Minutes-PC 1940/07/19:~
aaiy 19. i9uo.
xr. s. ~. Dais.
111 Ro ~awe-l~h Armuo ~
ltisll~rRoa, Catitosais.
:.a:.: ti . 3a~: .
45s p~tf~St~~ i~r,~ a trarianae i'Aled by you rslative
Co propert~ at Lhs son~Yana4},sclb en aated uooa by gue sudn_
~7Siroa Strea! S-n thi.e r.•~.~Ya
ni~:a Co~issioa aasl rrae refarrrd to the OiCy Cowsc4l early
in Jmr.
~hs Cotimisaios~e reaoms~naation ou~lin~d asrEain
caa~ftioaa laeltl~SIIo a ee!lsteatory arre-n~aaenb i~trreea our
Git~ ~~isssr and Nr. Na~clasa aa to coaL~ol ai odor aa~ vaeba
itlspo~si. I 2-sie b~en intoriwd tast et 0he Lime yoa t':Llea ths
ps~itioa Xaa~ st~atsd ~]~a0 lt:. riu'l~as ranld pareonally s~lsin
~is psopopd as4hod oft ooabro~~ bnt to flate he tu~e not done
eiy. qds nw e~riance is being kuld np oa thst aaoonat.
~e ~lss 1f~0 oa the tosmsr var~saoe hae expired.
It is ~~esR~d. lna~ 1~ttis ~rsttsr ba ~irsn yronr immedf,sta
siteas8oa. ~'or yonr 3niorsatSoa~ Z1~ as:t Yobuirr rssLlag
oY tha City ~t~nnc+il vli~. bs ~34 Jhl~ 23~ ig1i0.
?ouT9 V~rY tr~t1Y~
y sr
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