Minutes-PC 1941/07/21:~~,
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Prese:n~ commiseion~rs c~raxtion, ru.llearg, .~arzeneti ar., anu Paras
were pre aer,t .
Minu'~ea The m~,nutes of the last meeting wgre apgroved as rritten.
Resignati3an The Becretarn announced that ~}ae City Couacil :'lsad accept~•
ed the reaigna~ion of Dr. 1~.I,. Biglgm us s~eaber of ~he:
City Planning Commiss3on. The reeigna~i.on ~e dated
July 2, 1941.
Treea A~n outline o: the Montebello ordinana~ ga~eT~ing atreet-
trees wae r0ad. The prov~.sione c2~aselr So2lo~ed ~hoee
proposed by the Coam~iaeion. Tha L~ission t-~ morioa,
duly passed, reaommESnded that tha Council inetruct the
City Attozmey to prepare~ a street-tr~e ordinaace follow-
ing plans dieauesed wlth him by the Ce~ission.
3~c-Back Lines The 8earetary,in accor~~nce ~vith instrnations„ presented
baeic plans for eetablishing set back liaea throughout
the city. Tha matter had been dlscusaed at many pre- •
vioue meetinga. By motion unanimously pasaed, tYae Com-
, miseion recammended that the Council authoriYe~ the City
Attorney to prepars an ordinanae establiahing seti-back
linee,ueing the propoeed outline as a baeis.
Zoning •
Orangethorpe The matter oi ~oning Orangethorpe hve., vhich is a atate
Avenue higkiway loaated betwee~a Full~rton and dnah~,S~, a~ 3deellv
located to 3lvert xhrough, East ~eat trafftc irag the eon-
gested centers of theae oities, vae conaidc~rsd. As auch
highways ueua~].y become ineYftolent due to she estab]3ah-
ment aY bueinees enterprises along the routes aad as such
bueinesses axe usually drawn Yrom neighboz~i:og bualaess
oenters, the Commiesion, by motion unenisonsly passed re-
4omm9?~sie~ t~t ~hB C4t~~i? ?~eq~3ee~ ~~ ~otl3tg Qg{; o{ n~ e
to zone said h~ighaay agalnet busineas in or3er to prcteat
botu tihe highway and iGae ~~ness•: cen~ere of 'r'u~.ier'Con aud
Alteration ot' A vc~rbal request of Mrs Threea ~3~ to alter 8nd enlarge
Non-Conforming her atore at the South Aeet corner .~! Borth PaLs ilt. and
Building La Verne 3t., wae eoneicYsred. Tbe Co~leeiom-recogaizes
the need Por xte~~hborhood businease~. 31nce buc+ineas cannot
be permitted at N. Palm St. and La Palnsa ~Re. intierseetio~
due to th~a Citg park develapment, the eziatilag loeation ie
considered appro~riate. A motion to recoa~end alteration
~ and enZaxgement of said bu3ldia~ und~r t.he follawing coadt-
tions wae unanimously paaeed:
~ 1. Tha~ aide yarde oS at least five Yeet be saiatained.
~1. itfat t3ze building be aonfiaed Lo oae atorT.
3. That 'i;he store Yront presea~ a;:a32a r;,;.2a: s;,~e~e
sn~. design.
~ 4. Theat ~he exxerior aign area be limited to 50 sc~. ft.
Ad~ournment A motion tc~ ad~ourn wse pasaed.
Rea ectPully SuboiZted
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. G." M.' Par~s, 3ecy.
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were presenti.
Minutee The minutes of *.•he laet meeting were approved as i-ritten.
Resignation The Secre~ary announoed that the City Council had accept-
ed the resignation of Dr. W.L. Bigham as a member ~Y the
City Planaing Commieaion. The reeignation was dsted
July 2, 1941.
Treea An outline of the Monteb~ila ordinance goveraing s~reet-
trees ~»s resd. The prov0.sions
closeZ~ lc23,caad ~hcssa
proposed by the Commiseion. The Co~iseion by motion,
duly passed, reoommsnded that the Oounail inat~*+iat the
City Attorney to prepare a atreet-tree ordSaan,ae 2'ollow-
ing plane diecuseed ivith him by the Coffiniseion.
set-Back Lines The Searetary,in acaordance piti: instruotions, preeanted
baeio plane for establiehing se'1:--~ack linee throu~out
the aity. The matter had been disauassd at many pre-
vioue meetinge. By motion unanimouei,y passed, the ~om-
. miesion reoommended that ~he Coun.cil a~tthoriZe the City
Attorneg to prepare an ordinanoe establishing e~e~-baa3s
linee,ueing the propoeed outline as a baeie.
Zoaing •
Orangethorpe Tha matter of ~oning Orengethorpe Ave., which ie a aLate
Avenue highway loaated batween Fulierton and Anaheim, and ideall,v
located to divert thmugh, East-~oat traffia trom the con-
gested oen~C~re of these oities, was conaidered. As such
highwaya ueually beaome tneft~alettt due to the ea~a~lish-
ment of busineee entarp~iaes a7.ong tYie route, and rsa such
bnsiuesees axe ueually drarin from neighboring bueiness
ae.^.tera, the Commiesion, b~- motion unanimonsly psaeed re-
oommended ~hat tha C~uneil request the County Ofrioiale
to zone eaid highway aF,ainst buein~se itt order to protect
both the highwa~ aad tne ira~.aeee~~centex~s of Fullertoa and
Anakielm .
Alteration of A verbal request of Mrs ThreBa xneip to alter and enlarge
Non-Conforming her etore at the South Weet aorr_er oP Nox~th Pal~ ~t. and
Buildirag La Verne St., eae aoneidere&. '"he Gommieeion~recognizes
the need for neighborhood busineeseet. 91aae bur,ineae caano~
be permixted at N. Palm St. and La Palma Ave. int~rsgction
due to the City Park development, the exiat3ng loaalclon ia
aaneidered epgropriate. A motion to reaomme~id a3~~ra~San
and ~n:,argemant of saicl building undar t~e following coadi-
tions was anaxeimously paaeed:
1. That side yarda o~ at 'leaet Yive feet be ~intained.
- . Z. Tklat the building be oonfined to one etory.
3. ThaL tbe store f.:ont prasar.t a uniform ~oiar ~~~~m~
and deaign.
' 4. Tha,t the eaterior s! gn area bg 19.mited ~0 50 sq. 2'~~
Ad~ournment A ~cotion to ad~ourn wae passed.
Res eatfuliy Submitted
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• G.' M.' ~'arTe, Seog.
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