AHA-2005-002 RESOLUTION NO. AHA2005- 02 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY AMENDING SECTION 2.01 OF RESOLUTION NO. AHA2004-1 RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF MEETINGS OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF SUCH AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the Anaheim Housing Authority (hereinafter the "Governing Board") has heretofore adopted Resolution No. AHA2004-1 which established procedures and rules of order for the conduct of meetings, business and proceedings of the Anaheim Housing Authority (hereinafter the "Authority"). WHEREAS, the Governing Board desires to amend said procedures and rules as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Board of the Authority that Section 2.01 of the Procedures and Rules of Order for the Conduct of Meetings of the Governing Board as heretofore adopted by, and set forth in, Resolution No. AHA2004-1 be, and the same is hereby, amended in its entirety to read as follows: "2.01 Order of Business. The business of the Authority, at its regular meetings, shall be conducted in accordance with the following order unless (i) otherwise directed by the Chair without express objection by any member of the Governing Board, or (ii) approved by a 2/3 vote of the Governing Board: A. Call to order (in conjunction with City Council meeting, if any) B. Additions or deletions to closed session agenda (if any) C. Public comments on closed session items (if any) D. Closed session in conjunction with City Council closed session (if any items) E. Recess for convening meeting of City Council F. Reconvene Authority meeting (in joint session with City Council and other city- related agency meetings, if any) G. Additions or deletions to the public agenda (if any) H. Public comments on agenda items or matters within the jurisdiction of the Authority (except on public hearing items) 1 I. Recess for convening meetings of other agencies, if any. J. Reconvene Authority meeting I. Consent calendar J. Other departmental business (if any) K. Public hearings (if any) L. Report on closed session actions (if required) M. Adjournment" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, except as expressly amended herein, Resolution No. AHA2004-1 shall remain in full force and effect. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the Governing Board of the Anaheim Housing Authority this 8th day of March, 2005, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Pringle, Authority Members Chavez, Galloway NOES: Authority Members Hernandez, Sidhu ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None :~~RITY CHA ATTEST: ,1 ~ ~ ! . U. / L--~-c / 1ECRE ARY 57357.1 2