80R-049 .,-,... ~ .A~ RESOLutION NO. 80R-49 ARE.S OL..UI...........ON OF T.i.......E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHE. AUTHOR ZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE NDMENT TO THE LOS ANGELES RAMS FOOTBALL. OMPANY PERATIONS AGREEMENT OF DECEMBER: 6, 1979. WHEREAS, i9n Decem~er 26, 1979 pursuant to Resolution No. 79R-757, the C~1j:y of An4helm entered into an operations agreement with the')\.os Ange~es Rams Football Company; and WHEREAS, ;.tn certatn specific instances the operations agreement contemp14~es addi~ions and amendments in the future; and WHEREAS, it. ursuant .. to Paragraph VII of said operations agreement the Citylounci1 tid agree to authorize the City Manager to enter i~ 0 certa.n specified amendments to said operations agreeme~t; and WHEREAS~it is neiessary to determine the areas of addition and amen.... nt to ~. id operations agreement and delegate to the City Manage I the aut orityto execute said documents for and on behalf of t~~ City 0 Anaheim. . NOW, THEn FORE , .~ IT RESOLVED that the City Council does delegate to t. City 111+. nager or his designee the authority to negotiate and e* cute a$+ndments to the Los Angeles Rams Football Company oj+ration$!agreement in the following areas: 1) The addition of box suites, their financing and location. ,~ 2) Fut~te rent$l charges for the box suites. 3) Yea*~y fee Qf the Century Club memberships. 4) Rult$ and r~$ulations of the Stadium Club, Century Club and b~~ suite$. 5) Box $uites' ~leaning surcharge. 6) Mem.~rship f.es for the Stadium Club, and rental charges of specia1i~ntertai.ment rooms. l j ~ I~ ,/'._'\ 7) Det~nition ~f net revenue for Stadium Club operations. . 8) Yet', r1y meth~, d of determining St~~;um '9per#&- tional costs andpeir div~sion. 9),D,et~rminingl.admin, is,tra,tive costs and net , di,vis~~ of profif~ for St~.q~um op~rations. , . , by tl1eCit~Co:,J?o~~t~~fyr:~~a:~~~or~ts "Ps~liat~t~~ February , ~'~O. . ATTEST: FAL, JR.::Csm , \ ~ -2- 1 r 'I ,,-... ~ STATlOFCALlFORNIA ) COUNft OF ORANGE ) crTY OF ANAHEIM ) , ss. ! I, LINDA .D. ROBERTS., City i~erkOf th~. City of Anaheim, do h~re'Y'.eertify that the. f.oregO~g Res. 01. utionN... ,'80R~4.. 9. w,.., s~troduce.d..and:adoPte.dat. a .~egU1ar meedng provided by law, <> !the City.~uaci1..ofthe City of Au~eim.held on the Sth day. of FebrUary, 1 80., by the' following vote of themeu6ersther..f: . .. . '. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: IOverholt, Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour NOES; COUNCIL MEMBERS:' i'one ! ABSF.ft: COUNCIL MEMBERS: IIIone AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that! the Mayor:.of the~. City of Anaheim siped said Resolution 10. .80R~49 on ~e 5th day of' February, ;1980-." IN WITNESSWHEBEOF, I have!hereunto'.set'my'hand and.-.ffixedthe'.seal.of the City of Anaheim this 5th d"'yof February, .i1980.. . CI~'~/~~ (SEAl.) I, r.J:NDA n\. ROBERTS, City Perk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the origi 'I of Resolution No. 80R-49 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Counci on February 5, 1980. <4; JJ~ J ,&~~ CITY CLERK .~ LI