Minutes-PC 1939/03/10i_r
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Spec3al ?dee~- A s~cia? Wee~i::0 ~f ti:e Pla.~nin~ ~;,:u,:i~si~~ ~as held
ing and in the Council Chamber o~ zne City rall at 7:3Q P,jr, ror
Hearing the purpose of cond»:.•ting a hearing fn regard to three pe-~
titions far changee oP zone, and ior transactir~ suct! o+her
business ae nigZ~ be presented. The ~ee~ir.e was calle3 to
order by Lr. Bigha~ ~sho presided. .
Pxesent Commissioners Pi~:iam, urafton, Schumac~er, Pesrsor_,
I.artiene~ J'T. ~ r.Ilk:r. Yd~n6 ~ n~ ~I~ITjCy r I ii.8 STit'i i,:ii,y ^ iiF_,2'.
3.P.Hapgood ~:ere present. There Fere t~senty four o~:~er
i:terested ~er~ons present.
Purpose of
Hearing The C~air~an gave a brief outline of the narpose of
tne hearing, fiescrioec the taree ~rea~ of tne citq afrected
b:' +t-u ~±~~a~~S~ Z;.V 2S::e.^,, iOT n iiCc i.]CviZ6S10Ta O_° OLIT210ri.
Pet9.tiona lII@T8 ~"eTE tt:TeP pBt].t10;~S fOT i~ Ci72.,T1r~"e Of zone ~O b?
Consicered eonsiaeYe~i, ~d oue tc~ut'1'FlOli auupteci oy ti~e PZannin~ Com-
mission. rollo~i~ is a short descri~tion o~ t'~e •:,etitions:
1. A Tetit~on circulater_ ~;= I~r. "~. Stute, askin5 t::at
Lot 17 ir_ Bloc{ A, Lo~elei Tracz, ue ch~:i~ec irom tae ~ins~,le
family reside:.ce 7G:'1P, to ihe ^~;~~b~~?~o~a b~~i :ess zca~,
taith ce~r.t,zin c'.eed restrictions inclunea; }~
~, r.LOUCT4;.' VL 4rE ~?GS4 -tl1V' 'vi C?a;iCtliiE, uo. VC4~i~iP.l1
"+~ilhelmi:~a St. a.ne Sor+7 St. be c~zn~ed fro^~ s~:~gle ~a~ily
~ zone to a zoae per~i.tting t~ro residences on eacr lot;
d e~iiion circulate~ by?f ~1 ~ L
~- P .r. ~m' i~e..ten'~clz recues,.-
izg i,'r~at tile ~3ro~erty 21on5 tse south side oi Diamond ~t.,
Sves ~ oi Carleton Ave. be ~?;ange~' iron si^`~ e famil Y zone to
a zone perr~i;jina d~zplexe3.
The reso'~ution oi t~e Co~,~r:ission sou~,at ~o re;, the rc-
actian of tne ~eo~le re~ardir~ a ororosed chan?e ~ro~ the
single ia*~ily re~idence zone to tl~e neighborhocd business
Z~JA@> zf?C~???~ ?_~Z DTO^erty abutti_.K $. BU8~1 .5~. ~: etsseen
Center Stre°t and'Rest Broad~ay, so t~at if ori^ion ?~s
f~vu_able, t?~Q t;~0]_g arga ~,+piilrj lia ~h~ran~ r,nn~~cw,ny ~nn~„`n
Bush 5tree~ Ch3irman Bish~a, after readin~ the Buah SLreet peti-
Petition tion anc~ ostlir~in~ tne Comoissions reso'lution, opened the
proposition ~or discussien ar.d the fello~vir.~, pro~:erty own-
ers rssnon~ed:
~. ??r.F. ~.. ~ibbs as{ed ior a lis~ of bs~ir_eeses per-
m:s~i~le ,.~~er tks ~rogc~ed zon3^.` 4nc as a rec:~Z~ s~4~ed
t~at he was opposed to any chan,~e or. Bush St.
2. 34r. ~~. Cla-~;ssen s:-~ted. 4~$4 he is o;~rose~ to chan;;-
in~ t~e zonin~, on Bueh St. as p~ro=ed ir ~~e reaolstion,
but that perri~~ink tne use sz~~e~tec in ~"e petition xas
no~ obj~ctionable to him, ao~:ever>in ~eneral, he ~as on-
posed ~o permittiug business in any residenti~l die~rict.
s. Mr. aonn ?!e'!3enber~er; Moo lines ne~; tn ~ h,aa;_
ness condnc~ee in-a home, snoke a~zinst su~h Yractice.
~*. 3T. a. ~~u~i,ca ~iG t;~:c;til.at6o i:ZC tsllSA 3'r,reeti ~@Tl-
~ion, rea~rkec ~La~ ia nie aoznion the Co.,~ission'a reso-
luti~r. ~a~ ~on?use~ t::e pecple. ~?e ~~o~e i~+ ~ascr of ~is
^°±; ~;~:1~ ...,,^~:.^::C~ iu8 j'.,i~~•G'c'c:~ ~.ccu i~o~Ti4'41O!!S~$75C1 Y8-
ninded thase ~ressnt that h.e had asken for a chxnge of
~~ne on onP ln~ R~,iv_
Anahei~, ~alif.
?!'arch 10, 1~339
~, ~~, L ar, u~_~~r ~TnKe aGainsz chanhin~• tre waoie area.
6. ~~r. Straw Faid that he F?~R no reason for the encraach-
menti of ~ueinens iri zi7e I]C15iii~i~tilGOCi ai~ci rras o*~ne5ad to
changing ~he a~aoie area.
7. ~drs. Girten simply voieed her prc~est to any chan~e.
g. ~ir. F• A• B~ake said ~hat ~e believed that t:7e Com-
mission correctly zone6 the a.rea in tne be~inni.r:~ and that
the area ~:as not auitable Scr business and th2r~:;ore appoRed
any change.
9. A letter from ~ir.. Benecke representin; 100 feet of
frontage on Center Street siated that he was zuthorized to
oppose any proposed change in zon~ in tne area.
?.{r. Stute a~ain a.doressed the chair, oleadin~ for tre
change his petition requested and. disar`_reed ^ijy ~!:e chai~'s
mei;hod of pxesentin~ his reque~t.
The chairman tried to explain the oituation of the Com-
massion by reading the Variance Lrovisiens of the oxainance,
which also ~vere deemed to be aprlicable to "snot zoning".
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C1a.udina Bt. The Chairm~r~ read the .1. Claudina St. peti~ion and asked
Petition for an expression of Opinion, trit'r. the following resuonse:
1. ~r. Quandt, ~ho circulated the ~etition, e~nressed
a desire to build an apartmen~ over hie ~arage; he ronnd no
objection to the plan while circulating the netition; a.~d
stated that the b::einess zone across ti~e alley ~as not con-
ducive to a high class residential area.
2, Mr..O~~Nei3:1 sta~ed that N. Claudina St. ^~as a fine rea- .
i3ential stree~. and that tl~e uroposen cran~e would be det- '
3. ~ir. Saen~er stated that he li2d no ob e:•'~ion to tY:e
change requested in the pei;ition a.nd ielt that it would nat
de~rec'iate his proper+,y.
~. Christie i:tonrue sNOke in.onparition ';o tne caazi,F,e
believing that it, ~vould lorrer the desi.rrability of livinF; in
in the area.
5.. ~ars. 0'IJeill spuke in op~~osition to chan~ing t~e pre-
sert zonin~ restrictione. 5be considerec buildin~ a~ood
five room houee on the =ront of a lo~ "buitdir_~ up" and build-
ing a amall house nr apartmen~ in the rear o_' a re~idence
" buildin~ do~vn" . ~
}dr. Quandt spok~ a~;ain ~tatin;-, th~t :ze *~as in ~o h~zrr.y
~o have the change ~ad°.
Diamond St. The Diamend. Street petition v~as read by the Chairman and
Petition discuseion ir_vited.
?tr. Ivan Smith, the only .re:aresen~ative oi the Diam~nd St.
area, favored changir.g tne area ur~dc.r ccnsideratiior. ;c a zone
: , ; u; .~ u .iµ ~., , o~ ~r;
t.1Cl'it~l~~1i15 diip~cn2^o~ ~TOv :.~ ~ ~..,. .. ~.~1C. 8 ... .
is made un of a part of t~o lotis.
uee of h~s ~roperty,^%nich
He did not ~vish to have the chan~e ~a<a? in tae i!r•mediate futt:-re.
Bussiness The :~earzn~ beinE completec, and the interested pxorerty
Session o:vners oi tna axeas under diacuesior, na~in~: de~.•artea, tiae
Chairm9,n aeked for opinions of the Cor~^~iesioners.
~tte:~tion wae c~lled tc tlie ~act that peoule r~i11 read-
ily aign a Petition, ~:~~A4 r~ill not appear at the pror,er tirr.~
and place ~o stand be~aind tcseir ei~nature~ and may even apeak
in oppoaition to the petitiona they eign.
9fter a ahort discussion,a motion to +he efrect ihat the
Bueh 3treet petii:ion be ~er.ied and +,ne cnan~e Lr~~posed by the '
Gommission's resolutior. be ~vithdrawn, M~.s aeconded and tin~n-
imously pasoed. -
a ra~tien ~s feZlo~°s t°as seccade: a:3 ca.xried ur.ari.;r,oualj~: _
That inasmuch as time arneare~ to be no cun~iceration ir_ ~he 1~
other two n.reae,oonaidere3, a decieion re~ardin,;: +,her~ be
TM~ithBeld r~l.:~l.e tr,e ~is~cmission cons3dexe a.n aln?ntiment to the
ordinance ~~•l~ich *:ould create an entirely net- ~one Iiir,iting
t?ie il$P c~f certair_ ~ror.er;y to dun?exee oi ~~~-er ?nodes of
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Buaiaess housing r_ot more tlian two fa~~ilies on each 7.0~ in sain
3easion zone.
(Con~,. )
It was n.oved and eecono.ed that this ~:eetir~ t~'.;e ~he
place of the re~ular nor.tY:ly meetina_ oi the ^ommis~:en.
The znotion ~vaA carried. ~
A map shocrina vacant lot~ ia7 the multiple fa,t~ily ~sea
tivas p.resented. A..ahort report snowed tlzat tliere is only~
about 1ffi ~O of vai~ ~one vacant an~. that it re•,rese~;e oT~tiT
about 10~0 of the atea of the city instead of 1~`~ *^:~ich
would be nore practical f~r ~~naheim. ~
A motion yhat A regort and a s~i~3ested ar~e:~dme.:~ 'or
a new zone to correct tl~e ~~bove described ~efioier.cv bes
~ presented at the next meetin~~ was seconded and nassefl.
TY:ere ~elri~ riC furu:~er ~w~~:lt'S^~ ~. C~~,88u.,,~ o.~i.,j'viiiu8u.
ReSnectfullv suU~r,i",:ed