Minutes-PC 1940/05/17 (2)~ . ~..
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Q=~ sitiwa+a~~ir.:vi~i$'Sii1W ~.~••~:LLaY
t0 be ~ifi
;a2Dii. ;~ 3.7, 1940
12s~ P~ Y.
~,: .. .
:a:i:: w^ ?~~ ~!~~ti~ !as ~isriannea or cbangem of sone 2iare beea
recaiied einas the lsat me~tiag.
`mendmenta Thie mee4ing wiil ~s d~eotsd p~inai.pslly to ar,endmeats
tio the soaing or8lnanae *h3ah he-v'e to do with t~-e folLowiag msttsres
/ 1. Dafinition oP a auplsz.
2. Anta~utic ~oning ot territory whioh beoomes anne~8
to the Cit~.
0 3. ?ees for filiag gatitioaa and for gFanting ot vari-
sac~s aad chaages of soae.
4. Pex~iseion to operaLe a reaZ est~ate offiae in oo~
neatioa ai.th a naa eu'bc±~i.eioa for a ehort period of
6. Per.oleaion for an ofiice and ase og coastra4tion
m~ohiaer: ia aonneaEioa wit~ bnilding in ss~y aone~
iaoindiag iime limtits.
e 6. ~,ocating a dwolling on the font hslt oi a lot ia Zan~e
Brl ~hars ona now ezisEa on the rear halt ot Lhs lot.
7. Hsqairing side yards Wa Zone ~-1 to be at least faar
feet wide and ~he azt~rior eide ~e-rae bi corner lots
to be at ieast fovr feet'~idw. 3a oass oi baiiding~
more than oae story in haigbt~'ali intsriar lotsr~hell
be fi~e isst ia width. J~e~yar s
8. Reqniring side yards in the &3 dietriat to be not
ls~e t,~an fanr feab in width and the estsrios *id+~
yard~ thrse feet wide.
.: S. Obaags in prsctica of ~iga poeiiag iur k-eering~, Ot
pressat they maat bs not ovsr l00 fee} apsrt. Ei i~
propoeed to change thit a3atance to ~500 teet.
10. No soceesory,bniiding on the roe-r nali' ot a corner iot
ehall be oloeea tn the asterior wids lot liaa than the
lroat yard line o! the ed,~oining key lot.
11. Provipions Por inoarpsrating ~lie aee 8•~ Zoae into the
p~~ Ths sub~eat ot Par]dng was di~ana~e8 a few weake ago. '~Fhi.~
So e vesq importeat probiem and ie being aonsidered by msny citi~e
at tha preeeat time. Oar Ooamiseiohn Aanl.a do ~rell ~o help Aaeheim
solve ite parking pro~lem.
, 1
t~. Y. r4rYs, s.oratszy
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