Minutes-PC 1940/05/03 (2)..
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~A~ B01QLY B~SI~B Z0~
~ +a 2~~ ^~ ae ~niidi»g, ecraa~are, or por~ion thersot 3sti6sed. ~re~.
or iatended to be oc ~npied or used for s~qy other pinrpos~ than those p~a~9~.~sd im~r aa~
sl~,ored by thi• ~eotion~ ahall be ereotiea~ coaobraated~ establi~hs3. cam~ertsd,,
; sli:are3 or enlarged; ewfl na loL, building~ structnre or portion therso2, ia ~
~os:s ~-3 et,sli be used xor an,q oLher pvrposes tbe-n thoae speciYioal~,y ~arided !ar
snd slloae8 by thie osction.
(s) itqr lot, bnlYdlag, etructnre, oY portion thereof, in Zoaa 8.,c.^ s~ bs
ueed for an~- purpoee regul.ar2y alloaed ia Zone E-1.
(b) Thsrs ms~ be duglese. or a buildiag d,seigned, arranged a~d intsnd,s~
to hoase more than t+po Pomiliee, eub~eot to fnrther provi~~ons of this ~sctiac+.
(a) Taro ~e~srate dnel2inge mey be cor.etrmcted or establir~hs~ a~ a~ 2~t
in Zone H 2 c:.~ah contarme to the reqniremants .,f this or~iinance ead whic3i L 150
Yeet or mora in 1~ngEh, bc.: euah dae211ngsat~all coaform to tho tvst,~er proTisioa~s
~. ' of thia eection.
(d) 3i the ma,~or portion of a dealling ezleted on ths rear 3ye1Z a2' a~
lot in Zone 8-2 pr3or to the a~i'ectiva dats of this amen3men~, an s3d3ti~a3. 3~ai-
ling me,y be conetrnctea or eetabliel~sd on ~he Pront l~alf oi osid lab, ~mvi3sd ~:ia-S
said build~ ~i each porEian thereoF ie st leaet ~6 feet diefisa~ fraa ~s eaa~fo--
~ ir.g rear-•'i~ii~'~nd eaoh portion thereof~ bz~.!' Ll~e~a st~all be aot ~ t}ma ~io`.~.
`..=:bui~.`di~s°~ na~y ~noh lot.~~,,~~.~~. ,...;: ~......::. ..,.. r_~_.c,~~..F..xf ~; .•-'•.. ~ .;...., . ~~.Y.
~ey The followiag lot wi~.th and ar9a.requiremen~s ~slvsiZ apf~l,~t
1. ~sch d~aelliag or duple: hot~r~~ yera~iasible in Zone ~,2, aba~~ ~s
eitoa-ta8 on a lat having a width of not less tl~s~r. 63 See! along tl~e ad,~oiaiag strs~t
and aa erma of aot less thsn f000 square feet, ~rqvidad ho~arer, `.~~ aaid alnia~
provisio~r oP ~rldth sad area ehull no¢ appEy to e+i~v lo~ of leeo tl~- rraid siai~ aad
area eYirting o:s tha eFPACCAve date of this amendment.
2. Oa lots having an ares of morE- thsa 600Q sqaere ie~L, ~1~ se~ bs
s buildiag 8eaigned; arraaga8 ~r inLeaded Lo ho~ae more tban t~o tasili,ss prai8ed
there i~ on eeid lo~~ 3a raddition ~ro the 6000 aqu~ra ioat minima~ esres raqnir+srnt
de~cribed above, 2,~:~0 aaasre temt oY lot area for earsh honse3oesping ~m3t or ia~ weh
.?ami.ly in ezaeo~ of tiRO Nhi~ch sx.:h bnildiag is deeigned o~ arr.aaged So ~. ~m
may be mors thsa one duplex or~ aqy lot pr.ovided that bZsare ia 6000 e~aes~s ~esL ot
lot ~r~, on ouoh lot for eaah dnplaz looatea thereon.
~. Ii scparste d~eelllags arb conetructad oa a~ lo~t in Zoas B.~s '~
shall be not leee tinan Y3Pteen (15,) feet Pro~ each ot,.~; acce~am~r b-aildiags ebail
be nob le~s tbea fivA ~ feet Prom an~ other ouiltliag on tihe eame lo~.
(f) Ia Zon~ R~2, iardr e~ £olloxe al~a7.1 ba reqniredt
~~ _ ..~
:x .
l. There ~4~1 ba s tronb yard of no~ les~e tY~aa taenLy t~0} ieet a~-
aeyt ahr,ro Zots co~loS.n~ fifty peroent~mm (50~) or more o~ tha i'ron~s in rs~
bYoak l~aae 4ront ysrd~ ~hm Mpbhs of which very :sot more W~an s~z (6) fe~t. 3s ~ich
of±ee Lhe everege dept~ efl t:~4~3:ajs,~.@ o:~a3: ~;.aat3 ~:a the ~tp.h :.`_` tr.~-: p--'~ :8
eaid blool~ frontsas.
n'd'@~1~~~E . d8'd.~W ~~d~ ~h''~l~7~~~'~~d~=ai'`
L;F~ Zaae 4I~i~~ i~~~~~~'~+h~~'Y~ ~1~ ~'~~,~'~t~nf~ l.
~r~r~~~;~~~~~~~ ~~+~~t~~~s~~a~~'~e~'i-~.a`e~,'-~:~T~ ~#~t 's~,
3.. There shatl ~e a rear yar~d noL lesa tLv~.ou 1~ taa: ia ~.3Lh, pacaRl,d~fl
on coruer lote~ the resr uf ehioh sbnte on an ~s].ley, the rear ysr3 ass~ not 3~ m~,
aa.d sha'~l not be i~sa ~ tb.sn 4 ieet xids,
~g~ ~1B*7 M~„e ~9 ~~lO OLl9~OID+S!'~ dC00lsOR1sA 1II 0011~CLSOII i~T$ ~iq11~0Ei
germissible ia Zone R-~. Th~re s~hn11 bs a~t:~iva~s ga~se~s pro~vi8iaa ~ntooo~lr sta~-
a,q~ egaoe ior at lea~at one oar tor e+~o~ lepail~ 3or c~hiah li~ina qoortsrs ers esla7~-
ii~hed on esid lot. bn~ !t shs].l be ualaaPcS to nN ~ lot fo~c p~ifats ~~
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for other enbordinrete bnildin~a naless ~e-id garugee or buildinga sre e-coeaeoriea to
pr,~.:~etb2a t~~.iid3r~a aa ~he eaa+e 18~.
a~`~,~..«'~ (nj Hot more than oae d~relling or d.uplex houeA ehall be bnilt~ arectsd or
~~~--~ ssL~bliahed on w~y oorner lot ia Zone 8-2 nntil th9 applic~tioa for a bnildiag per-
•~ mit tor onoh bnild.iage, together with a piot plan shs].1 2~ave been eubmitted to the
+.;t~~ Plaaaing Ca~nisdoa Yar reoommendation~ as~ ee~id reao~endation aatad upoa by the
'' '~ City Cwacil.
~ ,
~r ~ij aa eniiding, a~ruainre, or pari tneraoi' in Zone x-a ede3.1 be h1~r
.nf Y'~„ t3aa Lhirty~-fl.vs (3b) fset, nor coneiot of more than T~ro (2) storias.
" J (~) Bot more 1;han one si~~ plaosr8, ar other ad.vertiaing de~ice me4p be
erected, or painte8 aa~ or made a part of at`y premisee or etrnctnre in Zune R-2 ead
anah eign~ p1e-card, or oSher advertising deviae ehall nnt l~ve +a enrface area of
more thmn tso (Z) e~aare fest.
(k) Bnildinge aacl neee permiseible in,the 8-2 Zone are alao permiesible
in every other sone azcepting the &-1 Zone.
(Z) 'Fhe provieione oP 3ection 14 of this ordinance eba71 be ~:.asidsre8 to
ba as ma,ch ~~+axt of thie section ae though each portion of esid Seo~ioa 14 eere in
Chie eeotioa xritt,en. ~
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