Minutes-PC 1938/05/20~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ti:- ,,: ~ ;~ ~ 'i :; i ;; ~ 3:1 a=J _' i ;; . ~; :rY.:3 • ~~: ~ l~; `~~;:';~ _..,. ~ A NG MIN~TES - PERT9 ~fENT TO MEETING HE "LD MA~r' ~O ~ I y.~~ 2iI I~TLTTFS NOTIC~' OF ?'~ETZ~G RECOi.,^.'EATD A TI ONS: La ~er~e S ~. ~x ~ e:~sion Varian~e ai=ec~inQ 113 *:. Resh St. (t"lhite) . ~ - T ~ tl ?i •~ i~. t_. ~ ~ ':~ ~ _~ :~ ~ Anaheim, Caii+o:;nia.'~ May 20, 1Q3t3. DdINUTEB OF TE~ REGULAR. MEETIN(~ ' OF TI~ CITY PLANN?NG COI~QMISSION c~ Regular The regular meeting oP ~he City Planning Commiseion was I~rleeting held in the banquet room of the Mar9.gold Cafe at ncon. Present Commisaioners B1gh,am, Gauer, Schuznacr°r, Peareon, Boysen, and En~ineer Parks were present. Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were approned a~ w~itte~. Cit i Tize fact 1;ha.t the Police Department wae cooperating Dep~x~t- v~ith the Cummission to the fullest ex`cent was brought to menta the attention of the meeting. The poliae do nat issue a license in a doubtful case without reYerring the matter to the City Engineer~s office f'or checking. Mr.White~s Mr. White of li3 N. Resh St. filed ~.p°tition for a Variar~ce varianae tha.t would permit him to oonduct an automobile repair ehop at his home which ie in the sin~le-iamily residence diatrict. After caxeful consicleration of the plan, the vaxiance petition, and another accompanying petition ~:.gneci by neignoors of idr. w"hite, a mo'~ion to recomm~rzd ~ha.t the petition ~e denied e~ae seconded and carried. La Verne ~nasmuch as the property opoosite the west termina- Street tion of ~a Verne St. was badly damaged by the flood, and si~~ce it l~' ea within tYie propoeed right of way for the extention of La Verne St., the Commission unanimously voted tha.t a recomnendation ~avoring the ptz_rchase of tr~e property at once be sent to the Council. Street The prablem of street tree~ brea,k3n~ the pavement, Trees walke. and curb was disc;ugaed. No recommendation waa made~ but the oplnion wae tha.t the roots causing the trouble ehou7.c~ be cut off '! n an effort to preven~ further damag~, a.nd that the trees s~iould ba savecl 1~ poas2bZe. This pian waR ~~efer~ad over that a:f removing the tree and replanting wlth a diPferent kind. ~ Ade1e Street Ad~ourn- ment The stz~geation that aet-back Iinea be estabZished on Adele St. between Los Angeles St. and Iaemon St. received no formal actian. There being no further businese, the meeting ~cas ad~ourned. ----~ Reapectf'uZly submitted, $~c~ 'tary ~ ~ ~ 'v ~ :~ ~~~ ~ - ~ ., ;~;'~;.,. i E. .$ t ~~ ~ `` , ~ ~ , ~ . ~./ #~~' " s& G~ ;../-~l~ i ;~ : r~ ,f l / Sonorable Citq Oouncil Anaheim, Calif. ' ~ Gentlemen: The City Planaing Commission. held ite regular ~ meeting on ~ay 20, 193~ an~ at taat meetin~ ~he eec~etary Res inetructed to gxesent to you the Pollowing recommenda- . tions: s~ s:: i ?' ! ' F:.k ~'; i ;k~ : ~,,. ~~ -s:; ~ ~; . N1 ~;,i . ~.-; .. ~~ _......' .~.;~- w~_~~ .; ~ ~~~1 ,. ` /,I. i: , ~ Z-'~'~'4G"`-~Y' ~` Inasmuoh as the extension of La Verne 8treet from Pa2ra 8t. to Citron Bt. hae been previouely recommend- ~ ed bp the Commisaioa and approved by the Counoil, and aince the oalq buildir_g that stood in the pzdpoeed right of way was deetroyed by the recent flood, the Commi.saio~ recommends that immediate pose'eseion o~ tha.t p~rtion of the r:3ght o~ ~sy be obtsined by the city of that m~~,Q~reg be tak~~ to guarantee th4t no new buildinge i~il:l be ereotad oa said site. ' The acoompanytng petltion for a varianoc filed by ~ Mr. and Mre H. E. White of 115 Id~ Ageh St., which ie in the single family residence zone, requ.~eted that they be allowed to ; conduct an autamobtle repair shop in their private garage and ; permissioa to buiZd aa'addwticsnal ga_age to•Pacf~l_Late the business, was'aonaidered. The Commission could not find : that special conditions exiat in regar~ to tha.t property that do not also af~ect the other property in the neighborhood and therefore seoommeade that your honar~.ble body deny~the var~ance.~ The Commission has been besieged with many similar = requesta s,nd it feels that to gTant them.will undermine the = very ega~ntial elements of oity gro~th and decelopment w~3ah ' it ie trying to uphold,a~~;lthough this policy may cause a ~ harr2gr:!p on oertain oitizens at timea,~it ehould be rigidlq ~ ughe2~ exoept s~hare speisi€sl cxrcuinstances do exist or where . ~ Pro~erty' rights have been ~?~~~? . ~ :.~_~ ~ ~"'...-~'s.^.--*'-°~-e-.^•'-.-•--T._--- .. r s..... .....1'er-~r-r.~._^^,~--,.^' F . ` . i; _i ~.~" ~ ~_. N~TZOs t3~' - . ~ PLANNIAQ~ 00~86IODi MEETI~ ; - MARIGOLD CAFE FRIDAY 2~QON ' 3YA1 Gyy ~y'. ~ 293~ ;; M~. White's ~r. White of 113 N. Reah 3t.,w}~o has been doing ; ~ Variance automobile repairing ia his private $arabe at t~he abave r aa.drese, has secured a short list a~ signaturee ~o ~ ,l petition whiori states i~bat hie neighbors do not ob3eot . ' Y to his p7~an. He recently etated that he eapeats to fila . a variance petitioa and a plot plan shawing proposed ' bui ldiz~,re. ~ Qooperation Zhe f+vlice Aepartment hs~ been cooperating with the = by Police tiommieeion in ev4ry ~y a3nce theg haFe had certaia seo- tiona of the ordinance eaplaingd. Within i~he laet Yee ,. weeks thep have re~used to issue three.licenses becauae, in the~r opinion, to do eo would have been to violate the oxdinance. One partp who wanted to atart a eaw-filin$ asid _ ~awrx mower-grinding ~d repai _• e~~p on N. ~abina St. aras ; give~ a map showi:~ poasible locations for his shop and he ;' ~'~ has gince located in the gensral ousiness dietrict. The Police-send doubtfu7. cases to the Engineering Asp+. This ~ is aimplq mentioned to shoav that the aaohinery o~2 en~orce- meat is workable from the atandpoint o~ system. La Verne 3t. Aa a result o~ the recent ~laod., the house on A. Palm ' " Eatension nadly damaged . St. oppoeite the weet end oY La Verne Sta is " and aot fit for habitation. Nflw ie the time ~'or the city •;; ~ to seo+.sre LLe necee$a~v ri~ht of wav .~or the eatension o~ ; La Verne St. a~e the bu3.ldin~ could be showa to be o~ practi- ;;. cally no value. This theory is based on the present plars ~ of eatending the s~trset along its present alignment. Maps ~_; ghoWing this pro~ect Rill be presented at the meetiag. ~' Street One problem aseooiated with our tree planting pro- `~ Trees gsam is that some trees are xaieing and breakiiig the pave- ;;~ men~. t~ eeams that`~here saouid be a vray ~a acarcame ~his _ dieadvantage without removing tine ~craes. G~nn~ ~ug~astion _° is that the root9 which are causing the trduble be out of~ ~ juet behind the ourb and let the tree remain. ; . ~~ i Adele St. ~ If Adele St. is to be widened and beauti~isd se an ~~ ~ approaoh to the park ~rom H.ighara.y 101, an appropriation -~ for thia shoul~d be ma.de, or set-back lines making the ~f prn~ect poasible at a 7.ater date ehould be established. :~ Violatione There have been some violat~ons of the zoning ordias.ace , ~ and some are saisting ai- the present time. A large sign in _ the reeidential dietriot, ~or instanoe, requirea neither a - Ticense nor a permit before ereetion and ~ a result aoes ;r not aome to the direct atteatinn o~ any departmeat. What ~ should be the polioy under euch oircumsta~.nces ~ £ .~ C~py of minutes of last meet~'ng attache~i. `~, . ~ a~ . ~~ . ,~ .. ;,;~. :`s~ ::'~ ; ~~'~?~~' ~. ~ - ~