grading and paving~drainageracilitieB or other appurtenant work~ shall be complied with as ~quired by the City. Engineer and in accordance with standard plahls and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; or that a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit ~ or casbl~ in an amount and form sati.sf'actory to the City of Anaheim st$ll be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of the above~ment1oned requirements prior to occupancy. 2 . T~t trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works. 3. T~ fire hudranta shall be installed and charged as requi~d and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Departlment pri:or to cOIDDlencementof structural framing. ,~ 4. Thia!t subj ecit property shall be served by under- ground utilities.' 5. T*t the owner(s) of sUbjectproper.ty shall 'pay the singa.lasses..ent fee :(Council Policy No. 214) at $363.00 per 100.Osquare~et of bUilding or fraction thereof prior to the issuance of abuilding permit. 6. PIttior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject ~roperty~ Condition No.1, above-mentioned, shall becompleteld. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution ~all become null and void by action of the Planning Commiss1(On unless said conditions are complied with within one year f11;om the date hereof, or such further time as the Planning O~mmission may grant. -2- r- ~ 7. Tha't Condition Nos. 2 and 4, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. /~ BE IT Fqa.THER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be~ and he is hereby ~~thorized and directed to prepare and submit to the CitY-Council an ordinanceamend1ng Title 18 of the Anaheim Munic~al Code to accomp11shthe obj.ects her,ein found and determ1rl~d to be necessary and proper. THE FORaCJOING RESOLUTION is approved aJ'ld < adopte.d by the City Counc~l of the City of Anaheim this 29th day of August~1978. C~~OF ANAHEIM ATTEST: JLW: j h F.............. ", -3- .b4 .1"'"". ......... STATE OF CALIFOlUlIA ) COUIrrY, OF ORANCE ) S's. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) " I, LUeAD. R()BE~TS, City Cll*k of the!City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the f()~egoiDgResolution No .fi78R-561 w+ introdUce!; audadop,tea .t a r:egular meetinl provided by law, of the City Cquncil of the City.o:f Ana1;unm:beld on the 29th day of August, 1978~ by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ~rho1 t, KB!ywood, Kott, Roth and Seymour NOES :OOU1fc:iL"~rinumRs:' Nthe ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER CEl.TIFY that tne Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said Resolution NO. 78R-56l on th~29th day ,of August, 1978. -' '--"'~ .~ . ....,,-:_~-"' "'"'~'. . .......... ~ IN WI1tfESSWHERE@F, I have h~reuJ1to set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 29th day .of August::, 1978,. CI~'O~~~lM (SEAL) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Cl~tk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of ResolQtion No. 78R-56! duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August 29, 1978. ~.~~~lJ~ CITY CLERK " l L