WHEREAS, the Human,~esources Director has met and conferred with
officials and employee repre.~ntatives of certain recognized employee
organizations to discuss wag.. and hours of work, and
WHEREAS, as a resutt thereof, the need exists to amend Reso-
lution No. 76R-182, Rule 17, .Which established Sick Leave provisions,
WHEREAS, the City ~~unci1 of the City of Anaheim does find that
adoption of the recommended .~w provisipns is in the best interests of
the City of Anaheim.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE t tT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Anaheim that Resolution N+. 76R-182, Rule 17 be amended and Personnel
Rule 17, Sick Leave be amend.. to read as follows:
Section 17.10 Sections 17 .10~ through 17.192 shall apply to all employees
working in job c1assificatio.$ in the following units of representation
and employee groups:
General City Employees Unit
Peace Officers Unit
Fire Employees Unit
Clerical Emp1oyees:Vnit
Unrepresented Empl.yees
Confidential Emplot~es
Staff and Supervis.ty Management employees
Employees in these groups sh~ll accrue annual Sick Leave with. pay in accord-
ance with the following provJ.,ions: .
17.101 Regular, f,ll-time employees with an average regular work week
of forty (~O) hours sba11 accrue paid sick leave at the rate
of three (~> hours for each complete biweekly pay period.
17.102 Regular, fpl1-time employees in the classified service with an
average re~u1ar work week of fifty-six (56) hours shall accrue
paid sick ~~ave at the rate of four (4) hours for each complete
biweekly pay period. In addition, each such employee shall be
credited with eighteen (18) hours at the close of the final
complete bt~eek1y pay period of each fiscal year.
17.103 Paid sick leave shall continue to accrue in accordance with the
above provisions during any period of leave with pay, except
that Pub1it Safety employees who remain on Industrial Accident
Leave in accordance with Personnel Rule 18 Industrial Accident
Leave after exhausting State mandated 4850 benefits shall
accumulate no Sick Leave.
i I
17.104 An employee requesting sick leave for an absence from work
as a result of any injury or disease which comes under the
State of Qa1ifornia Worker's Compensation Insurance and Safety
Act after eligibility for Industrial Accident Leave has ended
shall rec~ive maximum compensation from the City in an amount
equal to the difference between temporary disability payments
mandated by the State of California Worker's Compensation
Insurance and Safety Act and his regular basic rate of pay.
Section 17.11 Each employee shall have one (1) hour deducted from his accrued
sick leave time for each hour of sick leave taken. An employee with a regular
work day of eight (8) hours shall have eight (8) hours deducted from his accrued
sick leave time for each re~ar1y scheduled working day that he is on paid
sick leave. An employee asstgned to work t~enty-four (24) hour shifts shall
have twenty-four (24) hours deducted from his accrued sick leave time for each
complete shift missed while on paid sick leave. The minimum amount of Sick
Leave that may be taken at a~ given ti~e shall be one hour.
Section 17.12 Sick Leave th~ is accrued, but not taken, shall be accumulated.
17.121 Regular, f~ll-time e~p1oyees with an average regular work
week of f~~y (40) hours shall be paid at their regular hourly
rate of P&u for ~11 hours accumulated beyond one hundred
seventy-five (175) in each calendar year. Payment shall
be made in January of each year, or upon the employee's termina-
tion of employment for any reason. A maximum of one hundred
seventy-f~e (175) hours shall carryover from year to year.
17.122 Regular, full-time e~ployees in the classified service with
an average regular work week of fifty-six (56) hours shall
be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay for hours accu-
mulated beuond two hundred and forty-five (245) but not used
according to the following formula: one hundred and nine.
(109) hours minus total sick leave hours used during the
calendar year equals hours paid. Payment shall be made in
January of each year. Employees who terminate employment
for any reason during the year shall receive cash payment
for unused sick leave beyond two hundred and forty-five (245)
hours based on the following formula: 4.192 times complete
pay periods worked minus sick hours used. A maximum of two
hundred and forty-five (245) hours shall carryover from
year to year.
Section 17.13 An employee who has completed six (6) months as a regular full-
time employee and is continuously and totally disabled for more than one (1)
calendar month, shall receive a disability benefit of net sixty percent (60%) .
of his/her base rate of pay, after withholding taxes, and less deductible bene-
fits. Such disability benefit shall continue during total disability up to
a maximum of six months from date of disability.
17.131 Deductible. benefits include salary or other compensation
paid by an~ employer; Worker's Compensation Act or similar
law includ~ng benefits for partial or total disability,
whether pe~anent or temporary if benefits being received
are for th~ current disabling condition; a pension plan
toward which the City contributed.
17.132 Total dis4bi1ity means an employee's complete inability to
engage in'his/her regular occupation.
17.133 Benefits .~e not payable unless the employee is regularly
seen and treated by a licensed physician or medical practi-
tioner whO certifies to the continuing disability.
Section 17.14 In the eventtthat any paid holiday occurs during a period when
any eap10yee (except for emgloyees in the job classes listed in Section 15.3)
is on paid sick leave, the ~oliday shall not be charged against the employee's
accrued sick leave. The on~y sick leave hours that shall be charged against
any employee's accrued sick leave shall be those hours that the employee is
regularly scheduled to work.
Section 17.15 An employee ~ligib1e for paid sick leave shall be granted such
leave for the following reaSons:
Illness o~ the employee or physical incapacity of the employee
due to iltness or injury.
Enforced q~arantine of the employeein'Qccordance with community
health reg~lations.
Medical a~d dental a,pointments during work hours. Use of sick
leave for 'schedu1ed medical and dental appointments shall re-
quire priqr approval of the employee's supervisor and will be
granted i~accordance with the best interest of the City of
Anaheim and the employee's department or division.
Temporary disabilities caused by pregnancy and childbirth.
Up to twe~ty-four (24) hours of sick leave per calendar year
shall be granted for illness of the employee's immediate family.
Section 17.16 An employee ~o cannot perform his assigned duties due to illness
or physical incapacity shal] inform his immediate supervisor of the fact and the
reason therefore as soon as ,possible. Failure to do so within a reasonable time
may be cause of denial of s~Qk leave with pay.
Section 17.17 In the event that an employee is absent on sick leave in excess of
twenty-four (24) consecutiva working hours, the employee's department head or
division head may require that the employee submit to him a written statement by
a physician licensed by the State of California certifying that the employee's
condition prevented him from performing the duties of his position. Failure on
the part of the employee to comply with such a requirement may be considered cause
for disciplinary action.
Section 17.18 In the event that an employee becomes ill during working hours and
is placed on paid sick 1eav~ prior to the close of the work day, such paid sick
leave shall be calculated tdthe nearest hour.
Section 17.19 Effective December 19, 1980 accrued Sick Leave hours shall
be entered in a new Sick Leave plan.
17.191 Regular full-time employees with an average regular work
week of fo*tty (40) hours shall have up to one hundred
seventy-five (175) hours transferred to the usable Sick
Leave acco~nt. The remainder (over 175 hours) shall be
credited a$ follows: seventy-five percent (75%) to be
reported a. service credit at retirement; twenty-five
percent (2$%) converted to cash value at the employee's
current (D,cember 19, 1980) regular hourly rate of pay
and paid with interest at retirement, layoff or to his/her
beneficiary, as designated by Public Employee's Retirement
System rec~rds if the employee dies while employed. Employ-
ees who retire during calendar year 1981 shall receive cash
payment at their current hourly rate of pay for twenty-five
percent (2S%) of up to one hundred seventy-five (175) hours.
The remaini~g hours shall be applied as service credit.
Employees wbo retire during calendar year 1982 shall receive
cash payme.t at their current hourly rate of pay for sixty-six
and two-thtrds (66-2/3%) of twenty-five percent (25%) of up to
one hundre& seventy-five (175) hours. The remaining hours
shall be afp1ied as service credit. Employees who retire
during calendar year 1983 shall receive cash payment at their
current ho.r1y rate of pay for thirty-three and one-third
percent (3~-1/3%) of twenty-five (25%) of up to one-hundred
seventy-five (175) hours. The remaining hours shall be applied
as service credit. Employees who retire in calendar year 1984
or thereafter shall receive service credit for all hours up to
one hundre' seventy- five.
17.192 Regular full-time employees with an average regular work week
of fifty-six (56) hou~s shall have up to two hundred forty-five
(245) hour$ credited to a usable Sick Leave account. The re-
mainder (ov~r 245 hours) shall be credited as follows: seventy-
five perce_t (75%) to be used as service credit at retirement:
twenty-five percent (25%) converted to cash value at the employee's
current (December 19, 1980) regular hourly rate of pay and paid
with intere$t at retirement, layoff or to his/her beneficiary,
as designated by Public Employee's Retirement System records,
if the employee dies while employed. Cash payment other than in
January of each year shall be in accordance with Section 17.122.
Employees who retire during calendar year 1981 shall receive cash
payment at their current hourly rate of pay for twenty-five (25%)
percent of up to two hundred forty-five (245) hours. The remain-
ing hours $hal1 be applied as service credit. Employees who
retire during calendar year 1982 shall receive cash payment at
their current hourly rate of pay for sixty-six and two-thirds
(66-2/3%) of twenty-five percent (25%) of up to two hundred
forty-five (245) hours. The remaining hours shall be applied
as service credit. Employees who retire during calendar year 1983
shall receive cash pa~ent at their current hourly rate of
pay for thirty-three and one-third percent (33 1/3%) of
twenty-fiv~ percent (25%) of up to two hundred forty-five (245)
hours. Th~ remaining hours shall be applied as service credit.
Employees who retire in calendar year 1984 or thereafter shall
receive setVice credit for all hours up to two hundred forty-
five (245) hours.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that except to the extent amended herein,
Resolution No. 76R-182 shall ~emain in full force and effect, and
BE IT FURTHER RES04VED that tme effective date of this resolution
shall be December 19, 1980.
THE FOREGOING RESOr.'UTION is approved and signed by me this
30th day c)f December , 1980.
~..J i)~
, i
coulCtY OF QRANGE ) ss
I, LINDA ,D. ROIERTS, City 1lerk of tb,e C1ty, of Anahei1i1, do hereby: certify that
the fQregQiDg,ResolutionN . 80~~588 was introduced and. adopted' at a regular
meeting provided by law,' 0 : the City,Council..of the Ci.ty, of ,Anaheiinbeld on'
the 30th day of December,; 980,,' by the following vote of theinembers thereof:
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: I Overholt, Kaywood~, Bay, Roth and SeyDlour
All> 1 FUJi.THElLCJi:RTtFy thatth~ ~a'Qr' Qf the City QfAn.aheim signed said
ResolUtion '!lQ .801(:"588 one' :30'th day Qf.Decea'ber ~ 1960:
1M WlrNESSWHEUOF ~ I have .1tereui:tt<l:l., se.t'myhai1ci and, ,affixe.d the. seal of the
C1ty,OfAnahebt. this ,,30th. '8Y', of Decetabet~ ,,1980...
(S~ I
I, LIIDA D. ROBERTS, City C~erk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing i. the origi .. i of Resolution No. BOR-5Sg duly passed and adopted
by the Anaheim City Council on December 30, 1980.