80R-031 i~ ~ I""'"", RESOLUTION NO. 80R-31 A RESOLUT~ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI FINDING .AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIEN E AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUC- TION AND OMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING ON LINCOL~ AVENUE BETWEEN ANAHEIM BOULEVARD AND OLIVE !STREET, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, ACCOUNT Nd. 25-848-6325-6310; APPROVING iTHE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECI!J.CATIONS.FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZI THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEME . IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECI- FICATIONS,: ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY BLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PRdPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. WHEREAS, ~blic convenience and necessity require the construction and corrpletion of a pUblic inprovement in the City of Anaheim, to wit: Pedestrian tr~ffic signal and safety lighting on Lincoln Avenud between Anaheim Boulevard and Olive Street, in thd City of Anaheim, consisting of the installation qf traffic signals and safety lighting, and all appur~enant work as shown on the plans and delineated in :the specifications on file in the Office of the iCity Engineer, Account No. 25-848- 6325-6310 , ~ AND WHEREA~, the City Council instructed the ~(" W~kA. n~Pl'r..Jimen~ . to prepare detailed designs, plans, pilOt: es, drawings aJ1ki spec1fJ.cations, and estimates of quantities and costs! and make necessary surveys for the construc- tion of said pUblic ILnprovement; and -1- ATT-45 II ..- r .,.......,... ~ WHEREAS, said Put?lic Works DF'.gar~~~n~ has prepared said .detailed desigps, plans, profiles, draw ngs and specifica- tions for the construction of said public improvement and has submitted the same to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that said detailed designs, plans, profiles, drawings and specifications for said pUblic improvement above mentioned, are in accordance with good engineering practic~ and are adequate to serve the needs and requirements of the City of Anaheim and the citizens and residents in said area for the purposes for which they are intended, and that they are adequate for the construction of said pUblic improveft1ent and should be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim'that the detailed designs, plans, profiles, drawings and speciftcations for said pUblic improvement herein- above mentioned and described be, and the same are hereby approved and adopte~ as prepared by said Public Works Department AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said pUblic improvement shall be constructe. in accordance with said detailed qesigns, plans, profiles, drawings and specifications as prepared by said Public Works De~ar~ent and hereby approved, and such addenda or modi icaflons thereto as may be approved prior to the awarding of bids therefor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be, and .he is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice ac~ording to law, inviting sealed proposals for the furnishing of a~l plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, - fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete, in a $Ood and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with said detailed designs, plans, profiles, drawings and specifications as prepared by said Public Works DeD~tment , the pUblic improvements hereinabove ment oned and descr~bed, and fixing the 14th day of Febru~v , 19~, at the hour ot 2:00 o'clock P.M. as the date and hour or the opening of said bids at the City Council Chamber in the City Hall 1n the City of Anaheim) and that said notice shall be pub115hed twice, the f1rst of wh1ch pUblications shall be at least ten (10) days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids, and that said publications shall be at least five (5) days apart. . -... AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the successful bidder or bidders shall be required to enter into a contract with the City of Anaheim in the manner and form approved by the City Attorney of the City of Anaheim for the construction, installa- tion and completion .of said public improvement hereinabove mentioned and descr~bed, in accordance with the plans and -2- ATT-45 ,~ ~\ ATT-45 ~ ......... specifications prepared by said Pfhli~ ~nrk~ n~~~r~m9gt , the notice invitine; sealed proposa s, this resol t10n and all applicable City Or~inances or Code Sections and the laws of the State of California, and shall be required to post bonds and insurance in the amounts and within the time required by law, as specified in the notice invitinc sealed proposals, and in a form anproved by the City Attorney. THE FOREGOING RESOLUrION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 22nd day of January , 19 ~. ATTEST: r1 ~6 ANAHEIH jfm -3- 1""""'\ '1. StATB OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OIANGE ) S8 CITY OF ANAHEIM ) , I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City fJierk of th~ City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the f,ore~oing Re. solution N1 80R-31 w.s introduced and adopted at a regular meetmg pl"O'ft.ded by law, 0 . .the City (;ouncil of the City of Anaheim held on the %2nd day of January, 10, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: !Overholt, ~ywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: INone ! ABSElfT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: 1None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that !the Mayor Qf the City of Anaheim signed said Resolution No. 80R-31 on t~e 22nd day of January, 1980. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have jhereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City ~f Anaheim this 22nd ~ay of January, 1980. ~r"~'~ CI TY . OF THE CI F ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City 1~erk of th, City of Anahetm, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the origi al of Resolution No. 80R-31 duly passed and adopted by tbe Anaheim City Counci on January 22, 1980. a(~J)LJ~ , CI IT CLERK . ) II