WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of
Anaheim did hold a public hearing in Reclassification Proceed-
ings No. 68-69-14 to consider an amendment to Title 18
of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to zoning, and to,con-
sider a change in the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter
mentioned and described, and at said hearing did receive evidence
dDd reports from persons interested therein and from its staff;
WHEREAS, within a period of forty days following said
nearing thereon the Planning Commission did duly adopt a resolu-
tion containing a report of its findings, a summary of the evi-
dence presented at said hearing, and a recommendation that a
certain zone or zones be changed as more particularly set forth
ir; said resolution> and
WHEREAS, upon receipt of said resolution~ summary of
evidence; report of findings, and recommendation of the City
Plaretling Commission, the City Council did fix the 20th day
of Auqust ,1968 ,28 the time and the City Council
Chambers in. tne Ctty Hall of the City of Anaheim as the place
for a public hearing ~pon said proposed amendment to Title 18
of the Anaheim Mur_:'-c ipal Code:i and the exc lusion of said prop-
9rty, hereinafter described, from the zone or zones in which it
is now situated, Ci!1id cbe tncorporation thereof in the zone or
zones set forth in said proposed amendment~ and did give notice
thereof in the manner and form as provided in said Title 18 of
the Anaheim Murdcipal Code ,J and
WHEREAS ~at th,e time and place fixed for said public
hearLng the City Cc<:.:.r.cil did hold at'.d ccnduct such public hear~
ing, a:t!!.d did give all person.s interested therein an opportunity
~c be heard, and did receive evidence and reports, and did
tbereupor)~ c:oTJsider the s,.rmmary of evidence presented at said
pubLirc h{earing before the Planning Commission, its report of
fLr;dirJ.gs, ctDid recommendation; a1rtd
WHEREAS) the City Council does find and determine
that the amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code
should be adopted and that the property hereinafter described
should be excluded from the zone or zones in which it is now
situated and incorporated in. the zone or zones as hereinafter
set forth,
NOW" THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Anaheim that Title 18 or the Anaheim Municipal Code
be ~ and the same is hereby, amended an.d that the following
described property, situated in the City of Anaheim, County of
Orange, State of California, to wit~
Pdrcel "i->." 0
-----rl'flat-.'>ortiull OiUl'':'ll(jj:Cll li0.lf of toe northwest quarter
of Section 16" rl'ovms.li;) 4 SOUbi, Rang-E; lU ~Jest, in the
RclliC.r.O LOS ~uiot(;:.;s, ill Cite. City of kla~18iiTl, County of
Ur2.i.l1'::JC:, SLJ.t~ 0':: Ca.J..iiOrllia. r as ,=2r lllD~..; record eo. in BOOK
:.)..i.. f J:.J2.c9~ 1v cd. .lisC21.LalH~OUs .aps, i1. t~le Office of tile
COUiYtJ Eeccrver 01: S6.l", COu.ld:!, -":',~scriDe(,_ as fol1ovis ~
.3C;,j.;'lili.l'j c...~ cl ./:-iL~ on Ucl.;. L:)rCil li.:18 of tl18 l.i.Or'C;lViE:S't
'iuU.r-ccr Ol. s.:..1,.... Scctiou .....2, S8uLl vOo 58' 00" Hest
12 L S. (09 f22c frCiH '1:"10. llO:ct,lCcist corner of said northwest
qUc...rtcr .ocin< tii0. ill c';JrScctioil or saie nortu line '.vi th
t~L. nor~herl_ pro.Lonsation of tGe westerly line of Tract
rJC. 1,:: 4 U a..3 !:",'cr ilLU.:;~,: 1:(::cor;"".ec~ ill Boo:r~ 02, page 8 of saicl
.i.isccll.:iLc0us i'.,a;,::., ,t.1b1CC Soud: 0 J 0 11' 18 II Last along
5 "'il,.... prO..i..Oilg",- tiO:.l an", vies';:::.:rly line: of saia 'l'ract No.
lS~_,u, 27'0. j'J fe~t.r t.i..(jl~CC Sou-t.J. 000 j(j I ooa ~'.Jest L)arallel
'CO cCil'" ~l()l.'::',l lL,t~ of '.:n'2 ;iOr C':l\i2S t cjuar-ter of said Sec.tioil
1;:", 6S.L. t; 5 fu;;t iClore or leGs t.o a ~)oin-t: on tile east line
of ti-l\...- \\:(;31: 2J. j~.) acres of ':C.lle nor.t~l tlalf of saiC nortrl-
'.Jest '-iuart2r. Li2.i:CC .jOrt.l Co .i"-l' 23" ~'Jest along saie..:.
ea;:;;: li:12 27'u. lJ U feet toL.c I:..ortl. line of saie. north'i1est
'-lu.;.r~c2J:.., tllr2d.:.;e r.Or-t.... 8 ~ 0 j J I 00" .bast along saie:.;. north
.1Li2 6:;:'.1..::":) fGee. to LiE: iJoL:t of DegiLning.
L~~Cl';.!:"l'L'J(i 'l'tiL.LThl<l~()l.i elK cdster .ij' Ie G . CJ G feet thereof.
i-'>.L;:,O .G<~c.-,pr.i.' ClC: norc.. 6 (, . u J feet tllereor.
Parct::1 ":":; I; ;
'l'hat dor'cion of Lie rlOrL. half of tn.e northwest quarter
of SectioL l~, ~ownsni9 4 South, ~ange 10 West, in the
Ha:dchc Los Coycccs, in tne City of Anaheim, County of
Orange, State of California, as ~er illap recorded in Book
51, pa.se .iU of,liscc.Llarwous ~lafs, in the Office of the
County Recor~er of saie County, describea as follows:
~eyinning at tne soutlleast corner of tne west 20 acres of
saiG. nortll ilalf of 't.;L~ nOrLl"I<'est quarter of Section 18,
tnel1CC hortn JO 1...1 2jIJ :vest 1056.56 feet along the east
liuc or s.:.dc 2u 6.cr.....:s to a point:. SOULl 00 14 I 25" Last
270.00 Ic:st iro):. t.10 .10r-t.iC2.St corner of said 20-acre
J..~a.rC2.i, L,e~.c.:o ",orell 8 So::; J' 0 U" f;as t parallel .to the
non':ll line: 0.... L1L: nortJ:l~'J\;;:;3t quarter of said Section 18,
0:;)1..6:.:; feet to a i.JOillt on L::.e westerly line of Tract No.
1;;;.H) as !:Jcr r.lap recoruec.. in Boo]: 82, page 8 of said i-1is-
cE..ilaneous .claps, SOULl 00 11' 18" East 276.00 feet fro:rn
tIle HartL line of sdi" nor't,"\'jest quarter; b1.ence South
JO 11' It" Last 18::>0.7u feet along saiQ. westerly line to
1:1:2 HartL lilie 0:;: L'l2 norbl naIf or said northwest cruar-
tsr.. tnence SOUl:i-l ouo 5ul 50;;iJest 650.88 feet to tl1e
point of teginnincJ.
Parcel. "C":
'I'11at portion or tll(:; Hurt:.l nalr of "che northwest quarter
of Sectior. 10, 'l'mmshiF 4 South! Range 10 vJest, in the
Rancho Los Coyotes, in LlC: City or Anaheim, County of
Orangc, State of California, as per map recorded in Book
5~. pctse 10 of ~isce.Llanecus claps, in the Office of the
Count] l~econ.er of sai", County CccscriDed as follows:
.Jeqinning at; a ,?oin-e on Ccne nor.en line of the northwest
quart.er of sed.:.... Sectioll 16, Soutl:.. L;(S 0 58' 00 Ii ~.lest
1~25.u9 fes-e from the nortneast corner of said north-
west Quarter Dein~ tne intersection of saia north line
wi tn tr1c nortnerly' l-Jrolo110ation of the westerly line of
~ract NO. 1940 as per ma~ recorded in Book 82, page 8 of
saiu l1isce1L.meous naL)s I t~lence SOUtl1 00 II' 18 II East
along saie. prolongation ana. westerly line of said 'l'ract
do. 1940. 27<:;.00 feeL L:..cnce Sout..l 880 58' 00" I/Jest
pu.ralle1 tv Ll<2. 110rCL line of the north\'lest quarter of
saiu Section lc; luO.00 feet to a point; thence North
QO 11' 18 "West par(;).11e1 to sai::" westerly line of Tract
~o. 10~Jr ~7u.U0 feet to a point on tne north line of
saiiJ. nort:'.,lvvC3i:. qua:cciCr of Section Ie; thence along saiu
nortL. linE: lwrtl~ tiGo :...;<:;' GU" Last 100.00 feet to the
i?cin.c of D(.;=,.L."."._~.,_.
c,"',.'{~"~11:;r.', r1'1;-
..0....: 1C:..'-.i-l~.L ..&. .......L' __
J.t:)_ IO~, 'l'liBP.i::;OF o.2scribeu. as follmvs:
BeginnL.19 at a J?cin-t on tue north line of said northvlcst
quarb2r of SectlOr:. lu,- Sou-c.r. 8[;0 58' 00" i,1est 1267.32
fe,,;c fror.. t..iC n0rt.de<::.;~t cor".(;r of saic. northwest quarter I
tllLll.CE. Soutl. I,) 0 11' 1. J" Las.t 175.0 () feet; tilence North
o~o 02' \'iE.st 4~-,.vO i,,;ct,t~leilcC iJort"l 00 II' 15" :\Test
IG.Gu tC0c.c"leLCE. Scut..,,;;o J2' East 34.00 feet; b1ence
i~orLl GO 0 1i.; 1:... i li0~:;C L)j. 00 l:eet to a point on ble
;.l.O.;:'Cll lin....: 0"':: 5a.i,-< llo:cLhi8st ,:luarter; thence l~orth 880
5[;' au" Last Iv. c.) fect tuC.",,", "Joint of lJeg-inidng.
rlL~.o .L:,XCLP'l.' \:.il"" dorL.. Gb.Ju f22LtJ.lereof.
be excludeu from l~-Af AGRICUL'l'URP...L ZOl\IE, and incorporated in the
followillg zones f upon tne conc1i tions hereinafter set forth:
'I'..;u.c Pu.rce1 "A" ;b2reLlDeforc (';'2scriLec. shall !Je change,~:
tc anc IncoL)or<:..t L..::J. ill t.le. C -1 t General Cormnercial Zone;
':!.'llat Parcsl <I.:.::i" lH.;;reinLefors -...2scribeG shall be
tc ane inCOLJOLJXCC::c.. 1.1 t~i'2 h-2-jO G U, ONL-FAi.'lILY
1 -:
THat Parcel ;, C' llcr,::.;lL..-eforc u.cscribecl shall De cilangeC
tc aL~, incCrOr3.~2,-. ill c....c c.-o r COI.J:;.i;RCIAL OFFICE ZONE.
'll..la.-e 5<3.i:.... C:l"U1CW of 20:;123 silall lx;; mai...lE. U00n the follouing con-
Gi t:io.n.s!, \,j~>~iC.Cl s":l~ll Cl',~q.1.. l to t~iC L....~t.:l.r.ticular pa.rcels ciesig'nated.:
I)ciz"c2..LS Ii',
dr.",. II c. "
___v__,_,,_...._..~___~._,___ ~'_____'___
1. l'~lu.t Lk v,,oTh)rs 01: SU0j 2Ct )roi.x::rty shall deed to the
Ci~v of llliaheim a stri) of lan~ 60 feet in width for tne
exc:.CIlS10L of Ha;a...,ton Street in 'l'rac.t (io. 6691.
L.. (co.) Tnat all. e.lsi:i.18erin'j rC4ui:cements of the City of
Anaueim alan,:, Lirlco1n Avenue anc.:. hamp"Con Street: includ-
il:~i l:,rc......'ara::.iO!l of i"l.rovc.,lcr.t l;)lans ane. installation of
a.LJ.. iLlerov:-,~nCl1"ts, SUC.l a..:; curDS ar,c.... gutters, sidewalKs,
street gTduil.g_uk. t-'dvin'j f c..raina:je faeili ties, or other
ar:c,urtenant VIOL~ snc:ll be cOmFliec. >,\lith as required by
bl\:.'; City' Lnqinc-::.;: an~, in accorG.anceviitll s.tJ.:Ck.ilr~'c;)lans
aL~. s_x:ciLicL::id" .: :.' d._. lEtae Office of the City
":;;nCjlllccz. an.~ (.-:;) -elIcit u. 0Cl1C in an_ amount and form
saxisi:actor:, tCCdC Cit:J of ~\.nar.eil,l s;lall be -,-Josted with
tLe City to su&rantes tLe installation of said
en<;"lilleerin'j rec~uire:llents.
3. ;l'hat th..::.: mm.crs of sUDject 0.roper-ty shall pay to the
City of l\nalwim t.ile sum of $2.00 per front foot, alon9-
Lincoln A.venue anCl Hampton Street, for street lighting
4. 'rhat the ownsrs of subject pro,perty shall pay to the
Ci ty of l..naheim t.J.1E: sum of 15<: per front foot along
Lillcoln Avenue ail'->. hamfton S-treet, for tree planting
5. Tuat trash storage areas snaIl be provided in accordance
with approve~ plans on file in the Office of the Director
of PUDlic ~orks ana Superintendent of Streets, prior to
final building ana zoning inspections.
6. 'l'hat a six-foot hlasonry wall snaIl be constructed along
tne soucn ane... east: property lines of subject property,
prior to final Duiluing and zoning inspections.
7. Tna~ all air-conuitioning facilities shall be properly
shielded from vie~ illlG. tne souna buffered from adjacent
resiuential nomes, prior to final building anQ zoning
[,. 'l'nat 'i.:he parJcin'j areas 5""0.11 De lignte6. with down-lighting
of a maximwll heig"1t of six feet, ana. said lignting shall
be directeQ away from tne property lines to protect the
resiJ.ential integrity of the area. That this condition
snaIl bE;; complieu viitn ~rior to final building and zoning
~. That Conuitions dOS. 1, 2(b) I 3 ana 4 above-mentioned
shall be compliea witn witain a period of 180 days from
date hereof, or :3UC~1 furtheI' time as the City Council may
g-r an t .
Parcel ".d."
That a final tract 1.1aj" of subject ~)roperty snaIl be sub-
mitted to tile City Council for approval and then recorded
in tne Office of t..1E. Orange County Recorder.
Bb 1'.1' FUR'l'~"LE PLSOLVED t..:latthe City Attorney be;
ana ne is ~ereLy autnorizea an~ directeci to prepare and submit
to tne Ci t1 Council an oro.inalic,,,; ij.I:tenuing 'Ii tIe 18 of the
l\ndlleL~l Hunicij;-,a1 CO'-'.e to accoI<l.~lishthe objects herein founa.
an~ JeLerillineu to be necessary ana proper.
~(;ttl aay
FOi~LGUL-.G liliSCJLU'l'Im;
of Aug-lst: lS0J.
is i:1D'irOVeQ ana. signed by me
1.~rI"1'L3 '.I' .
C) ~ '2) ~ ~.: ..--.-'
~~Rl( OF 'rHB CITY OF ANlihLLi
~.~....,-" ..<._"
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 68R-5l2 was intro-
duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City
Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 20th day of August, 1968,
by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Clark and Pebley
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and signed said Resolution No. 68R-512 on the 20th day of
August, 1968.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official se& of the City of Anaheim this 20th day of August, 1968.
&. A-: ))~d if . " "-'"
( SEAL )
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No.
68R-512 dulypassed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August
20, 1968.
~~-L-)r )J-;.d",..;.-
Ci ty Clerk
~~C_, .._""u.._ ,,__-= _. _"___....__"...;.....,,
__.o.-;._._.,_..___..,..__.o'.._......~~"....___._h""~..,'^..__,~~_" "._.."......_