Minutes-PC 1938/02/21 (2)._ . _. -
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1. The Change of Zone Petition of Mr. A.J. Lasaen will be
~ considered again at this meeting. A propertiy use survey of the
area extendin~ from Las Angelea 8i;. to Palm St. and from North
~; St. to La Palma J1ve. hae been mafle and a report of findings ~2~
t' L~ be p.reeented for your consideraticn. ~. recommenda.tion of either
- approval or denial ahould be made at this time. T~e uae-map is
=` in the En~ineer's office and may ~e seen before the date of ineeting
, if desired.
2. g petition ~or a variaaae on lot 26, Blocb B, Wallop Sub.,
which is the north eaet corner of Dickel and ~orth Str~ets has
been pr~sented hy B~r. Law, who owne ttivo lots just east of Lot 26.
v He des~res to bu~ld '~wo ama11 houses on this corner lot, vrhich
is in the single family distric~. FIe is not the owner, 'but has
an opt3.on to purchaee.
j. 8 ehort report on the poseibilities of a xoad from P.tt
St. to Lenon 8t. ie to be greaented.
!~ u,.: gA~gm~r; .P~~ ~vith hia ~ n,, owns 10 acres adjoin~ the
Linc~In 8chool on the weat ie seriously considering subdividing
tha property. Several echemes have been ~+repazed, and he sug~ests
`~ lots of about one-half acre in area. This qffects easterly ea.ten-
aion of Broadway also.
5. Mr. ~oaberge~; has stated that he is ~:onaidering the sub-
division of at lEwpt a po.:tion of his pxc:verty on La Palma Ave.
and Lib•erty Lane. He has not aubmitted any pla~ns, but he Y~s.s dis-
eus~ed lot siaea anci possib].~ street loaations. Ou~ master plan
covere these areas roughly.
6. The easterly eatenaion of Chestnut 8t. to $. Claudina. 8t.
hae besn svggeeted ancl a plat showing the proposed street and
locati~,n o~ buildings has been made. An inspection of the site
shows that no expeneive buildings would be in.volved.
7. ~he aubject ~~ tra~fic eignals is again under popu7.ar
diect~ssion. This matter oould well be studied again bp the Commis-
eion at th3s time.
S. An industrial orange by-products concern, claimed to have
been operatiag hexe for the past fove years in the Southesn PaciYic
Cn~s. Wes£ Anaheim property, has secured a lea~e on t he ald brick
yard p~oper~y at ~Ehe oorner of Citro~ St. and a Paln-a Ave• `t'h'-6
pi~opertq is in the eingle ftunily distr~ct and since it has not beea
erated for over a period e° ai~ ~+u~uo ~Y ~~^ u~° =u°} re"~Q~-
foTmin~" unless a special permi.t ~or ~tae speca. iic ~urN~s~aa a~~=~~~
is isst~ed. Suoh a permit would be revocable upon ene yes,r's no-
~3as. This matter eho~~ld be deciaed h3onday night~ so an in;3pection
o~ the loca+ion might be advisable before the meetiug~
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9. '~he matter of fillin~ atmtioa location~ often comes to
our attention. ShouZ3 they be a1Zo~?ed to leca'ce anywhere ix~he
' General Businpss Zone;, 9vithout approva3 of the Coznmie,$;~jnY j
~ 10. Do you aFprove of changir~; the name of Patt Stre~± io
"Induetrial Strestp or some other name as the Chambex o~ Commerce
haa suggested4 ~
11. Annexation t o Ci~y: Mr. Beckman may aek for an anneaation
`` election for the purpose of bringing his property, mentionea in
V item DTo. ~+, within the City I~imits. His property exten~is from
~er_tsr St. to Broadway. iir reports that sone ov~ners between
~roada~ay aad Santa Aaa are also ~nterested.
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ReapectYu]..ly Submitted
By C. A. Peareon
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