Minutes-PC 1939/10/20~
~ Atlaheim, ~eliS. `'
Ootober 2Q, 1~39
, . t
~dinutes af the Regular ~eeting
of the '
City P~~nning Commiseion ~
The regular meeting of the Ci'~y Planning Commiaeion rras
held in the Ci~y Ha,1]. at 12:30 P.M: w~th Ar. Bigham pre- .
eidi.ng. .
Commissionere Bigham, (~rafton, Martenet Jr., l~auer,
Sahumaaher, and Parka were preaent.
The minutes of the T~at meetiag and tihose of Aug.
and Jul? ~l, 1939, weTe approved ae written.
Mr. E. Morris Roland, 1221 I,inooln Ave., appeared beiare
the Comaiaeion to secnre i~s attitude toward the existing
dairy enterpriae 1~oated on the north side of Crone Ave.,
betwsen Pythiae St. and '~ae 3outihern Pacifia Campanyfs
traaka~ He propoees to buy the business. The clairy ~vas
found to be a nan-oan%orming use'in the R-1 diatrict, so .
no aat±on was neaesaax~r, however Mr. Ro;Land. wes warned
aga3net expanding t~.e buein~ae in ~hat nei~hbornaod and
abou~G the posaibility or oomplainta ~,anist suoh use ae
a nui~~nce. The dairy was formerly owned b~ Mr. Peroy
Rogere of 142J Crone Ave.
Mr. and M:^e. G. ~. Burdiok of 735~N. Olive Stree~ ap-
peared beYore the Commiaeion to requeat nsaessary crangc~a
in the zoning ordinanae to permit them to buil~i a bouae -ln
the rear of his,presenL residenoe which is in the A-1 ~is-
triot. A uee mag of the area wae studied. In the d3soua-
sion `chat followed, it was found that tha Burdicks did not
want their property to be in the R-3 zone, but in a zone
which pould be termed "Rz2". Sinae the G~ommiLesion ie aow
de~elaping ar. R-2 zone, whioh may incs;ude the ~~er~
mentioned, anc~ e2noe no petition wae PiYed, actioa at thi~
meeting wae not necseaearg,
~ancheater Maps shoaing aeQeraZ possible routee for l~anchester Ave., °
,Lxpreae through the aity, providing the highRa~y ia aonverted into a ~
Route "Preeway", were presented for study. These maps elwwed ;
routea oa both sides a~' the Southern PaciPic Compar~y~e tradcs ;
and eevsra]. poes3ble methods of orossing traaks snd. iie- _
portant intereeotions by grade separat~.one,
Ad~ourn- There being no further businese, the meeting was ad- `
ment ~ourned. '
Reapeatfuliy aubmitted ~
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!lr~hei:~, Calif.
October.20, 19~9
~:inuyee of tue R°gu1Fr L2eetin~
of the
City Plannin~ Commio~ion
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Meeting The rebular meeting of the City Pla.nniii~ Comr.~iseion n~as
held in the Cit;~ Hall at 12:30 P.~~. with Dr. Bi~ham pre-
Present Commi~sioners Higham, (3rafton, IRartenet Jr., Gauex,
Sclzumacher, and Parka ~rere present.
~inutes The minute~ of the last meetinb ~vere approve~.4s r,rit-
Dairy on :..`r. E. ~iorris Roland, lc^21 Lincoln rlve. , appea.red before
Crone Ave. the Commission to aecure its attitude toward ~he exisi;in~
cta.iry enterpriae looated on the north aide of Crone Ave.,
be~ween Pythias St. and the Southern Paci~ic CompG,ny~~
tracl~s. He proposee to buy the bueineea. The dairy ~^,~E
found to be a non-oon~ormin~ use in the R-1 dist;rict, so
no action was neceasary, hov~ever ?:Fr. P,oland A~.s ~rarned
a;;~.inat expanding the bus3ness ir. that neighbarhood ~,nd
abo~xt t2ae poesibility oi oompl~,,inte aCains-t such use ae
s ruisance. The dairy was ~ormerly owned b~~~:r. Percy
Roeers of 1~F29 Crone Ave. '
~vT. Olive St. 2,?r. ana Iirs. G. E. Burdiok o~' 735 Tr. Olive Stree~ ap-
Request , pea.red before the Con~mi.ssion to request necessary chan~;es
in the zoniag ordin~.nce to permit tnem to build a house in
the rear of his present residence irohicl~ ie ir. the R-1 dis-
trict. ~se map of the area ti~ras studied. In i;he discus-
aion tha • followed, it ~vas found that the Burdicks did r,ut
want their property to be in the R-~ aone, bu~ in a zon~
t?rich i~o»l~ be +exmed °R-2~'. Sin~e tl~e Co~.~:::iseio•: is no~v
detrelopin~ an R-2 zone, ~ahich may iuclude the propert;r
rner.tioned, and since no petitzon ~ras filed, action a.t thia
meetin~ rras noti necessa.r~.
':.{anchester ~iape ahowin~ several pOS~lble xoutes ior i;iancnestier Ave.,
Fxpress ftou•~e thrcugh ths city, providir.~ t:ia Y,i~h~~~ay is converted ir_t~ a
"~reeway", i~rere presented :or stur.y. Theae maps sho~ed
rou';es on both sines of the So~he.rn PPr,ifi.c Company~s traclcs
and se~reral possi~le methodp of crossinb tracks and. im-
Fo~tant intersec~ions by a,•rac~e senar~tions.
Adjourn- There beinp,• no furth~sr busi~ess., the meetin~ wae ad-
rnent jour^ed..
Reaper:tfally sub~itted
~ 35
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C?TX PT.,ADTNi~;~ C01+~,dI38I~"? :~~TFETITIG
to be heZd
rr~.day Oct.~O, 19~~
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::icE$~_ `~'11t3 re~ular n,ee±in~ QT t~"!@ Ci~.;!,' P13T1:?l.::e (`i021]:711~~1Ori l:'~ ~l
oe neld. next r^rirlay in the Council Cha:~~er of the Cit,y Hall
z.t 12:;0 F.`i. , oct. 20, 193g.
Tre r~eetin~ snill be held at the usu~.l time and ;~l~.ce in-
s~ead of in connection witll a nu'bli~ hearing, becauee members
a~ ~Pe ~ounc3.1 considered that the lzear.?n~ could be combiner?.
Iater ~ith some otber one. Ccnsec;uer.tly no hearin~ hae been
aflt~ertiaed. (3ee minutes of la~t ~neetin~)
~_t,n~~Ar•=elas 's`.rs. Leavitt of ~~~ ~. L~~ Anseles 5treet 2.r.a her son ?:'.r.
a~rce~ '_•onin;;. ~Ta.ck RFed came in to sta.te their findin~~s ir_ re~ard to chan^•in`•
___=,~•e2.~itt the zone o.f vroperty facin` or_ S. Los An=e.les St. bet~~eer,
Souzz 3ti. anfl ~ie.rmont Avenue. Tney a.re cor.vinced tilat ti:e
M~~oritv ox onvners naving such fr.onta.~e are in f.a.vor of cha.n~-
iny tne zone from R-1 ~o R-3. 1~IrF Leavitt st~.•tes that ~he i~
in no 'riarr~ to have tt!e chan~;e ma!?.e I~ her nlan seerne lo~:ioa.l
~e tne Co!~raission, proeeedings coula be started "cy resolution
.~,~ i,:"i° C`iJ'.':ir?Z88?012 inateaC~. ~? 8 j3TO~~erty Oa712TS ?->etition.
a. Olive St. r'_r. ~. F. Aurc~.ick of 731 N. Olive St. l:as es~ressed.'his desire
- ~onin~. ~c build a house ir_ tre reax of one fac?n~ ,d. Olive St. ~:n~
_:r.a~rdict adjoinin~ the above a~d.reas. Thi~ r!rope~ty ie bet~reen iVil-
nelmir_a St. and T?orth Street and is nozr in the R-1 3.istrict.
?e rns beer_ noti=ied to appeas at tae Cor.~aission ineetin~ on
Friday. A L1EP. mnp of the ;zei~hborhooo i~-i11 be ~.~a.ilable.
:~ea-~ze The L?~cue Convention ~vas attended. l~y se•veral officials
~auvsntion an3 reprESent~.tives of the City of ~.na~eim. T~ie se;•,ciore in
Oaicla..d aee:.~e~ equal in va7.ue to those of Sarita Dart~~.ra. las+
year. The palr~ning sectior_ was ?aell a~ttended. The meatner
was prac~ic211y the only d.isheartenin~ fe2,~ure. Tl.ie aro~ram
ae a.nnounced in ';~estern City, ~ae closelv foiloz^ed.
~. 3•roaC SYithin the last month tnere has been iurtnex a~;ita~ion
^~~p ior ~he ogenin` of East Broad~vay fro~n ~<^•.st St. to the Lincoln
Scho~l. Our streat pla,n P_710oSS ~?roadl*r~.y e~tendin~~: directly
east, buu a decision sh~ul~ be made ae to ita ea.sterly terrn-
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Res~ectful7.y eubmitted
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