WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of
Anaheim did hold a public hearing in Reclassification Proceed-
ings No. 67-68-100 to consider an amendment to
Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to zoning, and
to consider a change in the boundaries of the zone or zones
hereinafter mentioned and described, and at said hearing did
receive evidence and reports from persons interested therein
and from its staff; and
WHEREAS, within a period of forty days following said
hearing the Planning Commission did duly adopt a resolution
containing a report of its findings, a summary of the evidence
presented at said hearing, and a recommendation that the pro-
posed amendment be adopted by the City Council and that a
certain zone or zones be changed as hereinafter set forth; and
WHEREAS, upon receipt of said resolution, summary of
evidence, report of findings and recommendation of the City
Planning Commission the City Council did fix the 23rd day
of Jul: , 1960 as the time, and the City Council
Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Anaheim as the place
for a public hearing upon said proposed amendment to Title 18
of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and the exclusion of said
property, hereinafter described, from the zone or zones in
which it is now situated and the incorporation thereof in the
zone or zones hereinafter set forth, and did give notice there-
of in the manner and form as provided in said Title 18 of the
Anaheim Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public
hearing the City Council did hold and conduct such public
hearing and did give all persons interested therein an oppor-
tunity to be heard, and did receive evidence and reports, and
did thereupon consider the summary of evidence presented at
said public hearing before the Planning Commission, its report
of findings and recommendation; and
WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine
that the amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code
should be adopted and that the property hereinafter described
should be excluded from the zone or zones in which it is now
situated and incorporated in the zone or zones as hereinafter
set forth.
of the City of Anaheim that Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal
Code be, and the same is hereby, amended and that the following
described property, situated in the City of Anaheim, County
of Orange, State of California, to wit:
2LOC( 1.
Lot.::; 1 b~,rcu~.l S r:.nocL or :r<roesrer I s Subdivision:
as sr...C';vil 011 2. nta reco]:~~:.;:~c.. ill IJoo}. 5;, ?ag>e 34 of
:i.-;cclla.lH~OU3 La~s "r2CCl.'(,;3 of Ur,,:.nC\0 Caul:'!::.', California.
dLOc.; ::: ~
Lots 1 tilroU'r~1 L~:, Dlcc'; ,) of ,...roeqcr I s Subdivision..
as snUdIl on u "V'J rc:con..E;, In.,oak 5 r Pase 34 ot
'i3CCJ.ld.~j20l12 u. ,,,, FE:corc..~; of Or2.,n~,e County r Californi<.:1.
Lj I,()CI\
Lob; 1 t,'.J:'OU.. 12
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CO"LllJ.t\; (:a.l~;_f\_~;rlJ.~L
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.L C",
l~' ,1
of ~3e Loreli Tract, as
-;~:(~(;Ctr5,;3 o:f J.Jos 1~"1'9-cles
J.., LC;C, .~
liC "c.;-;
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.... ..L_J
L, 10c~->_
1.:14 l
t~e Loreli Tract,
:'.ecorc,3 of Los ,AngeL2s
i -...
~-,C;()..: L...
;'-')-.. r_'
..-: ''':':'-'.,J
2 c-ll i .-( (1 j::)-L i () II
.08 ..:;~~c111(,2~~~ f:;:()l,f;. =-~--::; " .t).~_/~'I:?=_J~_'-';"~ IIJ:( r-~;.:3I021~'I'II\..L ZOriI:, C-l,
G.L;:~EPiliL COr-r~:EF.Cll\L ZONE and C-3, HEA\l'! COI'22RCIAL ZONE, and
incorporatec, in C-.l, GL~f~_I'I.L CO. ;;'},CL-,L ZO\L:;, U~jO~1. ble conuiticn.s
li2J:eina fter s :;.: ;:or::..,c)r cac, 01cc;: c:~ ,rc;~erty .tlersir,above
.ie 3cri~ec .
l~:, ~c; C~,~ J_.
1. ~r":1.:J.t tIle 0~,l;"lt2.rs o~. S;l;)jC.~ct :,;)ro~)er.t:YT Sl"lall d.ee6~ to
t.1O:: eLL' of ,,,jl<::} ell. 3. 1') feet radius carr.er return
for strcGt ~i eni~.Jar~ase3 at the intersection
oI: IJii-icGl:. "~-:..\T':',r:'L~..~~ a.:-;.~..~ 'V-illC StJ:'";:2et.
2. .~' uc ::;i(c..'al,~:~ "'-/,,J.1.,);.; i.:13'::<::11cc. alan:.; Vine Street.,
"'.~, ....... ....,
W_, J_.....'.
'La r:::. G,y,
, , '
"-'- . -~ .....~ ,.. .,
,,-.l~.\_. '_......
~...JJ.! ,,;;r arle... ~n
s :.>c:cj_= icc~ tiollS
on file in
\'7.1 C.:-
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.). j"ilil~ L.. t:l~l( c;tlr:-/~~ Z;::'l;..., (:J~:t:t:cr:.3 3i-:o.ll be rCi')airec. aloll~_:
;'t:ccct.. <:,,0, n.., 1 ,li:".-t.:.<:, 'vj tL:?; city Ln(J'ineer and
l~ accor~aDCC ~Vlt stz~rl~:2ru ::~lans aIlj s\Jecifications
Of~ ~f~"iJe i~:.. ,__-,-\ '-.'.'- J._c C~<~ t~',.~c c:i.t~i :r~rls:rirlecr.
4. t tIlt-: Cc..:_~.c. o.2-iL~/IC':: lJ.c:zc:~r('.O'L12- sic~c~~1a.1L.s SIla.ll
,)( n:ov::.c, C(jk/Gr n=C0:;J.:::~tructcc. alonq Lincoln
;.VC..J1U<',~! -;.:-c.'-',<-.:'l)~';;;~. ;j::,,~ t~,tC:; c~i t~../ }~11sirlE~(:r ana. irl
~ccor~~&l~CL ;Jl':: 3~~n:_ar~ 1--1~ns and specifications
()l": ~;~ ll. E:
C.:. 1 '-::2
:_c..,~ ' r"f
L-'.. l,_,~
u:!: Le cit'~l :'::;n,,'inec~r.
J. [:~:iJ.(~"t :;:'....1. C..rl V2';-/Z-:':.,? _~..._ ~=':~::;3S lC':-l ar:cL/C)r a;~..rori not:. .to
,:'c u,';.c( dlc.l \fin 3tr;:;c t an" :'~incoln ,c.vcnuc shall
x, ]'-'LO'),.'_ ' 1:'_, ,lac;.;:.:icl cur;,) aiL, ~~utt0r and
;;il.~\!c'.lk;., 3.S r!2~ lL..rc 't:1C: city Lnc:ineer anc;
lli ;).ccOrc,.c~11C:(; ~?i t.l.~ ~3 t&n':...c~r(. .~)lD.ns anC S :?8ci fica-
tier:::; or: :i'.il.~; it: t.;.;: C:f.Eicc of tile Cit:~, Engineer.
"~.._".".~'., ~.'-_ ""'.._w.",',__'=_____-<-_...,,.,
... .
6. 'l'(lat tras.i1 stora<;fe 2.rC2S she.l1 be provided in
accoraance with 2?prOVeG plans on file in the
Office of tile Dircct:or of Public 'iJorks.
7. Tl1u'C all air'.conu.iticniu l:acili ties s112.11 be
~ro?erly sni81~e6 from view 2ma the sound buffered
irorr aojClcent rc::sic&.n.tial 110I"C~3.
(j. 'I',hat all external lic;lltinc~ Sllclll be direc'ted
(.o':m-"..arc an.:.. aw,::.'/ froG aJJU ttins- pc:rcels.
~ .
T'...lat an-' structures 'oIilich are convertec~ froTil
resic..Gnti.;:;.l to cur'Ji:ercial uses s11all be brouaht
u;~' to the minimuLl stanuards of the Uniform
Duile,in-:: .?lulJ:,inc; an(~ Electrical Codes, as
aco,)'\:eu t:lC Cit'T of L:'Jla~l:2iF,! for con'mercial
'.l.'ilat CO.i1G.it:.i()n~Jo. 1, above'-mentioned, shall be
cOliDliec \,lith witnin a .?eriod of leO days fror,t
date hen.:o::.: or suc}. furb1er time as the City
Council 't,a'.' Grant.
That ConQitic~3 ~os. ~. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9,
above-'mentioned., s~'~all be cor'~l:Jlied with prior to
final builciinc anu 20nin,:, inspections.
'.l'hat oruinancE-s rccla~;sif~iing subject property
shall De aco.,.. teC as ane: vvhen each parcel is
re3.(.' tc com;::ly wi tl1 conai tions pertaining' to
such .:.)arcel 2 EOVI DL:D .' jIO\;::.;V~:P., that the word
~arc21 snaIl TI~2n Jrcsently existing parcels
of recoru al1C an',! )arccl or :,)arcels aF,,)roved by
the City Council for a lot split.
1. Trtat the owners or subject property shall deed to
tile Ci t~c of lmaheil a 15..foot radius corner return
for street wiueninc purposes at the intersections
of LiLcolL Avenue wid Vine Street and Rose Street.
2. ':;"hdttrasll storacc:~ arc6.S 5"la11 be ;:)rovidcG. in
accorc..ancc wi bl a~j.-'rcve;j, :)lans on file in the Office
of tile Di::ec"tor of l")llDlic ..,-dorL.s.
3. ~hat 011 air-co~Giticrina facilities silal1 be
)ronerly s~liclde(~ .croL; Vi01:; ane, the sound bufferec:.
r01;[ c;cijact::nt re~3ic'cntial ~10LCS.
'" . '':''1l2,t c 11 external lLy. tL:c; sJlall be directed down-.
\tiar'c~ (L1c~ a\}<-:i.'l tl-Ol 3..]:..)uttirlC f,:a:r:.cels.
:.) . '):110.::: an:::' st:.ructurE.3 'i'h1icil are convertec:. from
rS,c:idential to cOL:ercial use~-; shall be brouc;ht
u to the l'ini7lUr> stc~nCt2x<s of the Uniform
",uilc,irw Flu;:-,Lir,c CTiC,. lectrical Co(1es, as ac:.optec1
tiLc Cic;." of l.nC:;)ici, :for cor:-:1erci2.1 buildincs.
.,..,"'_.~="",---"...._'"~..",~.- - ~'_'''''''''-.''''''_'~'''''--~'''--''' -,.-....--..--
"",=_"._ ...."_..'4......~"
.,., ""_!C~, J.
-.-- ..---.-,...-.-
b. ~hQt Con~ition No. 1 above-'I~ntioned, shall be com-
plicG wit~ within a period of 180 days from date
;lcrecf c:: ;;uc.! fJ:ctlic'r tiLe &3 tj,1G ci.ty Council
:,;'r a.Ii t .
7 .
'Il1at Con,.:i ticES 1.;03. 2,
:::::<1.11 cCl,'~.li2(' "..;ri.t;
3: 4 anG. 5, above-mentioncc;;
'rlor to final buildina anu
;G()11 il !~j ir~",3 ~~"~?; cti cr_::~ ..
E. Tl1a.t orc.LlzulCCS rccJ.iJ.ssi lH'3 su~ject .c?ropert:!
;Jl~ F: 11 a::"'.o,.te~ cL3 a:tH.... vlllen each parcel is ready
tc CO"l~l:' ,lie:. cCi.l(,i.tiOI)s ~jeJ:-taining to such parcel
.? .;~)~JI ~.J:!=.u.~ ,.i(~-'. ..;..\l~.J'.~ -!:.~"L3_-~ t'{J.,:~~ '";lore. L)C:A.rc~el ~j 811&11
~~e ("1.11 )rc::3 c~r:. .;-=..1 c ;:i ~:~ -Ci:~l l.>C-~ rcc~ 1 3 of r8COr(~~. aILC!. all :/.,.
,.;:::~e,c_l OJ::' :::rcc:l.'; r~)VCol' t!l<:: cit" Council for
lut: .3 '1;
j~~'i1 a. 'c.
-. - ....., . -,-' ".,
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<~rt:}-:" 8r'1<111 (188(,
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'~,/ J_, '_(;J.~ l.,. ~_-; a't tllC. ir~~ tc~.t' sect i011,s
~\\l:~::i~tl'~-' \/J_'~"^i \..:-i:.::eet r3.n{:. .:.....USJ.l StrGt-:;t..
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c. ,;i,:j,,-:,. C,:L lanG. 4 fee.t it: width
~)ro';)cr.t:Y1" lil1e of subject ~,:)~o~jerti-'
.......:....._ 1..-
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.IL ~:...c.~. \.' t.~l:::; C:i t.:: .L:rl,~_rillec:r.
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,>i:c 'c::muL::ionin :l:0.ci1ities 5112.11 be prorer1y
.::.r::)J Vl(~'\~ tJ_l'i:...... "tl.:.2 scu.:n(. buffE..r~:c~. frOL1
S.i.li l~ .2C,
.]~_.~~.:(:'.: 11t ':"___C~::":' (,.:-' ti;".:" 1 .:.10L.23.
7 . ~=lilZ:t. '11 ~~.~-(t~l:'.i'l(_~i.l Ii 'll.tir-l:-~ sL.E:ll De c:.irecteu C10\'111-
;\i i";~:':- -.,l ~::i.~1 (,
Ero" a;..Ju-t tir~C' ! cTeels.
) .
;rJ'i~,- ~::
.:::':ructi.lr.;;3 \v.:ic;;, arc converted front
ccc:ic..:ntial 'CC co,,;ercic:l 1):3203
'U' .Pee t~hc: :.,;liii:"nulc.. S'Cc'.llCJb..]~~:"':~s or
s:'lall be brought
the Uniform Building.
as a'::;or\.te~'! DJ" bj,e
.... ....
.:_) ll.~ ~~,-~).) i n (r
L 12ct.~-ici.1J
C~O,:-:~~ c::':; r
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'- ~:'~'.~ (;C;- '..: t.; rc i ;J.1
s' . r~' .a"c COl'l"i tions ;]08. 1 an e.. 2, above-rnentioned
s (all be cO-::1..)liec' \llt:-, within a period of 180
(~ajlS froe, uate hereof c or SlAc}; further time as tl'K!
Ci.t~l CO;.lncil"lCJ~:7 'jran't.
1 "
'.Chat Cono.itiol1s ~IOS. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 above-
E,c:ntionec.. r shall be co:upliec.. \'lith Frior to final
lmilclinc anG zonil1c; insr:ections.
~hat orainances reclassifyina subject property
shall be adoDted as and when each parcel is ready
to cC:TI~l\' -/iit...~ cOll.c.i.tionsoertaining to such parcel,:
l)POVI2LL. :iU'"I:VL'::, t:lat t>e ,lOro "parcel" shall
nean prcsc,"i1tl:! exi3tin] parcels of record and any
;Clrcel or .Jarcels a',:';rov(~Cc by the City Council for
2.. lot s::lit.
:s LOc:..: 4::
1. TJ.lat.tnc O\'ln~~rs of SU:.:Jj'2ct ;;.;roperty s];1o.ll deed to
L:E; Cit.. of T,nai1c:il,i C:1. 15-fooe radius corner return
fer street wiccnina purposes at the intersections
or Lincolr.. /\vcmue 'ill tll BUSil Street and Ease Street.
~. That the 8wners of sUDject property shall deed to
LlC' Ci t~' of J,nal1cL: a stri,,:, of land 4 feet in width
alon t=lC sou::., rly ~)roperty line of subject property
fer 0110' Wl~enlDC ~ur~oses.
3. That the owners of subject ~ro~2rty shall 0av to the
ci ty of ,c,l1al1C:ilLI the SUll of 159 per front foot along
Sush Street! for tree plantin~ purposes.
11 . Tnat tr2:;n storave areas shall be provicieo in accord-
ance with aYJrovec .J1ans on file in the Office of the
Director of PUDlic ,~orKS.
::i. 'l'llCit an:.- QriVC~v2.\7je.c)ression ana/or apron not to
be used alone Hose Street and Lincoln Avenue shall
he re,lOved and re,.Jlac2l; ~litr, curb ana. gutter and
sidewal~s, a3 resuireG by the City Engineer and in
C),ccordanC;2 'wi th stanctaJ:(':" Dlans and specifications
on file in ::.,t Cf;:ic(~ or tj.lC City Engineer.
b. ~nat all air-coD0iticninc f&cilities shall be properly
3uieldec fror. Vi2\l a~1G the sound bufferea from
,J c:. j cl.C .:::11-t rc: s i (~eIl-t i z: 1 J:10~':.1E: f) .
7 . f~'-hc~t all ~2::.:tcrIl,;.,l li;-<_ltir~.c. 3~1a.ll De directe6. ClOvin\'lara
&1"1 C.';-'i(l~:-'::: ro! al.iJ -ci.:in
~Jc.rc(:.1..S .
b. 'L'h':',1: an::' :;t:;~uctur,,;s \J.l'1.ich are converted. frore. resic.en-
ti"l to COcl~,lcrciD.l U3C<,: sh.:.:11 be brouGht Ut) to the
,-i"L,u;--- 3c.:mCi"lL...S of C,'C U;li.corr:-, Building, P1Ulnbing
a.n.;~_~ ,-.,lE~(;.tL-ic(.11 COt.<.~2.~3! c:;':~ a;:~:o~-:.t:.::c~ by. tr18 Cit3' of
~~'-_J1,-:il L~: iI"' f C~.... COj.'~;_~'.c:;::cci L'Ll },::,u,i 1,. lnrj3 .
n~..o-~",_,___"",,_,_ ..~,-..__._v".
9. r1'Lat Conc..i tions 1\105. l! 2 ane~ 3, above '-rnentioned ,
shall be conplied '(lith. wi thin a period of 180 days
fron~ date hereof, or sucb furt:h.er tin:e as the city
Council may grant.
10. 'j~'hat COllui-c:ions Los. 4: 5, 6, 7 and 8 above-
L,cntiono(! s:nal1 ~c corqliec; with prior to final
Duilcinc 2111u zon~w; insiJ2ctions.
11. That ordinallces reclassifying subject property
31.1311 be (]r;o;teCi a3 anl'. when eacl1 parcel is
ready to CO!91y with conditions pertaining to
such :)arcel Pl7,OVI,);.~D, HO'.!j:~VCL, that the word
';:are'31 3dall ",Ee eLl .:..JrE:sently existin9 parcels
of record an~ any parcel or parcels a?proved by
t~l,c, ci t~l Council for a lot snli t.
TL.w ?Of.GGUL~C m::;30LeTIG;'~ is ap~)roved and signed by
mE: tIlis 23rd c3ay of lJuly, 1968.
~- ,
///; Y&"
:~i'~O?D-?O:~F' '~Tf<"--CI~Y!O~
L..."........ 1:\ IoU -,...L oJ- ... J...
}\,'l"rLsrr-' .
,L '_~'_ ~~<~~~. .____.__._._.. _._~I(~~".~~:~,V'~~~I;I~~' iC,~:,'~ ~:i~:~J~~:~~r;~I~~ ~~i;~~~~~'"'
~LBPJ{ or' ~,'as crn OF 1\l-OlJiEL1 Al e, "'-'''''' 'd" '0.J;8R-438 DULY p' "
--'--------~ ",,:o[ ,) p" .
I H.:. kf-J,,:-ic.hi ~IT( c,GUH'-'IL ON 7-23-68
cou>Jrry' ()F ()I<.l-.0.'-TC:L
~~:) .
(:' n 1.- r->'-i~
S:j 1.. I.~}.l.~...;
Of' CI':..LIT:'O}U:.,L'\.
CITY or .'~l~):J~L,I~'
I, LJl...:l..i.: ;;LJLI/; Sf City Clerk of the City of Anaheim,
c..o nere,,)y certi.f~! tl1<...t the forE;goinS resolution was passed ana.
aco:)tec; at a recular ",'cetinl.; c,f tiLe City Council held on the
23rd day oE lTuly f 196 n f oj' the folloVJin~r vote of the wembers
f--lie Y'c:;of.
A.'lLC; "
C~OT rr~CI L.,:~~'
Dutton. Schutte, Clark and Pebley
:.: ,~y; C"o
i-\i \....-.'J.._:....J ..
CC) fJ..J (~I ~;~J;_";:;'
TLL-_ECJr~~-\i~IIJY 1.~~::~~~<~1:
(~C 'C...T):: CI ~-Ai ~i~~J:'~ "
IlliSEI;:T. COmJCILlD:::;";: None
AI;D I FuErCI1L.c, C-;P'T'IFY t:-t2t the; layor of the City of
1',11,,:';1::: il a',",roven <'me: si"Jncu sa rei301ution on the 23rd day
OF ,Tul=,. 196 t: .
IL "ITI.~_S:; 1\1[,;,.0.::..0F: I have tlereunto set my hand and
af::'h:el.< tl,(' :::;.::al cf t1::s Citv or 1.J1aLcL t:[".is 23rd day of July,
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('.'Im, C7 pTO.V O]~ T"~r"'" CIT'" or A.~l T~'DrT
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