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COU11Cil fi11cJ.; alId l'C ,-co~s llE::c:'cbv EillQ 2E c::'.:.Jc'.::r' line.- t.:E;.t J'.m;::;lic interest and ncces.si LY rU.luil.-o th~ 2.cquLoiLio21 0:'.: sail:, ","'-ope"'-.f-y h" tlv'" City of /\::;a~j8in fc:c ,c, .-::.f~.r sc:.i ')ur. 0::'0::; "."..:.LJ;:;::.&~~ ~he'.Jta;"i;;s of , . -.;.;;..- ~.I=O-'..Jer-::'~r ~-lcr~, ~~~'la.,_, C'\i" '""~ ,~; ~3 c:...- is n::.:c S~;c11-}7 .tt ~~re~r:or r -. ,..... ...=1 c.'..i.'~, t..ixt tl:..: U;3C", -Le) \;/llicl~ " . , 1.1: lS ~=.c' -'-- .- )UJC c3.ro uses auJchorized DV la',; , cU. 1 c-. Lile t:.a.;,...i~~~- ,~)f 3al...... ~~-rc:)c:r~;..:.~{ .....~-' ~18CC;:~:s,~lr~{ t.o SUcll l.lSes. <_._ :J..'i' :'.~.=:,.r.~;L,;:Z l:L:=OL\'_,,~ 'til:.1.t -::::,':2 City Council docs ..l2r:~~.Jj- o,U-~:,lO.i:-i.z.:~ t.~lC ,ic,-ui~Jit:'~~_C~'l.~ cf s.:::::i~ ~-:'roI)erty l)j;7 t11G Ci.ty of 2\11~~"i2i;:-~~f Zllj,:..... .(...~2: t=iti? X- .(..tor~;_~2-,- or .t.>~ Ci....t::,7 of ArlEt:~E~irl~. is ll_ere~~~I~i ~,i:r'cctc, t.:c: iL.Sti-t1l"t'...=' :...U.. dc.tie,I"" ir~ el'_~i11f2Ilt C:~c;~'~~.ain for t~'ie acc:.{uisi... . ~ ". -~l()rl ot ~Cl..;.'~ , '- ...c. (~ -L .-:.- ':U:1 c. L.;"': - - .'. 'c:}::'~:()rr:t v~r:c;, incicc.en -;: to carry out tl'J.C acqu:Lsl-- ~:. ..~ stG'<~'s '; -1 _~ ,~ a..L...i... C".L ti()}~ C)i: t:..'!2 :~c;l;c::'~':;c~ri~ T:,.~~:~ ...~i t:lc t() ...... " -- .l. -- ~..,-..."""_.'"~---,...,''',-'''''--- . '--"',"'--"'->'~'^" this THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me 20th day of AU9ust , 19 68 ATTEST: \ ,-- r ~ )-() '/ ,- " Ii ,/' :/ y ~;CLERK 'OF L~ic~tr~~ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAN GE ) s s . CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of _~\JgHst__ , 19 68 , by the following vote of the memFers thereof: .- AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Clark and Pebley NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the _~O_t\:1 day of Augu}t , 19~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 20th- day of --AY~ ' 19 C8 i ' < ~ );1( ) /.~ ;I ~7r.-</ 'J', t0~ ) CI Y CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ( SEAL) i, r "r f'lt !:1IY 0:: A~~i\H':I.V, GG i'~~ ;::~: !'\. :;; _1 IS THE OR!,:::!f'~ Ai.. ':i68R-525 ')ULY P.'),~:):::D "';'W ;, f,'~r,ii;",":,,', /j-'li.\N,,\ )~ .~, ,'Cf" < ' : Lt,):'-,J 8-?O-6R ~~, .H.>~ L;JL 1<; . <'../4...a-J-7t~ '. ,;1 ry CLEFd( ~ '" --'-. ->.,----~_._"-,,.,........."--,..;.".~-'. , --'''' '''~-''.'~~ ~