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'.-' )-.' \. J '., 628 \..~. J._J '-~ .J. CJ. '-.- :...j \.J .!_ _l. .._ ' :J =~ r1' .l_-< ,-. T ,"'I~..<' \....J..1....... .J.. \i / i'-.......":' .l L;_ .~ - '-. -'. ' , ". - I'~;" _:..; iD.t.~,:_..; L=Ul-l- L.. " ~ '-.-'; '-'~'__ __J~ .~..~ ,j;:::.-'rIJI'J..:'~ 'PU',;~~~)C\E)." .~; \./ .' !,'-..... , ) __J'. \..L' .l. LJ~. .; ':.-~~ s ~. ~ ~-.~I3 .~.. -i L ).! ' _......... '. ....-.0.- _,c C~l:'~7 0:[ ,':,"1allCii' c.... -,- =_Cl r:':i~ ,...C l~ '\:.=.:(~,' .~ ( ,- -"_' -.1... L.":'. '--', ~)..... ::.:. G_l. ~~ ..~. or,::. i c, (_.'~l - or:. t...-2 ~. c -' ,i) ..;,~ __ ...r '.... .' ..i.. ;_;:, .,-\.C:~3~:.J J..1.J t. iOi'l o. 6 LI-,~-~d2 '-';...:. '.~L~ L lC.l ;i;' , . /"( T ,...\... I",,~ ~L .L': ~J,ZI 'iT"; CI ::~( ()M. ........., J:.:.J. -II. ~_d.L-'...l,.J.. l-. -~ . V"" ,~.....__: .i.. _~ ,....... :..'}j.. 0()~' i:J.l.;; ]~;T:.~~~J- J:.;..-,;'iJ_ i?O} .- .,J. 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'i':' i.l. .2.._'_ C_'.i... 1 L...I- (. ~ ::ill:._ . ..L -....'.....! ~", i...;;I.:....~,~ _~sGl~tic~ ~a~~ City Council directe0 G_,- ~~Ai,-", rG~3cIut.ioll anc.~~ of tile ti~..!.e t....la,.C. :'lO'C~C:~S LiCE:.: of CI_- __....1(: -us~,~"~,, .c I:':':., L Q:.l'-' cJ..c:3iri:; to _.-Li.~'lic LiS c= ':;:,:l.'LC at tDC vacation, abancon '2Zl;:~C:l'::~ent for ~)u~,)lic utilit~;~.. t.: 1'-2 1 i ll. 2, of saici. ea.ser:lf3ilt t~ C.~l.i. \".--- C i_ ,12 E, r 11" ~~;J.l '- i .;.t:_ 'i'1.l.xL~ r ': ,..' ~-'- ;V~I,~.,_';; J.....I' )o:,~ t:.,.::. C... C rl ;::: ,__l- CU 0';.2. ;::' J.. ) 1 (; ~l.( r. (YC -;c ."?_::~ ~,~~.r~ .3;,j \..-' ::..: ~:~ L.- '- , t,...}:.' '_.L.. l:--:..c:~~t .tl..~.I. (10) .i.;f~:E ort~ s ..(.. a:: l.~'l --, _.1.,1:' lc~.-, l... -~ .;. c.; (~; ) S ._.....c;...i. D()ticE;f3 sIloulc.!_ ~:),~": . C,3t..:.;'_. <:-;.11;...-\- c, ._, 0"":'.;',_:1. t:, C-::>u '_~ LL ., Oil tHE- 8't"1 da~' 0:[ \_)C"'C.C::LJ(~:.":" l.Jo (:J.t..L ,J'.J ., (.~loc.~ l:.. 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()L '=..1C:' Li CDur~~:o t:2t _ or C.l '. --j 0 .....i..L ~'l' ~)J -jclst 2S~.J~ ~2et to the true L:.ll'2~CC ,ort::! 7eo lv' 00" Bast 50.59 ::;0ir~'::' vi: .0C lr~r.lL",( ; ~:.::~.: 2. t : 1:.:22',C( llC<L .ti:~ (; 1 0 .:. / 'v ..J :"';2.5: ,; !.~ /i .', ":i: ,J . ";t U fee-c t.:bellc2 ~';Y,Jtl~ 700 .J..i....) '0'... ,;'-"";: .f_ c.,.::" ,.orci::::J::-:-" ..L u.._ '=' ~-, ~ -~'1..:. t..e ail in:c.:~r3c;ctiori 1-,0:::' t t.'":...:ncc SOUbi 610 cruc )ci~t o~ ~eginning. '.1 i-ell 27 I O:J . ,j::;,t ~J '..; 4 s~) ,~-- (':~ C.C :.--;1.(: .:.. .:-:.. '- :.-~. 1'_' l'..___' ,~; L )..J.J~ ~~) t.-1. o_-'c t~1e ~:';,.J. 1 "- :"1 . l S ,"'.::.1.' '_.,.J. (~~ i..l ~':'l,'~.):: ..l. .~~ ~.:; <_,:.J... i :c2C t,.~;( ::0 Ci,ty Cler;~ De r cause a c8rtifi(~G ,.;; = t.i, }~~ <:- ~~ ,~ llt " 'j'''': ~ "''- ~_' .I. .- C..,..:, '....-_ .~, .I- '~.L E1.-~'L,_s-~:',2C. :;)~-1 tler Ull.C,C~ r .tJ.1:3 ..;.;t;: d,.,L __I -L~,.~_ 1_.l._} "... .Li..C.. L,":;:..L.;. ,-,"',,: j,.); ::::~:ccrf",I:-:;Ci. 1:':1 tJ.12 ("')."::= .r:.; ..-'~,.... '-'.L.L.l..,-,~ at '........1...;;:.: 'r-" _.t.o_ _.J..l.Jll- ' c~'2COl-', J... C"1. 'J r ,_~r.i. f-' '_~' (; ',) .~-1. . ," . '~(J.~l ~:...:: OrIll,':.. .'...)\ ~.~ .,...1.._ ___,~ '-!~J; J.3 ,-,1..'OV'':;(, an,' si .0:)( - ,-~~l~::. ~:~:n(.. )C~:'CL C r ,~ ..L _:~; \.... .. ~ .. &' (~ "~~L)~-:-~~~ ..i~iO, Ul:' 'lIlli, CI'lY 0.1." 7- , ~ '" ,- /'/ l _J_c.~.. /;, _ ell': C:J:....V l)I' :~i, .:_<-.i.l?-t:P J2<_"'-- f'~;:~.~:L C:liI\: O.L' - ..) -- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 68R-628 was intro- duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 22nd day of October, 1968, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYE S : COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Clark and Pebley NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 68R-628 on the 22nd day of October, 1968. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 22nd day of October, 1968. l ~.. - 1~ · '~_ )11_ ;Z/'---<~-&~ CITY' CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 68R-628 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on Octo- ber 22, 1968. J ), ' . . \ .,.v --?t--c- ...., " ~ )l{. i{,;-t.;~~ City Clerk