05 & 06Jennifer L. Hall
From: Sammy Francis <
Sent: Monday, December 6, 2021 10:18 AM
To: City Clerk
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Anaheim city council meeting form12/7/21 item 5&6 maintenance
pressure washing contract brightview
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City clerk
Concern over approval of of item 5&6 brightview contact to clean remove trash debris and pressure wash sidewalks and
bus areas as part of Public works budget.
1) who is paying for the water supply cost to pressure wash the resort area It better be brightview and not city
ofnanaheim with the increased cost of water.
2) is this contract for
All of anaheim or only a certain resort area . The report does Not specify ?
3) where there alternative cleaning option that uses less water
4) why are bus stops. It under octa budget to maintain?
5) how much of this maintenance is due to transients that trash these areas. Many bus stops in northwest anaheim are
occupied by transients and trashed by them?
Item 5& 6 are
Almost $1
Million dollars to clean and pressure wash the resort area only, I hope this is for all of anaheim not just the resort area!
Such an item needs to be clarified to the public especially for such a large amount.
Sammy Francis
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