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_,....-Ji,.....'~IJ.. .:0. CJp. 436 .t\. I:,:r.~.OLLf'II.-.)l~ O~? .LI~~~ CIT~;Y COlTI>:CIL OF rr'I-:E CI1'Y OF l-\~,~p~:~I::~It. .i~U;TIIU:e~I Z I~'iC:; T11I'i E;YJ?I:~ []ITU-PE OF CL?'.;.AII: FL,jjS FO? AJI2L'l'ISL.C: ]',.;::D PRO==OTIO~T OI rL_L CI'l'Y O~7 Adl:.~.c.I AIJU DL:3I C;.Jl\'l'ING AND j\1'1'01 .'.:. n:.G i::'f.Jl.J..__L VIS ITOr. AhD CmNEliTIOT: -.:.UE...:AU :1.5 j",;U':',:: POI? ':"'i~L CI':i'Y OF iiNl\llEL-i TO .I.~L~~~. ~~-,'L-,.~ IIIiL :C~{I?I.~.~.:D I ~\.- I(L~ OF Sl\I~) I1UIJ'DS iirJD 1.\:{./1.'1i C) 1<1 ;~~ IL.;:, ;"i C'J~'.J~r :;.:~\C;~_; fl\) :C.J~ .;"'uj!.[)L: AI'JD J_D~~'~lIB I\J:: L: Ii/I\) 3Y AL<~, .wl~:I~',n~r:~; tr.:::~L= CI~,:Y .T~IT[; SliID AGE1\JT. t--rc.';J.L~()ti11<j -~;T.:il~~<~>jA:::~/. 'C.1-~ Cit:y C(YUilCi1 ai..,._,~ C;l.lCc..)Ur~:_I:;..J...l-l,; C40.L0 ':;:CC,>;'':. 1:Li3.2. --.. a~)r00ri2t~J fUIlds for 'i:~.c Ci-c'/ of: l\na::,eL:n .-- 6.1.i.'-.~ i)X'(f i(>L:.i~'!,~J Vi:3ic.o:.c- Ci _ C" t,.,.., .;. ~.. l-~c, J.. t':) \.-'...L ':.; ::,}., -I.. V j:~' I ~:. '-..J.U c,~. :,:_-;. \-.;.. ....., Cie}' . - , .,.--, - - 'JJ_ l:d.i.(>..c'; J_l~ f alL, ':::11C:JUJ.:a.S', iJ:l'~r fc;r r i2.trat:icr~ :;':'::: ......~v lC'..,~;3 1 )J_ .. -. ---"- .- .~ -,- ,.:...;;, \...-..L .;.;.,;~>;--- \/.l.. (,.... I rc;siE;.tratioD ~aCgcs anC ~:..ci\"_-,::: '''':''' ..__:.._)......__.; -- ,,,L.-,;. l ..L t.~ t~:_~,.;. ......t...J.._L '-__,--,;, -~;..~--' ..!~L.J ~ :;~i~(-=~ for rcc'~i2'- ,-,L -J ~_F ~. - --'.j \.' -........., c.i. v. - ,.1 '.....~;... . .1. .L,~ (~()~'~ V'=':1.'.:. --: i-~'.: ~'l ,~.; 1 .....-_...... ~ 'L.'-' . .L"~'_;+' ~'.~) ,_::...- _ l .~6.. ~ .. =- i .~ ~~~ ~-: .~'. '-- t ,~~_ , , . '--' .......,. '.....-'- ~,,) ',- . - .','...' !~"'_':'~ r..L ~Qr a conV2D.tlon site. aEC, .:HLf~AS, "C.(,' Ci1:Y COUllCil ('OSS furt:;er fine:: t~lat a. (r'._a',: L_ 'a.!.. ~. ';,:?Cj:~ l 1 J_1. '_ .~. '-- ~.. lI':. tl-t2 6,f.:v{~J_()~,~;;.n:'.~:"l':': ,-~'..~.~' . 21.~C~ C tl:.C ~~, ~. , ." ....;~ .. ,- , . ~ ~ ........ 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Ji.i ,..',-,,," .... .., ~.""I ~ 1: ~~ .', . ,. (;.; ~ "- :';;LJ.~J. l,'1....;.. --. ...... '" ," . :""-"- ,..... '......,..,; . ,:c .J. ... : ..I.. ~..::_. .....,).1.._ I~L~ ;_<~~"~:J;.~}lj\~ ;..;- ~L~...c:; City Ccurlcil :\70 ~lun6rc(., Thirty Thousand Dollars .1.:: : ~~~(~-C. asi~~_8 to be e:;~rJen:_LC,,_. in :3UC;'; (;tiHCUr.t:-,; an:::: at such tines Cicl' Cou:cil or: tIle City :can,-:-,]cr: i....... ~,L ~ L.. ,~) t....L:. c,f L.c'L \.-c r... (:~;,:3Vf'-;.JO.:)C) ~..i0 ,....li\._ Io...~,':': ':~2L ~ (;.....- ,-.i. ';;"-' f c;......l (;\,-i i~~-l~. L-' U.:L' _ () ..~.'.;~ S r <JC" ~..'la~ l +"-,~ ,-'t ,,,::C()VE'l.. ~...).: ;....,~. . .....; p():c J....)rc;~_lt.:.L,i.1 ....i.____.. :..;:.,:.'::;C"LL1~:"-' :.. t.: 1 (=:: ~; r () ~>l-t. ~::l ::) f t1.1 c~ Cit.y or LLC,.. .:l.., ';-,''''''. ;",..t. J. _. ~..;_ , ' r!l.-C:J,-' 1':,) -:~ l .t. .~.~ (:; {l c.l., ~:_ i Ii Cf ,...,.c ,-,l... CC'.':;' V-.;-, j.-~ ~c l <)J.l.:';: ~:l-lC.~ '~llC ~.:-;":LL c.::.."_j J..1"l visitors to come to L.,::; City ..)r;~--rc'-' I ... '~,f. '.IlZc:.L' e.;;~_ Eor re,sis e:c;:;.<::.icn se::vic::s, ~rd~ic_ 3~rviccSi _ istrution badges and lc~.._..::- -:; '! r{.:;;~..t.~:'l:- ()_'~ ~-~,UJ.. L:.il.. "(::ii::::(~; 'ty];:cl';Iri-tc;rs ;Jc,..c~ '.' ter rc. ~L)-tr(_-,. ~_ir:.I.... '-I. ~:; cov~__r2 and advs~tising CC;i-1V.2:~-j_'t~~C:,~,,=, Ct. 1 tc. ""-:;"rC:'J.lc~,t.,- ..' solic:~t:c.ltior~ ca_ll~" i:;:.;.cJ.:J~~i_il.'J ";')C:~'_ 2C;_~'L J... <">,);i'L('.::.C-~ ....... .rC;tlc--. 'c.r2:~vc~1 to .ceclC~-- --'''I -, ~. ~,- ';--~. ~- ~.. .--". , .1.....c.U.1..'-~.-....."j v.<_ ~rl ___Z:C _~ \l(_. , . c C.; l'-~ '-7,.-::J. -c: .-~ () ii.:-' , 2.n":<~ sui-'cE'~:;._'lc~ 1.:.. t::.el'~~'~ Llr.~ <3.. _,,:::CG .,,1::: 1..-..'-...: ic: 0::: C'jOC3 )<...,.-..........2 i~'" .: l.:r C(~_,.-~\l..,__~ _lC.__ .--, '- -- "--.,.. .1 - "'---......,".,-"'~_. , . L ...J..Lr' ~_."'.--' , , ~ .~ , ~,' ::' (~;L "\!~_: =:: ,"_ . .n + ,-_..:.c. L.. ti18 .P~nl1:-1 e i~T'L Visitor c:....l~~ ,'~ . . l~OI",-v(.:ri.--":'lC,j_J. .uU~C(:c U ~j:".- ari:__. i -t is jler,.::L::T 1 ciesigrl2. tS(~~ an:=-~ Cit::1'" of ZJ.IJ.a...j<:.:i.;'~A~tC) :nallc;.l(~ t.~le . ~ aLr_'~..L....1L...~......~ a.l~ Gi. .......J.....__ I.'~2....- I,.._'.;.'~ e}~~:,'cric_i.tur'': c::r t.:.'.;.;:_ l)U~..lic f'Llrlc_::.: 1~,E;}:-::;:i:1C:~:;C)V;2 set asi5.E"; for tl-1C J:::) u....;.. ;3 C S S :.2C 1- ~_= le\.._~ . t,~.~';l~\ =L~ I~l~ FUr~(2.t:'~:Lj~( b~:~~~,OL\T;,~}) t:-:a.t t.~.~c; fUl1C~'3 her2j~J.;',:lbcv.~:: ~::.:.:;- '- a.Sl'__.';:'; ~;l..()_=_l bc~ i:':~~:'~ O"u.t U_',C~~ C;tC:.~aL.C:_;3 all(~ sllall b-e SUl~-}ric;rtcc" " . ::l st(~~t.~;~_~\.:.;.l-~ o~ s2i~ - . . 1~l.::":' \-~~ ~_ .. e l \lisi '~CI': Ct~.;..~. Conv2ntion Eureau ~.... " ~.,J.',.,.,V .:C~...~..;. a~';1:-)U:l.t clf li.~-:..(.:ili-=:l' irLC;-:..1rrc>.v. ,"}[3 tIle }:>asis of Sa1c., cla~i~il: W:'l.lCi.',"::' SC::Ll.~:. Cte::-:.i.J.l"i ~S S~1Ct..L_'N j.)C. :::~C-I-"'-:'C;!, rnont~~~l:-i to t~le Cit.y CO~l~icil or." t...:.(: {~ity' ..L;..J.;.E.,-(.:~~:- L.::'(.l;~-~ an}' e)~~~'~~rlscs in aclc.1~~i,?n ~o. t..-}.E 00...1_,,",. a~~\C)Ul JC.:~3 ,:-.~.t :,~c~~-c__ ~-1.'~:;r ~Ll s..,J.a.ll . !J~? SEllC;. 1-\.rl2.1~'.Cl \/i :~) i tc)r (l~:-.!.c..,. Ccr~-':JefL t~.:...!l .:..) u.r'..:;;~ 1..:'.. 211-'.(,- T.J aT. ~G.-'..;_' fun.us s['ia~ll 1:)'2 u2e6. onl" fcl:' cn.::c ~JL...r';;Q::;cs llcr.'L" , ~ ~~ l ,,~. ~.:. . AiD 3E IT :eu.,-':'-,-';,L.: RJ.::::~OLV'LD t~2t tYe liayor and tho';; City Cl:...:.L.... .-y':":'; ctllL. ar:..:; li:::.:J.:.~ a.u-':l~'.=-):cizc.,~c u.rH~~ directE~'::'~, to ent:.':r Lh.O a \iri tL1L ci'-iZG;,-:,eLt \liLl ti2 l,nc':lcL:;. Visi tc;r an6 COD'i:cr:.tion Bureau I a cOi'Y O:L: Wf1lC_ agrec,lcmt to De maue ane entere~ lnto as of bee :1.3-::. Gecy cf Jul.y r 196E: f for t:>c: b::2Ct July 1, 1968, to .Ju:.,-" 3~ lS<jS, DOL-c. uc,'c..c.:s iliCL-,c~ivc" <In.'.:.. for month to mont!:l tiler2af.ter un'~il ~cr ~C~_ .J' eit::2r ~a:~t~l lIas this Ja~ jeSTI St.L.:"j'i.~i -::.t.LQ ..:.() '~i ,-; ci ty~ C()UL.cil <:'\-~C--l.d \'l~'~ic> agr(~(3r:1en~t is :~)~t refert~~r:c2 .:d~i.'-,. ..:.:. ~)arL nc.::::L'i~:;() a:: J~';j.l~L.7 '::'13 iE :'-;~~t_ (yut ill full .i.1erE:ir.;.. 11\11l~ pfJr_~~GOI,,-~(...~ r~I~SC1Ll__r_:IfJi.";' is cl..:)L;J'_~c),\lec_::. ,1J:1/.: SlgI1GCt ~J)l Ine t"lis 16L" : ~'.' .. ,.. i,.~" (_J-.1. of July, lJG~J . 2:J,.TI'1~Sfr .. ~ . . . -,:1---- ~I; :;-'cw?1 ol~:ar'frT'Y;;;-:''''hEE I -.2- ~.-'-- ".,...._."'.;,._-~-- ...~-~. ._--._..__.....,-....-~.~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s s . CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 68R-436 was in- troduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 16th day of July, 1968, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Clark and Pebley NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 68R-436 on the 16th day of July, 1968. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this lOb day of July, 1968. ( ;</ .. -'IIi! .') 9~' ~~ . I'--'--~';~-""",._- //- L. i.t{,/--,,--c..,C-{--4.- ~~~' CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ( SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 68R-436 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on July 16,1968. (-. i.^+21-'-' J1l, )~'-.;L~~~ ..~~.~. Ci ty Clerk ----_.._~.._.._~.._._, ....----. ..'..--- ','*"~'--'--'" .- _ _ , -"-'...__.,._+....,., ,..,__. _~__._.._._.,...,__.,_."o"",,,._..._.,_.,,.~,.,______~-._,_. __.0;-_._._