Minutes-PC 1939/01/20 (2)4 ,
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R#gular ~'he regulaa maeting ot'thd Planning Oc+mmiesion was heid at
Yeeting noon in the Yarigold Oater with Dr. Biglv~m presiding.
Preeent Commiesionere Sigham, Paareon, Martenet, 8ohuma,oher, and
Pngr. Parks ~sere pressnt.
Ol~udina Tha petitlon of lir. tieo. A. (~uandt, whfoh was greeente~? at the
9treRt Iast mee~ings wae again oonsidarad. rhe engineer preeenye~ uee
Petition map~ ot a wide area surrouad.iag ~he property in queation. Thig
R~consid- stxid.y ehoRe3 tbe.t all the property within~OQ feet of the lote men-
ered tioned ie used ae followa: 32g6 vaoant, 4 single family reaidanoes,
12'~ bueineea, 12'~ mu].tiple, and 1~, manu~ao~uring. The bueinees said
mam~aeturing usee being on Loe Angelee Sbaeet. Cther areas having
a relatf~raly eimilar looation were atudied and oompari8ans oY devel-
opment made. A motioa to have ~s more oomprehensive stu@y made and
presented a~ the ae~t meeting xas aeaoaded and paeeod.
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A p~tit3on signed by tsn people living on ~ush Street, bo-
tween Center 8treet and Broadway was presented to the City Olerk
~d =e:'arred to tha Oamm~ssioa. The pet3~±oz:ers stb,tcd ~het thzy
had na ob~eotione to a businees liaenee being lseuod to I~~. Art N.
An~iereon ~or tbe purpose of oonduotixig a Swedisu Maesa$e Parlor at
12~ 8outh Bueh S~reet. P'ous o~ the aigners axe not oQanars of re-•
oord., and t'6e remainder repa~eerit or,.1y 2b'~ of the fron~~ge.
A uee map oP the ares,~vae stualed. A liaense could not be
iss+~~~ nader p~reeent zoning, and the Commiseion found entirely
laoking any evidenoe to sho~r that regulations in the area dee-
eribed ehould be ahangad. A motion to reoommon~. that no ohange be
made xae e.oondad and unaxiiaously oatriod.
Csnnery T1~e at$entian of the Qommiasio~: wae aalled to the faot that
Near ~r. Caraeausa of 5flF! S. Illinoie Strert was eeeking to seouxa a
Park variaaae enablir~g him to operate a oannery on Adele Street beteAen
:~as :,z~eles $treet aad.?•e~~ 8t~se~ ~n the bullding ~t on~ t~me
u~ies ~~~ ~~Sa Y^~ose by ~he Aneheim Coopera~ive Aorkera Ino. With-
out iormal aotion, as no petition wae presented, the Oommieeionere
e~preeeed the opin3on that thQ oaanery rvae entirelv out of pl~-oe
and that the zonfng ordineaas should be ri.gidly Cnforoed so txat
the aondition would be automatioallq olL-ninated.
Yarianoe Yr. Hilgenteld appeaaed before the Commieeion and raques~ed
Request by that he re given permiesion to build a duplea on the northeaetc.•:•
Hilgen~eld oorner af Broadway and koe~t t~treeie whioh looation i6 now ~u ~ue
R-1 zone. Hie lot ie ~5' x~0', being a portian of an original
lot on the rear of whiah a gouse now etande. Aftex an eaplanatiou
bq pr. Bigham aad eome di saueaion a motion to rafer the propoead
plan to ~tha eagineex Por study and a report ~as ~eaonfled and
R~bbieh ~R-e poeeibilitp of foroing o.~-ners to olean up L~atr ~o~s when
And.Debri~ they aro olu'h$ered with s~nbbish, ~abxia or other~material ta the
On Lote ezYeat th.3t ~hA ooadi~ion appears to be a nuisanoe, to be detri-
~ea'~al ~>r daageroua to tha'aeighbor~~od, or ta haee a depreoiet-
ing sY:~~ati oa the property itself or eurrounding property, was die-
ouese3v 8~~~~.~a 86~ o~ the ~unioipal Corporatia~ Act ev3dan'EIy
proei~ea that an or.dinanoe may ~e enaated bp the city for th1.e
~~~a~. ~~ ~~i~44r was in~txucted to make a report on ~ei-e aub-
3aa~ a~ :mm ~a~ ~ee~E3~g.
ccespeayiuii~ su~iLivu
a . ° By
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~aauary 20, ~939