Minutes-PC 1939/07/22Hoaorsble ~.ty Oounaii
Qity of Anaheim
~l pet~tion, sigaed by eleeea oivaers oP
proparty fn the ~00 bloqk on 8duth C~audina 8treet,
reqneeting the QommiseSon to giva fte a~~en%inn ~o
~he mat~er of atreet trees in that loaation ~as
Large ~rees in the blook are oiai~ed to
be tha oause o~ damage to aertai~ publie lmprove-
men~s e~ad a detrimant to the eaeoesetus grorrth oi
private P].an~ing.
The Oommieeion la~~ierae that the ~tree~
trev program_ae $ who3e ie euoa~eet"ul, aad an in-
•aluabie aeeet ~o the oity The taoti that it has
tal~ea tea or ~wei~e years to ~ring about the preean~
effeotive reeults, de~onAtza~~e that muoh time se well
ae oaets are involved. NatusalYy, theretore, ~eser~
vation ghould be the ob~sotive !a tM s a-attez. It
ia erident bhat in eome oasee dism~ering ox oertain
root~ ~a~v 1~ ae neeser~+°; ~• ~ri~'sing ob~ec~tionabie
limbs o! $ tree. Aemov~i oi a lrea shou d be under-
f~a]~en only at'ber eve~y reaeonable n~aae tn preven~ it
~rom eautfag seziQU~ ciamage ta paoperty or improve-
men~q hse baen ~o~~ ±~efiectiae.
Reepeotively eut~itted,
(~}l[I~ s L8
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