78-566 r ~ RESOLUTION NO. 78R-566 A RESOLU~ON OF TUE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEDM ORDERING THE VACATION AND ABANDON- MENT OF ~ :CERTAIN PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT. f~\ WHEREAS, ;~he City Council of the City ot Anaheim has elected to proceed ~ursuant to the provisionsot the Public Services Easements Macation iLaw (Section 50430 .et seq. Government Code) in connection iwiththa vacation and abandonment of public service easements; and WHEREAS, ;~he City iCouncil did,byresolution duly posted and published,givellnotice qf its intention to abandon the follow- ing described pub 1 1Jc1 service: easement (hereinafter "Easement"), to wit: ..~.. ThOS. e. certain i.. ,Ublicuti....ility easeme.nts located in the City of Anahe " County:ot Orange, State ot California, lying within t at certalin parcel of land lying east of Anaheim Boule . d betwelen Pacific Avenue and Orange- wood Avenue, d~scribed caS follows: Parcell: ThaJ;i certai~ public utility easement de- scribed in dee~ recordeld May 4, 1953 in Book 2497, page 279, Offi~ial Recolrds, described as follows: That certain PPfr"tion ot the North half of the Southwest quarter of thei!Northeasrt;quarter of Section 26, Town- ship 4 South,~nge 10 JWest, S.B.B. & M. ,whichwas conveyed to th~ Grantor' herein by deed recorded July 15,1938 in BObk949, P.ge 311, Official Records. All poles shalil be ere cited and maintained within one foot of the fol~owing described line: Beginning ataPi existin~ Southern California Edison Company pole lppated at or near the northwest corner of said proper~iY of the, Grantor; thence Easterly :in a straight line tb an exi~tlng Southern California Edi- son Company pol~ located appro:ximately6 feet south- erlyand 16 :f'e~1t westerly measured at right angles from the north~!rly and easterly lines respectively of said property off' the Grfintor; thence Southerly along an existing SO)llthern CaRifornia Edison Company pole line approxima~~ly 185 feet to a point 5 feet west- erly measured flit right angles from said easterly line; thence Southerl1.u along said existing pole line approx- imately 80 feet to the end pole thereof, .located ap- proximately l-tbotwesterlyfrom said east line. -1- 77-27A r .~ /...-...\ Parcel 2: That certain public utility easement de- scribed in deed.; recorded April 7, 1954 in Book 2705, page 575, Official Reco~ds, described as follows: The south 6 fe~ltof that portion of the Northeast quarter of 3ect~on 26, !rownship 4 South,RangelO West, S.B.B. &M.,whicn was conveyed to the Grant- ors herein by ~~ed recorded November 6, 1947 in Book 1558, pag~: 521, Ofricial Records, described as follows: f~ Beginning at an. old 3" ~ 6" stake located 1,296.35 feet S 890 59' BO" W frt>m an iron bolt set in the pavement of Pl,,~entia A"enue,said bolt marking the northeast corn~r of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quart~r of sa1d Section 26,Township 4 South, Range lOWest, S~B.B. & M.; thence from said 3" x 6" stake S 10 21' 80" E,653. 44 feet to a I-inch. iron pipe on t~~ south $ide of a tall 4" x 4" po,st marked "S.H.F., ~ thence N 890 48'.30" W to a point in the northeaJterly lipeof the 60-foot California State Highway .~ said Hl.ghway 1s described in the deed to the St..te of Ca~lfornia recorded Jul~lO, 1914 in Book 2f5p, page 62 of Deeds, .said point being the true point.pf beginning of the boundary of the land herein de,bribed; thence Northwesterly along the northeaster!y line of said California State High- way 99 .17 feeti<. thence S 890 58' 30". E, 322.83 feet; thence S 00 01 30" W, 74 feet to the south line of the land conve,~d to Francis L. Ricker and wife, by deed recorded ~rch14, 1944 in Book 1234, page 560, Official RecorJ~; thence N 890 58' 30" W along said southerly line~57.95 feet to the true point of be- . ginning. Parcel 3: That certain public utility easement 10 feet wide, des~ribed in deed recorded April 15,1958 in Book 4257, page 14, Official Records, the center- line of said lC>~foot strip being described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the monu- mented center11neof LeWis Str.eet with the 60-.foot right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company; thence Wester17 7.85 feet as measured at right angles from said cent.rline to the true pointof-beginn1~gi thence S 200 47~40" E, 193.18 feet; thence S 250 Otl.' 25" E, 170 feet; thence S 340 12' 55" E to the east line of that parcel of land conveyed to State Steel . Industries, Inc., by Deed No. 29892 filed in Book 2500, page 359, OfficJ1al Records; and -2-, ~. ~ .~~\ WHEREAS, <J>n the 29th day of August, 1978, a public hear- ing was held to allow interEfsted persons to submit evidence con- cerning said propo$$d abandonment; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim does find from theevidEt*cesubmittedto it, that said Easement is un- necessary for presEt*tor prqspective public use. NOW, THE~FORE, Bij IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Anahe1nt'does heIteby order thevacatlon and abandonment of said Easement. AND BE PI iFURTHER iRESOLVED that the City Clerk be, .and she is hereby,auttfQrized ar1d directed to cause a certified copy of this Resolution r~nd Ordezt,attested by her under the seal of the City of Anahei~'to be r~corded in the Office of the County Re- corder of Orange Cdqnty, Ga]ifornia. THE FOREqqING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 29th da of August, 1978. ATTEST: ~bP~ MES : fm ft~ j , -3- / ~ -.. . l_ . " STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN~ OF O~G~ ) ss '1.. : CITY ~F ~IM . ) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City C}erk of the City of Anahei~, do hereby certify that tqe f.o...reSOing. R~SolutionNO~:78~~66 W~...int.r O.duced and ado..Pted a. t a regular meeti'8P~ovided by law, of the City Council of theC::i.ty pf. Anaheim held on the 2~th day of Aug1olBt, 197, by the fo):lewing vote of the members. thereof: .. .' . ~ AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: 4>"e:tho1. t., lCpywood" 1<0 tt, Ro th and Seymour ' NOES: OOUNCIL M1WB~: feme ABSENT: OOUNCIL MEMBERS: ~one AND I FUR'!HER ClRTIFY that-fe Mayor of the City of Anahe:im signed said Reso1,t1G1'1 No. JaR-56' on e 29th day of August, 1978. ~ - ~._.- - '"' ~ ~-- - - ..-...~ '- ~ - - - ) IN WITNESS WHERIOF, I have ereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 29th d~y of August, 1978. ~ CI~A~~-~,..---~-~ (SEAL) I, LINDA D. ROBBRTS, City C~erk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the originrl of Resolution No. 78R-566 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Councillon August 29,1978. ~~J~Ji)~ CITY CLERK .,