Minutes-PC 1939/03/14w:
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Alit~ei.a ~ tialitornia
• Marc~h l~, i9iS
Honor~.ble Ci~y Ooua~:~
Anahein, Qalitorn.'~a
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, Qn Maroh 10, ~939~ the Oity Planning Oommiseion oonduoyed
a hearing~ ae provided by State lax an8 the Zoniag Ordin+anae, in an
g*Snrt ~o ~et the reastion a~!'the property ovners in ragard to oertala
ge~itions xhioh nad beyn reterre8 ta it tor aation, and to a reeolu-
~loa oS the Oommiasion. .
The prqpert~ aifsate~. la ae ~ollaers: 1. Lot 17, in Bloal~
A, Lorelei Traat, ahich le an Bneh Street= ~. AZ1 propertg,be~reen
Oen~ar ~tregt snd Broec~~sy Khiah borders on Bush Stk•ee~j 3. PrcperLy
on the xest aid@ of Glaudina 3~reet between ~Tilhelmina 3trseL anfl
Noz~th 8treetj ~. Property lying west of Qar~.eton Avanae and whioh
bordera on th~ eont2z ai~e e! D9.aacond Strest.
Ite~ number~ ~ amQ ^c r~ar~ aonoerning a ahange Proa ~he
single lamily reaidanae zone ~o the rai~hborhoAd bneineee f~one anli
ths othere 4rom eingle ?~mily reeidenoe zona to a sane pea~i~Liag
t~o fa~ilies on each Iot. ~
Everyone at the hear~.ng was given a:aple opportnnity to
elprese hie opialon and neariy s~~r~one oonaez~ttad reaponded.
Atter oarelul study oP the petitions and aond~tione ia the
neighbgrhoo~e a!leoted, aad atter g3vi~ oer±Q~ts thoaght ta the
remarkb ot those preeent at the heartng the t~ommiaeioa makee the
Solloxing reaon~endatione:
1. That no,ohange n~ aona be msde oa property abutting
on 8outh Bu~h Stree~.
~ _2. The.t sone a2~ngea ~n the other tMO axeaa ~e held in
Rb@~iikII68 whyl8 ~ih0 L'fiIDI~.BH~"-QA 68~18~8@2'9 s.z 8116ridmant to ~1C 62'd~Yi~
- ~n~..t, ~ A w..~ea~ e~ ~r~F~ wu1 o nem s.i1nN .'. ~m~t~Yl~' OS2'tS~II DI`ODQ3't1~1
Ctiiii0 wiLiv+a nvUi.~ v~ owuv i~~ ~~y ~
' ~'i~ GtE1~736~~$ aI1~ VY~tl8i ffi0~8B Vi uVUtOiFa~y u'vv +o'va=v ~aanaa v9P0 r8wa.a~'o°v
r on eaoh lot. ThQee petitione~*e have stated that they xt~l not be
incauvenl.enoe~ by suoh delay. n_..._..+...., ,.. ~~~a ~g~
? wvyvv w .~raa.
;. Hy1Lg P18riri~ng QQ~oi88i~A
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