LJ...SOLLi'l'IOi, L'~O. 0 01~'- 486
"' ic..;SOi...iJ'IIOi. or '.cilL CITY CODi:.-CIL OF THE CI'l'Y
O:F: I~L\~..:~~...~I_l ;'~~.i'..i.'Li.O~<IZI:-,lG rijb.E .3r:~rl1f.rLE2~i<ST OF
CL1~'I'1-.L. :S:.lL,L:i./l' Do:..".JlL~ LI'l'IGII.'l'IOtJ; AU'I'I-IORI Z-
ILG j:..~L DIl~l::C'l'Ii.jG ThL :8ZLCU'l'IOJ:; OF .i~ SETTLE-
LiL..'I' AGi.BL....J...li'I'; J.J.CCEP'l'If~G CEE'.CAIiJ DEEDS; AND
Alf'l'IWRli:;r:i\G PAY. ill l\J '1' ItJ cmn<ECI'I01_ THEHmn'rli.
>,Jll.sr~LAS T lkl:~-tGfor(,;! CLCIlC 9L;, c..ay of July, 1968,
t.:.C Cit../ of Anci.l""i."l fils,-. 3ui ceo COllCL::;i:,Il certain parcels of
L.:.....; ic:r'cclc viL;."'-i,ilL'C) ..JI,;esL:::n. l'WdlUC in the City of AnaheLn;
b2l~S Su~cricr Court Ac~ion No. 151132, c~titled "City of
l-\.l"ia.(lci~'\'l v. ..Rcs:rir...alJ. L. IJOfJ.Qva.:n i ct: ale f i: " 1111d.
.JILHLl\b.. ccrtaiL c..v2Ienl,;,ants, hereinaft:er naIneQ; have
agraec ~o settle taeir portions of such litigation for the
amOWl~S set forta aftar taeir names an0 have tendered to the
Ci t.y of Anan'",ilC, .LaSelth::::nt DcE.(,S coveri:1g L;,e dea.ication of rig:nts
oIvlciY co Lne ul.t.i~nace \tJiC1.tn of said~Jest2rr:.. Avenue r anc.:.
.Jtl:.:::r.J:..hS, .c.:.....-; Ci-..:y Cou.i:lcil finc.s that it is in the
Des t ilLtercst:s of tlk Ci tyee acc2:YC saiu deeds, to execute the
agreeme:lcs ill CCl1lieccioE t.lcre-.vi L;" ane.:. to r.lake payments to
saiu re::;j,.Jecti ve uc:,fe"iuants in L1(;: al1.lOun ts nereinafter set forth.
l~O.v, 'l'iJ..L.<HLl:'O.i<..u, c.YL 1'1' .f:LSOLVLD DY the City Council of
1:ne City of .Anaheim that it auti10rize anc. direct, and it does
here~y authorize ane.:. direct, tile ~ayor an6 City Clerk to execute
t~"ac certain agreemen't d.ateu August 6, 196(;, by and behv-een 'the
Ci -ty of l\.lla~lCih; anc.. He<;illalcl :2.. Donovan, 'I'ommy C. Donovan ancL
Artel Donovan l aIL, tn2t certaij,l agreemen't dated August 6, 1968,
b:i c::.H.:..J. beb.;ecn i'lelvil1 L. AcGaugny ana. Nira E. ncGaughy r both of
wnicl! aljreemeE-c.s ;lave bee-a presented to the Council and have
been aL..:;roveu as to fornl DY tlle City 7-\t-torney.
.JL I'J.' Fl.JR'l'l.:"';I~ Illi30i..,VED tl1at tile City of Anaheim accei::Jt,
ano. it o.oes ilereLy accc0t, easement Qee~s in favor of the City of
l-illcHleir.. executecl res~..:ecti vel'.1 b:-i l'~es ino.lc L. Donovan and Esther
G. Donevan.. ...JY ':;:o"rrny c. DOi1ovan" Art.el Donovan and the Depart-
bClle 01 VcteraLS l\.ffairs uf Cor2 btate of California, by iJl'~ L.
i-lcGaugny anu l"ira 2vlcGauguy anel 0y ]:-181 vir-... L. McGaughy and ;'~ira 1>I.
i;'cGaUs{n~:', and that t;lC Ci"cy ClerK be autnorized to have the same
reccr~cl...A. .
AJ:,j0 .J:L 1'1' FUl-~l'LL.i.~. ELSOLV.8D blat the Finance Director
08, ane nc is Lerc'oY aut.aorizcl,;, ana directed to dra'iv a City
l^iarran.t J.?aya01e to r~eginalJ. L. ;Jonovan, 'l'omrny C. Donovan and
j,rtel Donovan L-l the ar,iounc of $611.49, and a City Harrant pay-
a,,::,1eto lvlel Viil L. r.lcGaugJ.J.J arK, l'Jira liI. ;'vlcGaughy in the amount
of ~75tJ. '07.- an.... 'CHat saiuvvarrants be c.elivered to the office of
tile City Attorney for transmittal. Saia warrants are to be
cDargcc asainst Wodi Oraer ~o. 544-3.
Till. FOE:LGOIi~G H.LSOI,UTION is a;.rproveCL ana signea by me
G&y of August l%Ui'~~1fIi:
~};:;~~F ~~,21;{~
A.hl\.LE IiI
I, DFRE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anahei. m, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 68R-486 was introduced
and adopted at a regular meeting provided by 1'aw, of the City Council
of the City of Anaheim, held on the 6th day of AU9us~, 1968, by the
following vote of the members thereof:
AYES : COUNCII.MB : Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Clark and Pebley
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and signed said Resolution No. 68R-486 on the 6th day of August,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
thedficial seal of the City of Anaheim this 6th day of August, 1968.
L '7K ;J:L--
/ J ; ,
' . / '
- /"LbJ~
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No.
68R-486 dUly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August
6, 1968,
~ ::w 1 ')-- ,
L-HA!--' d.,,~&:.et~
\ City Clerk
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