80R-037 ~ ~ ~aSOLUTION NO. 80R-37 ~I A RESOLUTI OF ANAHEIM OF AN AMEN UNIVERSITY USE OF CL MAYOR AND C OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY PROVINq THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ENT TO ~ICENSE AGREEMENT WITH THE F REDLA~S FOR THE OCCUPATION AND ROOM SP~E AND AUTHORIZING THI!: TY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. WBEREAS, th~. City of Anaheim owns the build~ng at 241 South An.nelmBouleva~a, Anahe~m, California, and WHEREAS, th~' City ha~ heretofore entered into a license agreement with the Un~~ersity of Redlands for the use of certain space in said buildin~~ and WHEREAS, an,~mendment to License Agreem~nt for Classroom Space has been prepar,a, the terms and conditions of which are satisfactory to the City of Anaheim. NOW, THEREF~~E, BE IT RESOLVED that the terms and condi- tions of an Amendmentl~o Licen$e Agreement for Classroom Space with the University 01 Redlands for the occupation and use of cer- tain space in the bui ~ing at 241 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California, be, and t~y are h.reby, approved. BE IT FURTH$R RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Anaheim b~t and they are hereby, authorized to execute said Amendment to Lic~.se Agreement for Classroom Space. THE FOREGOI~ RESOLU!ION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 29th day of January, 1980. ATTEST: OF ANAHEIIM ~ JLW,fm n I r" .~ i , I i :o~~ ~ .J. CIT!' OF ANAHEIH ) I, liNDA-D. ROBERTS, City~. .. erk of. die City Of Anaheia, do hereby certify that ::;:-:~:L::~U~~::. .. '... t::a~~~ ....c:..:~":~::e-::.~~t~:~': the ~9th day of January, ", 0" by the fo11onngvote .f the1i1eabers thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ! Overholt, Kaywoodt BaYt Roth and Seymour NODe COUNCIL MEMBEIlS: I None i ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ! None AND I FURTHER. CERTIFY thafthe Mayor of the City of Anaheiin sianed said &escJ1ut:l.on No. 80R...37 on re 29th day of January, 1980. '.' i IN fiTNESSWHIREOF t I hav4 ,..hereunto se. t my. hand and affixed the seal . of the City of Anaheim this 29thlday .of Jamaaryt 1980. " ~ j CI~of~~~~IK (SEAL) ~, LINDA,D. ROBERTS, C:l.tY~'a1erk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that thefor~btng 18 the orig " 1 of Resolution No. 80R-37 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Counc 1 on January 29, 1980. ~.~~~~ CITY CLBU ) L,