. LSO.LVi'I Oi., dO. 631(- 506
l~.{LSOLU'i'IOi' OI:' ':i'lib CITY COUNCIL OF 'I'HE CI'I'Y
Ll\:';";CVl'IOa OJ? l\N l\.Gn.I.;Ll.Ei:~T 3ET';JEEi:J THE CI'rY OF
iL\.i~ILL-l l-ti\D TEl::. COUNTY OF OPJI,l'IGB ,WI'l'H REFER-
LhCi; 'l'O i:~O.i'.D\';AY LCPROVG.:.llii'JrIS ON BROOKHURS'l'
ST){l;L'l' ....;...:;'I'..JbLl.'; i....Il~CO.L.i:.; AND CRESCENT AVENUES.
;'J1lL.t(LAS, -c:he City OI IJ.lnaJJ.eim is proposing to construct
roaU\lay ir,ll.)rovemeLts on .3rooj~hurst Street between Lincoln Avenue
anu Crescent Avenue; an~
HHLRLAS.. portions ofttle proposee:. improvement are in
tlJ.e Councy of Orange! anCl
;'lELREAS; tne County and the City conSlaer it in the
Dest interests of economics and public safE:ty to combine -the
iaprovemen-c: iE their resiJecti ve j urise:.ictions into one project
\nLJ::.l:..AS r t.i.1e City nas offered to design, contract anc_
inspect saiQ County portions of the project; and
,vIit.,RLAS.. tne COUIlty of Orange has tendered to the
Ci ty a for4L1 of agree,nent to be r.lacie and entered into oetween the
parties groviuing for the construction of the County's portion
of scdu project in conjunction wi tL the City's construction work:
,-JHi::PJ.:.AS,. tne City Council Ilnas -t:ilat the terms and.
cor.ui tions of saL" agreement are fair ana reasonable and that
saio. agreeme~rc Siloulc... be al?proveu..
l~O~I, 'l'~-iLRLFOllli, BE IT RESOLVED DY the Ci tv Council of
t.ne ci tjl of 'i'>.na.leimtha t tile agreement tendered to the City to
be made and en-cered into Dyana 0etween -ble City of l"naheim and
t~e County of Orange, providing for the cor.~ined construction of
tile City I S ane.. Count~- I S J::-'ortions of t.ile roadway improvements on
Brookhurst Street beb/een Lincolil Avenue and Crescent Avenue,
u?on tj.1e follovlinc.f ter,as ane.... conGi tions :
I. City s.nall;
A. Be o.esignatea as Project Engineer, Contracting and
Construction Agent for tne parties to do and perform
all triings necessary in order to design and construct
Lle proposed improvement of Drookhurst Street between
Lincoln Avenue and Crescent Avenue, and to execute ana.
c..eliver all o.ocuments requireu in connection with the
construction ane. COFlplction of said project, including
Certificate of Cost and Certificate of Completion of
proj ect.
D. During tae period of construction, have jurisdiction
over the construction area, including that portion of
trle project \'litLin County area.
.","~-.'. ~"_.~~,.,"""''".......,-,-;"."'''."''~"_....-..,''<"'-'''"-,"-"
II. County shall~
Approve tIle plans alL':l. spGcifications as they pertain
to construction ana maintenance features for County
portions of t~e project.
B. At all 'times during tile progress of construction of
saia project, have access to the work thereon for the
purpose of inspection thereof, and should the County
Qeem any rcmeo.ial measures to be necessary, it shall
notify the City tDereof.
c. Acquire; at no cost to the City, the necessary right-
of--way to construct all roadway improvements lying
witnin its jurisdiction, and certify to the City that
saiC riql1t-of-way has been acquired prior to adver-
tising for contract Dias.
D. Finance all right-of-way and construction costs for
>vor;.;: uOllC 'vii tLin Jelle Coun ty .
III. 'rile total esJcimated cost for the County's portion is
presentl.:{ $2:'; i 000; \>vJ:lich sum includes an estimate of the
en~ineerin9 ane. OVeI.:Leau for Lle County I s portion, but does
noc incluue right.-'of-.way acquisition costs.
IV. County I s snare of tHe construction cost shall be aeterminel..:
on the oJasis of t.ne a"lount of work done on said portion of
road.,,'la"/ Ii-ins. witllin l'C':; DOUlHiaries, as these boundaries
eXlst a~ t~c ti~c of adv~rtising tae project.
J. Uf-Uli COi.l,'l""tioll oi cOlistrCLc'cion of said portion of pavement I
the City SDdll SU0~~t full, true and correct copies of
uocllil~ntS, certificates anu itemizeu bills to said County,
ane t.le COUl1ty snaIl reiF10Ursetne City \vi thin thirty (30)
clays upon submission of such costs. Such bills shall be
based on tne actual quantities of construction and the unit
2rices Li~ fur tne contract an~ s~all also contain a charge
i:or cLs-inccri"l-j ai",,\..<. ins :_","ci::ion in tile Sai:llC proportion to 'tl18
tOLal e;h:jLJ.2erL<;; anL_ insl..:ection costs as tIle proportion of
contract cast for til~ ~ortioil dit~in tne County is to the
~o-c:al CCl:_trdc-C CO:3t T"lu~; cl c..lar:jo for overhead on the
enyinoerin~r anti inspection ?crformsd oy the City, and 2xclu-
si v:..~ c~f ac,._~'i.illis t..r.-at.i V2 ovc:rl'..s&\..~.
;Jc.; f a.lilA. t.llC, salLO is ~lcr~,(;.j. Cl~-~;i.,;rove(.....
.ji: IT }J'Un'l':i,LL .-CSOLVLu C.i-lat -c.lle ~'layor and Ci ty CleI.:]~
.:;(; f c~r.Q LAey a:c,C:o .cerc,.Ji aut.:lori::::oeto execute said agreement for
aIJ.'~A 011 ,JCilCllf of tile ci t:'/ of i.~Ila/_eil-.l.
r ,-. ~ :'~
1. .L.~"'..J
Fvi-lLGOL~G ,,-l.c.~OLD'l'Io;";
a~2rove~ ana signed by me
C,dl~3 _Dth_ lA.a~:i ()f Attl;juSt, 196~.
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~ _---L;!:{--.LL~~?~~,
CI - CLERK or 'TillE CITY OF' liN.f>JLc:n:
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I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 68R-506 was introduced
and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council
of the City of Anaheim, held on the 13th day of July, 1968, by the
following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COUNCILMEN : Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Clark and Pebley
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and signed said Resolution No. 68R-506 on the 13th day of ~ugust,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 13th day of August, 1968.
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No.
68R-506 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August
13, 1968.
4-~ M. )~
n Ci ty Clerk