78-480 - r ~ RESOLUTION NO. 78R-480 ,.......-.., A RESOLUT~ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAliEI>> AUTHORIZING THE !~YOR AND CITY CLERK TO ~XECUTE AN AGREE~~NT BE~~EEN THE CITIES OFi.iU~AHEIM AND ORANGE IN CONNECTION WITH FIRE! PROTECTION AND RESCUE, NJD APPROV- ING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF. WHEREAS, t:Pe Cities of Anaheim and Orange both main- tain and operate fite protection organizations in their respective ci ties; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of said Cities to render aid, each to the other, to combat the effect of fire and other emergen- cies when such aid is necessary; and WHEREAS, an agreement has been prepared to be made and entered into between the Cities of Anaheim and Orange upon the terms and condition. therein set forth; and WHEREAS" the City Council finds that sa~d agreement is satisfactory and wo~id be for the benefit and in the best interest of the City and sho~d be approved. NOW, THER:f:FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the terms and conditions of an agreement between Anaheim and Orange relating to emergency alarms be, and the same are hereby;~pproved. BE IT FURtHER RESOLVED that the l-1a.yor and the City Clerk be, and they are heteby, authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and o~ behalf of the City of Anaheim. THE FOREG$ING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by e1e City Council of the! City of Anaheim this 1st. day of August , 1978. ATTEST: ~. ~- ~!....)&~. ~ "-;-.4- CtTy'"tLERK OF T~~ ANAHEDt ReF: fro .- ,..-.. '" .. "._._-~,,-.... STATE OF -CALIFOBNIA ) COVN'l"f OF ORANGE. ) ss . CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LIIDA D. ROBIRTS, City Ct. trk of the, City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the ~reaolng Rasolutlon NO I 78R-480 ~.. introduced and adopted at a regular meetiag provided by law, of: the City Cpunci1 of the City of Anaheim held on . t I ; the 1st day of August, 1975. ! by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: #erholt, K,fiywood, Kott, Roth and Seymour fl NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: $qne ! ! ABSElft: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ;~ne i ANI) I FURTHER CERTIFY that J4.e Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said Re.olaion No. 78R-480 on t,. 1st day bf August, 1978. IN WItNESS WHEREOF, I have ij4..reunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City _f Anaheim this 1st da~ 'of August. 1978. ! ~~10~ CITY CL OF THE TY. F ANAHEIM (SEAL) , I, .L~IPA D. ROBERTS, Gity C*4rk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the f6regoing is the origin;~ of Resolution No. 78R-480 duly passed -and adopted by the Anaheim City Counci1i~n August 1, 1978. L ~~..~ : : ~ ~ r~ITYCLERK . . /, ;J:aitt> a~Ji b..