1968-560 l-{(.;SOLlJTIO...J :em. bE.R-SGO 1\ HLSOLLJ'l'I01, OF 'nil:; CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF THE CI'I'Y OF AI\jlJ~.LI1J, APPl\OVL-JG lum AUTHORIZING THE LXECU'l'IOH OF A.J.'~ AGFu...l:;l~JEN'l' BB'l'i'J.8BN 'fHE CITY OF Al:..l~i-:iEIH Ai~~ S'i'L\CiAHT-v~'ARl.jLh ELECTF.ONICS ,~nTH R6FLEl:..l'JCB '1'0 TdL CO:tJS'l'RucrrIoN OF SCOREEOARDS Ai~0 RLA0EF.. bOAI<.DS FOR TIcde; ANAHI:;r;:I cm~VENTION CLdl'i., E. .Jim IJ:.; 1':..8 ! A11ci..Lieim COnV0.ii'tioll aIK, t.L1e City of Ana.Lwirl1 O'i.vns ana operates th(;;~ CeLte:r locat.ec, in tl10. Ci,ty of AnaheiiTI; ~)H:O:;i,LliS f sui.... COilVd,tioJ.l Center is used to hold con- vGl....tions, trade SHOWS f Llccitrical ev0.rd:s; circuses r sporting- even'cs F meetings ane.. oi::"le:c 'cY.L:ces of I;u!.)lic events,. and ViriLIJ:,l\S COllvent.l.Oll CCilt,er it. lS lLtW:: .Julllic interest 'to utilize sai,:: tc' t~'2.e :;.'lt2.l~{ilj'~Ull C::xtSllt~ dflO. Vv.:.iLl::.LnSCU:; Citj of 1.ncLlei.n is of t,,18 ouinion tf1,at SUC,l utilizc:n:.iu"). \/ill. rc, .uiJ:.,:ti,(; cons'cruction of scoreboards aliu r",E,uf;~r ;j0C'.:Ll~S ..:il: odic, (.olivcii.~cion Center.: and \JriLfJ::.riS f Ste\"art'-v~arncr Electronics, a Division of St:'c'dart-Harnc.:c Cor.-;)ol:a'cion f _ws offeree to construct saic:. scorCDoarG.2 aIie.. r<;::,d.Q2r boarus 'J.;,)on JchetCrl,lS anci coned tions set :eurtn in a fO:;:::,l or u.grc:':C~IllLJ.lCf uatcG. Sei;ter,:wer 10, 1968, t.:.~:iS ,-~a-:' s'U0fai-t-c:':2L. t.o ~..-l(_ Ci.t.~' Couj_l(~il. to l..;C HlaGG arH:::~ e~'-l'ter20. LiCO ,.;ct,1CC.it!",..: ci'c.' :.121'... sdi~ Stc::arc'-,';arllcr Electronics I and, fcr 1:1112 SU~,l of :;;S'f0,0~'::'.Jj, S1.u:)cctto al~uitions anc: c:ecuctions, as lYravi~e(. il~ ~~aiu t:~~irE:~f.::;~ac:.rlt: a.l~C_ '.JtiLl<i';jl.~, t"iC Cit:~- COuncil fillets blat it vlOuld be in C.L"C ....,est inte:;rests oftn(:; Cit::.: to acc.::;p.t sc-,id offer and to em~loy saic Stewart-~arner ElectroDics to construct said scors- .aoarus anc:. rcac.sr Doan.,S ror Lj.c Convention Center upon thc tern,s arc,J. concitions aile.. for '(,.'.12 SUIll of :?548,092.00, subject to ae..~itiorls ana ~2~uctlO~SF as sc~ fort~ in saia agreement. ,L,O.,., 'i.':e-:..i"'illiF01J::.., ..j~ 1'1' l(LSOLV~lJ DY the City Council of ti.t.S Citi' o~ i~uia..12iia 1:.:.1a-L -t...-1E: <.:.:~-rcsrne21t, u.a~ted Sep-teraber 10, 1968, tilis ('wi SUD1Cli tCCl; toe.IS Cit~- Council to 0e made and entered L. to Detv162r.L tl.(; ci t,i of Z"nalki:'l and St:eVlart-Harner Electronics, a Division of Ste;;:arJc'-,jar::H.:'.r Coryora'tion r provicdng ror the em- j!loy;nercL or sc:i_, ..,tE;\.art-',h:rnc:r: LIec'cronics "co construct score-- ....,oares anG. r:2.::62r DOdr.....s for t:,w l\.na,deim Convention Cen.ter, ui)on \:LC; tsr::lS cnk, ccn:",i ti0l1SCi.1Crein set forth, and for tile sum of ~~4b,J9~.JO, SUDjcC~ to aduiticns anQ aeductions, as providec Ll saic agrcemen'c I De! iii.1U t:.;1C 32UCLe is .hereby ap:<?roved. .JL 1'1 FU1{'1'hL;Z 1:\L00LV.:,D t..:..at L.le ;:layor and City Clerk 0(:;, ail0 b;e.:.y Clre il0relY/ autllorizec .to execute said agreemen't for ane.. 011 b-2flillf of t:;..le ci t~l of l~nah.eiT(t. -1- c.,__"~_".,___,_,,+-_,'~._..,..",",, "'. .""""'_ "p'C"o~~""_"'_..~ ........,,_, ~,,---,.._;"",..,. ~-_..-.._--- 'l'HL FORl:.;GOING HESOLUTION is approved and signed. by me this lOth day of September, 1968. ~~o'/ ~. J/ - ,<<~~~ T E ITY OF ANA 1 A'l"l'ES'1' : ~ ) -,' CI . ~E~(OF 1I~~~~OF'~AHEn1 S'1'A'1'1:: OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE SSe CI'l'Y OF ANAHEIH I, DEiH. M. WllLlM,S. CiTY CLEHK e'F T,1t CiTY OF ANAHEIJL DO HEHE8Y CERTIFY THAT THE FURE':; )ING IS THE)':n:;IN~ 0': R[~)OlUT!0r, i~O_9.~g=~_~9.__DULY PASSt.D Ad.' [C(..:t:.- :. BY T~~_~NAHt.!~ l;IT~ C9UN. Cll ON 9-10-nR ) Jc ,- , .(. ". ..' / ? c. .... .. L< .. ..//'( /..--{ /" P;' .A<r7~' CITY CLERK I, DENE 14. blILLIANS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopteu at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 10th day of September, 1968, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL~lliN: Dutton, Schutte, Clark and Pebley NOES: COUNCILJ:vlEN : None ABSENT: COUNCIL~1EN: Krein AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Hayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 10th day of September, 1968. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 10th day of September, 1968. (SE.AL) -2- ---"'.......-'.....--. .-.-.-.--.-.,..-. -;'"."",,"'.' '~~_____~'~____"'~"'m<'.,"","",.',,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,~>,,_,__,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,_--,, ___.....,,_,_._0