Minutes-PC 1940/03/15Mar. 15, 1940
One~heim~ 'CB~7.1=OTY11m
Msroh 16, 1940
I Be&alas
i Neatia~ .
I Fseeemt
~ yllantes
i Ci0?2ef~
~ Zo~e Ch~s
o! the
'~he regaiar msetiag oi t~e City P3mnaing Oe~maieaion wae Iiela
3a tbs Cit~ Ball, at 32:30 p.m., ~rith Dr. Blgl~em ~residing.
Ca~i~sionero Bigbamn, PearaQn, Gratton, ~ lie~rtenet, Jr., Schwnaaher,
a~ Parb ~ere preseat.
'me ~iantes a! t~ 1as~ rsgular maeting aad the meeting of
1Le~seh 8 ~sra a~ed 8a ~sit4en.
?!ae Ct+ais~ma caU.ed attentioa to certain correepond~nce which
2~ad been recai~ and brietly antlined it as fo]lloss: • ~
1. , req~st Yram 1[r. Bred Howard, 514 Zbyn Streat~ that bhe lote
+1n St. Cstl~erine~s Tract Rhich faice Palm 3traet be placad ia
the 8~.3 Zone.
2. ~nnoance~ent by the Seore~ery of the Couaty Planniag Co~iseioa
~ t2~t a~oint meeting o; aZl the C~ieeiona ia the couaty ba
hsld ~.n Saats 1ae. Ap~f3 17.
~. bstter ra~ardiag coneer~ation, fraon the Ststie Planniag Board.
4., 1ano~nt of s Bationsl Planning v:,nference in 9~n Francieco~
,Tn1J 8-11.
5. L pstition signed by 8sao~ Heemsa and oLhera~ requeetis~g tbat
there be no ct~ange of zone on Borth Lemoa Street.
'Bxe CLai~aa asloed for disaaaaion of sone chsnges in the areas
mmsisr coasfdaration et t~.e lyoarinr of It~r~~! ~_ !M+ntnttpe r1ge~~aanMs~ ns
lollo~s, were madst .
1. ~o cl~ange on Sorth Lemoa 8treet.
2. Santhrsat corner ot Clandina and Broadwe~~ from 8-3 to 0-2.
8, ~'Tine~asd 7,~t B-3~. nrnr in 8.~1, ~estarly oae-2~a1l, &v2; Eseterly
m~e-batt. ao cbaage.
4. Borth dliTe Street aetaaea lfilhelmina and North Street.~ Rrl to
&,2. '
5. 7~ots oa Paln Street betas=r ~:;~ress Street snd 3ycamore Street~
Hr~l to E-3.
6. 7~ots 7, 8, 9, an~3 It3, in Block B of ~naheim Villa Tract~ &~1 to
111 othar areas eere held o~er for i'nrt2Ler considaratioa. I~ +
•ms dsaid~ed #~a# no rec~endstion shonid be msde unt~l finsl determina~iona ~
. ~ besa m~r1s on xll tt~s areas. ;
~scti~ ~i She CMi~ssn anaar~nced t2~at a Praaident aad Secretaty should be '
7i~en elected.
A= ~~. ~ntip~n~~ /lnT,r aagnr~iwA n^tt nrsr~mnno7~ ~~~ri
71~~ f~ T,.~ `'.
$fgjrra was electad Prestdeat aad G. Di. Parka vraa e7.eated 3eoretary. '
bt)~er mstters ~are deferred to g~ve apportunity for fwrther stn~y.
~am~aeent J motion to a,d~nurn was nasaimonaly carried.
. Respsctinlly snbmittea. ,
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. ~. Ho Fsr , seoretsr~ . i
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to be h~1d
vRT~g, ~°-~ '-5 ~ 1 %~
Z2:j0 P.~.
Citg HaZ2
LRint;~g~ T~~ x3~ 7~~ ~~ i~s last meeting ate attached heretu.
If they do no~ meet iith your approzal, please eo state ~.~~
the meet~ng.
Iiearing DTo action ~ras taken at the meetiag a~ter the hearing
b~ the Co~iasion in regard to t''~° p~oposed new zone and the
amendmeat9 disoussed a~ the hearing. It is propoaed that
the provisions of the ~ra~+osed R-2 wae Qnd the ar~as to be
affected thereby be decided upoa at the Friday meeting. -
OtY~e r amendmenta to ~he zoaing ordinance will also be
presented Yoz diecuseion and recaucaendation at the meeting.
These suggested amendments were distributed to the Commie-
. sioners prior to the hearin~.
o•ti ',. _
Petition Tuea~~ night a~ the regular meetin~ of t~e City Counoil
s deZegation i~om &~ ?,emon 3tredt came in ~o meet the Counci?
and to present ~; petition requeating that 23. Lemon Street from
No:•th Street to ba ~erae 3tree~ remain in the R-1 Zone.
Subdivision It is ezpecte8 t ha« the Councfl will formallq approne
the zen~atize map oY ~r- Eart'a subdivision at an adjourned
regular meeti.ng t~ be held nezt Tueaday ni~ht.
V3n. Lot Y~r. S13sbet.on a~~ ~.- 3chloQser l~ve both visited the
B-2 of~ice eince the hc•~uir.~ aac ezpsessed their desire to have
~~ r rs~,~...,_a r..i o o ~....sa yu ~s...... ~} •~. r~_..i ~~
611 Vl • 1116J0.LVi LV Y fi-~ v GvVM iivuG ~~i • AY 111 O 4 1 4 'nnfi
proposed bg tbem that psrt of t3~e Lo` be p3.aced in the R-2
Profeasions 8ince the hearing there has been eome orposition expxes•-
sed t o tY~e idea o~ maic~ns lo ba across from the park ~~vallabZe
for profeasional o8fices, especisllp mur~ic studios.
C. ~. Parks
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