Minutes-PC 1940/06/10 (2)1 ~,
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J11riB 1~ ~ 1940
of tme
cis~ pr~rrxrxa ca~rsssia~
&ueheim, Ca1l~arnia
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PE IT RESC~VED by the City Planning Commisaion of the
City of Anahoim, Califo:nis, that;
W~S, there is in effeat in ssid City a Zoning Or-
dir,eace, l~own as Orciinanco No. 609, regulating the use of vrop-
erty, the heights of buildings, and the open areae around them,
~EAS, aertain amendments, and additions to eaid Zoning
Ordina.nce, ae apecified in eaid Car~iesion~e mi~ates for thie date,
have beea recommendod, on this dete by eaid Coamiission, for adoption
by the City Council, anft
W~R'~AS~ there ia alar in effect in said Cit~r a Subdivision
Ordinaace, kaown as Ordinance No. 629, and
~RE.e~, ~:~i ~c 4*di~e:ocae antl ~unAnclm~n+.~ tu~ve a7.7, baen
reco~sndc+d by +':e City Plsnning Co~isaion, sfyer hearin~,re and o~her
proce&ure 9n accordeuce with State law, because they were considered
to be int~~gral parts of the comprehenaive plan of develo~,ment for
said Cit;~, now, therefora;
BE IT BESOLPED, that said Ordinances aad said amendments aad
additions be a psst of tha Maeter Plan of said City of Anaheim and
tha,t saiii Commtssi:on recommend to the City Council oS said Qity th~;t
said or@inances and amendnents and additions be adonted as a part of
sa3d Li~s~a: F~~ by asid Ci~y Counc:l.
The foragoiag reeolution wae adopted by the City Plenning
Co~iseion of }ha City of Anaheim, at an ad3ourned regular meeting,
neid duae lt;, 1940, by the zoZloAing vo~e:
AYES; CO~tI~SI01QP3RSt _(isver. arafton. Sch~aafler. M~rSeaet_. Bossea 6, Parke
ABS~NT A~ NOT VOTI1Qa: C01~4[ISSI~St BiF~i. He
' ~~ -~- ~• ____ ~- ~.~•
; dttest: ~~ ,~ -~ Chairman _ .
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