1968-557 RESOLU'I'ION NO. 6 8R- "1"17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEH'l ACCEPTING A1:-J EASEtlENT GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AHD PUBLIC U'I'ILITY PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim is desirous of purchasing the hereinafter described real property for municipal purposes, to wit: An easement for road and ?ublic utility pur90ses and WHEREAS, the owner of said property has to sell and convey the same to the City; and offered WHEREAS, tile City Council of the City of Anaheim finds that it is for the benefit and best interest of the City of Anaheim to accept said offer and purchase said real property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the offer of FOREST B. OLSON, INC., a corporation to sell to the City of Anaheim the following described real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, to be used for an easement for road and Qublic utility purposes , and more particularly described as follows: lill easement for road and public utility purposes over, under and across that portion of Lot 11, Anaheim Extension, as shown on a Mac m~de by ~~Uamel and filed in the office of the County Eecorder of 1Jos Angeles County, described as follows: Beginning at the centerline intersection of Lincoln Avenue (formerly l'naheim-Olive Road) ane State College Boulevard (formerly Placentia l'cVcnue).. thence IJorth 780 52' 48" 'ivest, 180.53 feet along said Lincoln Avenue centerline to the Southwest corner of the land conveyed to Forest E. Olson, Inc., in Parcel 2 of the deed recorded February 21, 1968 in 300k 8523, page 694 of Official Recor~s; thence North 00 25 I 45' East along the,;esterly line of said land, and its Northerly prolongation, 53.94 feet to a point in a line "arallel ui th and distant l;ortherly 53.00 feet (measured at right anqles) from said Lincoln lNenue centerline; thence ~)outh 7[;0 '52' 4(; l,ast! clIone; sai(' parallel line, 96.44 feet to the beginninG of ~ tangent curve, concave Northwesterly ant having a radius of 25 feet thence ~ortheasterly alonq Si::1ic) curve, t:lrougJl a central ancle of 1000 411 27", an - arc distance of 43.93 feet to a point in a line Darallel with 2n(~ distant:C'stc~rl/ 53.00 feet '(neasured at rig11t angles) froJ:t .3ai<~ ~)tate CollC::1~;E' ;'oulevan: centerline; thence TJorth r, 0 J 5 I /{ r: T' " -d. 1 -, r' 1_, ~ J- " -,' ,,, 1 ' 1 l. 3 7 71 f t " .. ; :J 1:,(;.,'" L,,' cl~'v.nc.' c,;" L. :,,:Il,; ;ara .Le, ll1e, . ee ~c. ,~ ''C)lIlt III t~.lC:~ l'.c::rt.tlc:rl:',l llDc:.; C}f tilC? lan(:!. cE~scribecl in Parcell of ~2i~ dee{ to Forest . Olson, Inc., thence a10nq :':'::c~lC .c-rtll(.J:-l:, Ji11"~-::: :~;O\lt}t. ~~f~O ~~ _ I l~j dclst to a ,,~\Oi11t in ~:- b l,~ :, t. 0. 't c C(: 11 c' ;E~ ~ ()lJ.1 (_~'l a.rc c f~,:1 t.(~:: r 1. iX1 e , 'ch.encc a.lorl':J 1 'AS t E-C._l c:'::ntE:;l~li.~~i.(::.~ ~3f~'lt:L (}O .2~~.\1 t}:5' '2st~, 130.79 fec.t to tIle Oil1t o:E ;.)C l:Clr~.lllC: '" -1- -~"",,',"",;,;-"",_.,~ Lycc~tin0 therefroffi the Sout~erly 40 feet included within 3 aie: Lincoln l\vcnue. ,''\lso exce,;tinCjc,lcrefrcJ: -:-'Dct _Jortion conveyed to the City of .7\naheirr by deed recorded November 7, 1956 in Book 3703, page 191 of Official Records. be, anu th.e sa.J:lc Cit:, o~ lna' /~i is ;lcrehy 3CC2Jt:('i,i. by t'le City Council of e~e ;:\n! t), t t.,:: 1 ' of' ,~rF;' elL' 2.Ccc~,t 2. convcy- ,:~r:.c.~c: o~~ S ('l:., ."rc;'! c~rt':_.r. ," 1" "';''''. i' '~")L\7L: L..Clt the Director of Finance of the City of A~ah2i~ be, a~1 he is herc8Y, authorized to pay to t~le ov;nc::::~ of' 22i, ,~c 1 Frc,"'crt.' , I out of Ceneral Fun6s of the Cit" of l'.n Cl;'le i:- , t]Y 8\1:" of One ,'ollar U'l. (0) . 'I.I1.:L D(J}~-'J(;(rI_~~C~ ;.~~~)jJIJ~J'rIC'LJ is 2I?F;rOVec anc:. signed DY '. th i; ..-1Jlt.h.._ C1 D ~l CJ: SeptAmhp.r.._ --,-.---, 1968. ~., ~/ '//'/ ". /" .. u; ~~~. -- C,[rr~ g,nir- ?t;"j'r.l s rr I ^ (, '~"-- ~ -'1-,/ J " ~. , I' ~__-L.!.':::,L.__/-(~~_~~~__,_ - m rT"~T>"""- f'~" nl".T~ CI,Q"7 -)-~., -'.""".!~--'I"" \...' ~. -L ~" _:_...J..~ L-'-_~:'\. ",,! _~:.;.] ,,;,_, ,_ .l. <, l)' /\_:..~ i -,L1';-:,. ,:_ L I, :lENE M. W!LLlAMS, CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF AN/Ht ['0 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FUREG:,)ING 1:" fHE " '.i, tel ,'+ RESOLUTiON N(j---6BR-~___DU'_Y c)ASS~ ,.' .' ,.C.~ ?dj t3Y 1 HE ANAHE!M l.:ITY COUNCIL ON 9-10,:68 ~~':ll\.I~_-IJ /,)F C~2\I,II~r-\'~j.. I7- COUIY'Y OF n'.~".,; (:;~ CI'lY 0: l',~JF'I ~:.; ~3 . I, ;-'''~!' . ';ILT,IT, ::;, cit:, Cl2rL of the City of ImaheL- (() hereby ccrti:':':' tI:a,t thc; fc:cc('cin~ re301ution ',vas passed and a0o?te( at a :cec~lar ~eetina of the City Council held on the -.lQth_ day C'f SArr~mhp.r , 19 G 8, bj' the following vote of ~.l.:>ers t:lereo I: -:[ r: ::~' . C() T)l': C: I T.J:::ll" 'f : Dutton, Schutte, Clark and Pebley !.: () L; ~~ C()l}.-7C:I Lr I,l't'! .. None FJ~ E ~~, 7ri CC)tTi-~ ClL!' ~l.;:; : Krein }\:,~, I ~lJFr';:LI CLU':'IFY that the: Layor of the city of /llancir approvcll anc signed sene resolution on the 10th day o E September.. _.___' 1968. II: \;I':!T':ESi::. 1'7H~P:L:O? I have hereunto set my hand and aff'ixec the seal of t;1C Ci tv of ,7,nal1ei"! U:is 10th day of September . 196 (2. ~r, j <O--L~ c'7 i'--- " ___~,::_J!J_,-/~/.-c~ C ,Y CLEPJ( OF TIlE CITY OF l\]JAHEHil -, - ..:. - ,.. ......_.~.--..."""'-~--~,,,., >>'''"_'_',_~,..~,,,,,_,,w.