Minutes-PC 1940/11/15~ -_ _.
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r'i~,'C01,~E2dT1ATI0NS: Zoning around ~,a ~al~a ~ar~ f~. Las Auqeles St .)
Nee 7dember fln Co~sdssic~
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T~4F2.9T bEP ~.~'t~ z~$~
of the
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Regul.ar The regalar meet:ng of tho City Plsnning Qo~nieaion wse held in the
Meeting City Ha11~ at 12:30.p.m.;
Preaent PresenE were Cor~issionere 3rea°toa~ Sch~acher, Qauer, Heying, sad
Minutee The mir-u~es of Lhe previoue meeting eEre aprrove3 as nrittea.
Chairman Due to the abeence of Dr. Hlgham~ Aho ia ill, Mr. arafton xas elected.
Chairman pro-tem.
Memberehip The fac;t the Commiesien is ahort one pember, brought abont a diacus-
aion of inembership. It waa decided that a retir~d peraon eonld be
desirable becanee he wonld hsve time to dAVOte to the work~.aad also,
becauee auch a choice Aoula vary the occupation classificatione repre-
sented. Mr. (}auer moved thet the Commisaioa recor~end that a nes
member be appointed and that the a~me of Dr. J. Q. Hilleary be sug-
gested. The motioa Aas aeconded, tsnd pssaed.
~ Defenee The matter of local defenae was brought to the attention of Lhe mebting.
The fact ~haL an emergancy organization eziets in the city, ma,de addi-
tional action ~eem unnaaeaseiry. A Iatter from the I,eague of California
Cities, streaeed the importiance of ;,he matter~ eapecially the formation
of a defenee council for the purpose of cooperating eith a State Council
of Defense, Ahen appointod, Fhich would in turn work xith the National
Defenee Coaunisaion.
Maacheater There was another examina;ion of propoeed bSanchester F'reeeay routee.
The Co~isaion favored usiag tho gresent route, but took no action, as
other mape from the State High*ay Department were expected.
Junk Yards After a diecuesion of the proper zoae for ~ualc yarde, the Com~ieaion
conaludad that the provielons neceseary for eecuring good apuearanr<a
needed to be amended to prevent piling the material more thaa eight
feet high,, or to require that it be completely hAUeed. Re-zoning the
area between I,oe Angelee and I,emoa 5treete, from Santa Ana Street to
Griggs Court, was aleo believed neceaeary..
I,t~, Palma Park The Commiasioa considared future development around T,a Palma Park, as
Diatrict inflwenced by zoniag. The conaensue~ of opinion was thet bueinesa should
cottt3nue to b~ prohibited in the ares; that exieting ordiaancee should
bs en:orced sLric:ly; that perbape, property 3routing on North I.os
Angeles Street~ bet~veea Lemon and Palrs Streeta~ and on Palm Street,
I between I,a Palma Avenue and Romneya Drive, sbovld be removed frc~m the
&-1 Zone and placed in the R 3 2one. 2Io ch:nge aaa .ac~an@e3 as ~hn
~ Co~mniesioa Wanted more time for considerstion. A motion to reco~nd
that no change be made no~, was paesed.
~Se~-8acke Aork on eet-back lines ABB ~686hL0d 811d explained. The C~isaion con-
firmed ~he ~pitioa t~L sstQb;s~:•linea shanl3 ba eatablial~ed and ea
ordinanca drawn up. Due to a t~ck of time for proper coneideration of
the eub~ecC at tha regular meetiag, the Chairman suggested a aeries of
night meetings.
'i~ ~ournmeat A motion to ad~ourn wsa aeconded, and carrien.
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;-~-r Re~pactfully eut~mitted,
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: (3. Li. 1'arks, Ssarei;ar~
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Hot~o»~-la Ciyr. OouAeil
A~sd~oits~ QRlixoraia
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~ T9u Gity I'lanain~ Ca~oi~s.ies has D~n ~it~ni ~ fnil ow~lN~nf~ip to~
~,= s~sal ~ntlfp.. Oa~s,. teora :meab~r• `eho 1~ nati s pn~3ia 0~l~~fo1• ~~
~r.~ to ~~- valLh .2ma st~a!lag, taas or~ants~~laa. it- e~~l~Oa
io tbe ,tl~ ~ai~ioie mem~sa ~; tb~ shoald b~ sis: ~+ba- ~ ao4 al•
tio~e~l~, ~hil~ ws h11p"oifl? ti11e.
; ~ 'l'~ OormlR/io~ re~mmemds :~~ ~ nrw aNmbex' 1~ appogaf~d, as~d ia .iA~
~, sgt~Kd o! e~lemp~i~g so as~Sa6. 4Us Qd.~uaoii. baa aot ~itls tlse sl~s!
~~ .~avl'i~i,.vi wia~-vi w`w~~~ -.~SO. Lo~+ r1..~ ~..'A.. At9tuwrr~~~:~w~~rel~d_
;; S'~ Cqcdsi~~~on tha~n~h0. tbat; s rs4ii~id ms~ ~oula ,'~ ~ble ~b ,~"ln !I~
. ~ s~ilira0xs ~lm~ ~o', t2~s: ao~!!c .aed ~nld slso diriraf~' the oeoupielo~Y~1
olaesl~fios~ions rrpstiNatsB.
~,; I . Yarora 1/ely tsq3ye
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Aashsici~ ~allfara3a
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• At ~ smgniar ~iiag o~ t2-s Oi~ ~7tsnasn6'Oemmissiaa~ `.bsld ~~d4T.
itw p~o~s,: us0 ot l~ma snrromr~tas s~i. Aumo Fes~1c, sa solwtsoa to par..ent
dN~loymoa~. ~s f~aidi~. .
- R'~s Qo~-'isrloa r~oae~eads t~s4• no ~ o1~a~gs l~u ~s~de ia thst ar~- ab tlfa
~s~at tie~. ` . . .
E0 is t~-e agpas~aat oyiaioat oY tbC Oomdi9tiea tbs~ tl~s aa~ghbo~!-ood QMt
1s ~rou~ht to .14s , px~opsr 1s~1 'o! ass ~ aad ''~an~e . oal~- bg mai~slt~6
h!S!e s0~ardt~ Plop9ttY:+dFPes10~ 3he per3~ o~n L~e .~lagalea 84rsei an~! ea
P~a 8trsot, 'eoid-t ~wl~aai~eonr3y be ~4ato~: ans ot• t!r` 8A-1 Zpm~ ~"pLo~d
is 1bi B.8 8onr. bn~ ia ao;ttea0 ~-vala ~ibl~ u$rip'D~ plaoid 4n 41r
beuritMfs ~om,
~n ~isia~le-`l lreeo~em~dsb9ori SY- this .msdaes a~ii be ~' oi'~ss tne~r
ee~uids~bioa by a~ Caomds~la~a.
_ Yos~ 4lA~ Youtri~
.. CI'P! F~I~ OONMI88IG~
3. ~t. .~;~ ~4atZ-
i nrtinuteo
~ Ordinanae
to be held
'FRIDAY, NOV~1'dBTR l5, 194~
i~:3~ P.9[.
A regul~.s~ meeting of the Ci1~y plannin$ C~a~ias? ou will
be hel~ at tY±.e uoual time next Friday. The mitiutea of the
lAat meetin~ are Attached hereto. If they do not mee6 with
your approval, pleaee so otate at the meeting. •
The ordlnance establiahin~ the R-~ Gone, aild ~aking cer-
tain amendmente to the Zoning Ordinsnce ~ras publiehed on
Octooer 30. It w111 beoome EfPective on Decenber 1.
La Palma :^:~e nayor ha~ asked that the Commission etudy the pesai-
park Area bilitiea of development i;~ the area around La palma Paxk, es-
pecially the north side. The park ordi~ance now prohioite
buainese ~itnin 200 feet oY any park, thus there can be n~
new business enterprisea regardlesa of the zonin~ ordinanae.
One or two good ideas might ohange the nature of that area
and make of it eomething worth ~aving. .
„unk Should.,~unk yards be permitLed only in the inaustrial
Yards aistrict (tiie tract out bg 1;ne ald eu~ar i'actory) or siiould
tney al'so be per~itted in the 136: t ir.&u~trlal dis'Crict unaer
~ertwin conditior.s ? `P__ei~e see~~~a Lo ~~e eor~e ciiiie~•e~_ses of'
opinion on thia matter. Sho~.~ld ~rrecking yarda be in a classi-
fication separate from ~ur,k vards2
Set-back ~st~,blishing set-back lines on city etreets has beerl
Lines aelected as the next ob~ective of the Com~ission. The Chair-
man propoaed that a few be deter~ined at each meeting. A map
shov~ing some of the proposed set-back lines on cer'~ain streetd
will be pxeaented for diacussion and approval.
~anchester The z°aute eu~geeted by the Commieeion at ita last meeting
Ave. has been drawn up, and will be available for etudf. Thie plan
propoae~~ to pl~zce Manchester on the weet side of the tracks and
to have ~t run ae cloae i;o the right of ~ray line as p~asible.
Fetitiona ;Io petitions or requests for changes rf zone or vari~-nae$
on which Commiesion action is naceasary have been received
' @L.;Sn„ trs past nont?~.
G. ~i. Parks
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