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01? 1-\, )~\l).~_I~ _r"CC~;~I)=~_iIl.'J(; I':.. C~...~'-~?~' J?...-~tJ.~t S()T?IIIil~lc'~
I)l~CIl~'IC C:Oj:"J.~-';~'~L~j OIl JT,,:,;.j r:IC;i11' Irc) COi:'~-c;rl'P'UCfJ.~ I
'~~~C().L.~_}'ilc;,:.u(:r_e r . J\.I!_-~:-r:-_;j:::l:~< J~j;.~j US:~ ;:\. srrl-<j~Ellj OR.
u:I(1~..tl':{ ur)O ?-'~..L- I\C~<O::~::0 J?~,(cr.~'~l':;-l.'~{ 0:[;"' 'IiL~L
C;E-J\~.:~!._iC)l~~: l\:~L; /,.'UTlj~Ul.-,~I~-_"I: ::; 'T~I1J }i:~l.,CU'TI()i\ aI'
X,J>i I~..UL_;'r.Il'd.c~J C;I~P,~\'t.:.'I,--.C~' ~)~':!.I~~:' S~C~""'j_Jljfl' O~ liIC1.L'/i2~1):-
.;..j i\.S :t~.: '.J:: 1.11' .
JiiJ~Pj~i\):, t::,l(~ E)C)u..t~~c;r11 l)ClCific (:OL'~~)2.ny! a COrl)Oration
of tl~c. 3tEctc: ocr l.l1.IJ.rc - [lEtS te:.~'~:E.rec' to tl12 City of Imaheirn
~n T"1-'..'''t'-r ',-'v--"--'l' y ...- tr. t-"n. nl' .L_, C,.~ "I'-,.,,-lcl'T.... t'1 ri ,'ilt to
C'," " ~l (:h._l. d. C '"jj,U.. L.. 1".; U '-',"\__ '--, L-,~. ,d. h_..'-':"~...;;.ll J.:2 _ _~:_', , _
C0:l13truct. rc;con::;trl.lct. ''';2,lnt<:un a;:L~ use a street or hlgllway
u-~on and across the follcviu(,,12scrl_:)cd real property, subject
to the reservi::.tions cOVCLar'l-ts ane, conc,i tions therein contained.:
hIl those certain parcels of lant situate in the
~\anc:10 Los Coyotes - in Llle: City 0::: ;mailcim, County
of Oran0c, 3tatc of Cali:crnia, described as follows~
p ~\:::Cl,!..J Ol(,.,
- ~ -".- "--
That porticn of the Soutncrly 53.00 feet of the South-
east quarter of ti1e SOU.t'lCClst quarter of Section 15,
'Township L1 Sout.1, Pancfc 11 ,:'est, in the Rancho Los
Coyotes, inche ci t:" of !cno.i',ci:::, County of Orange,
State of California..- ai3 sh.mm on a :~ap thereof recorded
ill Book 51 ,'!as'e 7 of .;i.scellaneous >"a:Js, records of
Orance Countv lying within a lOO-foot strip of land
conveyec..;. to Los AnCjcles Intcr--Urban nailvlaY Corm:Jany,
a cor;Joration, -Jy dee6 recor(":8c ~'Jovember 14, 1905, in
Book 122. paCie 278 of Deeds, .2ecords of said Count~;{.
P /iRCLL '1'\ .'C
___ __.__ ____._u_
Tllat portion 0:;-: the i<ort;lerly 53.00 feet of the North-
east quarter of the ~;ortheas-t quarter of Section 22,
Townshi~ 4 South, Range 11 Nest, in the Rancho Los
Coyotes, in the city of imaileir.;, County of Orange,
State of Californici., as shmm on a~la!? thereof recorded
in Book 51 ,--,aCiC 7 of -liscellaneous Yaps, records of
Orana2 County lyina wit~in a lOO-foot strip of land
conveyed to Los 1\ngeles Intcr--LJrDan Eailway Company T a
corporation, by dee':';" rccon;e(~ SeFteL1ber 8, 1905, in
Book 122. page 132 of DecGs. Recor~s of said County.
'1'11e above dcscribed real pro;:.crty is shovm on the print
of said nailroad' s Los l\nccles Division Drawing B-4965,
Sheet No.1, dated Novcnbcr 17. 1967, attached and ffiade
a part of said Indenture.
l\.::J,illj;.:llilj,~~. said ~T['an.cor has tendere6. to the City
saie above-nentioned Indenture to be executed bv the Southern
Pacific Corn~.:.'an::.r and ble cit::,' of ;'.naheLn, which Indenture the
City Council fin~s would bc for the benefit and best interest
of the City of Anaheis and shoul~ be approvea.
- 1 -
0'--____, __'.....',,,,,,,___"',,
, "_"'-"__,,," ~ ,<" '~_.-.";"'''~.'"''''''''''''''''''''''''''---'''~__~__.'''',__'''~~b.'',~',''_""~~_"'='~='_-=-""""_____~"""""""-',_
NOVJ, TI~EREFOF;E, BE 1'1' RE;SOLVLD by the City Council
of the City of Anaheir;~ that the street or highway Indenture
above mentioned tendered to the City by Southern Pacific
Company a corporation of the State of Delmvare, granting to
the City but subject to the reservations, covenants and
conditions therein containe~, the right to construct, recon-
struct r maintain ana use a street or lligln.\-ay upon and across
the real ~jroperty l1crE:inabove mentioned and describec. be,
and the sa~e lS hereby a?Droved and accepteC.
D.w I'::_' I'Unrl!tr:..;~-: :?.sSOJ:"V1.;D that the T::Iayor and the City
Cle~~ be, ana they are hereby: authorized to execute said
Indenture for an(~ on be~1alf of the City of l"naheiln.
da-l of
~:\:~SOTJT]"~tlIC)L-,; is af't;;irovc6 a11C~ signed by
_SeEt~~~r_ ___ ' 196 G .
_~/~ 4 ___
'L'~ "'~ ;tr:;:46F ,;r,jJEn;
ne t;1is
l/l'TEST _.
j,. ~ );C2~~__~.D~~;:':c,\~~I~~:~~::~::~~~~E_~:,::.~ :::o:~':::::
~ CLEm'~ OJ:'' '],1L CITY or AJ.'illIEIl''l, . . I,v
A,l..r'-, 'Tf..L.,.' D I
CO UI.~'TY or 0 I<.2\i\~ :~~I-t
cIf~e~!" a:? l:\l'.lu~=I
Ci5' Cl\.I,I E\)~.<d Il:a )
; rlf. ANAHE.!fvl .;11)' CCU,'k:l \)" 2..-10-68
'!-__ . _d_
l,J.rv ~=~~,',~~~--
.:J Ci .
I, Dj~;, ,1. .JILLL\YE, Ci-t=.} Cler}: of the City of Anaheir,
de l1CY2DV certit tl-'c_t tHE fcrccToiEc; resolution was passe<:: and.
aC:,G~;teL ilt 2;. r~:';al.21aI:- '~-!(~2.till.<:; o:C toO Ci t::' Council 11eld. on t11e
___ 10th dav of Ser,?tember.___ 1968, by the following
vote of 1:.11-0 E~e:;-~bc'rs tl1ereof'
C0C1,CIIJLiL;. Dutton, Schutte, Clark and Pebley
.;.J ()= f~
C\)U~~. r:1 J~i .~~: None
C;)UiJCII," I.> . Krein
?~.L-:~D I }~';DI\rl;li..:~F~ C.2;I~rj_~I:?~t th.at t~"le i::.a:sror of trle
Ci b, o~.- 1'_naLei3.'. a=provec. an.: SlGIH"C. saicl resolution on b1C
__lQ.th._ day of ___~~J:e~e~_____, 1968.
I~<'.~~l}il.I.:~/::~~:;. ,.~i.L~~l~.E:Or', I 11LiV2 h(:.:rsunto
al:.fi:-:eL. tb.c: s(~a.l of t>le C~i t\r ()L )\:nal1ciLl. t:~~Lis
, 1968.
..- 5optembii];...---- ____
set my hand and
10th day of
~'. -----., 9---..'
-'-- ..... -~ _t__~/~/~_